Question 2: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?

THIS IS A CLASSIC SILLY POST. YOu know that what you say is wrong so you try to make a comparative case.

IT stands to reason that if you love something you don't let it produce just any old fruti !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF you have kids this is a daily experience.

AND LOGICALLY YOU MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF. Let's quote you and agree with you

YOu say :. How can something so revered also be so reviled?
Okay then YOU MUST BE WRONG...either they don't revere it or they don't revile it !!!
No other possiblity exists. This is what gets people thrown out of debates :)
You have to pick one...IF in fact they don't revile it, you've lost your premise

And if they do revile it, then where do you get off saying they revere it?

The Stratosphere Looking Down Upon Flyover Country

In our time, those institutions have changed, adopting the elitist conceit that they are separate from and above the American public.
We have the best universities and scientists in the world. Yet couch potatoes see a tweet and suddenly think vaccinations make them magnetic and traceable. It’s quite bizarre.

Our institutions make us great. Without the free press we’d be screwed. Our court system by and large is just. There is an element of wealth that makes your outcome better but laws are applied and held up in our courts. With few exceptions.
Our Institutions Are as Easy to Invade as Our Borders
If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?
  • The American press
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: The Dem dominated CORRUPT BIASED fake news lies daily and has been caught conspiring behind the scenes to broadcast the Dem narrative. We haven't forgotten about the Journo-List bombshell. Or the recent NPR bombshell. Or the frequent mockery of so called news orgs who blatantly blast out a narrative vs the news.
THIS IS A CLASSIC SILLY POST. YOu know that what you say is wrong so you try to make a comparative case.

IT stands to reason that if you love something you don't let it produce just any old fruti !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF you have kids this is a daily experience.

AND LOGICALLY YOU MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF. Let's quote you and agree with you

YOu say :. How can something so revered also be so reviled?
Okay then YOU MUST BE WRONG...either they don't revere it or they don't revile it !!!
No other possiblity exists. This is what gets people thrown out of debates :)
You have to pick one...IF in fact they don't revile it, you've lost your premise

And if they do revile it, then where do you get off saying they revere it?

I love the L-rd, but I don't love/trust/believe every rabbi, priest or imam I hear from.

That chart is well off also, Canadian faith in our institutions, especially healthcare and justice is far worse than you would expect.
We have the best universities and scientists in the world
Yes. Largely due to the PRIVATE Institutions, not Government institutions.
Our institutions make us great
The best PRIVATE Institutions. That should mean 100% disconnected from the Government
Without the free press we’d be screwed
Our press is a joke. They cannot and will not separate opinion from fact, period.
Our court system by and large is just
Our court system is a joke. It’s based on legalese and bureaucracy rather than Justice and has always been.
Government institutions are corruptible..... and that is why our founders gave us a constitution and a bill of rights.... of course the elected elites want to undermine both....
That’s extreme. No one is asking for unquestioned loyalty we are too independent of people for that. But the default position of the right is every outcome they don’t like is the output of a conspiracy to defraud them of their rights.

Don Trump simply lost a fairly close election. That was it. And the conclusion of the right, against all available data to the contrary, was they won by millions but it was stolen. That a vaccine isn’t. That teachers want to turn you kids gay. That is what is extreme.
The election was not close.

Question 2: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?​

Another imbecile OP and question.

Why would anyone who loves America “trust” institutions which have been corrupted?

Question 2: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?​

Another imbecile OP and question.

Why would anyone who loves America “trust” institutions which have been corrupted?
So you don't actually love America. Got it.
Do you trust any of the listed institutions?
No, I haven't trusted any of them since that POS "W" was POTUS.

Show me one that has a interest and works towards the freedoms we are guaranteed by the Constitution.

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