Question 2: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?

So if poster gets to decide who is 'right wing' and he hates 'right wing' doesn't that say something about how stupid he thinks YOU are.
It sure does. Poster has a history of assshole questions and poorly-written replies. You wanna go with him,be my guest
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
Would take crazy coordination from parties that can’t even put up good candidates. Come on. You think parties that give us Joe and Donnie are capable of puppet mastery of everything you all ascribe to them?
It has nothing to do with party. People with a leftist mindset are drawn to these institutions.
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
Would you like a list of the fucked up things the Fed has done or can you find it yourself ? Most of my distrust comes from the undeniable fact that the Federal Government has gone way beyond what the Constitution mandates. If that doesn't inspire distrust the staggering amount of the National debt should be the nail in the coffin for everyone but the sheep.

Anytime politics get involved it's no longer science, it's agenda driven activism. When anyone states the science is settled that tells me they don't understand how the scientific method works.

I blame Republicans just as much as I do the Democratic party for the shitty state of the Union.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." Ronald Reagan
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.

Would you like a list of the fucked up things the Fed has done or can you find it yourself ? Most of my distrust comes from the undeniable fact that the Federal Government has gone way beyond what the Constitution mandates. If that doesn't inspire distrust the staggering amount of the National debt should be the nail in the coffin for everyone but the sheep.

Anytime politics get involved it's no longer science, it's agenda driven activism. When anyone states the science is settled that tells me they don't understand how the scientific method works.

I blame Republicans just as much as I do the Democratic party for the shitty state of the Union.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." Ronald Reagan
I wouldn’t let perfection be the enemy of good. We have the largest economy, the highest productivity, our people work more than anyone, our entrepreneurial successes are unmatched, we have the world’s most foremost science community, the best Universities, and I could go on for pages… We are doing a lot right and our institutions are really world class. They are not perfect but the right likes to believe every institution is incompetent and ineffective and the results do not support that.
So if poster gets to decide who is 'right wing' and he hates 'right wing' doesn't that say something about how stupid he thinks YOU are.
It sure does. Poster has a history of assshole questions and poorly-written replies. You wanna go with him,be my guest
Most people have responded without insults. It’s an honest question. Why does the right assume the country they love can’t be competent in anything? Like nothing. Look at the responses here. No one gives any credit to any institution in this country yet we lead the world in nearly every metric.
The Stratosphere Looking Down Upon Flyover Country

In our time, those institutions have changed, adopting the elitist conceit that they are separate from and above the American public.
But they seemingly are working. There is quite a bit right about this country and it all can’t be inspite of all the institutions responsible for a great deal of it.
Most people have responded without insults. It’s an honest question. Why does the right assume the country they love can’t be competent in anything? Like nothing. Look at the responses here. No one gives any credit to any institution in this country yet we lead the world in nearly every metric.
are you forgetting the country/institutions are ran by people and its the people we dont trust??
and a lot of the institutions shouldnt exist and are a complete waste of money,,

a bigger question is why do you blindly trust them??
But they seemingly are working. There is quite a bit right about this country and it all can’t be inspite of all the institutions responsible for a great deal of it.
based on the national debt and dysfunction of so many in this country I would say most are not working,,
are you forgetting the country/institutions are ran by people and its the people we dont trust??
and a lot of the institutions shouldnt exist and are a complete waste of money,,

a bigger question is why do you blindly trust them??
I dont blindly trust anyone. But I dont make up conspiracies and act like I’m a victim of some federal machine. Most things in this nation are exactly as they appear, not some deep seeded plan to trick you into being a gay electric vehicle driver. I mean for God sakes expertise has to count for something in this country. Right? If you’re having a heart attack you want a doctor not an internet poster who goes by user43435 who linked you an article that said heart attacks aren’t real.
I dont blindly trust anyone. But I dont make up conspiracies and act like I’m a victim of some federal machine. Most things in this nation are exactly as they appear, not some deep seeded plan to trick you into being a gay electric vehicle driver. I mean for God sakes expertise has to count for something in this country. Right? If you’re having a heart attack you want a doctor not an internet poster who goes by user43435 who linked you an article that said heart attacks aren’t real.
obviously you have your own opinion and are not here for a discussion but to talk shit to people that see the world differently than you,,

it would have been easier for you to just say you are a useful idiot and anyone that disagrees with you is wrong and a right wing fascist,,
based on the national debt and dysfunction of so many in this country I would say most are not working,,
If you own a home your debt is higher than this nations debt level. Sure debt growth isnt sustainable but we are just a few adjustments of tax rates from being stable like we were under Obama towards the end. Manageable debt is fine an is actually productive. Fewer wars would be a big win for debt levels.
If you own a home your debt is higher than this nations debt level. Sure debt growth isnt sustainable but we are just a few adjustments of tax rates from being stable like we were under Obama towards the end. Manageable debt is fine an is actually productive. Fewer wars would be a big win for debt levels.
oh dear god I hope you dont believe that,,
Most people have responded without insults. It’s an honest question. Why does the right assume the country they love can’t be competent in anything? Like nothing. Look at the responses here. No one gives any credit to any institution in this country yet we lead the world in nearly every metric.
Straw man BS. I complain about the Fed agencies abused by your side.

You take it as all which is BS.

Our military very good at killen. That is a plus.

FEMA does pretty good after disasters.

So its BS you say all.
thats the problem,,

you blindly believe people youve never met doing things to control and manipulate your life are working in your best interest,,

thats called a useful idiot,,
No offense but no one cares enough to want to manipulate your life. I know plenty of professors and scientific researchers and they simply want to make a difference and earn a living doing it. There is not an interconnected web of puppet masters. Im telling you, nothing is as organized as you guys think. I have been in the c-suite of some of the largest companies in American and the shit is held together with chicken wire and bubble gum, generally. People do the best they can to get by and rarely have time for world domination. lol. You guys come up with some crazy stuff.

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