Question for those among us who are Black

See OP

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why are you diverting from the subject you, personally started?
I/m not. This coversation has been going on for some time; this is simply part of it.

OK...then with thast being said....

You did noty allow GT to offer his personal sentiment and experience as something to be considered without proof that such is the case..

SO I asked you 2 quyestions in regard to that..

1) Do you believe that there is a greater percentage of blacks that are NOT good people than that of whites?

2) do you believe that most white people are good people?

Please answer...I have repsonded to everyne of your posts so not dodege these questions....
MY position isn't under scrutiny here and -I- am not black and so -I- cannot answer the question I posed.

HE answered the question, and tried to support his answer with a specific premise. I have only asked that he back up his premise with substance; he has so far failed.
I'm no longer interested in my side of the story...
Given that, by now, you know you cannot meaningfully support your premise, I have no doubt that you have lost all interest in doing so.

But, that's your problem. You stated that the majority of black people are, in your term 'good'; once you show that to be sound, we can move on.

BUT... consider for the moment the fact that you know you cannot show said premise to be sound, and what that should tell you.
I have meaningfully supported my premise.
Logical fallacies and inductive reasoning based on limited experience are not meaninful.
I/m not. This coversation has been going on for some time; this is simply part of it.

OK...then with thast being said....

You did noty allow GT to offer his personal sentiment and experience as something to be considered without proof that such is the case..

SO I asked you 2 quyestions in regard to that..

1) Do you believe that there is a greater percentage of blacks that are NOT good people than that of whites?

2) do you believe that most white people are good people?

Please answer...I have repsonded to everyne of your posts so not dodege these questions....
MY position isn't under scrutiny here and -I- am not black and so -I- cannot answer the question I posed.

HE answered the question, and tried to support his answer with a specific premise. I have only asked that he back up his premise with substance; he has so far failed.

Holy blatant ducking of the question!~

Given that, by now, you know you cannot meaningfully support your premise, I have no doubt that you have lost all interest in doing so.

But, that's your problem. You stated that the majority of black people are, in your term 'good'; once you show that to be sound, we can move on.

BUT... consider for the moment the fact that you know you cannot show said premise to be sound, and what that should tell you.
I have meaningfully supported my premise.
Logical fallacies and inductive reasoning based on limited experience are not meaninful.

You cannot logically conclude if people are good or bad - because good or bad is subjective- you have to use personal judgement and the end result is OPINION, not FACT.

I told you my opinion. You will not tell me yours. Why is that? We all know why, tootz.
You are assuming black leaders do what they do for the status.
Undoubetdly, as you say, this is at least partly true.

But, even for the motivations not related for their desire for status, they must retain their status to do their work; to maintain their status as a 'leaders', they refer to theimselves and 'their people' as victims of slavery of their ancestors because uscha notion is popular among 'their people -- short and ineffective and unpopular is the term of a black leader that preaches a disassociation from the notion of blacks as victims of slavery of their ancestors.
So are their leaders leading or following their lead?
Or are they just poor leaders?
A good leader knows what's best for those they lead and doesn't simply play the game.
Hmm. I agree.
I guess that speaks loudly towards the 'good' of their leaders and the willingness of their people to accept ideas other than those they have always heard, however effective those 'new' ideas may be.
I may be wrong, but I think I know where this thread is going...
Correct me if I am wrong...
You (OP) believe that black people of today see it adventageous to their future to be able to refer to theimselves as victims of slavery of their ancestors...
Am I correct in what you are working toward?
Interesting, thoughtful idea, buit no.

To that effect, however, I -would- argue that:

1- Black leaders who clain to represnt the best interests of black people see it advantageous to their continued status as said leaders to be able to refer to theimselves and 'their people' as victims of slavery of their ancestors.
2- The majority of people that said leaders represent are simply and easily swayed by the message from their leaders to that effect because, in part, it is easy, even natural, to place blame on others for current unsatisfactory conditions.

The argument that today's blacks are somehow "milking" the issue of slavery comes out of the rightwing propaganda machine and is not supported by relevant facts. Today's blacks have many more issues to fight. It is the rightwing who raises the issue of slavery

Case in point, the racist premise of the OP

OK...then with thast being said....

You did noty allow GT to offer his personal sentiment and experience as something to be considered without proof that such is the case..

SO I asked you 2 quyestions in regard to that..

1) Do you believe that there is a greater percentage of blacks that are NOT good people than that of whites?

2) do you believe that most white people are good people?

Please answer...I have repsonded to everyne of your posts so not dodege these questions....
MY position isn't under scrutiny here and -I- am not black and so -I- cannot answer the question I posed.

HE answered the question, and tried to support his answer with a specific premise. I have only asked that he back up his premise with substance; he has so far failed.
Holy blatant ducking of the question!~
Psst... you have a premise to work on. Better that you pay attention to what you're supposed to be doing.
MY position isn't under scrutiny here and -I- am not black and so -I- cannot answer the question I posed.

HE answered the question, and tried to support his answer with a specific premise. I have only asked that he back up his premise with substance; he has so far failed.
Holy blatant ducking of the question!~
Psst... you have a premise to work on. Better that you pay attention to what you're supposed to be doing.

No, no I dont. Yoiu have some questions to hide away from like a pussy.
OK...then with thast being said....

You did noty allow GT to offer his personal sentiment and experience as something to be considered without proof that such is the case..

SO I asked you 2 quyestions in regard to that..

1) Do you believe that there is a greater percentage of blacks that are NOT good people than that of whites?

2) do you believe that most white people are good people?

Please answer...I have repsonded to everyne of your posts so not dodege these questions....
MY position isn't under scrutiny here and -I- am not black and so -I- cannot answer the question I posed.

HE answered the question, and tried to support his answer with a specific premise. I have only asked that he back up his premise with substance; he has so far failed.

Holy blatant ducking of the question!~


dont you get it, he cant answer because he is not black. therefore he can not have an opinion. :eusa_think:

we must resort to the answers given by the african american members of this forum
I have meaningfully supported my premise.
Logical fallacies and inductive reasoning based on limited experience are not meaninful.
You cannot logically conclude if people are good or bad - because good or bad is subjective- you have to use personal judgement and the end result is OPINION, not FACT.

So, if I told you that the majorty of blacks are not "good" people, as you defined the term, based on the standards you set - lack of proof to the contrary, and my personal experience with those people - you'd accept my premise w/o argument.

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Interesting, thoughtful idea, buit no.

To that effect, however, I -would- argue that:

1- Black leaders who clain to represnt the best interests of black people see it advantageous to their continued status as said leaders to be able to refer to theimselves and 'their people' as victims of slavery of their ancestors.
2- The majority of people that said leaders represent are simply and easily swayed by the message from their leaders to that effect because, in part, it is easy, even natural, to place blame on others for current unsatisfactory conditions.

The argument that today's blacks are somehow "milking" the issue of slavery comes out of the rightwing propaganda machine and is not supported by relevant facts. Today's blacks have many more issues to fight. It is the rightwing who raises the issue of slavery

Case in point, the racist premise of the OP

Keep the emoticon handy - not much else comes form him
Logical fallacies and inductive reasoning based on limited experience are not meaninful.
You cannot logically conclude if people are good or bad - because good or bad is subjective- you have to use personal judgement and the end result is OPINION, not FACT.

So, if I told you that the majorty of blacks are not "good" people, as you defined the term, based on the standards you set - lack of proof to the contrary, and my personal experience with thos epeople - you'd accept my premise w/o argument.


No, I would argue your premise because I disagree with it.

Neither are fact, because good and bad are subjective - - - - - you can only have an opinion and support it to the extent of your own understanding of "good and bad" and feel free to agree or disagree with others.

It's not that hard.

Now, what *is* your opinion of "the majority of black people" in terms of good or bad? Or, are you still unwilling to cast said opinion and are the coward we've presumed you to be?
You cannot logically conclude if people are good or bad - because good or bad is subjective- you have to use personal judgement and the end result is OPINION, not FACT.
So, if I told you that the majorty of blacks are not "good" people, as you defined the term, based on the standards you set - lack of proof to the contrary, and my personal experience with thos epeople - you'd accept my premise w/o argument.
No, I would argue your premise because I disagree with it.
But... by your standards, the premise is sound.
That you disagree with a sound premise only, and necessarily, makes you wrong.
So, if I told you that the majorty of blacks are not "good" people, as you defined the term, based on the standards you set - lack of proof to the contrary, and my personal experience with thos epeople - you'd accept my premise w/o argument.
No, I would argue your premise because I disagree with it.
But... by your standards, the premise is sound.
That you disagree with a sound premise only, and necessarily, makes you wrong.

Neither can be right or wrong, dummy. It's opinion-based on subjective information.

And my opinion isn't in hiding.

But yours is.

That's because you're afraid of being exposed.
I/m not. This coversation has been going on for some time; this is simply part of it.

OK...then with thast being said....

You did noty allow GT to offer his personal sentiment and experience as something to be considered without proof that such is the case..

SO I asked you 2 quyestions in regard to that..

1) Do you believe that there is a greater percentage of blacks that are NOT good people than that of whites?

2) do you believe that most white people are good people?

Please answer...I have repsonded to everyne of your posts so not dodege these questions....
MY position isn't under scrutiny here and -I- am not black and so -I- cannot answer the question I posed.

HE answered the question, and tried to support his answer with a specific premise. I have only asked that he back up his premise with substance; he has so far failed.

it would be impossible to back up his premise on this site without gtetting the semtiments of others and how they see things... I see it exactly as GT does.

How about you?
No, I would argue your premise because I disagree with it.
But... by your standards, the premise is sound.
That you disagree with a sound premise only, and necessarily, makes you wrong.
Neither can be right or wrong, dummy. It's opinion-based on subjective information.
Look - you have two choices:
1: Your premise is sound; according to the same standard, my premise is sound
2: My premise is unsound; according to the same stanards, yours is as well.

If my premise is sound, then your disagreement only makes you wrong as a sound premise, by defintion, cannot be wrong.

Have you yet figured out the issue here? That your premise is not sound?
OK...then with thast being said....

You did noty allow GT to offer his personal sentiment and experience as something to be considered without proof that such is the case..

SO I asked you 2 quyestions in regard to that..

1) Do you believe that there is a greater percentage of blacks that are NOT good people than that of whites?

2) do you believe that most white people are good people?

Please answer...I have repsonded to everyne of your posts so not dodege these questions....
MY position isn't under scrutiny here and -I- am not black and so -I- cannot answer the question I posed.

HE answered the question, and tried to support his answer with a specific premise. I have only asked that he back up his premise with substance; he has so far failed.
it would be impossible to back up his premise on this site without gtetting the semtiments of others and how they see things...
That's not MY problem.
So, if I told you that the majorty of blacks are not "good" people, as you defined the term, based on the standards you set - lack of proof to the contrary, and my personal experience with thos epeople - you'd accept my premise w/o argument.
No, I would argue your premise because I disagree with it.
But... by your standards, the premise is sound.
That you disagree with a sound premise only, and necessarily, makes you wrong.

what is your angle here?

Yes...yours is as sound a premise as GT's...if in fact you beliewve that most blacks are NOT good people. do you determine who is correct?

By looking at the experiences of many...and the more you poll, the cmore likely you will find which premise is factual.

So I am with GT..

2 of us see blacks as no differetnt than any other race as it pertains to being "good people" or "bad people"

What is your sentiment?
Interesting, thoughtful idea, buit no.

To that effect, however, I -would- argue that:

1- Black leaders who clain to represnt the best interests of black people see it advantageous to their continued status as said leaders to be able to refer to theimselves and 'their people' as victims of slavery of their ancestors.
2- The majority of people that said leaders represent are simply and easily swayed by the message from their leaders to that effect because, in part, it is easy, even natural, to place blame on others for current unsatisfactory conditions.

The argument that today's blacks are somehow "milking" the issue of slavery comes out of the rightwing propaganda machine and is not supported by relevant facts. Today's blacks have many more issues to fight. It is the rightwing who raises the issue of slavery

Case in point, the racist premise of the OP


We hear more of "blacks won't let slavery die and love to play the victim" out of the Rush Limbaughs, Glenn Becks and M14 shooters of the world than we hear from black leaders

It is yet another example of the rightwing painting their opposition with an opinion THEY want them to have

It is racists like M14 who keep the issue alive
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