Question for white folks about Obama and black folks


Active Member
May 23, 2012
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?
Obama got the biggest share of black votes because it's the blacks that make up most of the poverty and are the most discriminated against in our legal system. Obama campaigned on helping the poor and unemployed and everyone that has been thrown into the ditch did not have anything else to lose by trying to elect a president that would help them back up. Obama has not kept his campaign promises but he did do more than any republican president would have done to fix what their own party caused.
But that doesn't address the question. Obama got 96% of the black vote. That's about 2 points above the average. Why is it all of a sudden about his skin color and if that is all black folks care about, would a black Gop candidate get more black votes than a white Dem?
Nope its the party they vote for ... the one that's done them so much good for the last 50 years.
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?

I think it's an insult to African Americans that whites think they voted for President Obama just based on his skin color.

As if African Americans aren't as savvy as whites to check the voting record of candidates and vote an informed choice. It's racism.
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?

I think it's an insult to African Americans that whites think they voted for President Obama just based on his skin color.

As if African Americans aren't as savvy as whites to check the voting record of candidates and vote an informed choice. It's racism.

You might want to listen to this. Not that it is attributed to all people. But it is interesting.

[ame=]Harlem voters - YouTube[/ame]
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?

I think it's an insult to African Americans that whites think they voted for President Obama just based on his skin color.

As if African Americans aren't as savvy as whites to check the voting record of candidates and vote an informed choice. It's racism.

You might want to listen to this. Not that it is attributed to all people. But it is interesting.

[ame=]Harlem voters - YouTube[/ame]
yep that about sums up the black voters !!
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?

I think it's an insult to African Americans that whites think they voted for President Obama just based on his skin color.

As if African Americans aren't as savvy as whites to check the voting record of candidates and vote an informed choice. It's racism.

I think it's an insult to Americans to add stupid qualifiers like 'African'.
So, if it wasn't because he's black, how come more blacks voted in 2008 than in any other election? The turn out in 2004 for blacks was 60.5%, in 2008 it was 65.3%.

The group with the highest increase.... black females.

So, if it wasn't because he's black, how come more blacks voted in 2008 than in any other election? The turn out in 2004 for blacks was 60.5%, in 2008 it was 65.3%.

The group with the highest increase.... black females.


WOW!!! Really? So 4.8% more blacks showed up to vote? In 2004 122 million Americans voted. In 2008 it was 131 million. Is that also because Obama was black? So let's see we have 9 million more people voting in 2008 than 2004 that is a difference of 9 million with 624,000 more blacks voting. This is your answer? This is all because Obama was black? Had nothing to do with the American people wanting to kick the GOP out of office for whatever reason?
Personally, I think that Voter Fraud accounts for the vast majority of black support for Democrat candidates.

You can't tell me that people actually support a political party that has given them as crowing achievements: fatherless heads of household, public housing and practiced intellectual pedophilia in public school for generations.

Purple fingered elections in Baghdad are fairer and more accurate than in any Democrat controlled American city
So, if it wasn't because he's black, how come more blacks voted in 2008 than in any other election? The turn out in 2004 for blacks was 60.5%, in 2008 it was 65.3%.

The group with the highest increase.... black females.


WOW!!! Really? So 4.8% more blacks showed up to vote? In 2004 122 million Americans voted. In 2008 it was 131 million. Is that also because Obama was black? So let's see we have 9 million more people voting in 2008 than 2004 that is a difference of 9 million with 624,000 more blacks voting. This is your answer? This is all because Obama was black? Had nothing to do with the American people wanting to kick the GOP out of office for whatever reason?

Actually voter turnout was 64 percent in both 2004 and 2008 ....sooooooooooo ya know
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?

Blacks overwhelmingly vote for the party that promises to give them stuff. And that's the party of "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years "LBJ.
So, if it wasn't because he's black, how come more blacks voted in 2008 than in any other election? The turn out in 2004 for blacks was 60.5%, in 2008 it was 65.3%.

The group with the highest increase.... black females.


WOW!!! Really? So 4.8% more blacks showed up to vote? In 2004 122 million Americans voted. In 2008 it was 131 million. Is that also because Obama was black? So let's see we have 9 million more people voting in 2008 than 2004 that is a difference of 9 million with 624,000 more blacks voting. This is your answer? This is all because Obama was black? Had nothing to do with the American people wanting to kick the GOP out of office for whatever reason?

alot more to do with Obama not being vetted or called out by any major news organization that the majority of the public (less so) continue to watch.
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin.

I have not seen "a lot" of white people saying that's why Black folks voted for Obama...but I sure have seen quite a few Black people say that's why they voted for him:

Samuel L Jackson:
Samuel L. Jackson -- I Voted for Barack Obama Because He's Black |

Democrat Congressman Andre Carson (calling out fellow Blacks):
[ame=]"Racists That They Are, Blacks Voted For Obama Because He's Black, Not Because He's Qualified" - YouTube[/ame]

These HYSTERICAL interviews with some very confused Black folks that are voting for Obama because he's black:
[ame=]Blacks For Obama Simply Because He's Black - YouTube[/ame]

Then there's the lovely Colander:
[ame=]Your Higher Taxes pay for My healthcare thanks President Obama Healthcare Reform - GloZell - YouTube[/ame]
Let's put it this way, if Obama wasn't black or half-black, do you think he would of been nominated and elected?

If Obama was white, his name would be John Edwards. This man was elected soley because of the color of his skin, certainly not on his accomplishments (because he had none).

You are partially right though, blacks do vote in droves for Dems anyway, the Democrats have them hooked on the ultimate social drug - welfare. But there is no doubt that they had much higher voter turn out because of Obama being "black".
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?

I think it was only that Obama was black first,Democrat second....
It could not have been on the issues because the only thing Obama ran on was the promise
of change...

I saw many black people answer the question of who are you voting for and why?
Answer Obama,why change....
Asked again and again the answer was Obama was for change....
That was it....
So I still feel it was because Obama was black...end of story.
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?

I think it's an insult to African Americans that whites think they voted for President Obama just based on his skin color.

As if African Americans aren't as savvy as whites to check the voting record of candidates and vote an informed choice. It's racism.

I understand what you're saying....but when you have a "movie star" saying he voted for Obama ONLY because he's black, there's many blacks out there that would see this and do the same. Do some'll find more.

Samuel L. Jackson -- I Voted for Barack Obama Because He's Black |
I see a lot of withe saying that black folks voted for Obama because he is black. You say that nothing matters to blacks but the color of his skin. In reality Obama got only a fraction more of the black vote as any other Democratic candidate since 64 when LBJ got 94%. Blacks have strongly supported Dems since then so why do you think that it is now all of a sudden about skin color and not party? Also do you think that a Black GOP candidate would get a higher percentage of black votes against a white Democrat?

Republicans are 90% white. They never would have made Herman Cain their nominee.
He's a novelty president. If he hadn't been black, he wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the Democratic nomination, much less the White House.

To be fair, I don't think he actually intended to run in 2008. I believe he though that Hillary would get the nomination and he was trying for the vice presidency. Oprah endorsed him, the movement took off, and the next thing he knew he was in the White House. I doubt that anybody was more surprised than Obama was.

That's why he's been such a stuttering clusterfuck of a failure. He didn't have any plan for the country because he hadn't really thought about it.

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