Quid Pro Joe- Busted!!

He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
It’s actually happening. And there’s a recording of Biden on the phone with the Ukrainian president asking if the AG was fired, the president responds that yes he is, but the AG didn’t do anything wrong.

Would someone care to tell me how this AG was corrupt?
Lol, fake news.

I’d be shocked if this was fake. Again leaked by a Ukrainian member of parliament.

Video don't play. Link?
The Lame Stream “News” outlets will not report anti-Biden news.
That's a given. They're already busy trying to avoid a debate with Trump, or figure out where they can squeeze it into a time slot for minimal viewers.

Since liberals are scared to watch Fox they'll probably let them have the debates.

Oh, because you said so. It must be a fact. I can't wait to see those debates and many, many others are in the same boat. Those debates will decide the election. And if the old Biden shows up (it's a good possibility) then Rump is in serious trouble.
The debates will decide nothing.
Everyone knows who they are voting for.
A top U.S. diplomat and expert on Ukraine testified to Congress yesterday that the Obama administration — with former Vice President Joe Biden as its point man — orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company connected to the Biden family, sources familiar with the testimony told The Federalist.

The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014, Burisma paid Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, tens of thousands of dollars to sit on its board despite the younger Biden’s complete lack of expertise or professional experience running a multi-national oil and gas concern.

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter. At a 2018 event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden — who was tasked by then-President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. government’s efforts in Ukraine — bragged about threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government refused to fire Shokin.

George Kent was one of the guys that the Dems interviewed in their impeachment proceedings. Are we to believe he's lying? Why was Biden so anxious to get rid of Shokin in particular? Nobody else, just him? Why?
smoking gun

An audio tape has been released by a Ukrainian politician which details conversations between corrupt and discredited former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden. John Kerry is also on the audio tape. The men discuss the firing of then Prosecutor Shokin for corrupt reasons, in order to prevent an investigation into Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and other criminal actions.

Here is where the messed up in there story. Skokin was suppose to investigate the OWNER of the company. This was because of funds sent to the company by the European community to help Ukraine. The money disappeared. The world community tried to get the Ukraine government to investigate and get information about what happen to this money. Ukraine did not cooperate and the money got moved out of Ukraine into personal accounts of the Owner in some country.

Hunter was not under investigation in 2016. The investigation was into the owner of the company. This is your story that can't even get the facts straight.

They have this tape that no one has seen or heard. Much of the article is on stuff already known. Recordings containing edited conversations between the two while in office published by Ukrainian associate of Rudy Giuliani

Biden was under Obama orders was to get them to start an investigation on the owner of the company that Biden son worked for. They were holding up funds until they could get the investigation started but it never was and the money disappeared.

The difference between Biden and Trump. Biden was working to start an investigation on the employer of his son.

Trump was working to get an investigation on Biden who was his political opponent in the US election.

See the difference.
...shokin was going to subpoena Hunter Biden for questioning. Now that doesn’t mean Hunter is also guilty of corruption but it’s funny that that’s when Biden wanted to oust him, and admittedly held up 1 billion in aid to do so. All after his administration praised Skokins plan. It’s also funny how the investigation into the burisma oligarch disappeared after Shokin was ousted. The strawman that leftist media keep pushing is that the claim is Hunter was part of the corruption, which is not the claim. The claim is that hunter and his last name were used to shield burisma from investigations. Investigations that were active from Shokin in Feb 2016. Whatever you’re reading is either a lie or referring to the UK investigation. Like one guy in the Ukraine says the investigation was dormant and the media runs with it as “factual”. Crazy.

Cleary the investigation was active in 2016, and Shokin claims hunter Biden was to be questioned. Around that time American burisma lobbyist petition state department to pressure an end to the burisma investigation.
And then Biden pressures the Ukraine to fire Shokin.

And again I haven’t heard the slightest indicator that Shokin was corrupt. On the tape poroshenko says he’s not, again it’s not a validated tape, but I doubt deep fakes are that good yet. Shokin also claims he has plenty of evidence from his government showing he’s not corrupt. And let’s not forget, the Ukrainian equivalent to the DOJ is actually investigating this and names “American 1”, basically admitted is Biden, as a possible defendant. So there’s something substantial there
Shokin wasn't going to do shit. He had not done shit the whole time. That's why his own parliament voted him out.
The debates will decide nothing.
Everyone knows who they are voting for.
I was a Bernie supporter less than 5 years ago who voted for Jill Stein. Do you think that I knew I'd be voting for Trump in 2020 ? I'm only one of a growing number of Americans who see through the Dems for who they are now.
You don't see anything but lies trump is telling you.
A top U.S. diplomat and expert on Ukraine testified to Congress yesterday that the Obama administration — with former Vice President Joe Biden as its point man — orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company connected to the Biden family, sources familiar with the testimony told The Federalist.

The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014, Burisma paid Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, tens of thousands of dollars to sit on its board despite the younger Biden’s complete lack of expertise or professional experience running a multi-national oil and gas concern.

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter. At a 2018 event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden — who was tasked by then-President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. government’s efforts in Ukraine — bragged about threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government refused to fire Shokin.

George Kent was one of the guys that the Dems interviewed in their impeachment proceedings. Are we to believe he's lying? Why was Biden so anxious to get rid of Shokin in particular? Nobody else, just him? Why?
Except it was more than just him. The EU, IMF, US Congress, UK government, Ukrainian parliament, all wanted him gone. This stuff you are repeating is a trump manufactured lie. Plain and simple.
"Biden has faced scrutiny since December 2015, when the New York Times published a story noting that Burisma hired Hunter Biden just weeks after the vice president was asked by President Obama to oversee U.S.-Ukraine relations. r.That story also alerted Biden’s office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder."

So, was the NY Times lying?

"At the time, Shokin’s office was investigating Burisma. Shokin told me he was making plans to question Hunter Biden about $3 million in fees that Biden and his partner, Archer, collected from Burisma through their American firm. Documents seized by the FBI in an unrelated case confirm the payments, which in many months totaled more than $166,000.

Some media outlets have reported that, at the time Joe Biden forced the firing in March 2016, there were no open investigations. Those reports are wrong. A British-based investigation of Burisma's owner was closed down in early 2015 on a technicality when a deadline for documents was not met. But the Ukraine Prosecutor General's office still had two open inquiries in March 2016, according to the official case file provided me. One of those cases involved taxes; the other, allegations of corruption. Burisma announced the cases against it were not closed and settled until January 2017."

So, was Shokin actually investigating Burisma or not? Some say yes, but others say no.

After I first reported it in a column, the New York Times and ABC News published similar stories confirming my reporting.

Joe Biden has since responded that he forced Shokin’s firing over concerns about corruption and ineptitude, which he claims were widely shared by Western allies, and that it had nothing to do with the Burisma investigation."

"U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia."

Ask yourself an honest question: why in hell would a natural gas company spend that kind of money to somebody who knows nothing about natural gas or about Ukraine? Especially a company with a reputation for corruption? Only one answer I can come up with: they paid that money to a guy who's father was the Vice President of the United States.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
"Biden has faced scrutiny since December 2015, when the New York Times published a story noting that Burisma hired Hunter Biden just weeks after the vice president was asked by President Obama to oversee U.S.-Ukraine relations. r.That story also alerted Biden’s office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder."

So, was the NY Times lying?

"At the time, Shokin’s office was investigating Burisma. Shokin told me he was making plans to question Hunter Biden about $3 million in fees that Biden and his partner, Archer, collected from Burisma through their American firm. Documents seized by the FBI in an unrelated case confirm the payments, which in many months totaled more than $166,000.

Some media outlets have reported that, at the time Joe Biden forced the firing in March 2016, there were no open investigations. Those reports are wrong. A British-based investigation of Burisma's owner was closed down in early 2015 on a technicality when a deadline for documents was not met. But the Ukraine Prosecutor General's office still had two open inquiries in March 2016, according to the official case file provided me. One of those cases involved taxes; the other, allegations of corruption. Burisma announced the cases against it were not closed and settled until January 2017."

So, was Shokin actually investigating Burisma or not? Some say yes, but others say no.

After I first reported it in a column, the New York Times and ABC News published similar stories confirming my reporting.

Joe Biden has since responded that he forced Shokin’s firing over concerns about corruption and ineptitude, which he claims were widely shared by Western allies, and that it had nothing to do with the Burisma investigation."

"U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia."

Ask yourself an honest question: why in hell would a natural gas company spend that kind of money to somebody who knows nothing about natural gas or about Ukraine? Especially a company with a reputation for corruption? Only one answer I can come up with: they paid that money to a guy who's father was the Vice President of the United States.
Shady companies put respectable people on their boards to help their reputation. Burisma was making a shift towards western alignment along with the rest of Ukraine.

It’s the way the world works.

He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
I did have something to say. you just didn't like it.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
I did have something to say. you just didn't like it.
You wanted to make me the topic. I want to stay on topic. Is that too much to ask?
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
I did have something to say. you just didn't like it.
You wanted to make me the topic. I want to stay on topic. Is that too much to ask?
And I politely bowed out on request.

let's just end this.

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