Quid Pro Joe- Busted!!

The story quoted in the heading has numerous references of a tape being translated.

Point 1 - Yet Biden doesn't speak Ukrainian, so why does it need to be translated.

Point 2 - I still do not see any anyone saying why was Biden Son under investigation and for what? this is a statement that is just tact onto an old story of what was going on with Biden going to Ukraine on official government business.

This old story is being used again and then they are adding one line where Biden Son is being investigated.

It is know that the elder Biden went to Ukraine to get the investigation of the missing money

The US and IMF were going to withhold money for Ukraine because the owner of this oil company took money from the international community and put it in his private bank account.

a senior official at the General Prosecutor’s office said that neither of the Bidens had been called for questioning in relation to this investigation.

Ukraine would open an investigation into the period when Hunter Biden was involved with Burisma if there were compelling new testimony in Ukraine, Nazar Kholodnytsky, the head of anti-corruption investigations at Ukraine’s Prosecutor’s Office, said on Novoye Vremya radio.

But it could not do so on its own initiative, based solely on comments currently being made in the United States, he said.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) said an investigation was ongoing into permits granted by officials at the Ministry of Ecology for the use of natural resources to a string of companies managed by Burisma.

But it said the period under investigation was 2010-2012, and noted that this was before the company hired Hunter Biden.

“Changes to the board of Burisma Limited, which are currently the object of international attention, took place only in May 2014, and therefore are not and never were the subject of (the anti-corruption bureau’s)

6 months ago

Ukraine has widened its investigation into the founder of energy company Burisma to include suspicion of embezzling state funds, Prosecutor General Ruslan Ryaboshapka said on Wednesday.

Zlochevsky the owner of Burisma was now suspected of the 'theft of government funds on an especially large scale,'
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
I did have something to say. you just didn't like it.
You wanted to make me the topic. I want to stay on topic. Is that too much to ask?
And I politely bowed out on request.

let's just end this.
And yet you’re still here...
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

Its from the Washington Post story referenced in the other poster’s reply.

I like the Washington Post. They do good investigative journalism.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.

I laugh -

The WAPO verifies the tape is real -

On the tape it is stated that the Ukraine had no issues
The citizens had no issues

It is stated 100% that Ukraine is doing this to appease Joe Biden.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
I did have something to say. you just didn't like it.
You wanted to make me the topic. I want to stay on topic. Is that too much to ask?
And I politely bowed out on request.

let's just end this.
And yet you’re still here...
Well it was fun while it lasted. Guess civility is over.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.

I laugh -

The WAPO verifies the tape is real -

On the tape it is stated that the Ukraine had no issues
The citizens had no issues

It is stated 100% that Ukraine is doing this to appease Joe Biden.

I didn’t see that on the tape. Can you post the quote?
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
I did have something to say. you just didn't like it.
You wanted to make me the topic. I want to stay on topic. Is that too much to ask?
And I politely bowed out on request.

let's just end this.
And yet you’re still here...
Well it was fun while it lasted. Guess civility is over.
I was trying to be civil but you kept goading me.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.

I laugh -

The WAPO verifies the tape is real -

On the tape it is stated that the Ukraine had no issues
The citizens had no issues

It is stated 100% that Ukraine is doing this to appease Joe Biden.

I didn’t see that on the tape. Can you post the quote?

See it?
Listen to it.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.

I laugh -

The WAPO verifies the tape is real -

On the tape it is stated that the Ukraine had no issues
The citizens had no issues

It is stated 100% that Ukraine is doing this to appease Joe Biden.

I didn’t see that on the tape. Can you post the quote?

See it?
Listen to it.
Time stamp? Something to go off of?
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.

He was
That is not in dispute.
It is VERY much in dispute. In fact, no one in our State Dept thought there was any active investigation into Burisma.

That is simply false.

If I post the relevant testimony, will you do something other than reply with an ad hominem?
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.

He was
That is not in dispute.
It is VERY much in dispute. In fact, no one in our State Dept thought there was any active investigation into Burisma.

That is simply false.

If I post the relevant testimony, will you do something other than reply with an ad hominem?

Everything that I have ever read that you have posted is simply not factual or just some opinion that you are desperate to put out there to obfuscate the truth.
You can try, although I have a very low level of expectation that you will be successful.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
I did have something to say. you just didn't like it.
You wanted to make me the topic. I want to stay on topic. Is that too much to ask?
And I politely bowed out on request.

let's just end this.
And yet you’re still here...
Well it was fun while it lasted. Guess civility is over.
I was trying to be civil but you kept goading me.
Yea politely backing out is goading.

Have a day.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
unfortunately "dramatic over statements" have become far too normal.
I’d like to stay on the topic rather than meander down another road of “both-siderism”.
So you are saying then it's cool people call flynn treasonous? isn't that a bit much? to me the topic IS that we way overstate things all around. getting mad at one side doing it is pointless but carry on. I will bow out.
If you have nothing to say about the topic, bowing out would be the most useful thing you could do.
I did have something to say. you just didn't like it.
You wanted to make me the topic. I want to stay on topic. Is that too much to ask?
And I politely bowed out on request.

let's just end this.
And yet you’re still here...
Well it was fun while it lasted. Guess civility is over.
I was trying to be civil but you kept goading me.
Yea politely backing out is goading.

Have a day.
You have a very odd concept of backing out. I’m still reading your posts.

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