Quid Pro Joe- Busted!!

He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.

He was
That is not in dispute.
It is VERY much in dispute. In fact, no one in our State Dept thought there was any active investigation into Burisma.

That is simply false.

If I post the relevant testimony, will you do something other than reply with an ad hominem?

Everything that I have ever read that you have posted is simply not factual or just some opinion that you are desperate to put out there to obfuscate the truth.
You can try, although I have a very low level of expectation that you will be successful.

This entire testimony is fascinating. Shokin is a dirt bag and it explains in careful detail why State was fed up with him.

The relevant page is right around 100.
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.

He was
That is not in dispute.
It is VERY much in dispute. In fact, no one in our State Dept thought there was any active investigation into Burisma.

Really? Do you have a link that says that or did you make it up?

"Biden has faced scrutiny since December 2015, when the New York Times published a story noting that Burisma hired Hunter Biden just weeks after the vice president was asked by President Obama to oversee U.S.-Ukraine relations. r.That story also alerted Biden’s office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder."

So, was the NY Times lying?


The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014, Burisma paid Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, tens of thousands of dollars to sit on its board despite the younger Biden’s complete lack of expertise or professional experience running a multi-national oil and gas concern.

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter. At a 2018 event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden — who was tasked by then-President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. government’s efforts in Ukraine — bragged about threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government refused to fire Shokin.

Diplomat Testified Obama Admin Orchestrated Ukraine Prosecutor's Ouster
A top U.S. diplomat testified yesterday that the Obama admin orchestrated the ouster of the Ukraine prosecutor investigating a Biden-connected company.
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He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.

He was
That is not in dispute.
It is VERY much in dispute. In fact, no one in our State Dept thought there was any active investigation into Burisma.

Really? Do you have a link that says that or did you make it up?

The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014, Burisma paid Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, tens of thousands of dollars to sit on its board despite the younger Biden’s complete lack of expertise or professional experience running a multi-national oil and gas concern.

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter. At a 2018 event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden — who was tasked by then-President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. government’s efforts in Ukraine — bragged about threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government refused to fire Shokin.

Diplomat Testified Obama Admin Orchestrated Ukraine Prosecutor's Ouster
A top U.S. diplomat testified yesterday that the Obama admin orchestrated the ouster of the Ukraine prosecutor investigating a Biden-connected company.
The federalist is a garbage website. Show me where the narrative said we were “merely following the lead” which is the entire foundation of their article.
A top U.S. diplomat and expert on Ukraine testified to Congress yesterday that the Obama administration — with former Vice President Joe Biden as its point man — orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company connected to the Biden family, sources familiar with the testimony told The Federalist.

The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014, Burisma paid Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, tens of thousands of dollars to sit on its board despite the younger Biden’s complete lack of expertise or professional experience running a multi-national oil and gas concern.

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter. At a 2018 event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden — who was tasked by then-President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. government’s efforts in Ukraine — bragged about threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government refused to fire Shokin.

George Kent was one of the guys that the Dems interviewed in their impeachment proceedings. Are we to believe he's lying? Why was Biden so anxious to get rid of Shokin in particular? Nobody else, just him? Why?

That isn't exactly what he testified though is it? Why doesn't your article link to the testimony? Did you read it? I skimmed it and stopped around page 111. I couldn't find anything claiming what your article claims other than the US (who was the primary loan guarantor) took the lead on anti-corruption (not surprisingly, this is US taxpayer dollars here).

What I DID get out of what I read was a very different take on Kent's testimony. He repeated, multiple times that Shokrin was widely regarded as corrupt and unwilling to go after corruption, and he had concluded no anti-corruption cases. It also states that Burisma was not widely regarded as a good player (no surprise) and Shokrin had not gone after Burisma either. When asked about Hunter Biden, he responded that it was common for these companies to put westerners on their boards to promote a semblance of authenticity. For example - the former president o Poland (also NOT an energy expert) was one their board.

It's interesting testimony. If you can find where he supports your article's claim, I'd be interested in seeing it. If I have time I might later read it all but you almost need a cast of characters to make sense of it.
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He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.

He was
That is not in dispute.
It is VERY much in dispute. In fact, no one in our State Dept thought there was any active investigation into Burisma.

Really? Do you have a link that says that or did you make it up?

"Biden has faced scrutiny since December 2015, when the New York Times published a story noting that Burisma hired Hunter Biden just weeks after the vice president was asked by President Obama to oversee U.S.-Ukraine relations. r.That story also alerted Biden’s office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder."

So, was the NY Times lying?


The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014, Burisma paid Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, tens of thousands of dollars to sit on its board despite the younger Biden’s complete lack of expertise or professional experience running a multi-national oil and gas concern.

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter. At a 2018 event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden — who was tasked by then-President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. government’s efforts in Ukraine — bragged about threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government refused to fire Shokin.

Diplomat Testified Obama Admin Orchestrated Ukraine Prosecutor's Ouster
A top U.S. diplomat testified yesterday that the Obama admin orchestrated the ouster of the Ukraine prosecutor investigating a Biden-connected company.

Here is the claim: Biden is corrupt.

Here is the proof:.........
He was investing Hunter Biden's company, therefore he was corrupt. Pretty much as simple as that.
No he wasn’t.
Yes he was, in 2016 Shokin raided and seized burisma owners house, and many of his holdings. Also named hunter Biden as POI. After this American Burisma lobbyist petitioned state department to stop the investigations. THEEEEENNNNN joe Biden pressured poroshenko to fire Shokin.
Raiding his house is a dramatic overstatement. Zlochevsky’s property has been seized by Ukrainian officials years before. The order allowing the seizure expired and the law changed a bit. There was public outcry about the expiration and so he filed an order to put it back under their control. There was no “raid”. They were no exercising a search warrant or looking for documents. It was merely a court order to take ownership.

Hunter Biden was not named a POI.

And the US State Dept had been lobbying against Shokin for months prior to these events based on his corrupt behavior after he went to war against the NABU because they got too close to him.
I was using POI loosely. That’s one side of the story. Investigations do take a while, especially when
A top U.S. diplomat and expert on Ukraine testified to Congress yesterday that the Obama administration — with former Vice President Joe Biden as its point man — orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company connected to the Biden family, sources familiar with the testimony told The Federalist.

The testimony of George Kent, a State Department official who works on the agency’s Ukraine portfolio, directly contradicts claims that the Obama administration was merely following the lead of the so-called international community in demanding the firing of Viktor Shokin, a controversial Ukrainian prosecutor who was reportedly investigating Burisma, a global energy company long suspected of corruption and money laundering. In 2014, Burisma paid Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, tens of thousands of dollars to sit on its board despite the younger Biden’s complete lack of expertise or professional experience running a multi-national oil and gas concern.

Kent told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Obama administration spearheaded the efforts to have Shokin removed from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Kent said the international community — namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Western nations within the European Union — were deferential to U.S. directives on the matter. At a 2018 event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden — who was tasked by then-President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. government’s efforts in Ukraine — bragged about threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government refused to fire Shokin.

George Kent was one of the guys that the Dems interviewed in their impeachment proceedings. Are we to believe he's lying? Why was Biden so anxious to get rid of Shokin in particular? Nobody else, just him? Why?

That isn't exactly what he testified though is it? Why doesn't your article link to the testimony? Did you read it? I skimmed it and stopped around page 111. I couldn't find anything claiming what your article claims other than the US (who was the primary loan guarantor) took the lead on anti-corruption (not surprisingly, this is US taxpayer dollars here).

What I DID get out of what I read was a very different take on Kent's testimony. He repeated, multiple times that Shokrin was widely regarded as corrupt and unwilling to go after corruption, and he had concluded no anti-corruption cases. It also states that Burisma was not widely regarded as a good player (no surprise) and Shokrin had not gone after Burisma either. When asked about Hunter Biden, he responded that it was common for these companies to put westerners on their boards to promote a semblance of authenticity. For example - the former president o Poland (also NOT an energy expert) was one their board.

It's interesting testimony. If you can find where he supports your article's claim, I'd be interested in seeing it. If I have time I might later read it all but you almost need a cast of characters to make sense of it.
It’s important to note shokin was only in charge a few months. And I’m pretty sure he was Obama administration approved.

And Burismas legal team admitted to spreading false info to justify the firing of Shokin.

And also this
And Burismas legal team admitted to spreading false info to justify the firing of Shokin.
That’s not actually what they said. They said they apologized for the US spreading false info on Shokin.

The justification that State was using to fire Shokin had little to do with Burisma other than suspecting that someone in Shokin’s office was taking bribes from Burisma to shut down an investigation by the British.
Biden May Not Want To Go To Ukraine Anytime Soon, He Could Be Arrested Due To New Court Ruling

You can read the order here.

The link you posted.

The order show no seal or even the judges signature. It is no different that someone writing this up on their computer and making it a pdf and posting it online. In this instance it posted at the just news website. Whoever that is.

Still there is no judge signature on it. At best this is some farce that Biden should be held accountable for what?. It doesn't say. It says that Prosecutor office didn't file a complaint. Now some is but it does say who?

Is that the proof of the repubs pushing this story.
Sampling of Liberal Responses:

1) This has already been debunked (a favorite);
2) Every country in the whole world wanted Ukraine to fire its Prosecutor--it wasn't up to Ukraine;
3) Joe had nothing to do with Hunter's business dealings in Ukraine (or China in which Joe also had influence delegated by Obama);
4) Doesn't matter, Joe doesn't remember;
5) Trump cheats more than Joe;
6) Trump lies more than Joe;
7) Trump helps his sons too--and with Foreign Governments--Adam Schiff said so;
8) Doesn't matter, Joe's VP will govern---Joe will be in a Nursing Home;
9) This tape doesn't show he sniffed any little girl's hair in Ukraine, what's the problem?;
10) All of the above, plus Orange Man Bad!
11) What is so weird about Joe allowing little kids to feel the hairs on his legs.

I don't think that thing is known as a "leg".
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

fake news
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

russians are always trying to fuck with our election,,,
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

russians are always trying to fuck with our election,,,

He says without a scrap of evidence.

What did the Russians do in the 2012 election? Who did they favor and how did they try to help them?
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

russians are always trying to fuck with our election,,,

He says without a scrap of evidence.

What did the Russians do in the 2012 election? Who did they favor and how did they try to help them?
they intent is to create chaos,,,who wins comes later,,,
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

russians are always trying to fuck with our election,,,

He says without a scrap of evidence.

What did the Russians do in the 2012 election? Who did they favor and how did they try to help them?
they intent is to create chaos,,,who wins comes later,,,
So favoring Trump was rather unusual then, wasn't it?
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

russians are always trying to fuck with our election,,,

He says without a scrap of evidence.

What did the Russians do in the 2012 election? Who did they favor and how did they try to help them?
they intent is to create chaos,,,who wins comes later,,,
So favoring Trump was rather unusual then, wasn't it?
why are you defending russia???
Somehow, no matter how guilty he is, the DOJ is going to find it a nothing burger.
Not sure how democrats ended up being Teflon.
I agree.

The world has seen the video of Biden admitting what he did and that was still not enough to do anything about his crimes.

There is no smoking gun that will bring accountability to the Swamp.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

fake news

Every time you fools encounter a piece of information you cannot explain away, you tack a "fake news" label on it and pretend it has no meaning.

For the second time in two elections, top Trump aides are found in the company of Russian intelligence agents, both receiving and passing information to them, either knowingly or unknowingly. Either scenario is devastatingly bad for Trump.

If it's unknowlingly, then Trump aides are not vetting or questioning the intentions or the credentials those who are offering their assistance to the campaign. Given the resources the President and his top staffers have at their disposal, this is ridiculous. Given that Trump has over ridden security recommendations in the past, how many Russian agents and others without the best interests of the country at heart, has he hired, because they're too incompetent to vette anyone?

If it's knowlingly, well it's time for Trump to face the consequences of his actions for the first time in his life, and spend the rest of his in prison.

If it's knowlingly
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach said at a Tuesday media conference in Kyiv he had received the tapes that were reportedly made by Poroshenko from investigative journalists, The Washington Post reported.

You should definitely read the Washington Post article. It includes this:
Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.
The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.
I'm curious how you know so much detailed information about a russian operative without a link to back it up???

its almost like you know it first hand,,,,

I just want to point out that I was right about this. Derkach is a Russian agent and he is working to interfere in the election.

Thank you useful idiots.

fake news

Every time you fools encounter a piece of information you cannot explain away, you tack a "fake news" label on it and pretend it has no meaning.

For the second time in two elections, top Trump aides are found in the company of Russian intelligence agents, both receiving and passing information to them, either knowingly or unknowingly. Either scenario is devastatingly bad for Trump.

If it's unknowlingly, then Trump aides are not vetting or questioning the intentions or the credentials those who are offering their assistance to the campaign. Given the resources the President and his top staffers have at their disposal, this is ridiculous. Given that Trump has over ridden security recommendations in the past, how many Russian agents and others without the best interests of the country at heart, has he hired, because they're too incompetent to vette anyone?

If it's knowlingly, well it's time for Trump to face the consequences of his actions for the first time in his life, and spend the rest of his in prison.

If it's knowlingly
mind your own business,,,

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