Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

LOL, really? Jews were persecuted by Christians for 2000 years?

Think you have it backwards. Christians were persecuted by Jews and Romans for centuries. Jews were persecuted by Romans.

Once Christianity spread in Europe and became dominant, then it is safe to say they would had discriminated against Jews. But that is they way of the world as it always has been. Why do Jews expect to be accepted as equals in a different culture than their own? If you are unwilling to accept local customs, such as language and religion, you will always be considered an ”outsider”, Jews are not unique in this. Do you think Christians are treated as equals in Islamic countries? Were Christians accepted in Japan? Of course not.

Are Christians allowed to immigrate to Israel today? Of course not. But any Jew is welcomed. Do Western Christian nations have the same immigration policies? Are only Christians allowed in? Oh no, that would be “racist”!

LOL, really? Jews were persecuted by Christians for 2000 years?

Think you have it backwards. Christians were persecuted by Jews and Romans for centuries. Jews were persecuted by Romans.

Once Christianity spread in Europe and became dominant, then it is safe to say they would had discriminated against Jews. But that is they way of the world as it always has been. Why do Jews expect to be accepted as equals in a different culture than their own? If you are unwilling to accept local customs, such as language and religion, you will always be considered an ”outsider”, Jews are not unique in this. Do you think Christians are treated as equals in Islamic countries? Were Christians accepted in Japan? Of course not.

Are Christians allowed to immigrate to Israel today? Of course not. But any Jew is welcomed. Do Western Christian nations have the same immigration policies? Are only Christians allowed in? Oh no, that would be “racist”!
Couldn't stop laughing! The Jewish people make up 2/10 of 1% of the world population yet THEY were picking on the poor " Christians?"

Obviously this is a extremely short list
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I appreciate your effort to help me, but believe me, I’ve tried. They insist I MUST go through Jesus in order to get to Gd, and as evidence they quote that verse - as if that’s any type of proof.
Who do they say Jesus is? Do they believe he is One with God or not? The essence of Christian faith is our belief in ONE God. Is Jesus God, or is he merely a way to God? I believe it is the former, and that is why what he says makes sense to me. The way to God is through God.
You’re my favorite gentile on the entire site! :)

the bigotry that wakes them up in the morning ...

Jesus didn’t say that. HILLEL did. Jesus just echoed Hillel’s teaching, since he was, after all, a Jew who was espousing wonderful Jewish values.

- most certainly they did, and every generation before them as the religion of antiquity from the very beginning.

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As I call them...psychos.

as distinguished from the holy ones --

Ben-Gvir, in a statement, said that waving the Palestinian flag is an act in support of terrorism.

"It cannot be that lawbreakers wave terrorist flags, incite and encourage terrorism, so I ordered the removal of flags supporting terrorism from the public space and to stop the incitement against Israel," Ben-Gvir said.

- the jews are feeling real good for themselves in their wonderful country - israel.
Who do they say Jesus is? Do they believe he is One with God or not? The essence of Christian faith is our belief in ONE God. Is Jesus God, or is he merely a way to God? I believe it is the former, and that is why what he says makes sense to me. The way to God is through God.

no, that's a 4th century forgery to entrap the innocent and jews alike to follow their false religion ... the christian bible.

without his signature, using their victim for their own nefarious purposes.
Who do they say Jesus is? Do they believe he is One with God or not? The essence of Christian faith is our belief in ONE God. Is Jesus God, or is he merely a way to God? I believe it is the former, and that is why what he says makes sense to me. The way to God is through God.
They say he is the son of Gd, and that he (Jesus) said the only way to Gd is through him - and that unless I accept him as my savior, I will be damned. I am amazed that they don’t understand how offensive this is to say to a Jew.

I’ve also had an Evangelical have New Testament verses as part of his signature - some stuff about Jesus and the truth, meaning of course the Christian truth - and I told him it’s offensive to quote NT verses to a Jew. He couldn’t understand why.

I’ve had a lot of harassment from Evangelicals. There is a super-large missionary church 15 minutes from me, and they tell the members to go and “save” Jews. I had one of them send me a sermon, and it was all negatives about Jews. I was shocked and asked him why he would send me such an offensive video, and he said he thought I’d appreciate his trying to “help” me.
ve had a lot of harassment from Evangelicals. There is a super-large missionary church 15 minutes from me, and they tell the members to go and “save” Jews. I had one of them send me a sermon, and it was all negatives about Jews. I was shocked and asked him why he would send me such an offensive video, and he said he thought I’d appreciate his trying to “help” me
What is wrong with that? They isn’t “hate”. They like you and want to ensure your salvation in the next life.
Is that why you wouldn’t answer my question about Israel’s immigration policies?
What was that question again?
Better yet; What does that have to do with the topic of ANTISEMITIC HATE for over 2000 years?
What is wrong with that? They isn’t “hate”. They like you and want to ensure your salvation in the next life.
How’d you like it if people from a different religion kept harassing you that if you don’t abandon your faith in Jesus, you’re going to hell? And you told them to please stop, and then kept after you?
How’d you like it if people from a different religion kept harassing you that if you don’t abandon your faith in Jesus, you’re going to hell?
He believes in “ Jesus “ but he’s nothing but a false “ Christian “ Hypocrite 🇮🇱✡️
They say he is the son of Gd, and that he (Jesus) said the only way to Gd is through him - and that unless I accept him as my savior, I will be damned. I am amazed that they don’t understand how offensive this is to say to a Jew.
The funny thing is, our command from Jesus was to spread the good news (repentance for the forgiveness of sins). Spreading news of damnation doesn't sound good at all, and it was not what Jesus commanded. Since it is not what Jesus commanded, I recommend an excellent philosophy I picked up somewhere outside of religion: Don't pursue the lie.
The funny thing is, our command from Jesus was to spread the good news (repentance for the forgiveness of sins). Spreading news of damnation doesn't sound good at all, and it was not what Jesus commanded. Since it is not what Jesus commanded, I recommend an excellent philosophy I picked up somewhere outside of religion: Don't pursue the lie.
Thank you! I wish I “knew you” when those Evangelicals were harassing me.
What was that question again?
Better yet; What does that have to do with the topic of ANTISEMITIC HATE for over 2000 years?
It has to do with the HYPOCRISY of Jews, who cry about being discriminated against by Christians in Christian nations, yet Jews discriminate against Christians in their own Jewish nation.
How’d you like it if people from a different religion kept harassing you that if you don’t abandon your faith in Jesus, you’re going to hell? And you told them to please stop, and then kept after you?
I set them straight by pointing out their lies and hypocrisy. Hopefully it sends them to seek the truth.

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