'Racial Incident' in Texas School Plunges City into Turmoil

From the link:
[FONT=times new roman,times]What to do about her badly performing black students whose poor grades posed potentially negative consequences for her school's accreditation? One day last February, Watson took action. Over the school's intercom, a number of eighth grade students were summoned by name to the library. All had one thing in common: They were black.[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]Facing the group, Watson, who is white, reportedly gave them something of a pep talk. She said "they need to pull together and help each other study to improve their schools," said Catina White-Higgins, a parent whose daughter Felicity was in the group. Watson "had a chart to show them where their scores were low. ... [My daughter] said it made her feel like she was nothing, that she was in trouble. It made her feel bad," she told the [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]Austin American-Statesman[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times], a daily newspaper.[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]Watson, a veteran educator, is a native of Bastrop and active in community affairs. Yet the hurt she inflicted upon her black students -- all for telling them the truth -- may prove her undoing. Some black parents are calling for Watson's head. White-Higgins said she "has lost a lot of trust [in Watson]. It's kind of like once you severed that trust, it's hard to gain it back."[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]Minorities have been complaining for years about bias in schools and biased testing. Administrators make changes to help minorities and when they still fall behind it's still the fault of the teachers for "singling out certain minorities"? :confused:

If this doesn't change and we don't get back to standardized, no racial preference in schools, we as a country are finished.

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The principle fucked up. Schools are like a business. In business, the employer does not call out all the lax employees on a loud speaker and tell them to meet her in the break room for finger waggling. A good employer will speak one on one with each employee without the other employees knowing about it....not embarassing them in the store in front of customers or other employees.

Just sayin'.
She could have just cheated and changed the black kids grades like they do at most schools
She thought she was helping. She fucked up. Period. Doesn't mean she's a bad principle. Doesn't mean she is racist or a cheater. Means she fucked up.
Nobody knew why the kids were called in the kids told everyone later, and she said she got them together as a group in hopes that they would bond and help one another, what do you want she's a liberal.

She probably watched this movie the night before:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr49b6Hmqog&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Lean on Me - Expulsion.wmv‬‏[/ame]
Tank is it true you had a interracial relationship in your past? Can you expound? We are curious. :welcome:
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Been with all kinds of women, but whats that got to do with these kids poor grades?
Here’s a more objective accounting without the rightwing editorializing and spin.

Principal's meeting with students ends in controversy | kvue.com Austin

This has nothing to do with ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’ or the quality of public schools. As noted, it was an error made by a single administrator. The matter should have been addressed more discretely.

Yet another non-issue and pointless thread.
Been with all kinds of women, but whats that got to do with these kids poor grades?

Just curious as to why every single thread you start is something about race. Delving into your past pertaining to minorities gives an insight into your background.. Its fascinating really.
Here’s a more objective accounting without the rightwing editorializing and spin.

Principal's meeting with students ends in controversy | kvue.com Austin

This has nothing to do with ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’ or the quality of public schools. As noted, it was an error made by a single administrator. The matter should have been addressed more discretely.

Yet another non-issue and pointless thread.

Well, you are missing the point. Tank is a racist. Check out the posts he starts. It proves my point.
Been with all kinds of women, but whats that got to do with these kids poor grades?

Just curious as to why every single thread you start is something about race. Delving into your past pertaining to minorities gives an insight into your background.. Its fascinating really.

No shit. Tank is like water. You can see it, smell it. Sometimes it's crystal clear, sometimes muddy and smelly....but ya just can't grasp it. That's Tank.
Good luck with him, though. I've tried. And he still slides thru my fingers.
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People try to avoid the subject by getting personal with me on a negitive level, and thats boring.
This just proves James Edwards' theory that whites are blamed as racist no matter what they do.

If they ignore black students, they are racist.

If they pay attention, they are racist.

The truth is that blacks are inherently less intelligent than whites. That's why they don't do as well academically. Asians, in turn, have a few IQ points on whites, so it's not exactly "racist" to simply note this fact. The better solution is to separate the races. We'll never have peace until we do.
I can't imagine the school doesn't also have underachieving white, Hispanic, etc. students as well. Why not get all of them together for the same type of pep talk? And a more discreet way of letting them know the principle wanted to talk to them would be good IMO.
If the principle was black, no one would have complained

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