Racial Microaggressions

did you really start a thread about "microagressions"?
Yes, I did. The author dedicated a chapter to it and I found it very real and meaningful.
What is the race or ethnicity of the author?
You like totally have no link or any footnotes, most unprofessional...
I gave the name of the book and author at the very beginning. No link needed. A simple google of her name will tell you what you want to know.

And then, I'm sure, you will find something about her to criticize.
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But seriously, folks:

After reviewing many studies on the topic, Dr. Lilienfeld argues in his paper “Microaggressions: Strong Claims, Inadequate Evidence” that microaggressions lack scientific proof, and therefore should not be included in workplace or campus diversity training.

Moreover, he said he believes that the term microaggression is misleading, as it implies conscious intent to harm, and thus should be abandoned.....

“Because they are totally in the eye of the beholder — anything you say could be labeled as a microaggression,” Lilienfeld said. “In the current literature, if someone is offended by something, it is a microaggression. You simply cannot progress scientifically in this way or expect to resolve racial tensions on a college campus.”

Moreover, Lilienfeld argues that research on microaggressions does not draw upon key domains of psychological science, including: psychometrics, social cognition, cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavior genetics, and personality, health and industrial-organizational psychology.

Ultimately, he recommends entirely eliminating the term microaggression from use....

The author, being a black woman, is totally honest about how certain things effect her personally as a black woman. It is an emotional response and I don't see how anyone can demand that it should be scientifically proven. Once again, many try to delegitimize a black person's experiences by saying they are not and can not possibly be real.
You ain't dodging any black microaggression of violent crime since you are at least 6 times more likely to be a victim a violent crime done to you by whites.

No, that is totally wrong. The many purse snatchings at malls in the area are 100% by blacks, and the carjackings. They do these crimes and then jump right back on the freeway and book it to Baltimore. The rioting that goes on in the summer when a policeman tries to catch some criminal in the black area, trust me, there's never been a white riot in this county, but we got one of those county-wide emergency system calls to avoid that area only this fall ------ not that anyone who signs up for those services is ever likely to go to such an area!

There is hardly any crime by whites. The shoplifting, the dirty talking, the pizza guy robberies, the cab driver robberies ---- it's all by blacks. If somebody barred this county to blacks, that would be SO GREAT! Some of the horrific kidnappings of women while I've lived here so many years, are just terrifying to read about in the paper. They take the woman's car, force her to get money out from a bank machine, rape her some more, force her to get more money out, this has happened to perfectly innocent white women three times by my memory alone.

I think it's pretty terrible you complain about somebody wanting to touch your HAIR, for God's sake, as if anyone ever would, when blacks do the kind of horrific crimes they are all the time doing.
My hair is thick and long, below my butt. I worked with a lot of women in a building complex in 1997. There were several black women and they seemed in awe over my hair and wanted to touch it all the time. I considered it a compliment and had no problem with that.
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But seriously, folks:

After reviewing many studies on the topic, Dr. Lilienfeld argues in his paper “Microaggressions: Strong Claims, Inadequate Evidence” that microaggressions lack scientific proof, and therefore should not be included in workplace or campus diversity training.

Moreover, he said he believes that the term microaggression is misleading, as it implies conscious intent to harm, and thus should be abandoned.....

“Because they are totally in the eye of the beholder — anything you say could be labeled as a microaggression,” Lilienfeld said. “In the current literature, if someone is offended by something, it is a microaggression. You simply cannot progress scientifically in this way or expect to resolve racial tensions on a college campus.”

Moreover, Lilienfeld argues that research on microaggressions does not draw upon key domains of psychological science, including: psychometrics, social cognition, cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavior genetics, and personality, health and industrial-organizational psychology.

Ultimately, he recommends entirely eliminating the term microaggression from use....

The author, being a black woman, is totally honest about how certain things effect her personally as a black woman. It is an emotional response and I don't see how anyone can demand that it should be scientifically proven. Once again, many try to delegitimize a black person's experiences by saying they are not and can not possibly be real.

She's biracial. Her mother is white.
View attachment 173490


But seriously, folks:

After reviewing many studies on the topic, Dr. Lilienfeld argues in his paper “Microaggressions: Strong Claims, Inadequate Evidence” that microaggressions lack scientific proof, and therefore should not be included in workplace or campus diversity training.

Moreover, he said he believes that the term microaggression is misleading, as it implies conscious intent to harm, and thus should be abandoned.....

“Because they are totally in the eye of the beholder — anything you say could be labeled as a microaggression,” Lilienfeld said. “In the current literature, if someone is offended by something, it is a microaggression. You simply cannot progress scientifically in this way or expect to resolve racial tensions on a college campus.”

Moreover, Lilienfeld argues that research on microaggressions does not draw upon key domains of psychological science, including: psychometrics, social cognition, cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavior genetics, and personality, health and industrial-organizational psychology.

Ultimately, he recommends entirely eliminating the term microaggression from use....

The author, being a black woman, is totally honest about how certain things effect her personally as a black woman. It is an emotional response and I don't see how anyone can demand that it should be scientifically proven. Once again, many try to delegitimize a black person's experiences by saying they are not and can not possibly be real.

She's biracial. Her mother is white.
Yes she is, but like my biracial daughter, she identifies herself as a black woman.
You ain't dodging any black microaggression of violent crime since you are at least 6 times more likely to be a victim a violent crime done to you by whites.

No, that is totally wrong. The many purse snatchings at malls in the area are 100% by blacks, and the carjackings. They do these crimes and then jump right back on the freeway and book it to Baltimore. The rioting that goes on in the summer when a policeman tries to catch some criminal in the black area, trust me, there's never been a white riot in this county, but we got one of those county-wide emergency system calls to avoid that area only this fall ------ not that anyone who signs up for those services is ever likely to go to such an area!

There is hardly any crime by whites. The shoplifting, the dirty talking, the pizza guy robberies, the cab driver robberies ---- it's all by blacks. If somebody barred this county to blacks, that would be SO GREAT! Some of the horrific kidnappings of women while I've lived here so many years, are just terrifying to read about in the paper. They take the woman's car, force her to get money out from a bank machine, rape her some more, force her to get more money out, this has happened to perfectly innocent white women three times by my memory alone.

I think it's pretty terrible you complain about somebody wanting to touch your HAIR, for God's sake, as if anyone ever would, when blacks do the kind of horrific crimes they are all the time doing.
My hair is thick and long, below my butt. I worked with a lot of women in a building complex in 1997. There were several black women and they seemed in awe over my hair and wanted to touch it all the time. I considered it a compliment and had no problem with that.
I can understand that, but most black women do not feel that way about having their hair touched. I worked at a Christian youth camp for years and the girls would braid each others hair but did not want those of us who were counselors to touch it. It's their right.
Are you the first person in your family to graduate?”

Why would anyone ask that question? Every race is asked that question.

If that's the first place your mind goes when encountering a 'person of color', or any minority, it expresses diminished expectations. It may reflect a real truth in society, eg that minorities have a tough time getting ahead in the world, but it's also a self fulfilling prophecy. Its not that different than the police assuming that a black person in a nice car has either stolen it, or is a drug dealer.

It's about the expectations and presumptions we express with these kinds of questions.

I'm reminded of a funny Anthony Jeselnik joke - goes something like:

"I was at a party the other day, and I saw this beautiful blonde woman standing by herself, so I introduced myself. She asked: 'What do you do?'

I said, 'I'm a comedian, what do you do?'

She looked at me and said, 'I'm a brain surgeon'.

And, I have to admit, I was surprised. Most women can't pull of sarcasm."

Dblack, that is so textbook.

It's 2018 not 1918. We don't encounter 'people of color' as if we spotted a creature in their natural habitat. We work together and, in many cases, our lives depend on each other. We marry each other, our children play together, and go to school together. We have family reunions together.

If we were still dealing with the ramifications of tracking in the education system then we might have a case of diminished expectations. In fact, it's why vo-techs were kicked out and all kids were prepared for or treated as if they were going to university. It's shifted the other way. So did the economic realities. Job requirements demanded that change.

I don't think someone off the street is going to walk up and ask that question. I'm not doubting there is a shortage of whackjobs. The answer to that question tells no one anything about expectations in 2018. It's the beginning of a story. It's the following questions that reveal anything. It's taking place in a particular setting.

The author talks about hyper-vigilance.

And this:

The store clerk following you around. The person speaking loudly and slowly to you because you probably don't understand English. The person locking their car door as you walk past their vehicle. The high-end sales clerk who assumes you didn't come to shop. The fellow customers who assume you are an employee. The people who decide to take the next elevator. The kids whose parents say that they can't come play with your kid.

It happens to all people.

did you really start a thread about "microagressions"?
Yes, I did. The author dedicated a chapter to it and I found it very real and meaningful.
What is the race or ethnicity of the author?
You like totally have no link or any footnotes, most unprofessional...
I gave the name of the book and author at the very beginning. No link needed. A simple google of her name will tell you what you want to know.

And then, I'm sure, you will find something about her to criticize.
Does the author have a reason to criticise every action by humans?
Currently reading “So You Want To Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo. These excerpts helped me further understand the daily and constant struggles some people must deal with.

“Microaggressions are small daily insults and indignities perpetrated against marginalized or oppressed people. Racial microaggressions are insults and indignities perpetrated against people of color. They are more than just annoyances. The cumulative effect of these constant reminders that you are “less than” does real psychological damage. Regular exposure to microaggressions causes a person of color to feel isolated and invalidated. The inability to predict where and when a microaggression may occur leads to hypervigilance, which can then lead to anxiety disorders and depression. As harmful as they can be, they are very hard to address in real life because they are very hard to see.

It is very easy to dismiss a small offense as a misunderstanding or simple mistake.

On their own, each microaggression doesn’t seem like a big deal. But just like one random bee sting might not be a big deal, a few random bee stings every day of your life will have a definite impact on the quality of your life, and your overall relationship with bees.

Because each microaggression is just one sting perpetrated by a different person, it is hard to address with each individual person without (1)becoming exhausted and (2)being written off as hypersensitive.

Much of our oppressive actions are done in complete ignorance of their effect, or subconsciously – where we aren’t fully aware of why we are acting aggressively toward someone. Rarely does somebody perpetrating one say to themselves, “I’m going to find a small way to hurt this person.”

Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which microaggressions show up in everyday conversations for people of color:

“Are you the first person in your family to graduate?” “Are you an affirmative action hire?” “Wow, you speak English really well.” “You aren’t like other black people.” “Why do black people give their kids such funny names?” “That’s so ghetto.” “Is that your real hair? Can I touch it?” “Is the baby-daddy in the picture?” “Do your kids all have the same dad?” “You have such a chip on your shoulder.”

For nonwhites, racial microaggressions find a way into every part of every day. They are constant reminders that you don’t belong, that you are less than, that you are not worthy of the same respect that white people are afforded. They keep you off balance, keep you distracted, and keep you defensive.

Microaggressions are a serious problem beyond the emotional and physical effects they have. They have much broader social implications. They normalize racism. They make racist assumptions a part of everyday life. These microaggressions help hold the system of white supremacy together, because if we didn’t have all these little ways to separate and dehumanize people, we’d empathize with them more fully and then we’d have to really care about the system that is crushing them.”
wow, that was a painful read.

please stop microagressing me
But you see that's not the issue. The issue s that whites have a much bigger crime problem and are like you ,sitting on their asses posting bullshit on the internet about black crime like there is none in the white community.

My neighborhood is 98% white and crime is almost nonexistent.
The last murder was committed by a hoodrat who shot a sixteen years old girl in the head for her purse.

I doubt If crime is almost non existent in your neighborhood. I'm talking about crime fool, not just murder.

And you'd be wrong.

No, I'm not wrong.

The average income is around 150K.
I'll leave it to you to figure out why that means very little crime.
Too busy working?
You ain't dodging any black microaggression of violent crime since you are at least 6 times more likely to be a victim a violent crime done to you by whites.

No, that is totally wrong. The many purse snatchings at malls in the area are 100% by blacks, and the carjackings. They do these crimes and then jump right back on the freeway and book it to Baltimore. The rioting that goes on in the summer when a policeman tries to catch some criminal in the black area, trust me, there's never been a white riot in this county, but we got one of those county-wide emergency system calls to avoid that area only this fall ------ not that anyone who signs up for those services is ever likely to go to such an area!

There is hardly any crime by whites. The shoplifting, the dirty talking, the pizza guy robberies, the cab driver robberies ---- it's all by blacks. If somebody barred this county to blacks, that would be SO GREAT! Some of the horrific kidnappings of women while I've lived here so many years, are just terrifying to read about in the paper. They take the woman's car, force her to get money out from a bank machine, rape her some more, force her to get more money out, this has happened to perfectly innocent white women three times by my memory alone.

I think it's pretty terrible you complain about somebody wanting to touch your HAIR, for God's sake, as if anyone ever would, when blacks do the kind of horrific crimes they are all the time doing.
My hair is thick and long, below my butt. I worked with a lot of women in a building complex in 1997. There were several black women and they seemed in awe over my hair and wanted to touch it all the time. I considered it a compliment and had no problem with that.

Everybody is different Molly.
I suggest blacks stop being irresponsible, violent, into drugs, crime, prostitution, robbery, welfare, illegitimate childen, etc. Then there will be no problem. You can do all that bad stuff and then try to blame it on us, but guess what: we just stopped accepting any of that nonsense. If you all act bad and criminal, that's on you.

I will say that people should accept personal responsibility.

Yep you whites should accept personal responsibility.

The difference between me and you:

I say: "people".

You say: "you whites". :rolleyes:

Moron you are.

Irrelevant. You are here and you have said things about blacks continuously. You have not said people, you have said blacks. You have made the same racist comments and you have commented on all the same things the other racist have done. If what I am saying is specific to whites and it's the truth no some made up fiction in order to pretend I am superior than I am going to be specific in the mention of whites. You pod-nuh are the moron.

No! It's not irrelevant you fucking racist fuck!

:eek: There's blacks in America! Sound the alarm!

Well, you're 300-ish years too late.

Black people are a part of America, deal with it.

They were slaveowners, and slaves themselves. Some were persecuted wrongly, back in the day.

Largely in places not where I'm from, and I'm not buying into any victim bullshit.
Btw, you fail as a nigga, because it's "Pahtnuh" Pahtnuh. :fu:

Why is your black ass so white you don't know that?

I'm from the land from which that originated, racist boy.

I bet you live in California, where everybody's an actor.

We don't act around here, we do, Black and White (majority). If you're sorry, you're sorry. You're sorry.

I have family in the south. I know your post is a lie.

Your argument s disingenuous on many levels. Very few blacks owned slaves and most of them bought gamily member upon being freed.

But hey you are at USMB so you get to lie and the other racists will come in and join you.
But you see that's not the issue. The issue s that whites have a much bigger crime problem and are like you ,sitting on their asses posting bullshit on the internet about black crime like there is none in the white community.

Math is hard for you, we know.

Never got any less than B in all math classes I have ever taken. Math is no problem for me, that's why I use total numbers to make arguments.

So when do we see your report on the national policy of racial discrimination against whites?

a. Your above post and your claimed grades if true, call into question the education system, at least in your area.

b. Your stonewalling on the fact of anti-white discrimination, that I have repeatedly demonstrated, makes you look like an complete asshole.

My grades don't call into question anything but the fact I was a good student and understood math very well. You haven't repeatedly demonstrated anything. Now show us the national policy of anti white discrimination.

You have been stone cold busted on your bad math AGAIN, and you are either completely stupid or completely dishonest to claim otherwise.

Ditto for your pathetic denial of the anti-white discrimination.

My math is excellent. And you can't produce any evidence of a national policy of anti white discrimination. I can't deny what doesn't exist.
I will say that people should accept personal responsibility.

Yep you whites should accept personal responsibility.

The difference between me and you:

I say: "people".

You say: "you whites". :rolleyes:

Moron you are.

Irrelevant. You are here and you have said things about blacks continuously. You have not said people, you have said blacks. You have made the same racist comments and you have commented on all the same things the other racist have done. If what I am saying is specific to whites and it's the truth no some made up fiction in order to pretend I am superior than I am going to be specific in the mention of whites. You pod-nuh are the moron.

No! It's not irrelevant you fucking racist fuck!

:eek: There's blacks in America! Sound the alarm!

Well, you're 300-ish years too late.

Black people are a part of America, deal with it.

They were slaveowners, and slaves themselves. Some were persecuted wrongly, back in the day.

Largely in places not where I'm from, and I'm not buying into any victim bullshit.
Btw, you fail as a nigga, because it's "Pahtnuh" Pahtnuh. :fu:

Why is your black ass so white you don't know that?

I'm from the land from which that originated, racist boy.

I bet you live in California, where everybody's an actor.

We don't act around here, we do, Black and White (majority). If you're sorry, you're sorry. You're sorry.

I have family in the south. I know your post is a lie.

Your argument s disingenuous on many levels. Very few blacks owned slaves and most of them bought gamily member upon being freed.

But hey you are at USMB so you get to lie and the other racists will come in and join you.

You should have them give you lessons on how to say partner. :coffee:

Another racist has already joined me. :rolleyes: Good morning!
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