Racism In America???

Identity politics absolutely exist. Republicans have been attacking people for their identities for decades.
And from the Left?

They defended those attacked for their identities. You think that's bad?
I'll try again.

Does the Left play Identity Politics, yes or no?

Yeah, they play the Republican's game. The alternative, letting Republicans to go unchallenged when they attack people for their identities, would be unconscionable.

Let me show you how to recognize a ‘racist.’

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
Matthew 7:15

....you can use the term ‘racist’....just be prepared to be able to define it.

Hint: it involves the words 'harm' and 'help.'

1. Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found


2. Under Trump:
“Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year” Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year

Pick the racist.

Be brave.
I know. It's all their fault. Those guys, over there. Only they do it.

You two are illustrating my point for my post 136, beautifully and predictably.

This is why I think it's the wingers from both sides versus the majority, the rest of America.
Another straw man. I haven't done that. Not that my actual position matters to partisans, but here it is, again:

Bullshit, you lumped an obscure post I made about The Mooch being ugly, which it is, to insinuate I am a racist. I'd be insulted, but I recognize your tactics for what they are.

Leveraging PC and Identity Politics, the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has caused multiple generations of minorities great damage by (a) constantly lowering standards and enabling the worst behaviors, and (b) destroying the term "racist" by constantly over-using it for political advantage, turning it into a meaningless word.

Which YOU did, you just can't seem to grasp your own guilt.

At the same time, the Right is making it easy for the Regressive Left to do this by (b) minimizing -- or in the mind-blowing case of the OP, even refusing to admit -- the fact that old fashioned racism still does exist. All this dishonest behavior accomplishes is to allow the Regressives to point at you and say "SEE?" Great job there, way to go.

I'm not saying there is "no racism", I am saying "racism" is not what leftists have attempted to redefine the term to mean. When the bed wetters say "SEE?", they can not refute the facts that their policies are what keeps minorities down.

As I've said about a million times now, both ends of this issue need to stop pointing the finger, look in the mirror, be honest, and start holding its own accountable. But it's clear that neither end is willing to do that, so we just keep decaying. Until you folks do that, nothing improves. Maybe that's what wingers on both ends want, huh?

Maybe, but you sure do love to pretend you're not one of them.

There. I've said it, yet again. But feel free to fabricate my position all you want. I'm used to it here.

No one is "fabricating" your opinion. It is clear your objective on this forum is to marginalize the anti-globalists and our opposition to collectivism. You might not promote all of the super asinine agitprop of the hard left, but you're doing nothing to promote liberty and using you're using underhanded tactics to disparage people who do.

I laid it all out for you, as simply as I could.

I don't expect someone like you to understand.

As I said, if you want to PRETEND that I actually said something ELSE, go ahead.
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And from the Left?

They defended those attacked for their identities. You think that's bad?
I'll try again.

Does the Left play Identity Politics, yes or no?

Yeah, they play the Republican's game. The alternative, letting Republicans to go unchallenged when they attack people for their identities, would be unconscionable.

Let me show you how to recognize a ‘racist.’

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
Matthew 7:15

....you can use the term ‘racist’....just be prepared to be able to define it.

Hint: it involves the words 'harm' and 'help.'

1. Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found


2. Under Trump:
“Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year” Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year

Pick the racist.

Be brave.
I know. It's all their fault. Those guys, over there. Only they do it.

You two are illustrating my point for my post 136, beautifully and predictably.

This is why I think it's the wingers from both sides versus the majority, the rest of America.

....you can use the term ‘racist’....just be prepared to be able to define it.

Hint: it involves the words 'harm' and 'help.'

1. Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found


2. Under Trump:
“Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year” Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year

Pick the racist.

Can't answer???

....your petticoat is showing.
Aren't those all trump supporters?
Sure seems like it.

Do you know who put 1500 people in jail for smoking weed then laughed about smoking weed herself.

Tip she is a racist fart
Would you call the quotes in post 8 racist?

YES or NO?

You are sick in the mind. Nobody gives a shit if you think something is racist or not.

Go bark up another tree Moon Bat.

Mac lumped me in there with a bunch of people I usually ignore, even though there is nothing racist about what I said. Ridiculing someone of another race because you think that individual is hideous or repulsive on every level is not "racist".

Racism is defined by one's perceived superiority over another based on race. I have NEVER said ANYTHING close to suggesting any "race" is inferior or superior to another. In fact I have on many occasions disputed the concept of "race" because I have asserted ALL OF US are one HUMAN RACE, and it's fascist bed wetters LIKE Mac1958 who are the racists because they're perpetuating the divisiveness in our society for no other reason than to promote their "moderate" marxist agenda.

Regardless of Mac's attempts to paint his enemies on "the right" as "racists" because of 8 posts from some obscure assholes on the internet, the fact is democrook policies from the founding of the country have been the leading factor for the current circumstances of a majority of black people in the country.



Who gives a shit what Moon Bats like him think? I know I don't.
And from the Left?

They defended those attacked for their identities. You think that's bad?
I'll try again.

Does the Left play Identity Politics, yes or no?

Yeah, they play the Republican's game. The alternative, letting Republicans to go unchallenged when they attack people for their identities, would be unconscionable.

Let me show you how to recognize a ‘racist.’

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
Matthew 7:15

....you can use the term ‘racist’....just be prepared to be able to define it.

Hint: it involves the words 'harm' and 'help.'

1. Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found


2. Under Trump:
“Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year” Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year

Pick the racist.

Be brave.
I know. It's all their fault. Those guys, over there. Only they do it.

You two are illustrating my point for my post 136, beautifully and predictably.

This is why I think it's the wingers from both sides versus the majority, the rest of America.
Again the spineless one chimes in, one side "Marxist" wants to take this country and turn it into a 3rd world shithole, where in the last admin, people like you gave US Obama for 2 terms. So what is it going to be, you will vote against President Trump and continue the elimination of this country? What is it, you either are Patriotic, or you arent, make your stand now...
Again the spineless one chimes in, one side "Marxist" wants to take this country and turn it into a 3rd world shithole, where in the last admin, people like you gave US Obama for 2 terms. So what is it going to be, you will vote against President Trump and continue the elimination of this country? What is it, you either are Patriotic, or you arent, make your stand now...
"Spineless", funny.

I happily take incoming from both silly ends, every day.

Meanwhile, you hide in your ideological Safe Space like a scared bunny, flinging poo.

Spine? You wouldn't know spine if one were shoved straight up your ass, coward.
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Again the spineless one chimes in, one side "Marxist" wants to take this country and turn it into a 3rd world shithole, where in the last admin, people like you gave US Obama for 2 terms. So what is it going to be, you will vote against President Trump and continue the elimination of this country? What is it, you either are Patriotic, or you arent, make your stand now...
"Spineless", funny.

I happily take incoming from both silly ends, every day.

Meanwhile, you hide in your ideological Safe Space like a scared bunny, flinging poo.

Spine? You wouldn't know spine if one were shoved straight up your ass, coward.
Oh yeah, forgot he is queer because he takes it from both sides.
Not so fast: time to use the prism of rule #1

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

If you view every pronouncement from the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives in that fashion, the truth will set you free.

1. "The Mainstream Media and its Democrat allies have spent the last two years pushing the narrative that President Trump is a racist. Black, brown, red and yellow have no place in Trump’s America, they say. The only color the president respects is white.

In fact, two University of Pennsylvania sociologists have published the results of a long running study meant to prove once and for all that President Trump has made America a more racist place to live.

What they found was the exact opposite was true..."
America Is Less Racist Under Trump | Sparta Report

See what I mean? Rule #1 in effect.

2. Without Rule #1? This:

"The New Yorker, for example, ran a piece in November 2016 declaring ‘Hate on rise since Trump’s election’, and quoting a list of incidents collected by the Southern Poverty Law Center – including the experience of a girl in Colorado who was allegedly told by a white man: ‘Now that Trump is president I am going to shoot you and all the blacks I can find’. TIME magazine, too, ran a story in the same month announcing ‘Racist incidents are up since Donald Trump’s election’. In March 2017 the Nation asserted ‘Donald Trump’s rise has coincided with an explosion in hate groups’, claiming that 100 racist organizations had been founded since Trump began his presidential campaign.

3. ...is it true? Not if a new paper by a pair of sociologists at the University of Pennsylvania is anything to go by. Daniel J. Hopkins and Samantha Washington set out to measure the effect of Trump’s election on anti-black and anti-Hispanic prejudice, using a randomly-selected panel of 2,500 Americans whose changing opinions have been under study since 2008.

4. The academics report that they had been expecting to measure a rise in racist opinions, writing: ‘The normalization of prejudice or opinion leadership both lead us to expect that expressed prejudice may have increased in this period, especially among Republicans or Trump supporters’. They had been led to expect this, they say, through an extensive reading of recent literature in social sciences which, they say, supports the notion that racist attitudes lie dormant inside many people, waiting to be triggered by certain events – of which the election of Donald Trump might be one. There could, after all, hardly be anything more calculated to awaken an incipient racist than the president calling Mexicans a bunch of rapists.

5. ...the study found exactly the opposite. Americans, claim Hopkins and Washington, have actually become less inclined to express racist opinions since Donald Trump was elected. Anti-black prejudice, they found, declined by a statistically-insignificant degree between 2012 and 2016, when Trump was elected. But then after 2016 it took a sharp dive that was statistically significant. Moreover, contrary to their expectations, the fall was as evident among Republican voters as it was among Democrats."
Trump has made America less racist | Spectator USA
El Paso guy is an exception?
I almost can't open the link
Not so fast: time to use the prism of rule #1

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

If you view every pronouncement from the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives in that fashion, the truth will set you free.

1. "The Mainstream Media and its Democrat allies have spent the last two years pushing the narrative that President Trump is a racist. Black, brown, red and yellow have no place in Trump’s America, they say. The only color the president respects is white.

In fact, two University of Pennsylvania sociologists have published the results of a long running study meant to prove once and for all that President Trump has made America a more racist place to live.

What they found was the exact opposite was true..."
America Is Less Racist Under Trump | Sparta Report

See what I mean? Rule #1 in effect.

2. Without Rule #1? This:

"The New Yorker, for example, ran a piece in November 2016 declaring ‘Hate on rise since Trump’s election’, and quoting a list of incidents collected by the Southern Poverty Law Center – including the experience of a girl in Colorado who was allegedly told by a white man: ‘Now that Trump is president I am going to shoot you and all the blacks I can find’. TIME magazine, too, ran a story in the same month announcing ‘Racist incidents are up since Donald Trump’s election’. In March 2017 the Nation asserted ‘Donald Trump’s rise has coincided with an explosion in hate groups’, claiming that 100 racist organizations had been founded since Trump began his presidential campaign.

3. ...is it true? Not if a new paper by a pair of sociologists at the University of Pennsylvania is anything to go by. Daniel J. Hopkins and Samantha Washington set out to measure the effect of Trump’s election on anti-black and anti-Hispanic prejudice, using a randomly-selected panel of 2,500 Americans whose changing opinions have been under study since 2008.

4. The academics report that they had been expecting to measure a rise in racist opinions, writing: ‘The normalization of prejudice or opinion leadership both lead us to expect that expressed prejudice may have increased in this period, especially among Republicans or Trump supporters’. They had been led to expect this, they say, through an extensive reading of recent literature in social sciences which, they say, supports the notion that racist attitudes lie dormant inside many people, waiting to be triggered by certain events – of which the election of Donald Trump might be one. There could, after all, hardly be anything more calculated to awaken an incipient racist than the president calling Mexicans a bunch of rapists.

5. ...the study found exactly the opposite. Americans, claim Hopkins and Washington, have actually become less inclined to express racist opinions since Donald Trump was elected. Anti-black prejudice, they found, declined by a statistically-insignificant degree between 2012 and 2016, when Trump was elected. But then after 2016 it took a sharp dive that was statistically significant. Moreover, contrary to their expectations, the fall was as evident among Republican voters as it was among Democrats."
Trump has made America less racist | Spectator USA
El Paso guy is an exception?
I almost can't open the link

"I almost can't open the link."

I bet that was the same response you had to education, huh?
Okay, so let's review:
Mac: Hey Political Chic, are the quotes in post 8 racist? Yes or No?
PC: You're not an independent thinker like me! MAGA! Red Hat! MAGA!
Okay, thanks.
Mac, you don't understand America. We have freedom given to us by our founding fathers. We have the right to choose our friends. I have the right to pick white friends. You have the right to pick black friends. You need to accept this freedom, it's part of America.
I'll bet you can do better than tossing out straw man arguments, changing the subject by pretending I said something that I did not say.

Do you feel the quotes in Post 8 are racist or not? It's a very clear and easy question. Maybe you can just answer it. Political Chic won't.
Mac, you don't understand American freedom.

Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose
Racism is defined by one's perceived superiority over another based on race.
If people of different races don't get along, we should separate them. It's as simple as that. Perceived superiority isn't something that even needs to be considered.
Racism is defined by one's perceived superiority over another based on race.
If people of different races don't get along, we should separate them. It's as simple as that. Perceived superiority isn't something that even needs to be considered.

People already separate themselves. We can not have a government that does it. It will fail to provide even minimal services like supporting a military defense force for minority regions. It is best for government to be homogeneous and for "race" to not even be part of it's vocabulary.

It would be one thing entirely if only euroweeines ever stepped foot on this continent and completely exterminated the tribes that existed here before. The fact is, we have every shade, ethnicity and culture here in the US and for the most part we do get along well in spite of the leftist narrative that we all hate each other. Even in places where there are ONLY certain cultures that exist comfortably, like Afghanistan, people tribalize and find reasons to fight, even after the reasons were forgotten, every summer a few of the men in each tribe have to have a gunfight.

If you ask me, America works really well when the left isn't stirring the pot.


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