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More facts about OCA's Hometown:

Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of "advantages." However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salaries and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita, leads the nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country's strictest gun control, highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional officers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its permanent population is over 80% Black. West Virginia, which has the nation's lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. West Virginia is over 96% White.

The District of Columbia, which is approximately 70% Black, leads the U.S. in many areas:

The nations highest crime rates
Strictest gun control
Highest incarceration rates
Highest birthrate
Highest death rate
Highest rate of federal assistance per capita
Highest number of welfare recipients per capita
Highest rate of illegitimacy
Highest high school dropout rate yet its teachers are the highest paid in the U.S.
Highest rate of ghonnorrhea and syphilis
Highest incidence of AIDS

Enjoy your diversity, I'm going to go out and make a snowman with the kids.
OMG you are going to compare the myriad of opportunities one gets in a major metropolis to the veritable wasteland that is Sandpoint, ID? Didn't think I knew where that was did you? My wife is from Oregon and we have good friends who live in the Treasure Valley there in Idaho. Its very beautiful but a complete shithole opportunity wise. This does explain alot about you though, as to why your mind is shut and eyes closed. If you want a rich full life with a myriad of opportunities you live around one of the major cities here, if you want to be a redneck illiterate you live in a place like Idaho where you don't have to face your fear of the "DARK RACES" because as you know we will steal your women and give them what they've been lacking lol:laugh:

Statistics explain really very little but keep them coming if it makes you feel good.
Statistics reveal a lot, actually. Why ignore them, unless facts get in the way of your agenda? You may not like my agenda, but I at least have FACTS on my side.

"My family has been murdered and slaughtered by Turks not once but twice, invaded and bombed by Nazis and even had their family names changed by the Turks to humiliating things in Greek until now when nobody remembers the actual family name and still we have some Turkish friends, how about that.

Is it not enough that caucasians like us run the world and have most of its major wealth? Must we also be complete subhuman pieces of shit on top of all that?

BTW most of the Mexicans I know, and I worked with a few in California, can outwork a white boy any day of the year and I didn't get that from the press."

OCA, it sounds like you have some ethnic and racial issues that you need to work out. Just know that I'm here for you, any time you want to talk.

I grew up in a area of LA called the San Fernando Valley, as a kid I thought it was the greatest place ever to live. Lots of friends and family, leave your doors unlocked on you cars and homes, no crime or gangs.

At 18 I got a job with the City of L.A as a lineman, my apprenticeship was all in the city of Compton, South Central. and East L.A. I was part of the city's "diversity" training program where I worked on the streets of these city's every day. These areas of L.A are ALL black and hispanic areas. At the time I thought this was a great thing, I had learned in school just like everyone else about racism, slavery and segregation and how bad whites have always treated blacks. I felt the guilt of all this and looked forward to showing blacks and hispanics that I was not that way.

Well, being in a area of All blacks and hispanics it does not take long for anyone of any intelligence to realize that all the problems that blacks and hispanics have, are created by themselfs. I would come home from work, back to my all white neighborhood and tell all my friends and family about my new "racist" views. They responded much like alot of you, that I was "hateful, racist".

I debated for years weather I was racist or hateful, but I had to be honest with both myself and others, everyday the evidence of the differences betwen the different races was more apparent. During these same years I noticed the changes going on in my own neighborhood at home. Hispanics (illegal alians) were moving in at a alarming rate, more apartments and low income housing were being built to accommodate these people. Of course my friends and family and my girlfriend at the time all thought this was a great thing because now they had more chances to prove that they were not racist either.

At about my 7 year of working for the city of L.A we had the L.A riots, at first what I thought was a terrible thing turned out to be a blessing. Because I am white I could not work in these areas anymore because they knew my safety was in danger because of the color of my skin. I was transfered to work in the Valley, working in a white neigborhood things were totaly different, having to worry about my safety as I did for years in the ALL black and hispanic neighborhoods was no longer a issue.

Sadly these white neighborhoods started to change to hispanic and black neighborhoods. Even though it was very early in the change I knew of the things to come.

I began to tell my now pregnate wife that I wanted to move, and move far. Her and her family and my family hated the idea of us moving, lots of fights, and I am amazed that we are still together. When our little girl was born, I knew I had to do what was best for her, I forced the issue and quit my job.

I moved us to a little town in Idaho http://sandpoint.com/ got a job with the local power company bought a nice little house in town and I was happy. My wife hated it and me, her family hated me my family hated me, but I had to do what I thought was right.

We would go to L.A at least twice a year and visit family and friends, and every time we would visit the changes in this once great area and neigborhood became more and more apparant.
Graffti everywhere, gangs, crime, rape, murder were now out of control in the Valley. The hispanic population in the Valley became one of the largest in the country in the fastest time. The friends I had in the area were now themselfs moving. The friends and family that stayed put alarms and bars on there cars and homes and had to change there way of life as they had known.

It has been almost 11 years now since that move and things have changed quite a bit. We now have four children, three girls and a boy. I invented a few things that did quite well and my wife will graduate in July to be a pharmacist. We now have 18 acres with a family homes and two guest homes we also board horses.
O yea, her family and mine have since then moved here and they love it, not a day goes by that I don't get the feeling of thanks from them all for doing what I did 11 years ago.

I wish I could end this story here but there is one last note.

One of my high school friends that never moved from the old neighborhood called me about 3 months ago, sadly his 12 year old daughter was raped by a gang of hispanics, as he cried on the phone I insisted that they come stay with us, they were here with in two days. The mother and daughter have been here since, my friend has gone back to sell his house and quit his job. They want to move here and I am going to help them.

The other day I took the kids skiing, as we reached the top of the mountain my daughter pointed out a rainbow over the lake to all of us, it was the first time I had seen my friends daughter smile.

Check out the "wasteland" Sandpoint:http://sandpoint.com/
Please let me know the "myriad of opportunity" that I am missing out on in Washington D.C?

You would think with all that myriad of opportunitys you guys would not lead the country in people out of work.

Washington D.C leads in:
Highest rate of federal assistance per capita
Highest number of welfare recipients per capita
Originally posted by OCA
Let me guess, you went to a party and had too much ouzo or retsina and danced your ass off to music you had no idea what the hell they were saying lol and didn't give a crap because nobody cared what you looked like as long as you drank and ate alot lol

most definitely my kind of folks!!!!!!!!!!:D
Big D,, I think you will find that the higher the living expenses the higher the need for assistance ..as for opportunity, there is alot more opportunitys in a major city, you know this to be true so ni explaination is needed...you chose to live in smallville usa...others chose to live in the mega-citys....so what...
This is confused economics. If a city's high cost of living drove people to government aid, we'd see that on a race-blind basis. But we don't. Blacks are overwhelmingly more likely to be "clients" of the state, either through welfare or through less-obvious sources, like foster care, public schooling (really, day prison for young gangstas), the entire criminal justice system (a highly expensive piece of machinery that basically deals with blacks and Hispanics) and government "jobs," which are basically day rooms for barely literate, bitter black "adults" who typically behave more like children. This is because blacks are of largely African ancestry, a racial group that was left behind by out-of-Africa migrating humans (eventually, white people) around 100,000 years ago and did not undergo the same evolutionary changes as whites did in a northern, colder climate that selected for intelligence, high-investment parenting and planning for the future.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Statistics reveal a lot, actually. Why ignore them, unless facts get in the way of your agenda? You may not like my agenda, but I at least have FACTS on my side.

"My family has been murdered and slaughtered by Turks not once but twice, invaded and bombed by Nazis and even had their family names changed by the Turks to humiliating things in Greek until now when nobody remembers the actual family name and still we have some Turkish friends, how about that.

Is it not enough that caucasians like us run the world and have most of its major wealth? Must we also be complete subhuman pieces of shit on top of all that?

BTW most of the Mexicans I know, and I worked with a few in California, can outwork a white boy any day of the year and I didn't get that from the press."

OCA, it sounds like you have some ethnic and racial issues that you need to work out. Just know that I'm here for you, any time you want to talk.

You would be the last person on earth I would ever consult with about anything as you are a bigger scumbag than the people you profess to be the cause of all the social ills today. But then again i'm guessing that you've heard that before.
Excellent story Big D, you really ought to be a fiction writer you have a knack for it. Don't give me any crap about Sandpoint because i've been there, you like it because everybody is exactly like you, closed-minded and scared. You left because you didn't have the gumption to take care of your own, oh and by the way I have lots of friends in Northridge area and of course as with everything else you claim the valley is not overwhelmingly Hispanic, far from it, alot of areas are very affluent.

Make no mistake about it you are a racist and and bigot sure as hell along with all your nazi and kkk loving neighbors there in Idaho.

Now I live actually in Bethesda,MD just outside D.C. in a county called Montgomery, look up the stats on that one lol. As for the rest of your statistic quoting you can find anything to support whatever position you want on the web so I don't put much stock in them. You are correct the education and job market in D.C. proper sucks but it has hardly anything to do with race now does it. I could take any one of the black or hispanic youth you claim to be a problem, put them in one of the schools in affluent Montgomery or Fairfax counties and he will prosper and excel just as any white child who grew up in those areas. Sounds like the problem at least with education in the cities is not that they don't get the money but that they are run by unions who squander the money not on the children but on themselves. This also goes along with the economic and social factors that you and W.J. always conveniently leave out.

Then you used West Virginia wtf?????????????? Those people mostly piss in outhouses and marry their cousins, is that a good thing to you? Oops forgot you live in Idaho.
You know i'm just going to ask the question that i'm sure has passed through everyone's mind here a time or two although i'm sure I know the answer already.

W.J. do you believe Adolph Hitler to have been a great leader?
OCA...the socio-economic ties have been brought up before and side stepped, most folks have tired of the repeating preformances and not returned......a certain city state or area is made up of this % or that % but when confronted with an explaination the debate goes right back to race/color... If the folks that bitch the loudest really wanted to fix the problem...give em a job....if you cant find work you go on welfare...simple as that...
Let's see, now.

I am called a scumbag. D is called a bigot.

It is offered that whites of West Virginia are undesirable because they are alleged to use outhouses.

And, I am asked if I admire Hitler.

What I'm missing here is the part where someone has substantive argument or intellligent debate.

But as Peter Brimelow has said, a racist is just a conservative who's winning an argument with a liberal.
I am glad that jim has concentrated the vile racist facts commentary into one thread.

That said, I am horrified at the constant repetition of these meaningless facts. The only purpose to spew them is to try to make a case that brown and black people are lesser humans.

It is disgusting.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Let's see, now.

I am called a scumbag. D is called a bigot.

It is offered that whites of West Virginia are undesirable because they are alleged to use outhouses.

And, I am asked if I admire Hitler.

What I'm missing here is the part where someone has substantive argument or intellligent debate.

But as Peter Brimelow has said, a racist is just a conservative who's winning an argument with a liberal.

I call em like I read em. Now answer the question or I will take your non answer to mean yes. And by the way I am far from liberal, just a person who doesn't blame others for my shortcomings.
Whatever, OCA. Ted Kennedy can call himself a conservative, but we'll just figure he's drunk again --- like you.

"It is disgusting."

But is it TRUE, Mrs. Wench? You'll appreciate this bit of magnanimity from me. I will quote a Jewish writer, Michael Levin, on the question of race, in his book, Why Race Matters, Race Differences and What They Mean, Praeger Publishers, 1997, page 10:

"Most individuals, particularly Caucasoids, judge others to a significant extent by their intelligence and self-restraint. The last half of chapter seven argues that, by the norms that in fact guide the judgment of the typical reader of this book about matters other than race, whites are on average better people than blacks. However shocking this statement may sound, I believe it is a truth that must be dealt with."

Well, wenchy one?
Absolutely disgusting, you enjoy the fact that 6,000,000 innocent humans were put to death by the hands of a madman. Says alot about your mental state.
Originally posted by William Joyce

"Most individuals, particularly Caucasoids, judge others to a significant extent by their intelligence and self-restraint. The last half of chapter seven argues that, by the norms that in fact guide the judgment of the typical reader of this book about matters other than race, whites are on average better people than blacks. However shocking this statement may sound, I believe it is a truth that must be dealt with."

Just because you read it in a book, it doesn't make it true. The quote you cite is one which contradicts your point of view. You are judging people by the physical characteristic of race, not by their intelligence and actions. Self-restraint is just a flavor of action.
I am unsure of what OCA is babbling about up there, but it appears he and Teddy Kennedy are dipping into the same stuff.

Now, ww. What do you mean, "just because it's in a book doesn't make it true." What's in the book is what I see on the job. What I see in this job is what I saw on the last job, and the job before that. It's what I saw in my neighborhood growing up. It's what I see on the street every day.

What, exactly, DOES make something true?
I've lived in a very racially mixed community my entire adult life. I've encountered both admirable and despicable people in every race and combination.

I've also found that it is much easier to see the good in others if one gives them an opportunity to demonstrate their character instead of putting them on the defensive with a bigoted attitude.
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