Rand Paul is the Republican candidate, and this is war


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
I don't know about the rest of you, but i'm sick of this crap, I'm sick of watching the country go down the toilet.

they told us, make sure you stay with the establishment Republicans because we need the Supreme Court.
Roberts was nominated, and what did he do? uphold Obamacare, the worst bill of our generation.
If you don't know how bad Obamacare is , then we can argue later.

We know how the Democrats vote, they're going to vote for any murderous Commie who wants to destroy the country, while making them promises from somewhere over the rainbow.
Let them vote Democrat and go to hell.
...they'll believe in it when they get there.

Unfortunately , our problem is going to be with the establishment Republicans.
The Republicans don't over-turn crap Democrats policy, they mat as well join them.

Any other candidate other than Rand Paul should be considered a vote-splitter.
They're going to try every trick in the book.
1) Paid stooges like Trump.
2) Focusing on one issue that sounds bad for Rand. They want us to throw away 99% of positive reform because 1% sounds negative.
No one agrees with anyone 100%
3) A vast amount of "conservative" candidates to split votes.
4) trying to spread a shocking rumor.
5) In worse case scenario , Making Paul drop out of the race.

The Republicans need to understand guys like Jeb are not going to win.
Jeb will do absolutely nothing for the country, he's just a guy who thinks he's born into privilege.
Only Rand Paul can win with a united voting base, who are exited about their candidate.

You like Ted Cruz?
Good, he's young, you can vote for him next time.
The Paul legacy has been going on since the 70's.

Those of us who support Paul need to slap down everyone who supports the traitors.
We should hit every forum and remind people what the Constitution says, know our history, and explain why other candidates are screwing up the country.
Not let people spread their lies poison, make them want to quit the forums.

The Pauls have been winning the straw polls , yet, they've managed to keep them out of the races.
Enough is enough.
I like some of his Libertarian views but I will never get on board with amnesty. Open boarders might be great in a perfect world but not in this one.
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"I don't know about the rest of you, but i'm sick of this crap, I'm sick of watching the country go down the toilet."

Then you need to see a doctor because that's not what's making you sick; have your eyesight checked as well, because you're seeing things that aren't there.

“We know how the Democrats vote, they're going to vote for any murderous Commie who wants to destroy the country, while making them promises from somewhere over the rainbow.
Let them vote Democrat and go to hell.
...they'll believe in it when they get there.”

'We' don't know any such thing, except you and other conservatives are ridiculous liars, this being one of many examples.

The only threat to our country is the ignorance, stupidity, and hate exhibited by you and others on the right.
"I don't know about the rest of you, but i'm sick of this crap, I'm sick of watching the country go down the toilet."

Then you need to see a doctor because that's not what's making you sick; have your eyesight checked as well, because you're seeing things that aren't there.

“We know how the Democrats vote, they're going to vote for any murderous Commie who wants to destroy the country, while making them promises from somewhere over the rainbow.
Let them vote Democrat and go to hell.
...they'll believe in it when they get there.”

'We' don't know any such thing, except you and other conservatives are ridiculous liars, this being one of many examples.

The only threat to our country is the ignorance, stupidity, and hate exhibited by you and others on the right.
Wow, that was one weak and empty response! Is that the best you've got?
Rand Paul isn't going to be president.


And his candidacy helps democrats, as long as he's in the race the nonsense that is the conservative agenda will remain in the public spotlight, compelling voters to reject that failed agenda and vote for democratic candidates.
Democrats promise bad government and delivers bad government.

Republicans promise good government but delivers bad governemnt.

I don't think Rand Paul would be an exception to that.

His speech yesterday was great. He said all the right things. However, I don't think he is either capable or willing to deliver what he promised.

I think if he became President (even with a Republican Congress) his administration would be like every administration in my life time. The size of the filthy ass federal government will grow, the welfare rolls will not be significantly (if any) reduced, the debt will increase, the illegals will continue to flood in and we will continue with interventionist foreign policies.

At best we would get a miniscule tax break and he probably would stimulate the economy but then spend every cent of additional revenue.

I have been fooled by fiscal responsibility talking so called conservatives too many times. They talk big when trying to get elected but when they get to Washington they are not much different than the shithead fiscally irresponsible Democrats.
I like some of his Libertarian views but I will never get on board with amnesty. Open boarders might be great in a perfect world but not in this one.

Agreed! Also I am not in favor of another freshman senator becoming POTUS. Surely we have learned THAT lesson.
Rand Paul isn't going to be president.


And his candidacy helps democrats, as long as he's in the race the nonsense that is the conservative agenda will remain in the public spotlight, compelling voters to reject that failed agenda and vote for democratic candidates.

Those voters will stay on the couch on election day, if the nominees are Bush and Hillary.

I'm still waiting for more to come forward. So far, Walker is my guy. I still need to hear more from him, though. I like Cruz, too, but again, not experienced enough. I am looking for a leader in foreign affairs first. Someone who can deal with Putin, Iran and Islamic terrorists. It should get really interesting. Meanwhile, this fiasco continues:

Illegal immigrant children surge across border at highest rate since last summer’s peak

Illegal immigrant children surge across border at highest rate since last summer s peak - Washington Times
...so the media announced that Rand Paul is entering the race and they insist on emphasising that he's a JUNIOR Senator, which is step one of their bias.
Junior as in , not much political experience.
What have all of these educated , experienced, politicians done for us?
people like Pelosi, Reed, Dole?
Some kid with money, enters college, spends all his time at the party, comes out, gets a job in politics, and passes laws based on what he's told, or who pays him money.
That's political experience.
We don't need it.
...so the media announced that Rand Paul is entering the race and they insist on emphasising that he's a JUNIOR Senator, which is step one of their bias.
Junior as in , not much political experience.
What have all of these educated , experienced, politicians done for us?
people like Pelosi, Reed, Dole?
Some kid with money, enters college, spends all his time at the party, comes out, gets a job in politics, and passes laws based on what he's told, or who pays him money.
That's political experience.
We don't need it.
Paul is in fact the junior senator from Kentucky.

How dare that darn 'liberal media' relate facts and the truth.
Its a wonder Conservatives dont know by now why only other Conservatives ever support them.

Their message is always smug, always negative, always hating on someone else's record, and never.
....eva eva eva eva eva........a positive good spirited note.

And both sides hate. But conservatives are fucking PROs.

And young voters dont resonate with old curmudgeon hate everythings. Theyre anti hater, you PROFESSIONALLY drive them away. You're pro as hell at it.

^ that is why you dont win national elections.

The mind state of people who write shit like this OP is a deterrant. It wins nothing.

Bush was a nice guy. But since him, you giys are stuck on fucking stupid when it comes to reading people. The mid terms was record low voter turnout, only the most politically driven hatefilled conservatives even bothered. Its a statistical fact, so.....feel free to let that fool you into thinking you won something and are on the right track.

Youre not.

Your media is fascinating. Its 24/7 anger smug the other guys are satan, and you do it the best. The ratings prove it.

Shit, i am part of their ratings. Its entertaining as fuck to see the day by day by day meltdowns.

Omgaaaads.....Obama hugged a Saudi!

If you think you have a grip, you need to know your vice is broken.

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