RE: Phillips, the Native American that accosted teenagers - stolen valor theory CONFIRMED

And here's another. Note: IN VIETNAM.

Mr. Phillips served in the Marine Corps in Vietnam from 1972-76. While he waited to participate in the grass dance, he explained that many nations believe it to be the oldest form of dance in this hemisphere, used to prepare a piece of ground for other activities many years ago.

The Blade
The math did not make sense on his age and the Marine withdrawal from Vietnam.

ETA: He has claimed two tours of duty as well which would have made him 13 yrs and 10 months old in his first tour

Many are on it now. Check this out. Nathan actually links what happened Friday to his service in Vietnam.

"Here’s the exchange:

CNN: Let me ask you about what happened to you. These boys in the middle of this group and you find yourself surrounded. How did that happen and what did that feel like as a person standing there face to face with a young man who seems to be staring at you or glaring at you? How would you describe that moment?

Phillips: When I was there and I was standing there and I seen that group of people in front of me and I seen the angry faces and all of that, I realized I had put myself in a really dangerous situation. Here’s a group of people who were angry at somebody else and I put myself in front of that, and all of a sudden, I’m the one whose all that anger and all that wanting to have the freedom to just rip me apart, that was scary.

*********************And I’m a Vietnam veteran and I know that mentality of “There’s enough of us. We can do this.”**************************************

As Smith notes, Phillips “actually linked his supposed service in the Vietnam War to what happened on Friday”:

TRANSCRIPT: Nathan Phillips claimed to be a Vietnam veteran in CNN interview
Vet Bashing...the new past time for tiny donnie's finest.
Face it everyone, republicans will trash veterans whether they ever deployed or not

He's the one out there claiming he was a Vietnam veteran. AKA he's a big fucking liar.
Have you served? Or do we just have another conservative republican playing "Bash the Vet"?
I served 16 years in the Marine Corps. There is no Recon Ranger in the Marine Corps never has been. That's one lie, he claimed he served 2 tours in Vietnam 2nd lie. He claimed the boys were attacking the b;lack group calling them names and the video CLEARLY shows that NEVER happened, 3rd Lie. How many more do you need?
I'm glad that House Democrats are investigating this situation.

House Intelligence Committee Looking Into Tweet About Viral MAGA Hat Teen Video

Not the situation. The fake twitter account spreading disinformation. And mega kudos to Senator Warner for wanting to investigate the twitter investigation.

Excellent.From your link.

"But now there is additional scrutiny over how the video became so widely viewed after Twitter suspended the @2020fight account on Monday, following a CNN investigation into several suspicious aspects of the account. The @2020fight account followed over 37,000 users and averaged 210 posts and likes a day, which experts say are classic signs that an account may be automated or inauthentic. The account claimed to be a California school teacher named Talia, but the photo used matched a Brazilian blogger and model.

The House Intelligence Committee is now requesting more information about the @2020fight account. A spokesperson for Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) ― who is vice chairman of the U.S Senate Select Committee On Intelligence ― also told HuffPost that the senator’s office had contacted Twitter regarding the video."
The story isn't the Left's claim he was a vet. That's totally irrelevant. The problem is that the school kids with their MAGA hats were there in support of Pro-Life. The natives went at the kids with their drums screaming insults, hoping for a response. The kids just stood their ground and the Left MSM propaganda machine went nuts including death threats to the entire community. The MSM put up fake news and some of the KoolAde drinkers don't believe their retractions and apologies. Why would anyone watch the fake news MSM?
The story isn't the Left's claim he was a vet. That's totally irrelevant. The problem is that the school kids with their MAGA hats were there in support of Pro-Life. The natives went at the kids with their drums screaming insults, hoping for a response. The kids just stood their ground and the Left MSM propaganda machine went nuts including death threats to the entire community. The MSM put up fake news and some of the KoolAde drinkers don't believe their retractions and apologies. Why would anyone watch the fake news MSM?
The story isn't the Left's claim he was a vet. That's totally irrelevant. The problem is that the school kids with their MAGA hats were there in support of Pro-Life. The natives went at the kids with their drums screaming insults, hoping for a response. The kids just stood their ground and the Left MSM propaganda machine went nuts including death threats to the entire community. The MSM put up fake news and some of the KoolAde drinkers don't believe their retractions and apologies. Why would anyone watch the fake news MSM?
When the Injuns charged up the hill and massacred the children, bathing in their blood... I definitely thought that was out of line
The math did not make sense on his age and the Marine withdrawal from Vietnam.

ETA: He has claimed two tours of duty as well which would have made him 13 yrs and 10 months old in his first tour

Many are on it now. Check this out. Nathan actually links what happened Friday to his service in Vietnam.

"Here’s the exchange:

CNN: Let me ask you about what happened to you. These boys in the middle of this group and you find yourself surrounded. How did that happen and what did that feel like as a person standing there face to face with a young man who seems to be staring at you or glaring at you? How would you describe that moment?

Phillips: When I was there and I was standing there and I seen that group of people in front of me and I seen the angry faces and all of that, I realized I had put myself in a really dangerous situation. Here’s a group of people who were angry at somebody else and I put myself in front of that, and all of a sudden, I’m the one whose all that anger and all that wanting to have the freedom to just rip me apart, that was scary.

*********************And I’m a Vietnam veteran and I know that mentality of “There’s enough of us. We can do this.”**************************************

As Smith notes, Phillips “actually linked his supposed service in the Vietnam War to what happened on Friday”:

TRANSCRIPT: Nathan Phillips claimed to be a Vietnam veteran in CNN interview
Vet Bashing...the new past time for tiny donnie's finest.

Oh stop with this bullshit. Everyone is having to issue corrections now. Is WaPo bashing him by setting the record straight? How about the NYT's correction.

The man is a proven liar.
The story isn't the Left's claim he was a vet. That's totally irrelevant. The problem is that the school kids with their MAGA hats were there in support of Pro-Life. The natives went at the kids with their drums screaming insults, hoping for a response. The kids just stood their ground and the Left MSM propaganda machine went nuts including death threats to the entire community. The MSM put up fake news and some of the KoolAde drinkers don't believe their retractions and apologies. Why would anyone watch the fake news MSM?
When the Injuns charged up the hill and massacred the children, bathing in their blood... I definitely thought that was out of line

Who were the adults, and who were the minors? Who behaved more like adults? Case closed.
Face it everyone, republicans will trash veterans whether they ever deployed or not

He's the one out there claiming he was a Vietnam veteran. AKA he's a big fucking liar.
Have you served? Or do we just have another conservative republican playing "Bash the Vet"?
I served 16 years in the Marine Corps. There is no Recon Ranger in the Marine Corps never has been. That's one lie, he claimed he served 2 tours in Vietnam 2nd lie. He claimed the boys were attacking the b;lack group calling them names and the video CLEARLY shows that NEVER happened, 3rd Lie. How many more do you need?

when one star just won't do...

The story isn't the Left's claim he was a vet. That's totally irrelevant. The problem is that the school kids with their MAGA hats were there in support of Pro-Life. The natives went at the kids with their drums screaming insults, hoping for a response. The kids just stood their ground and the Left MSM propaganda machine went nuts including death threats to the entire community. The MSM put up fake news and some of the KoolAde drinkers don't believe their retractions and apologies. Why would anyone watch the fake news MSM?
When the Injuns charged up the hill and massacred the children, bathing in their blood... I definitely thought that was out of line

Who were the adults, and who were the minors? Who behaved more like adults? Case closed.
The poorly raised children behaving like the Trump sheep inbreds they are were obviously not acting like adults.
Face it everyone, republicans will trash veterans whether they ever deployed or not

There's a name for people like Phillips, it's called a Vietnam Era vet. But hey, when did you commies ever care about facts.


I heard parts of that exchange replayed, also.

On the one hand, he says that he is a "...Vietnam times veteran..." ( for that, read, Vietnam Era; marginally / technically correct in his case ).

On the other hand, he misspoke about being a "...Vietnam veteran..." ( sans "times" or "era" ) when talking about the Herd Mentality.

Because he 'fessed-up to being a "Vietnam times veteran" earlier in the exchange, I'll give him the benefit of a doubt... one time.

Look up the definition of Vietnam veteran.

Yes, it means you served IN VIETNAM! This man served during the Vietnam War ERA. He is not entitled to a Vietnam Service Medal. HE WAS NEVER THERE!
Face it everyone, republicans will trash veterans whether they ever deployed or not

He's the one out there claiming he was a Vietnam veteran. AKA he's a big fucking liar.
Have you served? Or do we just have another conservative republican playing "Bash the Vet"?
I served 16 years in the Marine Corps. There is no Recon Ranger in the Marine Corps never has been. That's one lie, he claimed he served 2 tours in Vietnam 2nd lie. He claimed the boys were attacking the b;lack group calling them names and the video CLEARLY shows that NEVER happened, 3rd Lie. How many more do you need?

It's bodie, she has terminal stupidity. No amount of actual real facts will ever change her twisted mind.
see, here's the thing, I never referenced the Stolen Valor Act

lying about in country service, or knowingly allowing others to misrepresent the truth of your service absolutely qualifies as stolen valor

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