Re: Trump & Muslims -- Democrats, what SHOULD we be doing?

I'm not a Democrat

I believe you. You are far more mutated than the everyday Democrat.

First, we ought to stop giving ISIS what it wants. ISIS wants Americans to fear them

No. What Daesh wants is for Americans to die.

recognize that American citizens have never been safer in our entire history.


Yes, the widespread terrorist activities of the late 20th Century dwarf what we have today. And they were so much more advanced then.

A natural side product of losing the fear of ISIS will be that we will stop treating all Muslims like they are violent extremists.

Until moderate Islam - and I have grave doubts there is such a thing - takes this matter in hand and deals harshly with it internally and publicly, we should consider them all potential violent extremists. If they choose to wipe out the vermin among them on their own, good. If not, it will fall to us to do so for our own security, and not be particular in doing it.

Remain vigilant. Fighting terrorism is a police matter.

Self defense is an individual matter.

I have no problem with adding some security measures to our various waiver visa programs. Seems reasonable.

Well, aren't we all tickled to hear that.
Now Billy, go clean out your panties, and grow up. When you are a big boy, and not trembling at every little event, perhaps you will be brave enough to realize that our laws are what has protected our freedoms. Laws that protect you, no matter what the religion. And we have seen as many deaths from right wing nuts as from radical muslims.
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

So, a question for lefties:

If you were President, what exactly would you do to address the possibility of domestic terrorism by (insert your name for domestic jihadists here)?

I understand what you would NOT do, and the arguments I've seen are reasonable and valid.

But what would you do?
Stop aiding the terrorists by carrying out what they want you to do!

Stop being a pussy who is afraid of them
Stop taking that stuff out on innocent Muslims.
Stop trying to make this a Christian VS Muslim issue
Stop trying to blame everything bad that happens in countries Obama doesn't control, on Obama!

Why is this so hard
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

So, a question for lefties:

If you were President, what exactly would you do to address the possibility of domestic terrorism by (insert your name for domestic jihadists here)?

I understand what you would NOT do, and the arguments I've seen are reasonable and valid.

But what would you do?
Stop aiding the terrorists by carrying out what they want you to do!

Stop being a pussy who is afraid of them
Stop taking that stuff out on innocent Muslims.
Stop trying to make this a Christian VS Muslim issue
Stop trying to blame everything bad that happens in countries Obama doesn't control, on Obama!

Why is this so hard
That's it?

That will decrease the possibility of terrorism here?
We currently have a vetting system of more than 20 levels and it takes 2 years.

Drumpf actually said what he would do is ask if you're Muslim. If you answer yes, you don't get in.

So, of course, the RWNJs agree with Drumpf's "plan".

So just stay the course with what we're doing now?

That would decrease the threat of terrorism here?


Let's arm known and suspected terrorists in the US.

Instead of siding with our own country and with those who are the victims of terrorism, let's attack, kill them. Let's punish them for their religion.

BTW, LyinRyan's bill would further weaken the US's vetting process and of course, he also voted to arm them.

Next, the pubs will be handing them AR-15s as they get off the plane.
Oh and let's vote for an out-of-control fascist.
We currently have a vetting system of more than 20 levels and it takes 2 years.

Drumpf actually said what he would do is ask if you're Muslim. If you answer yes, you don't get in.

So, of course, the RWNJs agree with Drumpf's "plan".

So just stay the course with what we're doing now?

That would decrease the threat of terrorism here?


Let's arm known and suspected terrorists in the US.

Instead of siding with our own country and with those who are the victims of terrorism, let's attack, kill them. Let's punish them for their religion.

BTW, LyinRyan's bill would further weaken the US's vetting process and of course, he also voted to arm them.

Next, the pubs will be handing them AR-15s as they get off the plane.
Righties are scared enough of terrorism right now to shoot their own grandmas on the way to the fridge in the middle of the night.

They are hysterical, and it really shows how simple minded some of them are
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

So, a question for lefties:

If you were President, what exactly would you do to address the possibility of domestic terrorism by (insert your name for domestic jihadists here)?

I understand what you would NOT do, and the arguments I've seen are reasonable and valid.

But what would you do?

I would assure the citizens that the government on all levels are vigilant and determined to thwart such acts by the Criminal Element at large at home and over seas. That LE at all levels have lines of communication open among the various layers and an immediate response to any attack on out nation can be met with a massive response.

I would remind the American population that they are the first line of defense and to keep their eyes and ears open to unusual situations or overheard conversation, and to alert local law enforcement if they believe the situation calls for it. And to discuss the situation which concerned them with family and friends if they are too fearful to call.
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

Many of his "inflammatory" remarks reflect what many Americans are thinking, and thus far have increased his lead.

I believe were he not in the race, his GOP opponents would be agreeing with him. Since the establishment is trying to take him out, they give lip service to opposition.
Well, they've increased his support to about one-third of one party.

Yes, that's a significant amount of people, but he's trailing Hillary by a larger number than the other GOP candidates, at least last time I checked.
Trump right now is trailing Hitlary by about 4% on the reliable polls, which excludes MSNBC.

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Presidential Election Polls - Election Projection

And this is way before the general election which gives Clinton more time to develop legal problems with her FBI investigations still ongoing and for Trump to bring his media attacks to bear. Trumps track record so far is that when you get in his sights you start to sink in the polls, and there is a lot of good reason for that.

I wouldnt worry about Trump beating Clinton in 2016. He aint no Mitt.
They are hysterical, and it really shows how simple minded some of them are
More bullshit from the PC Nazi Echo Machine,

WTF are you talking about?

Nazi wha what?....

And you're a righty on this site, you are absolutely incapable of laughter.

Conservatives don't laugh. They're so uptight their but hole is 2 inches away from any chair when they sit, because their cheeks are always puckered
"Re: Trump & Muslims -- Democrats, what SHOULD we be doing?"

The mistake most on the right make is to perceive "Muslims" as a "problem."
There is your answer. No problems... so no need to do anything.

How many Muslim terror attacks does it take for an American liberal to understand we have a problem?

Apparently...a lot.
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

Many of his "inflammatory" remarks reflect what many Americans are thinking, and thus far have increased his lead.

I believe were he not in the race, his GOP opponents would be agreeing with him. Since the establishment is trying to take him out, they give lip service to opposition.
Ted Cruz ‘Disagrees’ With Trump Muslim Ban, But Won’t Criticize Him For It
They are hysterical, and it really shows how simple minded some of them are
More bullshit from the PC Nazi Echo Machine,

WTF are you talking about?

Nazi wha what?....

And you're a righty on this site, you are absolutely incapable of laughter.

Conservatives don't laugh. They're so uptight their but hole is 2 inches away from any chair when they sit, because their cheeks are always puckered
Make a joke about blacks, gays or women and see how hard Republicans laugh.

Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

Many of his "inflammatory" remarks reflect what many Americans are thinking, and thus far have increased his lead.

I believe were he not in the race, his GOP opponents would be agreeing with him. Since the establishment is trying to take him out, they give lip service to opposition.

I believe you and others support who Trump have no concept of unintended consequences. Most of you react to political situations as does an ADHD child; impulsively and without focus or forethought.
WTF are you talking about?

Nazi wha what?....

And you're a righty on this site, you are absolutely incapable of laughter.

Conservatives don't laugh. They're so uptight their but hole is 2 inches away from any chair when they sit, because their cheeks are always puckered

There is nothing to laugh about Dhimmicratsbetraying our national interest to promote a foreign population migrating into our country that wants to destroy us, idiot.

There is nothing to laugh about Dhimmicrats shouthing down people they disagree with or cry bullying them into silence or even to the point of fleeing their university jobs.

There is nothing to laugh about Dhimmicrats obstructing justice and not handing over all of Hilalry Clintons State Department emails, or giving Lerner a compelte pass when she abused her office to target Tea Party groups at the IRS.

There is nothing to laugh about Dhimmicrats defending this worthless laughingstock of a President who has fucked up our foreign policy across the globe and cant even beat the JV team ISIS he once ridiculed.

There is nothing to laugh about Dhimmicrats defending Obama's abuse of executive power with over reaching executive orders that give himself absolute power in peace time non-emergency conditions as well as declared wars.

There is nothing to laugh about Dhimmicrats defending a heinous abortion industry that has been caught on video selling baby parts.

There is nothing to laugh about Dhimicrats putting into law racial and gender discrimination against white males.

There is nothing to laugh about Dhimmicrats trying to destroy our industrial base with idiotic Global Warming regulations and declaring CO2 a polutant when it is not; it is food for plants, lol.

I could go on, but the Dhimmicratic Party is hostile to America, controlled by PC Nazi elements and is a bigger threat to American interests than ISIS.
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

Many of his "inflammatory" remarks reflect what many Americans are thinking, and thus far have increased his lead.

I believe were he not in the race, his GOP opponents would be agreeing with him. Since the establishment is trying to take him out, they give lip service to opposition.

I believe you and others support who Trump have no concept of unintended consequences. Most of you react to political situations as does an ADHD child; impulsively and without focus or forethought.
More bullshit. Not one rational thing said in all that bullshit.
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

So, a question for lefties:

If you were President, what exactly would you do to address the possibility of domestic terrorism by (insert your name for domestic jihadists here)?

I understand what you would NOT do, and the arguments I've seen are reasonable and valid.

But what would you do?


I would avoid any and all emotional, reactionary responses. I would focus on strengthening our existing security apparatus, improving communication between law enforcement agencies, and correcting lapses in security, rather than any sweeping, nonsensical plans that trade the ideals this country stands for in exchange for a false sense of security.

I would explain to the American people that it's impossible for the government to protect everyone, all the time - and what makes this country great is it's ability to come together and weather the storm.
We currently have a vetting system of more than 20 levels and it takes 2 years.

Drumpf actually said what he would do is ask if you're Muslim. If you answer yes, you don't get in.

So, of course, the RWNJs agree with Drumpf's "plan".

So just stay the course with what we're doing now?

That would decrease the threat of terrorism here?

There is very little that the government can do to "decrease the threat of terrorism", other than take away our civil liberties - and that doesn't exactly have a great track record in "decreasing threats", either.
We currently have a vetting system of more than 20 levels and it takes 2 years.

Drumpf actually said what he would do is ask if you're Muslim. If you answer yes, you don't get in.

So, of course, the RWNJs agree with Drumpf's "plan".

So just stay the course with what we're doing now?

That would decrease the threat of terrorism here?

There is very little that the government can do to "decrease the threat of terrorism", other than take away our civil liberties - and that doesn't exactly have a great track record in "decreasing threats", either.
Yet Dear Leader wants to do exactly that...take our civil liberties.

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