Re: Trump & Muslims -- Democrats, what SHOULD we be doing?

Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

Many of his "inflammatory" remarks reflect what many Americans are thinking, and thus far have increased his lead.

I believe were he not in the race, his GOP opponents would be agreeing with him. Since the establishment is trying to take him out, they give lip service to opposition.
Well, they've increased his support to about one-third of one party.

Yes, that's a significant amount of people, but he's trailing Hillary by a larger number than the other GOP candidates, at least last time I checked.
Trump right now is trailing Hitlary by about 4% on the reliable polls, which excludes MSNBC.

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Presidential Election Polls - Election Projection

And this is way before the general election which gives Clinton more time to develop legal problems with her FBI investigations still ongoing and for Trump to bring his media attacks to bear. Trumps track record so far is that when you get in his sights you start to sink in the polls, and there is a lot of good reason for that.

I wouldnt worry about Trump beating Clinton in 2016. He aint no Mitt.

HRC still leads in the polls after years of efforts by the right wing to assassinate her character. One might think the right wing would tire of that tactic, yet it seems ingrained in their strategy seeking power, since they still denigrate FDR and Bill Clinton as well as the Kennedy's, Carter and Obama.

I wonder why the Republicans and the extreme element which has set their course, wants to lead America when they hate the majority of Americans?

Today those seeking the nomination, at least those leading in the polls, continue the hate and fear mongering of all Muslims, currently focused on Islam. One must wonder if one day they control the WH, The Congress and the USSC, if their next focus of hate and fear will be on Democrats, liberals, progressives, uppity women and minorities, University Professors, government workers, union workers, school teachers, the aged, children, the working poor and middle class.

(of course they already are)

Your profound fear of the right, forces you to vote for a lying tool of the 1%, merely because she is a D. That says much about you.

Fear? I don't buy into the hate and fear mongering which mostly comes from the right. I don't need to carry my gun when I go to the grocery store, or take out the trash in the dark of night.

I will support Sect. Clinton, not out of fear and not because I support the 1% (I'd support Sen. Sanders if I thought he could survive right wing character (or worse) assassination efforts), I will do so as she is the most experienced of anyone running for the nomination in either party, as she is focused on the Realpolitik (unlike anyone of the R's in the clown car) and because she is focused on real issues, not the wedge issues we've seen debated for the past two decades.
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

Many of his "inflammatory" remarks reflect what many Americans are thinking, and thus far have increased his lead.

I believe were he not in the race, his GOP opponents would be agreeing with him. Since the establishment is trying to take him out, they give lip service to opposition.

I believe you and others support who Trump have no concept of unintended consequences. Most of you react to political situations as does an ADHD child; impulsively and without focus or forethought.

I do not support Trump, at least not yet. Should he be the nominee, of course I will support him over any Democrat.

I get it, you didn't need to come right out and admit Party over country. That's been obvious since your first post.

I have no party. That said, I consider the current Democratic Party to be degenerate, and an enemy to the United States and its foundational mandates.

I consider you to be a fool, unable to substantiate your remarks in any substantive manner.
Frankly, I'd vote Sanders before I'd vote Clinton. I simply can't get past her putting her personal convenience ahead of security issues, and so casually... I cannot accept this in my vote for president.
Many of his "inflammatory" remarks reflect what many Americans are thinking, and thus far have increased his lead.

I believe were he not in the race, his GOP opponents would be agreeing with him. Since the establishment is trying to take him out, they give lip service to opposition.
Well, they've increased his support to about one-third of one party.

Yes, that's a significant amount of people, but he's trailing Hillary by a larger number than the other GOP candidates, at least last time I checked.
Trump right now is trailing Hitlary by about 4% on the reliable polls, which excludes MSNBC.

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Presidential Election Polls - Election Projection

And this is way before the general election which gives Clinton more time to develop legal problems with her FBI investigations still ongoing and for Trump to bring his media attacks to bear. Trumps track record so far is that when you get in his sights you start to sink in the polls, and there is a lot of good reason for that.

I wouldnt worry about Trump beating Clinton in 2016. He aint no Mitt.

HRC still leads in the polls after years of efforts by the right wing to assassinate her character. One might think the right wing would tire of that tactic, yet it seems ingrained in their strategy seeking power, since they still denigrate FDR and Bill Clinton as well as the Kennedy's, Carter and Obama.

I wonder why the Republicans and the extreme element which has set their course, wants to lead America when they hate the majority of Americans?

Today those seeking the nomination, at least those leading in the polls, continue the hate and fear mongering of all Muslims, currently focused on Islam. One must wonder if one day they control the WH, The Congress and the USSC, if their next focus of hate and fear will be on Democrats, liberals, progressives, uppity women and minorities, University Professors, government workers, union workers, school teachers, the aged, children, the working poor and middle class.

(of course they already are)

Your profound fear of the right, forces you to vote for a lying tool of the 1%, merely because she is a D. That says much about you.

Fear? I don't buy into the hate and fear mongering which mostly comes from the right. I don't need to carry my gun when I go to the grocery store, or take out the trash in the dark of night.

I will support Sect. Clinton, not out of fear and not because I support the 1% (I'd support Sen. Sanders if I thought he could survive right wing character (or worse) assassination efforts), I will do so as she is the most experienced of anyone running for the nomination in either party, as she is focused on the Realpolitik (unlike anyone of the R's in the clown car) and because she is focused on real issues, not the wedge issues we've seen debated for the past two decades.
You need an attitude adjustment.

There is little difference between the two parties and their candidates. They all pretty much do the bidding of the .1%, with minor exceptions (Trump may be a big exception, which may explain why the elites are dumping on him)...but your gal Mrs. BJ, is on her knees every day for the .1%.
Many of his "inflammatory" remarks reflect what many Americans are thinking, and thus far have increased his lead.

I believe were he not in the race, his GOP opponents would be agreeing with him. Since the establishment is trying to take him out, they give lip service to opposition.

I believe you and others support who Trump have no concept of unintended consequences. Most of you react to political situations as does an ADHD child; impulsively and without focus or forethought.

I do not support Trump, at least not yet. Should he be the nominee, of course I will support him over any Democrat.

I get it, you didn't need to come right out and admit Party over country. That's been obvious since your first post.

I have no party. That said, I consider the current Democratic Party to be degenerate, and an enemy to the United States and its foundational mandates.

I consider you to be a fool, unable to substantiate your remarks in any substantive manner.

Ask me again if I value your opinion.
I believe you and others support who Trump have no concept of unintended consequences. Most of you react to political situations as does an ADHD child; impulsively and without focus or forethought.

I do not support Trump, at least not yet. Should he be the nominee, of course I will support him over any Democrat.

I get it, you didn't need to come right out and admit Party over country. That's been obvious since your first post.

I have no party. That said, I consider the current Democratic Party to be degenerate, and an enemy to the United States and its foundational mandates.

I consider you to be a fool, unable to substantiate your remarks in any substantive manner.

Ask me again if I value your opinion.

Do you value my opinion?
Frankly, I'd vote Sanders before I'd vote Clinton. I simply can't get past her putting her personal convenience ahead of security issues, and so casually... I cannot accept this in my vote for president.

That's foolish, I can't get passed your remark as anything else.
The Democrat plan? The same as it always is, pre-grease asshole, bend over, repeat.

Most Democrats are "politically correct" simpletons who are more worried about "offending" anyone than dealing with the very real problem of ISLAMIC TERRORISM.
Frankly, I'd vote Sanders before I'd vote Clinton. I simply can't get past her putting her personal convenience ahead of security issues, and so casually... I cannot accept this in my vote for president.

That's foolish, I can't get passed your remark as anything else.
BTW, would you rather see a Trump or another neo con in power at the WH?

There is a difference son, see I'm not running for president. I'll also point out that I may vote for, or not for, whomever I want, for any reason I decide. I don't find it foolish and I will vote based on it.

I can't say yet, Trump hasn't come out with enough actual policies on paper that I could read over for me to decide. Carson... I'm really sad about him, he fell off the lunatic bus somewhere along the line and honestly every time I hear about him it's something so dumb I just shake my head. ( I'm afraid I am kind of buying into the "propaganda" that he's autistic, my uncle has the same kind of off the wall beliefs and makes the same kind of discombobulated commentaries. ) So that leaves what Jeb, whom I don't like. On the other side, I get what Sanders; ALLL my friends are fawning over him and his absolutely ridiculous yapping's daily so I know the most about his policies. He's too far socialist for me, plus we literally can't afford his policies right now, especially not right now.

So... Yea, unless he comes out with something I absolutely cannot accept - (the internet thing's raised my brow a bit because it's a stupid reaction to something that I personally think should be used as a tool, but I haven't fully looked into what exactly he said - the media lies about everything these days, it's like a damn job checking their work.)
As for your arguments about how we didn't accept immigrants between 1929 and 1960:

An acquaintance of mine's great-grandfather was on the "Ship of lost souls", and later died in Auschwitz. You can tout the fact that we closed the doors to those in the greatest danger as something to be proud of, but I'll have to disagree.
It is not our responsibility to house every person that might possibly be persecuted. If we can do that while protecting the interests of this nation and OUR people, then great, lets do it.

But we have had unassimilating immigration for way too long due to the reigning suicidal Multiculturalism that has taken over the minds of our elites.

When that ends and we start assimilating people or tossing them out if they dont, then we can return to more immigration, IMO, that is both responsible and fair to the American public..
Yes, we were.

No, we were not. We were MORE American and believed we had a distinct culture and nationality. The multiculturalism we have suffered from for the past 40+ years has been toxic and poisonous to our nation.

Where do you think you'd be right now, if your ancestors had tried to immigrate to the US during one of those "times" you speak so highly of?

None of my family came over in those times, to my knowledge. Some of my ancestors are Amerindian, and some Scottish and some German and some Jewish. All the rest was Anglo from Virginia and settled in Spotsylvania County Virginia in the late 1600's.

And none of that makes any damned difference.

We need to protect the American public, and maintain safety as much as possible, because people are irrational. If we have many more of these Jihadi attacks we risk seeing a resurgence in racism and bigotry and we risk especially a blow back against Muslims across the globe.

So, IMO, we are not just putting our security at risk, we are putting at risk our entire culture of tolerance and cross cultural welcome.
HRC still leads in the polls after years of efforts by the right wing to assassinate her character. One might think the right wing would tire of that tactic, yet it seems ingrained in their strategy seeking power, since they still denigrate FDR and Bill Clinton as well as the Kennedy's, Carter and Obama.

I wonder why the Republicans and the extreme element which has set their course, wants to lead America when they hate the majority of Americans?

No one hates the majority of Americans, numb skull.

Today those seeking the nomination, at least those leading in the polls, continue the hate and fear mongering of all Muslims, currently focused on Islam. One must wonder if one day they control the WH, The Congress and the USSC, if their next focus of hate and fear will be on Democrats, liberals, progressives, uppity women and minorities, University Professors, government workers, union workers, school teachers, the aged, children, the working poor and middle class.

[of course they already are)

I know that you libtards like to pretend that Hillary's problems with her reputation are all the doings of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, but it isnt. Sure, people on the right enjoy seeing the truth come out about that crook, but she is her own problem and makes new problems for herself on a weekly basis.

The GOP would like to take credit for it, but the leaders of that party are far too gutless to ever do that dirty work.
So, IMO, we are not just putting our security at risk, we are putting at risk our entire culture of tolerance and cross cultural welcome.


"We must be intolerant to save our culture of tolerance!"

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.
We currently have a vetting system of more than 20 levels and it takes 2 years.

Drumpf actually said what he would do is ask if you're Muslim. If you answer yes, you don't get in.

So, of course, the RWNJs agree with Drumpf's "plan".

So just stay the course with what we're doing now?

That would decrease the threat of terrorism here?


Let's arm known and suspected terrorists in the US.

Instead of siding with our own country and with those who are the victims of terrorism, let's attack, kill them. Let's punish them for their religion.

BTW, LyinRyan's bill would further weaken the US's vetting process and of course, he also voted to arm them.

Next, the pubs will be handing them AR-15s as they get off the plane.
So, no ideas then?
Why do yo sound surprised?
"We must be intolerant to save our culture of tolerance!"

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

Why do you think that acting like an idiot advances your case?

I am saying we need to rectify many problems in our immigration system and its affects on the American people.

That means a time out since we have many of these immigrants coming here to do us harm.

That is not intolerance, that is responsible and reasonable tolerance, doofus.
Fear? I don't buy into the hate and fear mongering which mostly comes from the right. I don't need to carry my gun when I go to the grocery store, or take out the trash in the dark of night..

Do you carry a spare tire for your car, moron?

Oh My Gawd! He is living in fear of a flat tire! /s

You stupid shits are impossible to parody because you are so fucking retarded.
They are hysterical, and it really shows how simple minded some of them are
More bullshit from the PC Nazi Echo Machine,

WTF are you talking about?

Nazi wha what?....

And you're a righty on this site, you are absolutely incapable of laughter.

Conservatives don't laugh. They're so uptight their but hole is 2 inches away from any chair when they sit, because their cheeks are always puckered

Why are Democrats so concerned with buttholes?

How odd and curious.
It's the Republicans that are church boy prudes
And the Dhimmicrats who are the perveyers of cultural disease and recklessness.

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