Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

Agree. If the libersl politicians weren’t so afraid of standing up to BLM terrorists, they’d let the police do their jobs, and the summer of riots would have stopped by the beginning of June. Instead the country endured months of savagery and destruction because leftists are afraid to stand up to bullies - especially if they are black.

The riots would have been stopped in a day.....
Agree. If the libersl politicians weren’t so afraid of standing up to BLM terrorists, they’d let the police do their jobs, and the summer of riots would have stopped by the beginning of June. Instead the country endured months of savagery and destruction because leftists are afraid to stand up to bullies - especially if they are black.
Portland is all but destroyed...Turning rapidly into an AntiFa shithole...No telling how much the resident business owners have lost out there...sad
The riots would have been stopped in a day.....
Trump wanted to send in the National Guard but the liberal politicians wouldn’t allow it. They WANTED to see their cities destroyed, and lives lost, because they were thought they could turn it around to making it Trump’s fault.

I can’t believe what idiots we have in this country. Black militants, and their violent supporters, did billions of dollars of damage, and all Biden could talk about was white supremacists.
Minors are specifically excluded from legally being able to possess any firearm, short or long barreled rifle, except in a few listed circumstances.
The subsection exception you are refering to is:
(c) This section applies only to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the person is in violation of s. 941.28 or is not in compliance with ss. 29.304 and 29.593. This section applies only to an adult who transfers a firearm to a person under 18 years of age if the person under 18 years of age is not in compliance with ss. 29.304 and 29.593 or to an adult who is in violation of s. 941.28.
And it clearly says, "or is not in compliance with ss. 29.304 and 29.593".
So a short barrel is NOT required to be in violation.
He is still guilty if in violation of 29.304 and 29.593.
And those are hunting exemptions, requiring a valid hunting license.
He definitely was not on compliance with 29.304 or 29.593, so then was guilty.
That isn’t what the PROSECUTION thought when it agreed on the record to dismiss the gun charge.
The riot/demonstration was about the police shooting Blake, a Black person, half a dozens times, at close range, for no reason.
So Rittenhouse was a bout preserving slavery, and doing it by intimidating people with a rifle.
That is identical to the intimidation of a lynch mob or cross burners.

But what is worst about this insane verdict, is that now it will be impossible to prevent gun control.
My argument against gun control was always that they guns are not the problem, and instead we simply have to incarcerate those who would abuse firearms.
But now I can not use that argument any more,
The case against Kyle was about as air tight as any case can be, any yet racism made it fail, so then the argument against gun control then fails as well.
If a 17 year old kid who could not even legally possess a rifle on his own, can beat these murders and shootings, then there is no argument left to defend gun possession at all.
The reaction is going to be assured gun control now, and there is nothing we now can do to stop it.
they attacked him ! he defended himself ... plain to see for anyone with 2 eyes . let me ask you this question you think the kid should have just stood there and taken the beating ? every person that was shot was chasing him no vice versa ! the left wants the police to stand down during a violent riot and they want law abiding citizens to not defend themselves in said riot ! and the gun was not a pistol or short barreled rifle so he was legal when he carried it ! Rittenhouse was their to help put out fires and remove graffiti not to cause trouble ! there is no footage of him being violent or aggressive before he was attacked .
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While I agree with you and others that Kyle had no choice but to shoot to defend his life, I disagree with the characterization that he was a "stupid little shit"....

Under examination, and cross examination this young man handled himself with great poise, and intelligence, just like the night of the situation.

Well, thank goodness we have citizens in this country willing to stand up to the mob, unlike the sniveling politicians that violate their oaths by either ordering police to stand down, or refusing to deploy numbers of NG to protect their populations, and their property....I believe that is criminal.
Yes, I observed the "poise" of him breaking down on the stand. If you came by that "Airborne" patch through experience and training, especially if you made it to the Sergeants ranks or better, you know E1 privates in or just out of basic are not known for their intelligence, maturity, decision-making or weapons handling. That is why you watched them and in many cases watched out for them like a hawk, so they didn't fk up and get themselves or somebody else killed or injured.

If you are 26 years old or older and still in uniform, try an experiment. In civilian clothes, go take in a movie over closest theater to the reception station among these new soldiers, not even in basic yet. Don't interact, just observe. It is an eye-opener. You will never believe we were probably like that at one time, until you see it all in one place, and know that most of those kids are 18, and they will be serving under you, maybe in less than 3 months of intensive training and discipline being instilled. What did you think of the initial maturity and sometimes intelligence of some of your recently commissioned 2nd Lieutenants after you were in a few years? Maturity, poise, and relative intelligence can still look pretty scarce, and those 2LTs are 4 year college graduates, usually with pretty good GPAs. Company Commanders watch them pretty close, also.

Mind you, I like young people, especially all those that raised their right hand and took one those oaths, but I have no illusions about the initial maturity, poise or intelligence. That comes with maturity, discipline and experience. All the good ones, learn not to get themselves in to fkd up situation, unless they go there under orders. This kid was none of that, and he should not have been there.
Absolutely agree with the verdict. He is a stupid little sh#t, and like a dumbass kid, got into something way over his head, and had to shoot his way out of it. But, on the act of shooting, itself, he had the right to shoot. It is what self-defense in all about. You should stay the heck away from those type situations, but if you have got to choose between you and them, you should always choose you. Their value as human beings ceases to matter. He was judged by a jury of 12, which is always better than being carried by 6.
i agree it wasnt smart for the kid to be there especially with the recent history of violence ... but he had the right to be their also .. kinda like you have a right to go hiking in a blizzard but that doesnt mean its a smart thing to do ..
Yes, I observed the "poise" of him breaking down on the stand. If you came by that "Airborne" patch through experience and training, especially if you made it to the Sergeants ranks or better, you know E1 privates in or just out of basic are not known for their intelligence, maturity, decision-making or weapons handling. That is why you watched them and in many cases watched out for them like a hawk, so they didn't fk up and get themselves or somebody else killed or injured.

If you are 26 years old or older and still in uniform, try an experiment. In civilian clothes, go take in a movie over closest theater to the reception station among these new soldiers, not even in basic yet. Don't interact, just observe. It is an eye-opener. You will never believe we were probably like that at one time, until you see it all in one place, and know that most of those kids are 18, and they will be serving under you, maybe in less than 3 months of intensive training and discipline being instilled. What did you think of the initial maturity and sometimes intelligence of some of your recently commissioned 2nd Lieutenants after you were in a few years? Maturity, poise, and relative intelligence can still look pretty scarce, and those 2LTs are 4 year college graduates, usually with pretty good GPAs. Company Commanders watch them pretty close, also.

Mind you, I like young people, especially all those that raised their right hand and took one those oaths, but I have no illusions about the initial maturity, poise or intelligence. That comes with maturity, discipline and experience. All the good ones, learn not to get themselves in to fkd up situation, unless they go there under orders. This kid was none of that, and he should not have been there.
The arsonists and BLM terrorists shouldn’t have been there, either, destroying property and causing as much damage as they could. But not a word against the REAL criminals, eh?

This thread continues to show that the leftists will spew all sorts of venom against decent people (who disagree with them) while justifying the heinous behavior of lowlife thugs (if they agree with them).
The arsonists and BLM terrorists shouldn’t have been there, either, destroying property and causing as much damage as they could. But not a word against the REAL criminals, eh?

This thread continues to show that the leftists will spew all sorts of venom against decent people (who disagree with them) while justifying the heinous behavior of lowlife thugs (if they agree with them).
Of course, they shouldn't have been there. You haven't heard me justifying their supposed right to protest by burning and stealing for fun and profit.
Yes, I observed the "poise" of him breaking down on the stand. If you came by that "Airborne" patch through experience and training, especially if you made it to the Sergeants ranks or better, you know E1 privates in or just out of basic are not known for their intelligence, maturity, decision-making or weapons handling. That is why you watched them and in many cases watched out for them like a hawk, so they didn't fk up and get themselves or somebody else killed or injured.

If you are 26 years old or older and still in uniform, try an experiment. In civilian clothes, go take in a movie over closest theater to the reception station among these new soldiers, not even in basic yet. Don't interact, just observe. It is an eye-opener. You will never believe we were probably like that at one time, until you see it all in one place, and know that most of those kids are 18, and they will be serving under you, maybe in less than 3 months of intensive training and discipline being instilled. What did you think of the initial maturity and sometimes intelligence of some of your recently commissioned 2nd Lieutenants after you were in a few years? Maturity, poise, and relative intelligence can still look pretty scarce, and those 2LTs are 4 year college graduates, usually with pretty good GPAs. Company Commanders watch them pretty close, also.

Mind you, I like young people, especially all those that raised their right hand and took one those oaths, but I have no illusions about the initial maturity, poise or intelligence. That comes with maturity, discipline and experience. All the good ones, learn not to get themselves in to fkd up situation, unless they go there under orders. This kid was none of that, and he should not have been there.

I know as a father, and I am being honest here, if I would have known that my son was going into a riot, I would have done everything I could to stop him from doing so...

I also know that sometimes kids don't listen...

But, as far as my service, I was an E-5, so yes there is a lot of truth to what you say, however, there are always those within the squad, or even platoon that exhibit skill, and maturity even at that age. And, it is part of leadership training to learn how to recognize that in these individuals and use it to show others how to do things...

I don't think that you can watch that video of Kyle under attack from multiple sides, some with weapons, others not, and not come to the conclusion that he exhibited outstanding close combat skill. He used trigger control, threat assesment, weapon gaurding, and elimination of threat. This is a young man that I would have loved to have in my squad.

On the stand, yes, he broke down. Anyone, I believe that went through that, would have some form of PTSD from it, so I don't hold that against him. And before that, as well as after, when he regained his composure, was an execellent witness on the stand, at times making the prosecutor look like a complete uninformed idiot....

I especially liked when the Atty Binger asked Kyle why he was running toward the truck, and Kyle answered, "um, it was on fire?" That was great.....

So, you can say he shouldn't have been there, and that's fine, taken alone, I might even agree. But, like I said before, Thank GOD, we have people like Kyle, and the others there like him to step in and do what the sniveling coward politicians refused to do.
There is an old saw: are you rooting for one particular verdict or are you rooting for justice. I was rooting for justice and therefore was hoping for the acquittal.

Since the evidence was quite clear that Kyle was engaged in self defense, the people who were rooting for a conviction necessarily didn’t give a damn about “justice.”

Our society is very lucky that so many juries take their duties seriously and don’t cave in to mob pressure.
They never were looking for justice, only feeding their egos.

There is nothing whatsoever just about burning and looting the businesses of innocent people. These stupid miscreants stand on the street corners trumpeting their support for this MISCARRIAGE of justice, though, because by doing so, they receive praise from their equally misguided little peeps.

It's really just a conditioned response like that used to train an organ grinders monkey. Support the burning looting and murder, and they receive praise for their imaginary virtue. Oppose it and they get called racist.

We aren't exactly talking about the cream of the intellectual crop, here, folks.
That just means Rittenhouse thinks Kenosha law enforcement is inadequate.
VIGILANTE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
vigilante. a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police are adequate.…
Watching the town burn for two nights in a row kind of makes the statement that law enforcement was inadequate.
He is getting interviewed. I believe by Hannity. I wasn’t aware of any film project. And now the big question. So what?

the state made the kid a public figure. Any effort to set the record straight is his choice.
Watching the town burn for two nights in a row kind of makes the statement that law enforcement was inadequate.

The protesters went home at dark because of the curfew so nobody was there except the crazies and the militias.
Whatever. It pales in comparison to the violent, criminal records of the felons he killed in self-defense, yet leftists downplay what scumbags they were.

So Kyle knew the men he shot had records?????
I know as a father, and I am being honest here, if I would have known that my son was going into a riot, I would have done everything I could to stop him from doing so...

I also know that sometimes kids don't listen...

But, as far as my service, I was an E-5, so yes there is a lot of truth to what you say, however, there are always those within the squad, or even platoon that exhibit skill, and maturity even at that age. And, it is part of leadership training to learn how to recognize that in these individuals and use it to show others how to do things...

I don't think that you can watch that video of Kyle under attack from multiple sides, some with weapons, others not, and not come to the conclusion that he exhibited outstanding close combat skill. He used trigger control, threat assesment, weapon gaurding, and elimination of threat. This is a young man that I would have loved to have in my squad.

On the stand, yes, he broke down. Anyone, I believe that went through that, would have some form of PTSD from it, so I don't hold that against him. And before that, as well as after, when he regained his composure, was an execellent witness on the stand, at times making the prosecutor look like a complete uninformed idiot....

I especially liked when the Atty Binger asked Kyle why he was running toward the truck, and Kyle answered, "um, it was on fire?" That was great.....

So, you can say he shouldn't have been there, and that's fine, taken alone, I might even agree. But, like I said before, Thank GOD, we have people like Kyle, and the others there like him to step in and do what the sniveling coward politicians refused to do.
Agree with you on the E-5s. It is them and the Staff Sergeants that make the machine work, and they are the ones that train those 1s,2s and 3s. I don't know you, but I thank you.

Can't agree on your tactical assessment. He lived by his dumb luck, his panic and stupidity of those attackers. Pretty unlikely you would let somebody get close enough to try to beat you with a skateboard. I bet if you were being chased, you would have led them into a darkened alley, dropped as many as necessary to secure your safety out of sight of clear surveillance and egressed out the back way to rejoin your element if you could locate it. You probably would not have become separated from your element in the first place. That is intelligence, training and poise in combat. Highly unlikely you would have let one of your privates get separated either, cause that what people like you do.

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