Red States Really Really Pike The Poor

There is no data linking federal income tax rates directly to voting behavior.

Besides not every poor person votes. But it is logical to assume that most of them that do vote, vote for the Democrat candidate.

How Does Income Affect Voting? It Depends On Where You Are ? Mixing Memory

And of course no poor person votes. That's called voter suppression.

most people vote for who ever is good for their jobs....just the way it is....
how about one that cares about the Country?.....and dont tell me that the 2 we have now do.....all they care about is how they can make the other one look they can grab it all.....oh and maybe throw a bone to us to make it look like they are doing something and to show us....they care...

I agree entirely with your pooint that US politics is FAR too partisan and this message board is a sort of extreme microcopsm of that. Suggest some form of elementary gun monitoring to help keep ghun crime down or that as the richest nation on earth all citizens shold have access to healthcare and you are a NAZI BASTARD and COMMIE SCUM. Similarly if you say that you don't want homosexuality promoting in a school or that statistics show that black neighbourhoods have more crime and you are HOMOPHOBIC GUN CRAZY RACIST SHILL FOR THE COPORATIONS.

My issue is that any new party will either have to steal away large sections of the 2 parties personel or be totally naive and inexperienced in their political working which would most certainly lead to a disaster and implosion and with this shift of people and so the old mindsets would follow. Either that or it has to have such control and leadership by a single figure that it would become a cult of personality and the freedoms and opinions of the members would be overridden like that evil scientology "church" which is just a dictatorship.

I love the idea but I fear it is totally unworkable.

its totally unworkable because there are just too many people who feel if you are not from one of the 2 major parties i wont consider you....even if the person is a much better candidate...its that old bullshit saying.....i will vote for the "lessor of 2 evils" shit....which does nothing for the Country,just keeps everything basically the same.....

You're preaching to the choir in terms fo your opinion dude, I just feel that an entirely new party would end before it began due to a hatchet job from the media.
I agree entirely with your pooint that US politics is FAR too partisan and this message board is a sort of extreme microcopsm of that. Suggest some form of elementary gun monitoring to help keep ghun crime down or that as the richest nation on earth all citizens shold have access to healthcare and you are a NAZI BASTARD and COMMIE SCUM. Similarly if you say that you don't want homosexuality promoting in a school or that statistics show that black neighbourhoods have more crime and you are HOMOPHOBIC GUN CRAZY RACIST SHILL FOR THE COPORATIONS.

My issue is that any new party will either have to steal away large sections of the 2 parties personel or be totally naive and inexperienced in their political working which would most certainly lead to a disaster and implosion and with this shift of people and so the old mindsets would follow. Either that or it has to have such control and leadership by a single figure that it would become a cult of personality and the freedoms and opinions of the members would be overridden like that evil scientology "church" which is just a dictatorship.

I love the idea but I fear it is totally unworkable.

its totally unworkable because there are just too many people who feel if you are not from one of the 2 major parties i wont consider you....even if the person is a much better candidate...its that old bullshit saying.....i will vote for the "lessor of 2 evils" shit....which does nothing for the Country,just keeps everything basically the same.....

You're preaching to the choir in terms fo your opinion dude, I just feel that an entirely new party would end before it began due to a hatchet job from the media.

once again that goes back to the 2 party only mindset....who do you think would be behind the hatchet job?....and just think how the 2 main parties would react if a 3rd party person came along who made their candidates look pretty bad.....i believe they would band together to keep the guy out.....its what needs to happen might wake them up and realize they are not the only way to fly....
Incredible that the people who keep republicans in office are the poorest in America. Don't they understand the people they vote for don't care about them?

Mapping Poverty in America - The New York Times

Amazing that the trailer dwellers, biblebangers will always vote to cut their own throat, they really think those crapping on them have their best interests at heart , go figure

You really this ignorant?

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Incredible that the people who keep republicans in office are the poorest in America. Don't they understand the people they vote for don't care about them?

Mapping Poverty in America - The New York Times

You know those large cities seem to have some real property going on, what is amusing about the map is it fails to show the population density. So, cities such as Detroit that have large numbers of poor won't show as big as large unpopulated areas in the west, yet the cities are higher population densities will have more poor than the large western areas of the map.

But it is not the spin the OP wants, why break it down when generalizations are much more fitting to ones agenda.

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I will be happiest when people become politically astute. The 2 party system is running roughshod over the US and those that are too engaged in their particular "team" will not admit this needs to be fixed. Politics have become nothing more than mind control for the masses. People need to wake up.

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