Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Tim Kaine just said they all asked themselves if they would be comfortable with the rules change if they were in the minority and they all said yes.

These people are completely confident they did the right thing.

He said the presidency carries with it the right to assemble a team and Obama wasn't being allowed to do that.
If YOU don't know? I'm NOT going to tell you.

you would have saved time just typing 'i don't know'

he was too chicken to post it publicly, but i got this nice bit of reputation in response to that post.

The T said:
Next time? Be more honest, shithead.

let me spell it out for you. 'if you don't know i'm not telling' is something ignorant elementary school children say when they don't know either but don't want to show off their ignorance. it is not something an adult says that wants to convince anyone of their point of view or even has a point of view worth defending.

in other words, grow up and learn to defend your position.
Tim Kaine just said they all asked themselves if they would be comfortable with the rules change if they were in the minority and they all said yes.

These people are completely confident they did the right thing.

He said the presidency carries with it the right to assemble a team and Obama wasn't being allowed to do that.

There's plenty more of these from Democrats against the nuclear option.. Democrats that voted for this just screwed themselves...:lol:

[ame=]Throwback Thursday: Sen. Reid on the Nuclear Option - YouTube[/ame]
If YOU don't know? I'm NOT going to tell you.

you would have saved time just typing 'i don't know'

he was too chicken to post it publicly, but i got this nice bit of reputation in response to that post.

The T said:
Next time? Be more honest, shithead.

let me spell it out for you. 'if you don't know i'm not telling' is something ignorant elementary school children say when they don't know either but don't want to show off their ignorance. it is not something an adult says that wants to convince anyone of their point of view or even has a point of view worth defending.

in other words, grow up and learn to defend your position.
Son? You needn't worry much less spell anything out for me. You showed whom you are.
What an idiot. Anybody can filibuster; they can't tie up legislation forever now.

We rule by legislative majority, son, not by the negative minority.

Grow up.

We have checks and balances. At least, thats the way its suppose to work. But not under a dictator. -Geaux

Son, the Senate makes its own rules. The minority does not rule.

the senate makes its own rules according to ITS rules..which requires 67 to change a senate rule.......
If YOU don't know? I'm NOT going to tell you.

you would have saved time just typing 'i don't know'

he was too chicken to post it publicly, but i got this nice bit of reputation in response to that post.

The T said:
Next time? Be more honest, shithead.

let me spell it out for you. 'if you don't know i'm not telling' is something ignorant elementary school children say when they don't know either but don't want to show off their ignorance. it is not something an adult says that wants to convince anyone of their point of view or even has a point of view worth defending.

in other words, grow up and learn to defend your position.

Oh, that's way too much to ask of these guys.
I wonder how and where Harry Reid found his testicles.

Tom Udall of New Mexico is on Chris Hayes right now totally defending the rules change. He said a few of them went to Reid early on and expected it to happen. They want to return to the glory days of the Senate. I totally agree.

:lol: what glory days were those? when they break their own rules to make a new one?
you would have saved time just typing 'i don't know'

he was too chicken to post it publicly, but i got this nice bit of reputation in response to that post.

The T said:
Next time? Be more honest, shithead.

let me spell it out for you. 'if you don't know i'm not telling' is something ignorant elementary school children say when they don't know either but don't want to show off their ignorance. it is not something an adult says that wants to convince anyone of their point of view or even has a point of view worth defending.

in other words, grow up and learn to defend your position.
Son? You needn't worry much less spell anything out for me. You showed whom you are.
why don't we just try again.

how does this rule change lead to tyranny?
I wonder how and where Harry Reid found his testicles.

where does it take balls to be a corrupted power grabbing bastard? Myself I call that being a pussy

but they are the kind you Democrat voters seem to admire the most

Yep. Balls would be doing what it takes to achieve desired goals while honoring your promises. Not cheap tricks because you've been caught flatfooted.
Tim Kaine just said they all asked themselves if they would be comfortable with the rules change if they were in the minority and they all said yes.

These people are completely confident they did the right thing.

He said the presidency carries with it the right to assemble a team and Obama wasn't being allowed to do that.

You might have a point on regime appointments, but judges are for LIFE. We'll see how you guys like it when it's a republican making those lifetime appointments and you have no way to stop them.
can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

Reid threatens to go nuclear on filibuster reform | MSNBC

The words of then Senator Obama April 13, 2005 - Senate Floor...

“Mr. President, I rise today to urge my colleagues to think about the implications of what has been called the nuclear option and what effect that might have on this Chamber and on this country.
I urge all of us to think not just about winning every debate but about protecting free and democratic debate.

The American people want less partisanship in this town, but everyone in this chamber knows that if the majority chooses to end the filibuster,
if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate, then the fighting, the bitterness, and the gridlock will only get worse.

Right now we are faced with rising gas prices, skyrocketing tuition costs, a record number of uninsured Americans, and some of the most serious national security threats we have ever had,
while our bravest young men and women are risking their lives halfway around the world to keep us safe.

These are challenges we all want to meet and problems we all want to solve, even if we do not always agree on how to do it.
But if the right of free and open debate is taken away from the minority party and the millions of Americans who ask us to be their voice,
I fear the partisan atmosphere in Washington will be poisoned to the point where no one will be able to agree on anything.
That does not serve anybody's best interest, and it certainly is not what the patriots who founded this democracy had in mind.
We owe the people who sent us here more than that. We owe them much more.”
~ Senator Obama - 2005

The words of then Senator Biden - May 23, 2005 - Senate Floor ...

"This is the single most significant vote any one of us will cast in my 32 years in the Senate.
I suspect the Senator would agree with that.
We should make no mistake.
This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power.
It is a fundamental power grab by the majority party, propelled by its extreme right and designed to change the reading of the Constitution, particularly as it relates to individual rights and property rights.
It is nothing more or nothing less."
~ Senator Biden - 2005

The words of Senator Reid - May 18, 2005 - Senate Floor ...

“The filibuster is not a scheme and it certainly isn't new. The filibuster is far from a procedural gimmick.

It's part of the fabric of this institution we call the Senate.
It was well-known in colonial legislatures before we became a country, and it's an integral part of our country's 214-year history.
The first filibuster in the United States Congress happened in 1790.
It was used by lawmakers from Virginia and South Carolina who were trying to prevent Philadelphia from hosting the first Congress.
Since then, the filibuster has been employed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times.
It's been employed on legislative matters, it's been employed on procedural matters relating to the president's nominations for Cabinet and sub-Cabinet posts, and it's been used on judges for all those years.
One scholar estimates that 20 percent of the judges nominated by presidents have fallen by the wayside, most of them as a result of filibusters.
Senators have used the filibuster to stand up to popular presidents, to block legislation, and, yes, even, as I've stated, to stall executive nominees.
The roots of the filibuster are found in the Constitution and in our own rules."
~ Senator Harry Reid - 2005

The words of then Senator Hilary Clinton - May 23, 2005 - Senate Floor ...

“And I just had to hope that maybe between now and the time we have this vote there would be enough Senators who will say: Mr. President, no.
We are sorry, we cannot go there.
We are going to remember our Founders.
We are going to remember what made this country great.
We are going to maintain the integrity of the U.S. Senate.”
~ Senator Hilary Clinton - 2005

I hope they vote to stop themselves from passing the nuclear option ... And from what they said the whole idea sucks.
you realize you can flip that on its head, right? for every hypocritical democrat you've got a hypocritical republican.

or is this no longer considered the 'constitutional option?'

I only posted what they said ... If you want to argue about it ... Call them!
Money says that right before the elections they hold another vote and place these back in the rules in the spirit of "good will" when they're actually just covering their ass. If it happens I'm totally quoting this post and laughing evilly internally.
Tim Kaine just said they all asked themselves if they would be comfortable with the rules change if they were in the minority and they all said yes.

These people are completely confident they did the right thing.

He said the presidency carries with it the right to assemble a team and Obama wasn't being allowed to do that.

jesus Christ:rolleyes: ....what a bunch of inane gobbledygook .....he has the right if the senate says so...hello.....oh wait, they broke their own rule to make it "legal" for them to say you get what happened here? all?
Tim Kaine just said they all asked themselves if they would be comfortable with the rules change if they were in the minority and they all said yes.

These people are completely confident they did the right thing.

He said the presidency carries with it the right to assemble a team and Obama wasn't being allowed to do that.

You might have a point on regime appointments, but judges are for LIFE. We'll see how you guys like it when it's a republican making those lifetime appointments and you have no way to stop them.

oh hell no, you underestimate the lack of integrity at work here, they'll say its the gop are being dictators etc...mark it down. ;)
Tim Kaine just said they all asked themselves if they would be comfortable with the rules change if they were in the minority and they all said yes.

These people are completely confident they did the right thing.

He said the presidency carries with it the right to assemble a team and Obama wasn't being allowed to do that.

You might have a point on regime appointments, but judges are for LIFE. We'll see how you guys like it when it's a republican making those lifetime appointments and you have no way to stop them.

We've been faced with that before. You're voting for the person not his or her party in this case. What Republicans in the Senate were doing was saying no time after time just because it wasn't someone who agreed with them politically.
Tim Kaine just said they all asked themselves if they would be comfortable with the rules change if they were in the minority and they all said yes.

These people are completely confident they did the right thing.

He said the presidency carries with it the right to assemble a team and Obama wasn't being allowed to do that.

You might have a point on regime appointments, but judges are for LIFE. We'll see how you guys like it when it's a republican making those lifetime appointments and you have no way to stop them.

We've been faced with that before. You're voting for the person not his or her party in this case. What Republicans in the Senate were doing was saying no time after time just because it wasn't someone who agreed with them politically.

And another..

[ame=]Biden on "nuclear option" - YouTube[/ame]
Listening to his speech in the senate right now. He noted that half of the judicial districts in this great nation are categorized as being "in a judicial emergency" due to not having enough judges to carry out their duties. They are swamped w/ case work and the dockets are piled up. Know why that is? :up: Republican obstruction of judicial nominees. :(

Reid has no balls

Republicans will offer him one judge and promise to play nice in the future. Reid will cave....he always does

You really are always wrong. It's uncanny.

Glad I was wrong on this one

Bout time Reid showed some leadership and pissed the hell out of Republicans

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