Religion To Disappear By 2041

And look how far we've come in that time.

Who is "we" in this context?

Churches are closing. You can at least admit your silly little religion isn't gaining popularity

If the christian religion dies out - what do you win in this case? What's the logic behind your motivation? Where comes your destructive energy from? And what do you do - or what is our "we" doing - with all this destructive energy after the last Christians are wiped out? Who's next?

When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Who knows? Maybe human's will treat each other better when we wise up. Religion makes sheep out of us. You think it's good for you/us but actually it is holding us back.

I'm ok with you wanting your delusions and even practicing your silly little traditions. I'm just glad fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Christianity is the best religion out there and even it sucks. But if you want to see the most extreme example of why religion is bad, just look at radical islam. Western religion has gotten more and more liberal along with the secular society it exists in. When free to choose don't be upset if free people choose not to go along.

I have 46 reasons why I don't like religion ...

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?

I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.

But we do worry about the sanity of our society. Can you imagine over in the middle east there is an atheist and he tells his closest friends he thinks religion is made up, harmful to their society and completely made up and everyone he tells thinks he's the devil and is going to hell and they want to chop his head off?

And excuse me, but here is another example of what bullshit your reply is. You say you don't care what others think or what they do? I call BULLSHIT on that one. For example, I voted for Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Gore, Kerry & Obama. What do they all have in common? They all claim to be Christian. Why do they brag so loudly about being a Christian? Because you fucking Christians won't even consider voting for someone who doesn't share your delusion. You'd rather vote for a pot smoking philanderer than an atheist. So don't tell me you don't think about what others do or think because you most certainly do.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

So the day you drop your bad attitude about us, we'll drop our bad attitude about you. I wouldn't care that you believe in God if you didn't care so much I don't. Don't you get that? I wouldn't chop a Muslims head off because they believe in God but they would cut mine off for now. And you say we will burn in hell for all eternity, which is much worse than just chopping off my head. So your God is sicker than Allah!

And look how far we've come in that time.

Who is "we" in this context?

Churches are closing. You can at least admit your silly little religion isn't gaining popularity

If the christian religion dies out - what do you win in this case? What's the logic behind your motivation? Where comes your destructive energy from? And what do you do - or what is our "we" doing - with all this destructive energy after the last Christians are wiped out? Who's next?

When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Who knows? Maybe human's will treat each other better when we wise up. Religion makes sheep out of us. You think it's good for you/us but actually it is holding us back.

I'm ok with you wanting your delusions and even practicing your silly little traditions. I'm just glad fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Christianity is the best religion out there and even it sucks. But if you want to see the most extreme example of why religion is bad, just look at radical islam. Western religion has gotten more and more liberal along with the secular society it exists in. When free to choose don't be upset if free people choose not to go along.

I have 46 reasons why I don't like religion ...

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?

I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.

I agree

See I don't hate you. I love you too much to let you fall for this guys shit.
When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Humans are made up of body, soul/mind, and spirit. One reason many atheists, and atheist-scientists are angry is that their religion held them back from learning all about our physical existence.

If you wish to picture the future, picture the anger of people who were held back by scientists and atheists who knew only the physical realm and held back the population from learning about and investigating the spiritual realm.

Both are reality. Hold anyone back from either, and there will be a backlash.
Who is "we" in this context?

If the christian religion dies out - what do you win in this case? What's the logic behind your motivation? Where comes your destructive energy from? And what do you do - or what is our "we" doing - with all this destructive energy after the last Christians are wiped out? Who's next?

When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Who knows? Maybe human's will treat each other better when we wise up. Religion makes sheep out of us. You think it's good for you/us but actually it is holding us back.

I'm ok with you wanting your delusions and even practicing your silly little traditions. I'm just glad fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Christianity is the best religion out there and even it sucks. But if you want to see the most extreme example of why religion is bad, just look at radical islam. Western religion has gotten more and more liberal along with the secular society it exists in. When free to choose don't be upset if free people choose not to go along.

I have 46 reasons why I don't like religion ...

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?

I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.

But we do worry about the sanity of our society. Can you imagine over in the middle east there is an atheist and he tells his closest friends he thinks religion is made up, harmful to their society and completely made up and everyone he tells thinks he's the devil and is going to hell and they want to chop his head off?

And excuse me, but here is another example of what bullshit your reply is. You say you don't care what others think or what they do? I call BULLSHIT on that one. For example, I voted for Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Gore, Kerry & Obama. What do they all have in common? They all claim to be Christian. Why do they brag so loudly about being a Christian? Because you fucking Christians won't even consider voting for someone who doesn't share your delusion. You'd rather vote for a pot smoking philanderer than an atheist. So don't tell me you don't think about what others do or think because you most certainly do.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

So the day you drop your bad attitude about us, we'll drop our bad attitude about you. I wouldn't care that you believe in God if you didn't care so much I don't. Don't you get that? I wouldn't chop a Muslims head off because they believe in God but they would cut mine off for now. And you say we will burn in hell for all eternity, which is much worse than just chopping off my head. So your God is sicker than Allah!

The difference is that politicians can and do effect us. Your beliefs however, I could care less about. Unless you are someone who's opinions and beliefs have some financial or health effect upon me, I really could care less concerning what disturbs you or makes you happy. Now, were you to consider contributing a few bucks each month toward my financial well being, then I will listen to your wild-ass opinions.
Who is "we" in this context?

If the christian religion dies out - what do you win in this case? What's the logic behind your motivation? Where comes your destructive energy from? And what do you do - or what is our "we" doing - with all this destructive energy after the last Christians are wiped out? Who's next?

When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Who knows? Maybe human's will treat each other better when we wise up. Religion makes sheep out of us. You think it's good for you/us but actually it is holding us back.

I'm ok with you wanting your delusions and even practicing your silly little traditions. I'm just glad fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Christianity is the best religion out there and even it sucks. But if you want to see the most extreme example of why religion is bad, just look at radical islam. Western religion has gotten more and more liberal along with the secular society it exists in. When free to choose don't be upset if free people choose not to go along.

I have 46 reasons why I don't like religion ...

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?

I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.

I agree

See I don't hate you. I love you too much to let you fall for this guys shit.

But your concern for me falls on deaf ears. I am too old and set in my ways to pay you any mind. I will however, look forward to receiving your check in the mail.
You just nailed it!

When I was in grammar school at Milan, TN in the early and mid forties the third and fourth graders were assigned a bible verse each Monday to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursday and Friday. Each day we started by saying the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's prayer. It wasn't just the preachers then.....the public schools were also involved.

Yet you still took Josef Stalin as your personal lord and savior, so it didn't seem to hurt you any...

Screw you
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Screw you with a mule's dick!!

Calm down Comrade. Ask yourself "what would Pol Pot do?" That seems to have guided you so far in your life.

In the late 1930's I saw grown men cry because they couldn't provide food for their families. The banks closed their doors and hung onto their money. Ten men were waiting for any available job.....usual wages, $0.75 for 12 hours. I saw FDR's programs feed poor people and provide care for the destitute. What's your story.....some big inheritance?
When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Who knows? Maybe human's will treat each other better when we wise up. Religion makes sheep out of us. You think it's good for you/us but actually it is holding us back.

I'm ok with you wanting your delusions and even practicing your silly little traditions. I'm just glad fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Christianity is the best religion out there and even it sucks. But if you want to see the most extreme example of why religion is bad, just look at radical islam. Western religion has gotten more and more liberal along with the secular society it exists in. When free to choose don't be upset if free people choose not to go along.

I have 46 reasons why I don't like religion ...

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?
I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.
But we do worry about the sanity of our society. Can you imagine over in the middle east there is an atheist and he tells his closest friends he thinks religion is made up, harmful to their society and completely made up and everyone he tells thinks he's the devil and is going to hell and they want to chop his head off?

And excuse me, but here is another example of what bullshit your reply is. You say you don't care what others think or what they do? I call BULLSHIT on that one. For example, I voted for Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Gore, Kerry & Obama. What do they all have in common? They all claim to be Christian. Why do they brag so loudly about being a Christian? Because you fucking Christians won't even consider voting for someone who doesn't share your delusion. You'd rather vote for a pot smoking philanderer than an atheist. So don't tell me you don't think about what others do or think because you most certainly do.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

So the day you drop your bad attitude about us, we'll drop our bad attitude about you. I wouldn't care that you believe in God if you didn't care so much I don't. Don't you get that? I wouldn't chop a Muslims head off because they believe in God but they would cut mine off for now. And you say we will burn in hell for all eternity, which is much worse than just chopping off my head. So your God is sicker than Allah!

The difference is that politicians can and do effect us. Your beliefs however, I could care less about. Unless you are someone who's opinions and beliefs have some financial or health effect upon me, I really could care less concerning what disturbs you or makes you happy. Now, were you to consider contributing a few bucks each month toward my financial well being, then I will listen to your wild-ass opinions.
Ok, then lets go with your well being. Gordy Howe got sick. The only thing that could save him was stem cell but back when Bush was president you bible thumpers made it illegal. Fast forward to earlier this year or late last year Gordy got sick and had to fly down to Mexi/Cali to get the treatment. I hope you have Gordy Howe money if you get sick like he did other wise you are going to suffer and die, all because some religious nuts controlled our president for 8 years. He was kissing their ass because they got him elected and that negatively affected a lot of Americans. How many suffered and/or died because of assholes in religion?

Hockey legend Gordie Howe's stem cell treatment is stirring controversy because the company behind the treatments didn't initially reveal some of the stem cells came from an aborted fetus.

Gordie Howe's stem cell source stirs concern
When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Who knows? Maybe human's will treat each other better when we wise up. Religion makes sheep out of us. You think it's good for you/us but actually it is holding us back.

I'm ok with you wanting your delusions and even practicing your silly little traditions. I'm just glad fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Christianity is the best religion out there and even it sucks. But if you want to see the most extreme example of why religion is bad, just look at radical islam. Western religion has gotten more and more liberal along with the secular society it exists in. When free to choose don't be upset if free people choose not to go along.

I have 46 reasons why I don't like religion ...

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?
I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.
I agree

See I don't hate you. I love you too much to let you fall for this guys shit.

But your concern for me falls on deaf ears. I am too old and set in my ways to pay you any mind. I will however, look forward to receiving your check in the mail.
If you are old you are of no concern to me. I agree, you are too set in your ways. Hopefully your children and grandkids realize this.
Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?
I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.
But we do worry about the sanity of our society. Can you imagine over in the middle east there is an atheist and he tells his closest friends he thinks religion is made up, harmful to their society and completely made up and everyone he tells thinks he's the devil and is going to hell and they want to chop his head off?

And excuse me, but here is another example of what bullshit your reply is. You say you don't care what others think or what they do? I call BULLSHIT on that one. For example, I voted for Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Gore, Kerry & Obama. What do they all have in common? They all claim to be Christian. Why do they brag so loudly about being a Christian? Because you fucking Christians won't even consider voting for someone who doesn't share your delusion. You'd rather vote for a pot smoking philanderer than an atheist. So don't tell me you don't think about what others do or think because you most certainly do.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

So the day you drop your bad attitude about us, we'll drop our bad attitude about you. I wouldn't care that you believe in God if you didn't care so much I don't. Don't you get that? I wouldn't chop a Muslims head off because they believe in God but they would cut mine off for now. And you say we will burn in hell for all eternity, which is much worse than just chopping off my head. So your God is sicker than Allah!

The difference is that politicians can and do effect us. Your beliefs however, I could care less about. Unless you are someone who's opinions and beliefs have some financial or health effect upon me, I really could care less concerning what disturbs you or makes you happy. Now, were you to consider contributing a few bucks each month toward my financial well being, then I will listen to your wild-ass opinions.
Ok, then lets go with your well being. Gordy Howe got sick. The only thing that could save him was stem cell but back when Bush was president you bible thumpers made it illegal. Fast forward to earlier this year or late last year Gordy got sick and had to fly down to Mexi/Cali to get the treatment. I hope you have Gordy Howe money if you get sick like he did other wise you are going to suffer and die, all because some religious nuts controlled our president for 8 years. He was kissing their ass because they got him elected and that negatively affected a lot of Americans. How many suffered and/or died because of assholes in religion?

Hockey legend Gordie Howe's stem cell treatment is stirring controversy because the company behind the treatments didn't initially reveal some of the stem cells came from an aborted fetus.

Gordie Howe's stem cell source stirs concern

Believe it or not, people die every day. No one will leave this world alive. There are a lot of things that have no cure. Look what all the health nuts are missing out on. They don't smoke or drink or eat some very delicious foods. What do they blame it on when they up and die just like that chain-smoking old drunk? I guess this means you are not going to send me a check?
My ki
Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?
I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.
I agree

See I don't hate you. I love you too much to let you fall for this guys shit.

But your concern for me falls on deaf ears. I am too old and set in my ways to pay you any mind. I will however, look forward to receiving your check in the mail.
If you are old you are of no concern to me. I agree, you are too set in your ways. Hopefully your children and grandkids realize this.

My grandkids are over here swimming in the pool right now and my kids are busy running our business.
My ki
I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago. They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

Actually, most sane adults do not spend a whole lot of their time worrying about what others think about what they do nor about what others do. This is especially true of what some folks might think 2.000 years from now.
I agree

See I don't hate you. I love you too much to let you fall for this guys shit.

But your concern for me falls on deaf ears. I am too old and set in my ways to pay you any mind. I will however, look forward to receiving your check in the mail.
If you are old you are of no concern to me. I agree, you are too set in your ways. Hopefully your children and grandkids realize this.

My grandkids are over here swimming in the pool right now and my kids are busy running our business.
They won't say anything. They'll just wait till you're gone then stop going to church.
Lol, been hearing that shit for 50 years.
And look how far we've come in that time.

Who is "we" in this context?

Churches are closing. You can at least admit your silly little religion isn't gaining popularity

If the christian religion dies out - what do you win in this case? What's the logic behind your motivation? Where comes your destructive energy from? And what do you do - or what is our "we" doing - with all this destructive energy after the last Christians are wiped out? Who's next?

When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Who knows? Maybe human's will treat each other better when we wise up. Religion makes sheep out of us. You think it's good for you/us but actually it is holding us back.

I'm ok with you wanting your delusions and even practicing your silly little traditions. I'm just glad fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Christianity is the best religion out there and even it sucks. But if you want to see the most extreme example of why religion is bad, just look at radical islam. Western religion has gotten more and more liberal along with the secular society it exists in. When free to choose don't be upset if free people choose not to go along.

I have 46 reasons why I don't like religion ...

Again my question: Who's next if you finally killed all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitter abnd a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you think god will allow us to lose your war against us?

I don't want to kill anything except a bad idea and or lie.

To call spirituality a bad idea or lie is absurde.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel

Atheism is for example a belief - but lots of atheists ignore this and say they don't believe or they go the way to say agnosticism is the same as to be an atheist - what's just simple nonsense.

My hope would be for Islam to be the first religion to disappear.

Translation: "The only good Muslims I ever saw were not Muslims".

You Christians remind me of the people who believed in Greek gods 2000 years ago.

We are the Greeks 2000 years ago. We are specially also in the followership of ancient greek "atheistic" philosophers, who lived a long time before 2000 years ago. We are even much older - like Adam and Eve for example.

They didn't do bad things for their gods either but they were still ignorant superstitious people.

What? You call the ancient Greeks - the heart of the modern western world - "ignorant superstitious people"?

It is how humans 2000 years from now will look back at people who believe our ancient religions

If you will win nobody will live in 2000 years. You don't have children.

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Lol, been hearing that shit for 50 years.
And look how far we've come in that time.

Who is "we" in this context?

Churches are closing. You can at least admit your silly little religion isn't gaining popularity

If the christian religion dies out - what do you win in this case? What's the logic behind your motivation? Where comes your destructive energy from? And what do you do - or what is our "we" doing - with all this destructive energy after the last Christians are wiped out? Who's next?

When I say we I mean atheists. Scientists. Rational logical people.

Why should all scientists be Atheists and not Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Hinduists or ... ? Who or what gives you the right to call people "not we" and "irrational people without logic" only becaue this peopel don't follow such irrational atheistic beliefs like "I don't believe".

Who knows? Maybe human's will treat each other better when we wise up. Religion makes sheep out of us. You think it's good for you/us but actually it is holding us back.

I'm ok with you wanting your delusions and even practicing your silly little traditions. I'm just glad fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Christianity is the best religion out there and even it sucks. But if you want to see the most extreme example of why religion is bad, just look at radical islam. Western religion has gotten more and more liberal along with the secular society it exists in. When free to choose don't be upset if free people choose not to go along.

I have 46 reasons why I don't like religion ...

Again my question: Who's next if you finally wiped out all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitler and a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you really think god will allow us to lose your war against us? Specially you know nearly nothing about philosophy and religion and your knowledge about natural sciences or mathematics or other sciences seems also not able to withstand stress. So why do you think people "like you" are more worthful than others? It's only only a form of religious racism if you think you are not religous if you believe in atheism. You are not a superior human being only because you like to be a member of the elite called "scientists". If you woudlknow scientists then you would know they have the same problems like everyone else.

"Again my question: Who's next if you finally wiped out all Christians? All other human beings while a last Hitler and a last Stalin will suicide each other? Do you really think god will allow us to lose your war against us? Specially you know nearly nothing about philosophy and religion and your knowledge about natural sciences or mathematics or other sciences seems also not able to withstand stress. So why do you think people "like you" are more worthful than others?"

I am pretty sure that most atheists are not interested in "wiping you out" literally.


I think we

¡Atheist! - But who is "we" concrete? ... Got it: You are an element of the universe atheists. Your way to think is to see not any common element between the universe of atheists and the universe of theists. Atheistst = "we" = heaven <=> theist = "you" = hell = enemy. Jean Paul Sartre: "L'enfer, c'est les autres."

I guess you should understand that I am a Catholic and not a theist. if i speak with another Catholic then I am not astonished if my brother or sister in Christ tells me not to believe in god. There are lots od people in lots of situations worldwide. This changes not the teachings of my church about the triune god for example - but nevertheless this means not, that I would be a better Christian because I'm believing in god. No no - the other person in this example is able to be much more holy than I am (what's by the way not very difficult). I'm in such a case only in a better situation, because god allows me to believe in him.

would like to see you

... hm hm hm ...

come to your senses.

¿come to senses? ... I guess this means "zur Vernunft kommen"

I do mean that literally.

Literally? I was born with my senses and I learned how to use my senses. The english word "sense" is a mix of qualities like "Empfindung", "Wahrnehmung", "Verstand", "Gespür", "Einsicht" and "Vernunft". A word with a very wide spectrum.

No one can make you stop having your hallucinations.

You are disqualifying yourselve if you say such stupidities.

I do honestly believe that promising other people "heaven" or threatening them "hell" is committing a fraud.

Good deeds lead to heaven - evil deeds lead to hell. That's an experience also in this world here. Not always exists justice here - but I think in the end will be full justice. God will give the people who found not justice on Earth their justice. But no one is able to promise anyone "heaven" nor knows anyone who goes to hell. God decides this. So I don't have any idea where your absurde ideas about the christian religion come from.

That is definitely wrong.

What is definitely wrong? And how is in general somehting able to be definetily right or wrong what will happen in the future?

Going into the homes of the elderly and making such promises and threats in the hopes that they will sign over their real estate and bank accounts upon death is no different from any other criminal deceit for monetary gain. This is just one of many problems I have with your mental disease.

What? Do you know what you are speaking about here? You are calling me a sick criminal with insane mind without any reason to do so. What about if you would "zur Vernunft kommen" = "come to your senses"?

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You are bat shit crazy. Spare me your gobblety gook. I means NOTHING to me.

Seems to me you miss something without to know what it is. What about to start to seek and to find out what's fake or not? If you are not ready to prove your own belief - how are you able to damn others for their beliefs?

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You are bat shit crazy. Spare me your gobblety gook. I means NOTHING to me.

Seems to me you miss something without to know what it is. What about to start to seek and to find out what's fake or not? If you are not ready to prove your own belief - how are you able to damn others for their beliefs?

Because you believe in and cling to stupid ideas. There is no god. There were never dozens of Greek gods and those of the early Romans. The only difference between your stupidity and theirs is that you think saying there is only ONE god makes it more believable. It is not. Make believe is make believe whether you have made up a handful of gods or one. It's nonsense. It has grown to an unbelievably huge scam. Only because religion is protected by law is what keeps you people out of prison for the theft you do on behalf of your churches. If an average person did what you do they would be arrested, convicted of fraud and sent to prison.

You are disgusting leaches on society.

You are bat shit crazy. Spare me your gobblety gook. I means NOTHING to me.

Seems to me you miss something without to know what it is. What about to start to seek and to find out what's fake or not? If you are not ready to prove your own belief - how are you able to damn others for their beliefs?

Because you believe in and cling to stupid ideas. There is no god. There were never dozens of Greek gods and those of the early Romans. The only difference between your stupidity and theirs is that you think saying there is only ONE god makes it more believable. It is not. Make believe is make believe whether you have made up a handful of gods or one. It's nonsense. It has grown to an unbelievably huge scam. Only because religion is protected by law is what keeps you people out of prison for the theft you do on behalf of your churches. If an average person did what you do they would be arrested, convicted of fraud and sent to prison.

You are disgusting leaches on society.

Oh - an answer? .. Astonishing. .. Let's read ... Ah - you sent me your creed. Let me say a word to this creed: Although "god" and "gods" seem to have the same root this two words are describing completly different entities. Take for example a sentence like this "The god of god is god." No no - don't think about - this drives you crazy. Think only about how to say such a sentence about a greek god. Is this possible? Is Posseidon the Posseidon of Posseidon? Or take the most popular modern god: Is money the money of money? What makes really sense?

When I read what you said I had the impression the freedom to use drugs and to destroy the abilities of the own person is for you the same as to kill the life on planet Earth. Your hyperegocentralized thought seems to be "If I am so free not to be able to live in a beautiful way then no one else should be able to live at all".

You are an idiot.

I know. You don't tell me something new.

You think yourself wise for following a foolish cult based on a primitive con game.

¿primitive con game"? Sounds interesting - what is this? Ah - a constuction game ... a reason why PC-games are not always bad. One of my first computers had a nice game about the construction of a civili´sation. I fear I killed miiions of virtual people before I understood the chaos of this game.

Consider this you arrogant retard,

"Arrogant retard ... " - now I understand ... ahem ... What exactly should I understand?

the planet has been here for 4.7 billion years. In that time it has been pummelled with asteroids, bombarded with radiation, ravaged by cataclysmic climate events, had the magnetic poles reversed on several occasions, and lost it's entire atmosphere twice.

It lost the atmosphere twice? That's a new information for me. I hope I can find a reliable source for this information. What were the reasons for? By the way. The most impressing fact in the history of planet Earth was for me when the Earth was for a long time only a white snowball. This happend when one of the angels of god found out how to make dry water - but that's another story. On the other side this shows: the concept "habitable zone" is a very fragile concept.

YET YOU think some hairless monkey with delusions of grandeur can and will destroy the planet.

Yeah, that really does make you a mentally unstable fucktard....

Ahem - your words make me to what? Mentally unfuckable stabletard? Strange. I say what I think - not what you like to hear. And if you are not able to live with the existance of other human beings who believe in god, then you have a very serios problem. For example: I could tell this Sheldon Coopers mom and Sheldons Mom could give him the order to produce an "Apocalypse now" machine - and I guess Sheldon Cooper will do what his mom asks him for. In this case: "Good night, America!".

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