Religious Books Worth Reading

Why do you want me to prove God's existence to you anyway? Aren't you happy being godless?

Hell no I am not happy being godless. I’d love to be friends with the creator of the universe. Who wouldn’t want to have a buddy that is all powerful?
I'm afraid I can't help you there.

Of course not. Humans love feeling superior to other humans. You are in an elevated status because God speaks to you but not to me. If he ever started talking to me then we would be equals. That would be no good for you. I wouldn’t expect you to arrange a meeting for me.
There's nothing special about me. There's nothing special about any of us. But I love how you tried to flip that around. You come here looking to show how superior you are for not believing in a magical sky daddy and when you run into more than you bargained for you start projecting. So I have no doubt that you have first hand experience with humans loving to feel superior to other humans.

Yes. Humans love it. I did say that.
Just the ones that love themselves.

The humans that hate themselves like feeling superior to others too.
Why do you want me to prove God's existence to you anyway? Aren't you happy being godless?

Hell no I am not happy being godless. I’d love to be friends with the creator of the universe. Who wouldn’t want to have a buddy that is all powerful?
I'm afraid I can't help you there.

Of course not. Humans love feeling superior to other humans. You are in an elevated status because God speaks to you but not to me. If he ever started talking to me then we would be equals. That would be no good for you. I wouldn’t expect you to arrange a meeting for me.
There's nothing special about me. There's nothing special about any of us. But I love how you tried to flip that around. You come here looking to show how superior you are for not believing in a magical sky daddy and when you run into more than you bargained for you start projecting. So I have no doubt that you have first hand experience with humans loving to feel superior to other humans.

Yes. Humans love it. I did say that.
Just the ones that love themselves.

The humans that hate themselves like feeling superior to others too.
That would be a bad analogy, Patrick.

There are no humans that hate themselves. However, there are humans that die to self and see reality.
the reason you are here is to make yourself feel better about your choices.

Which choices are you referencing?
All of them. At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices.

Oh. Ok. I thought you referring to my specific choices that caused me to seek Internet forums. So basically all patterns of choices lead to seek Internet forums for entertainment?
No. All choices lead to consequences; good and bad.
the reason you are here is to make yourself feel better about your choices.

Which choices are you referencing?
All of them. At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices.

Oh. Ok. I thought you referring to my specific choices that caused me to seek Internet forums. So basically all patterns of choices lead to seek Internet forums for entertainment?
No. All choices lead to consequences; good and bad.

Would you consider typing messages to a stranger on an Internet forum a good consequence or a bad consequence?
Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan
KJV- If possible under the tutorship of a Christian pastor with a solid back ground in Hermeneutics and Apologetics.
the reason you are here is to make yourself feel better about your choices.

Which choices are you referencing?
All of them. At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices.

Oh. Ok. I thought you referring to my specific choices that caused me to seek Internet forums. So basically all patterns of choices lead to seek Internet forums for entertainment?
No. All choices lead to consequences; good and bad.

Would you consider typing messages to a stranger on an Internet forum a good consequence or a bad consequence?
Neither. It's more of a choice than a consequence.
Neither. It's more of a choice than a consequence.

I can only assume the reason you are here is to make yourself feel better about your choices.

Well. I don’t know what to say. I just need to feel better about my choices.
I'd rather believe in God and be wrong than disbelieve in God and be right.
I am trying to compile a list of twelve necessary books that I should read multiple times throughout my life to become an unofficial expert on the subject of religion. My list is a little short. Help me out with some good suggestions. This is what I have so far:

HCSB Bible
Book of Mormon
Bhagavad Gita
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Book of Order (PCUSA)
The Satanic Bible
Qu’ran (probably read it only once)

Is anybody familiar with any of the older books on Puritan theology? They say Charles Spurgeon read scores of books on Puritan theology for fun as a young child. Even though Charles Spurgeon had no formal theological training they say he was highly educated.
There's only one book that can possibly make any difference for you. If after reading this very easy to read and informative book, you are still a passive aggressive troll I will bow to your superiority. Marinate on it.


Amazon product ASIN 0060674407
I am trying to compile a list of twelve necessary books that I should read multiple times throughout my life to become an unofficial expert on the subject of religion. My list is a little short. Help me out with some good suggestions. This is what I have so far:

HCSB Bible
Book of Mormon
Bhagavad Gita
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Book of Order (PCUSA)
The Satanic Bible
Qu’ran (probably read it only once)

Is anybody familiar with any of the older books on Puritan theology? They say Charles Spurgeon read scores of books on Puritan theology for fun as a young child. Even though Charles Spurgeon had no formal theological training they say he was highly educated.
There's only one book that can possibly make any difference for you. If after reading this very easy to read and informative book, you are still a passive aggressive troll I will bow to your superiority. Marinate on it.

View attachment 475187

Amazon product ASIN 0060674407

I love Huston Smith and Jacob Needleman.
I am trying to compile a list of twelve necessary books that I should read multiple times throughout my life to become an unofficial expert on the subject of religion. My list is a little short. Help me out with some good suggestions. This is what I have so far:

HCSB Bible
Book of Mormon
Bhagavad Gita
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Book of Order (PCUSA)
The Satanic Bible
Qu’ran (probably read it only once)

Is anybody familiar with any of the older books on Puritan theology? They say Charles Spurgeon read scores of books on Puritan theology for fun as a young child. Even though Charles Spurgeon had no formal theological training they say he was highly educated.
There's only one book that can possibly make any difference for you. If after reading this very easy to read and informative book, you are still a passive aggressive troll I will bow to your superiority. Marinate on it.

View attachment 475187

Amazon product ASIN 0060674407

I love Huston Smith and Jacob Needleman.
Have you already read the one I suggested?
I am trying to compile a list of twelve necessary books that I should read multiple times throughout my life to become an unofficial expert on the subject of religion. My list is a little short. Help me out with some good suggestions. This is what I have so far:

HCSB Bible
Book of Mormon
Bhagavad Gita
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Book of Order (PCUSA)
The Satanic Bible
Qu’ran (probably read it only once)

Is anybody familiar with any of the older books on Puritan theology? They say Charles Spurgeon read scores of books on Puritan theology for fun as a young child. Even though Charles Spurgeon had no formal theological training they say he was highly educated.
There's only one book that can possibly make any difference for you. If after reading this very easy to read and informative book, you are still a passive aggressive troll I will bow to your superiority. Marinate on it.

View attachment 475187

Amazon product ASIN 0060674407

I love Huston Smith and Jacob Needleman.
Have you already read the one I suggested?

No. The one I read was, “The Soul of Christianity”.
You should already bow to my superiority. I started a thread with the objective of obtaining a list of books on the topic of religion. I succeeded.

Here is the list:

The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise and Fall of Reason by Charles Freeman
Dispensational Truth by Clarence Larkin
The Late Great Planet by Hal Lindsey
The World's Religions by Huston Smith
The Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine
Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan
The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane
City of God by Saint Augustine
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas
The Peyote Road by Thomas C. Maroukis
The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine
You should already bow to my superiority. I started a thread with the objective of obtaining a list of books on the topic of religion. I succeeded.

Here is the list:

The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise and Fall of Reason by Charles Freeman
Dispensational Truth by Clarence Larkin
The Late Great Planet by Hal Lindsey
The World's Religions by Huston Smith
The Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine
Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan
The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane
City of God by Saint Augustine
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas
The Peyote Road by Thomas C. Maroukis
The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine
Iwould add this one.


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