Remember when Americans cheered anytime a President vowed to protect them?

Democrats and the fake news don't want Americans to become aware of the staggering amount of illegal on American crime that's taking place. They are shitting themselves that Trump is making this a public fight. That's why Pelosi and Schumer wanted to go discuss this in private away from the cameras.
What has changed?

I enjoy the threatening attitude of a man short on ideas and time before death.
Too bad this one isn't about protecting America
Lol, liberals just a few years back supported building the wall. Opp's now we have Trump wanting to do the same. Liberals being childish cannot support Trump, even if it is for the benefit of all Americans.
Too bad this one isn't about protecting America
Lol, liberals just a few years back supported building the wall. Opp's now we have Trump wanting to do the same. Liberals being childish cannot support Trump, even if it is for the benefit of all Americans.
Really? So there is no walls on the border? No border patrol or checkpoints for entry?
Too bad this one isn't about protecting America
Lol, liberals just a few years back supported building the wall. Opp's now we have Trump wanting to do the same. Liberals being childish cannot support Trump, even if it is for the benefit of all Americans.
Really? So there is no walls on the border? No border patrol or checkpoints for entry?
Yes, there are areas where there is a wall. Why is that when we've been told a wall is "immoral"? If a wall is "immoral", why aren't the democrats taking down the walls that are in place?
Too bad this one isn't about protecting America
Lol, liberals just a few years back supported building the wall. Opp's now we have Trump wanting to do the same. Liberals being childish cannot support Trump, even if it is for the benefit of all Americans.
Really? So there is no walls on the border? No border patrol or checkpoints for entry?
everywhere it's needed? nope.
Too bad this one isn't about protecting America

Trump is committed to protecting Americans both fiscally and physically. Anybody sane and not Brown knows that with a Wall and legitimate border security Mollie Tibbetts and those like her may still be here...Anybody sane and not Brown knows that our education system would not have all but collapsed, our emergency rooms wouldn’t have nine hour wait times, our roadways wouldn’t be full of uninsured motorists, our prisons wouldn’t be overflowing..etc etc
Come on man...pull your head from your Brown ass once.
Too bad this one isn't about protecting America
Lol, liberals just a few years back supported building the wall. Opp's now we have Trump wanting to do the same. Liberals being childish cannot support Trump, even if it is for the benefit of all Americans.
Really? So there is no walls on the border? No border patrol or checkpoints for entry?
Lol, then why is Pelosi saying no money for a wall? I know the answer.
Too bad this one isn't about protecting America

Trump is committed to protecting Americans both fiscally and physically. Anybody sane and not Brown knows that with a Wall and legitimate border security Mollie Tibbetts and those like her may still be here...Anybody sane and not Brown knows that our education system would not have all but collapsed, our emergency rooms wouldn’t have nine hour wait times, our roadways wouldn’t be full of uninsured motorists, our prisons wouldn’t be overflowing..etc etc
Come on man...pull your head from your Brown ass once.
418 thousand Americans died in WW2, 58 thousand died in Vietnam, and 55 thousand died in Korea. What a waste of lives for the left to say the border isn't worthy of a five buck wall.

How fking embarrassing as an American.

Edit: 850,000 americans died during the civil war. fk and five bucks isn't worthy of any of these lives. amazingly unamerican. Not much else to say, when the leftists don't want to protect what these almost 2 million sacrificed, might as well just starting pissing in the street. cause venezuela here we come. San Fran allow that now, and they are moving east.

I believe it is called the spoils of war eh?
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