REPORTER: Do you trust the election process this time around?

Not at all. A popular vote would lead to no representation for many states. We live in a representative Republic. Our founding fathers saw the dangers of a straight popular vote and got it right.
Well said. The blind adoration of majority rule is maybe my biggest beef with Democrats.
To throw more fuel on the fire, and that you're absolutely wrong, Arizona has uncovered an additional 120K individuals on registration rolls, now totaling 220K, who have not properly provided proof of citizenship, and the Arizona Supreme Court ruled they are still allowed to vote in the upcoming federal election. It was identified as a 'glitch.' :rolleyes:

Democrats will be allowing illegals and non-citizens to vote in the federal election instead of ensuring the integrity of our voting process. This represents roughly 3% of the population of Arizona and is 6% of the voting population based on the 2020 results. Are all of these non-citizens? Most likely not, but statistically, there will be non-citizens in this large sample of contested registrants.

Arizona Voter Registration Glitch Affects Over 200,000, Compromise Eligibility Confirmed​

An extensive database coding error within Arizona's Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) may have effected an additional 120,000 voters, as reported by the state Secretary of State’s Office yesterday. This additional number brings the total count of potentially impacted voters to roughly 218,000. The coding oversight, initially affecting nearly 98,000 people, did not properly confirm citizenship status, yet allowed access to the full ballot, according to statements obtained by FOX 10 Phoenix.
Despite this large number, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has indicated that the September 20 Arizona Supreme Court ruling, which confirmed the initial group's right to vote in state and local races, should logically extend to these additional voters. As attested under penalty of law that, they are citizens, having registered long ago, the court found them exempt from blame for the system error, as reported by AZ Family.
Well said. The blind adoration of majority rule is maybe my biggest beef with Democrats.

A popular vote sounds good until you think about it. The problem is, most Democrats don’t think about anything and take everything at face value. If it feels good do it. If it sounds good, vote for it. As is the case with children, repercussions of actions are rarely taken into account.
Not at all. A popular vote would lead to no representation for many states. We live in a representative Republic. Our founding fathers saw the dangers of a straight popular vote and got it right.
That’s silly. The people in every state can vote and their votes count for the popular vote which means they’re represented.

Our founding fathers didn’t think the people should vote for president at all, so we already have totally changed their plan.
Look mindless hive thinking leftist commies, it's not even a matter if you will cheat it's how much can we catch, and the prosecute this time around, you have no policies, you run on fear of women not being the only humans on Earth to be able to murder human life shame on you. You run on men competing in women's sports, and being in women's locker rooms, and restrooms. You run on allowing children to be able to mutilate their genitalia, and use puberty blocking drugs. You run on division of race, and class. You want to punish successful people, to give to the non working citizens. You rave about the rich paying their fair share, yet Democrats own 70% of the wealth in this country, and use the same loopholes you bitch about the right using.
A popular vote sounds good until you think about it. The problem is, most Democrats don’t think about anything and take everything at face value. If it feels good do it. If it sounds good, vote for it. As is the case with children, repercussions of actions are rarely taken into account.
I don't know about all that. I'm weary of demonizing people I don't agree with. But I do think they abuse democracy in two key ways.

First of all, they seem to assume that all, or most, of the issues we face as a society should be decided democratically. Majority rule is fine for decisions where consensus is necessary, when it's vital that we're all on the same page. But usually it's not. Most social issues can, and should, be sorted out voluntarily, with individuals making the call on how to proceed for themselves.

Second, they seem to assume that the will of the majority is sacrosanct, that the majority can do no wrong and that's just not so. Often the majority is bigoted, ill-informed and blind to the damage various policies can cause. Often the popular opinion of voters would sink us and we need a buffer to keep it in check. That's what the Constitution is for, and why it limits the federal government to enumerated powers - and doesn't authorize it to act beyond that list. It's also why the electoral college system deliberately suppresses a pure popular majority when electing the President.
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A popular vote sounds good until you think about it. The problem is, most Democrats don’t think about anything and take everything at face value. If it feels good do it. If it sounds good, vote for it. As is the case with children, repercussions of actions are rarely taken into account.
Like mass deportations?

Or 100-200% tariffs on trade...or giving an orange dictator wannabe power again.
A 3% jump in polling vx voting says otherwise....not to mention a literally "open" database that most 9 year Olds can hack.
No, nothing says otherwise, because it's painfully stupid. Not your fantasies or lies, that's for sure.

All votes were cast. Then counted.

There is no "coming from behind". Some precincts and early ballots took longer to count.

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