Republican lawyer. We must try and curtail college students from voting.

Why not use the age of adulthood like we do now.

There are a lot of things we do not let children do.

Lets just be honest here, if college kids tended to vote for your beloved party you would be pushing for it to be easier for them to vote.

College-aged kids are different than just college kids. Colleges are indoctrination centers. It takes years of real world experience to break that hypnosis and some never do. I would trust the vote of a working 20-year old more than that of a 20-year old college kid who knows little but what his liberal professors have fed him.

Much like if Hispanics were known to vote more Republican, the left wouldn’t be so lax at the border, if most colleges were run by Republicans, the Democrats wouldn’t have the same opinion.
This from the sheep that goes along with whatever his beloved party tells him.

The lack of self awareness from you people is just shocking some days.

Um, that is not me. I do happen to agree with far more of the Republican Party‘s agenda. That is for certain. I’m not sure how anyone that is pro-USA and pro-Democracy could support Democrats unless they are just ignorant of their policies.
f most colleges were run by Republicans, the Democrats wouldn’t have the same opinion.

And since they are not you want to take away their vote.

You are literally no different at all that those you hate so very much.

You use the same words, you use the same tactics.

Yet you think you are so far above them when in reality you are them.
Um, that is not me. I do happen to agree with far more of the Republican Party‘s agenda. That is for certain. I’m not sure how anyone that is pro-USA and pro-Democracy could support Democrats unless they are just ignorant of their policies.

OH please, you are just parroting GOP talking points in this thread.

I mean fuck dude, you have the GOP as your damn avatar. Is there a bigger partisan sheep on this forum than you?
OH please, you are just parroting GOP talking points in this thread.

I mean fuck dude, you have the GOP as your damn avatar. Is there a bigger partisan sheep on this forum than you?

Yeah, YOU and the rest of you that pretend to be Independents but have never seen a leftist social policy with which you don’t agree.
Yeah, YOU and the rest of you that pretend to be Independents but have never seen a leftist social policy with which you don’t agree.

Feel free to provide a couple of example of of these that I have supported on this forum.

I will be happy to wait while you look
Why not use the age of adulthood like we do now.

There are a lot of things we do not let children do.

Lets just be honest here, if college kids tended to vote for your beloved party you would be pushing for it to be easier for them to vote.

They don’t want an 18 year old college kid voting but they encourage an 18 year old soldier to vote.
They don’t want an 18 year old college kid voting but they encourage an 18 year old soldier to vote.

If I live to a 100 I will still never understand wanting to stop people from voting just because they do not vote just like you.
If I live to a 100 I will still never understand wanting to stop people from voting just because they do not vote just like you.
I get it. They are not really Americans with our country's best interests at heart. They just want power and to impose their will on the rest of the country. I think what we are seeing now is the Trumpsters are the fake conservatives and seeing their demographic slipping away.
Um, that is not me. I do happen to agree with far more of the Republican Party‘s agenda. That is for certain. I’m not sure how anyone that is pro-USA and pro-Democracy could support Democrats unless they are just ignorant of their policies.
Look at the thread you’re in. How pro-democracy is the Republican Party when they’re scheming ways to deprive citizens of their ability to vote?
Look at the thread you’re in. How pro-democracy is the Republican Party when they’re scheming ways to deprive citizens of their ability to vote?

People like DBA thinks that not allowing people to vote is pro-democracy
People like DBA thinks that not allowing people to vote is pro-democracy

And people like you believe that certain parties in federal government working with national and social media to determine what should and should not be censored is ok. Yeah, that is ALL Democrats and you.
The Republican Party no longer has a platform, other than opportunistic outrage (typically based on bigotry). They know this doesn't play, with young people.

The Democratic Party has no platform than promising "free" stuff and printing more money. They do have an agenda however, and closely aligns with that of our enemies. Young people aren't able to see anything beyond the dangling bait("free" college), but at least they have an excuse for their ignorance. Adults who have never matured much beyond adolescence that still vote for Democrats are the real enemy to this country.
And people like you believe that certain parties in federal government working with national and social media to determine what should and should not be censored is ok.

Actually I am against that.

But hey, thanks for playing!
The Democratic Party has no platform than promising "free" stuff and printing more money. They do have an agenda however, and closely aligns with that of our enemies. Young people aren't able to see anything beyond the dangling bait("free" college), but at least they have an excuse for their ignorance. Adults who have never matured much beyond adolescence that still vote for Democrats are the real enemy to this country.
What is “Free Stuff”?

You mean doing things for the people instead of corporations?

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