Republican Team ISIS Fighters quitting their 'lost cause' fight.

. The part I believe is crap is your belief that Republicans are disappointed that ISIS is in retreat. We want them wiped out, but you can't grasp that. Pretty simple, really.

I didn't say all Republicans. So apparently you don't blame Obama for creating ISIS or for not carpet bombing millions to kill 30,000 terrorists. You don't imagine visions of mile long convoys of ISIS driving across Iraq's border two years ago that could have been bombed and whaalaahh no more ISIS.

So had you read my post was not addressing you.

But it would be nice to see you distance yourself from Republicans who do believe in all that crap. That included the two front/runners for the GOP nomination to be President.

Why do they talk about carpet bombing and nuking millions when a Republican such as yourself actually knows that ISIS is in retreat in Syria and Iraq already.

Will you vote for your nominee if he has no idea what's really going on in the fight against ISIS?
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Two Thumbs 13902101 You'd have to tell us the truth about how many times bombers didn't come back with bombs because they hit the terrorist targets that Obama authorized. That truth cannot be delivered from the keyboard bony fingers of decievers on Republican Team ISIS.

Also why drop a bomb if the target moved and was lost to ground intelligence? Why drop the bomb if the mission was launched to find targets and none were found.

I would hope our great pilots didn't drop bombs just to be drooping bombs like morons like you apparently expect them to do.

Maybe the first bomb destroyed the entire target so the second bomb could be saved for use tomorrow. Our pilots are great Americans and trained well for what they. They are not wasteful idiots like you want them to be. You being on Team ISIS want ISIS to be the smart ones and our pilots to be the morons. As it turns out you are the moron once again. strike two.
The bombs being used against ISIS are PGM's. The Hellfire cost about $70,000 and the Paveway cost about $20,000. Seems like a good policy to make sure they are used on genuine targets and not dumped on vacant buildings or abandoned facilities.
you mean they didn't know the targets were useless targets before take off?

fucking retard
Exactly. You just don't have any concept or clue about how targets are acquired and selected as targets.
neither do you, so lets stop pretending that all of a sudden, not bombing is a good idea when it never was before (not in the numbers of the obama idiocracy)
Your Obama derangement has you brainwashed and escaping from reality in addition to disparaging the men and women in uniform who are kicking the hell out of ISIS. So many bombs have been dropped that the campaign has created a shortage of our bomb stockpiles. Only Congress can address that issue with additional funding. So write a letter to your congressman. As it is, the dispensing of bombs must be carefully managed, which includes not dumping bombs on questionable targets that amounts to a waste of ordinance ($70,000 per bomb). So ya, bring the bombs back so they can be used effectively the next day instead of wasting them
how is explaining that you're a fucking lying pile of subhuman filth, not supporting our troops?

how is obama cutting military funding, during war, not his fucking fault that they are low on bombs?

do you even listen to the ignorant trash you post?

no, you dont, b/c if you did, you'd have to call yourself a racist for seeing that obama has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths.
who gave weapons to terrorist?
who underestimated isis?
who is responsible for not responding to isis in time?
so who should get credit for fighting them off?
not obama

If there's an honest leftist left, they would have admitted this by now
. The part I believe is crap is your belief that Republicans are disappointed that ISIS is in retreat. We want them wiped out, but you can't grasp that. Pretty simple, really.

I didn't say all Republicans. So apparently you don't blame Obama for creating ISIS or for not carpet bombing millions to kill 30,000 terrorists. You don't imagine visions of mile long convoys of ISIS driving across Iraq's border two years ago that could have been bombed and whaalaahh no more ISIS.

So had you read my post was not addressing you.

But it would be nice to see you distance yourself from Republicans who do believe in all that crap. That included the two front/runners for the GOP nomination to be President.

Why do they talk about carpet bombing and nuking millions when a Republican such as yourself actually knows that ISIS is in retreat in Syria and Iraq already.

Will you vote for your nominee if he has no idea what's really going on in the fight against ISIS?
This is specifically what I was responding to:

Are Republicans getting worried that ISIS terrorists are in retreat in Iraq and Syria?

This is the broad brush that you used. You were not specific about anyone, you used a blanket statement about all Republicans. This is what I am calling you out on.
Two Thumbs 13918071
who gave weapons to terrorist?

You answered you own question. So now can you back it up. What are you talking.

Oh by the way. Being an ignorant uninformed clueless foul-mouthed fool about the fight against ISIS is no way supporting our troops,

You have charged their Commander in Chief with treason for aiding and abetting the very enemy our pilots and advisors and Special Ops forces are fighting. So if you cannot back up the charges it means you are lying - that lying aids the enemy more than it aids our troops.
Two Thumbs 13918071
who gave weapons to terrorist?

You answered you own question. So now can you back it up. What are you talking.

Oh by the way. Being an ignorant uninformed clueless foul-mouthed fool about the fight against ISIS is no way supporting our troops,

You have charged their Commander in Chief with treason for aiding and abetting the very enemy our pilots and advisors and Special Ops forces are fighting. So if you cannot back up the charges it means you are lying - that lying aids the enemy more than it aids our troops.
ISIS Using Weapons Obama Gave To Syrian Rebels - Patriot Update
Obama Arms ISIS-Linked Militants – Without Background Checks!
Thanks to Obama's Poor Choices, ISIS Has Sophisticated Arms, Weapons

obama is a traitor, he helped arm the enemy, he should be taken out behind the WH and get shot in the head.
Iran May Be Killing as Many People in Baghdad as ISIS

Dreadnaught 13918083
This is specifically what I was responding to:

Are Republicans getting worried that ISIS terrorists are in retreat in Iraq and Syria?

This is the broad brush that you used. You were not specific about anyone, you used a blanket statement about all Republicans. This is what I am calling you out on.

I'm sorry, The broad brush is quite necessary since your Republican front-runners are talking about carpet bombing and nuking millions in Syria and Iraq to this day with no sign of backing down.

My question is correct. It is being said for political reasons you must agree. It certainly has no military value whatsoever,

So should you, as one who actually knows ISIS is already in retreat in Iraq for at least a year, be concerned that by the time November gets here that line of outlandish tough talk for political points will be so outdated that your eventual candidate will be made the fool that he is by the opposition Party.

How do you complain about a broad brush when most Republicans going to the primaries are buying the carpet bomb dogwhistle nonsense that Trump and Cruise are blowing.

If you are not concerned, you should be. Politically speaking if you want your party to win.
The bombs being used against ISIS are PGM's. The Hellfire cost about $70,000 and the Paveway cost about $20,000. Seems like a good policy to make sure they are used on genuine targets and not dumped on vacant buildings or abandoned facilities.
you mean they didn't know the targets were useless targets before take off?

fucking retard
Exactly. You just don't have any concept or clue about how targets are acquired and selected as targets.
neither do you, so lets stop pretending that all of a sudden, not bombing is a good idea when it never was before (not in the numbers of the obama idiocracy)
Your Obama derangement has you brainwashed and escaping from reality in addition to disparaging the men and women in uniform who are kicking the hell out of ISIS. So many bombs have been dropped that the campaign has created a shortage of our bomb stockpiles. Only Congress can address that issue with additional funding. So write a letter to your congressman. As it is, the dispensing of bombs must be carefully managed, which includes not dumping bombs on questionable targets that amounts to a waste of ordinance ($70,000 per bomb). So ya, bring the bombs back so they can be used effectively the next day instead of wasting them
how is explaining that you're a fucking lying pile of subhuman filth, not supporting our troops?

how is obama cutting military funding, during war, not his fucking fault that they are low on bombs?

do you even listen to the ignorant trash you post?

no, you dont, b/c if you did, you'd have to call yourself a racist for seeing that obama has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Calm down asshole. Not sure what it is you think I lied about. You post links to right wing propaganda hate sites and I posted an Air Force Times story from last week that included specific details from an Air Force General and the Secretary of Defense about the use and number of bombs in the fight against ISIS. That was the specific topic we were discussing back and forth. I included a media article and chose FOX News as additional backup to my points, but there are plenty of other news sources to choose from. Your position appeared to be that the fact that bombers were returning without dropping all their bombs reflected poorly on the bombing campaign. That is were the disparaging the troops comes in. I think they are doing an excellent and exemplary job and you don't.

If you would have read the Air Force Times story you would have learned that over 33,000 bombs have been dropped and that the Air Force is preparing them at the rate of one every seven minutes in Qatar. These are GPM's that cost $70,000 per unit for the Hellfire and $20,000 for the bunker buster Paveway. You would have also read about how the shortage is not hindering the campaign, but rather drawing on stockpiles that will need replacing at a cost of 1.8 billion dollars in 2017. You would have read that the Air Force has enough bombs on hand that it is able to loan bombs to coalition members.

Ignoring your attempts to deflect away from the topic you and I were going back and forth on and staying on my response to your dopey idea that a bomber gets loaded up with up to 3/4 of a million dollars worth of munitions (B-1) returning with bombs not having been dropped because of the lack of an appropriate target is somehow a reflection of a poorly operated bombing campaign is, well, dopey and an uneducated concept.
Two Thumbs 13918071
who gave weapons to terrorist?

You answered you own question. So now can you back it up. What are you talking.

Oh by the way. Being an ignorant uninformed clueless foul-mouthed fool about the fight against ISIS is no way supporting our troops,

You have charged their Commander in Chief with treason for aiding and abetting the very enemy our pilots and advisors and Special Ops forces are fighting. So if you cannot back up the charges it means you are lying - that lying aids the enemy more than it aids our troops.
You are trying to debate and discuss a topic in an intellectual or academic method with people who often seem to be no better educated than high school drop-outs. They are not interested in reliable or rational sources of information.
Dreadnaugh 13917805
The part I believe is crap is your belief that Republicans are disappointed that ISIS is in retreat. We want them wiped out, but you can't grasp that. Pretty simple, really.

What is a Republican these days?

One like you who accepts the reality that Obama's anti-ISIS coalition is defeating ISIS in Syria and Iraq or one here who just posted this;

Two Thumbs 13918150
obama is a traitor, he helped arm the enemy, he should be taken out behind the WH and get shot in the head.

The Trump rise in the Republican Party makes it difficult for we outsiders to separate, as members of a unified voting bloc, the disgusting haters like Two Thumbs from the GHWB and WFBuckley style Republicans/Consevatives from so many days past.

Say what you will but your Party is being driven off a cliff and it's gonna be a long climb back now no matter what happens.

The ugly is in the spotlight.
Two Thumbs 13918071
who gave weapons to terrorist?

You answered you own question. So now can you back it up. What are you talking.

Oh by the way. Being an ignorant uninformed clueless foul-mouthed fool about the fight against ISIS is no way supporting our troops,

You have charged their Commander in Chief with treason for aiding and abetting the very enemy our pilots and advisors and Special Ops forces are fighting. So if you cannot back up the charges it means you are lying - that lying aids the enemy more than it aids our troops.
You are trying to debate and discuss a topic in an intellectual or academic method with people who often seem to be no better educated than high school drop-outs. They are not interested in reliable or rational sources of information.

I know, but I'm amazed at how continuously and consistently these people will put their ignorance on public display and permanent record just because they are anonymous.

Maybe they are this stupid only among other really stupid people. Or they don't talk to any people in person except at a Trump or Cruz rally.
Haven't been on this thread in a while................but the reality is that ISIS is in retreat now because Russia opened up a can of whoop ass without the rules........and they started on the rebels who were prolonging the War in the main effort to get rid of Assad...........which is why we have small responses to kill ISIS instead of doing the same as Russia has been doing.

Anyway..........Russia is proving that a massive air, artillery and Naval bombardment of ISIS and rebel positions has softened the enemy to allow the advance of Syrian forces..............

Which people like me have been saying for a over a year now needed to be done...........Our strategy........well......Obama's strategy has prolonged the conflict.
eagle 13918874
Haven't been on this thread in a while................but the reality is that ISIS is in retreat now because Russia opened up a can of whoop ass without the rules........and they started on the rebels who were prolonging the War in the main effort to get rid of Assad...........which is why we have small responses to kill ISIS instead of doing the same as Russia has been doing.

Anyway..........Russia is proving that a massive air, artillery and Naval bombardment of ISIS and rebel positions has softened the enemy to allow the advance of Syrian forces..............

Which people like me have been saying for a over a year now needed to be done...........Our strategy........well......Obama's strategy has prolonged the conflict.

Your analysis is horribly flawed. ISIS has lost the most territory in Iraq. Russia has done absolutely nothing to combat ISIS in Iraq.

Putin was a 'Vladdy come lately' to Syria. Putin's decision to put troops there came months after ISIS lost Kobane and much of the areas on the SyriaTurkey border.

The ISIS setbacks began over a year ago, when the fighters were forced out of the northern Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani by local Kurdish forces backed by US-led airstrikes.

In December, the predominantly Kurdish U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, under cover of intense coalition airstrikes seized the Tishrin Dam, which supplies much of northern Syria with electricity. In the weeks that followed the forces gained control of more areas.

In all of 2015, the militants lost 14 percent of their territory in Syria, according to IHS, an analysis group that monitors the conflict. In the past three months, they lost another eight percent, a sign that the erosion is accelerating. The IHS figure roughly matches an estimate of a 20 percent loss given this week by US Secretary of State John Kerry.

In February alone, the SDF said it captured 2,400 square kilometers (927 square miles) consisting of 315 villages including the IS stronghold of Shaddadeh, on the main road linking the Iraqi city of Mosul and the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the "caliphate." SDF spokesman Col. Talal Sillo said the command will meet soon to plan for another offensive in northern Syria.

In Iraq, ISIS territorial losses have been more gradual. Coalition airstrikes have cleared the way for ground forces to reclaim towns and cities from Sinjar in the country’s north to Ramadi in the west. The coalition estimates that between the launch of the air campaign in August 2014 and January 2016, IS has lost between 21,000-24,000 square kilometers (8,100-9,200 square miles), about 40% of the Iraqi territory it once held.

Calls for a stepped-up campaign intensified after ISIS claimed responsibility for the Nov. 13 Paris attacks that left 130 dead and the Oct. 31 downing of a Russian jetliner from the Egyptian beach resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, which killed all 224 on board.

Deadly attacks in Turkey by ISIS that killed scores of people also spurred Ankara to tighten its closure of the border, making it difficult for the extremists to cross into Syria.

In an effort to squeeze the group’s finances, coalition and Russian warplanes in Syria began increasingly targeting ISIS oil assets in November. ISIS has since had to cut salaries and benefits for fighters.

Last week, Iraqi, Syrian and US officials confirmed that prominent ISIS military leader Omar al-Shishani died of his wounds from a US airstrike in northeastern Syria earlier this month.

US special forces also recently captured the head of the ISIS unit researching chemical weapons in Iraq, and airstrikes have targeted the group's chemical weapons infrastructure.

“As bad things start to happen, the less motivated, less disciplined, less radical elements of the force break and run,” US Army Col. Steve Warren said. “We’re going to keep seeing this.”

The United States estimates that as of last month, ISIS fields 19,000 to 25,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria - down from an estimated 20,000 to 31,500 - a number that was based on intelligence reports from May to August 2014.

A US official said the decrease reflects the combined effects of battlefield deaths, desertions, internal disciplinary actions, recruiting shortfalls and difficulties that foreign fighters face traveling to Syria. Still, these developments do not necessarily make ISIS less of a threat.

So how many airstrikes did Russia make compared to the U.S. led Coalition Eagle.

US Special Forces did the successful assault to kill Baghdadi's most important and vital number two terririst.

Yet you give all the credit to Putin. You are worried about ISIS in retreat because you are still lying about the entire military campaign just to take another swipe at Obama.

Putin only arrived six months after It was obvious that ISIS was being defeated.

Other factors you ignored;

  • The Paris attack forced more participation from the U.S. Led coalition partners as well.
  • Bombings in Turkey forced Its government to begin to better seal a border that allowed plenty of ISIS killers to enter Syria.

Why give Putin all the credit? He was not in the fight until the Coalition demonstrated that ISIS could be defeated and Putin has done nothing for Iraq in terms if Air Strikes and advisers.

You are on Team ISIS for sure, now trying to wiggle off the team by joining Team Putin and Assad.
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Lets be frank both the UK and USA bear some responsibility for this mess. ISIS originally started from the chaos within Iraq. The West continues to suck up to Saudi Arabia which is exporting its extreme version of Islam around the world. There are very few innocent parties here apart from the Syrian people.

I think its a bit rich of some GOP supporters to come in here trashing Obama whilst forgetting the role the two war criminals Bush and Blair played in this.

Europe and the USA were dealt a crap hand with what to do in Syria, there was no simple solution.

However some portraying Russia as the good guys here are seriously delusional!
Lets be frank both the UK and USA bear some responsibility for this mess. ISIS originally started from the chaos within Iraq. The West continues to suck up to Saudi Arabia which is exporting its extreme version of Islam around the world. There are very few innocent parties here apart from the Syrian people.

I think its a bit rich of some GOP supporters to come in here trashing Obama whilst forgetting the role the two war criminals Bush and Blair played in this.

Europe and the USA were dealt a crap hand with what to do in Syria, there was no simple solution.

However some portraying Russia as the good guys here are seriously delusional!
The simple solution would have been to support Assad just as Russia (the good guys) proved.
Lets be frank both the UK and USA bear some responsibility for this mess. ISIS originally started from the chaos within Iraq. The West continues to suck up to Saudi Arabia which is exporting its extreme version of Islam around the world. There are very few innocent parties here apart from the Syrian people.

I think its a bit rich of some GOP supporters to come in here trashing Obama whilst forgetting the role the two war criminals Bush and Blair played in this.

Europe and the USA were dealt a crap hand with what to do in Syria, there was no simple solution.

However some portraying Russia as the good guys here are seriously delusional!
The simple solution would have been to support Assad just as Russia (the good guys) proved.

Originally the uprising in Syria was made up of many students, professionals. How exactly would it have looked if the USA and UK had sided with Assad as he began slaughtering them. The moderate rebels were not helped, they had no chance against the Syrian army backed by Russia. The West because of the Iraq hangover was reluctant to get involved until it was too late, by this time Syria turned into a proxy war between different external factions.ISIS began to grow in Iraq, many of those initial recruits were Sunni's who had been in jails, they managed to get more recruits from Sunni communities who had been crapped on by the mainly Shia Iraqi government.

By the time the West got involved the moderate rebels were fast being outnumbered. Many within the GOP want to airbrush history and wash their hands of the stench of the disastrous Iraqi war.
Lets be frank both the UK and USA bear some responsibility for this mess. ISIS originally started from the chaos within Iraq. The West continues to suck up to Saudi Arabia which is exporting its extreme version of Islam around the world. There are very few innocent parties here apart from the Syrian people.

I think its a bit rich of some GOP supporters to come in here trashing Obama whilst forgetting the role the two war criminals Bush and Blair played in this.

Europe and the USA were dealt a crap hand with what to do in Syria, there was no simple solution.

However some portraying Russia as the good guys here are seriously delusional!
The simple solution would have been to support Assad just as Russia (the good guys) proved.

Originally the uprising in Syria was made up of many students, professionals. How exactly would it have looked if the USA and UK had sided with Assad as he began slaughtering them. The moderate rebels were not helped, they had no chance against the Syrian army backed by Russia. The West because of the Iraq hangover was reluctant to get involved until it was too late, by this time Syria turned into a proxy war between different external factions.ISIS began to grow in Iraq, many of those initial recruits were Sunni's who had been in jails, they managed to get more recruits from Sunni communities who had been crapped on by the mainly Shia Iraqi government.

By the time the West got involved the moderate rebels were fast being outnumbered. Many within the GOP want to airbrush history and wash their hands of the stench of the disastrous Iraqi war.
By the time the West got involved the moderate rebels were fast being outnumbered.
I would argue that the West was involved since before the outset of the Arab Spring, as far back as 2006 even. But ignoring that, at a certain point the West has to stand up for humanity, but they never did, they were content letting things play out so long as they could oust Assad. The Russians filled the void and choked off ISIS supply routes along with the legitimate governing authority in Syria. That is why they are the good guys. Obama is just another tool, essentially no different than Bush. He is destroying the ME, just as Bush set out to do, his tactics may be different but the results are the same.
eagle 13918874
.............but the reality is that ISIS is in retreat now because Russia opened up a can of whoop ass without the rules........

You wrote that the... "REALITY is that ISIS is in retreat NOW"...

So how could anyone accept your REALITY when your reality does not include the fact that the ISIS retreat in both countries began six months before Putin's arrival with bombers?

So how could anyone accept your REALITY when your reality does not include the fact that the ISIS retreat in Iraq is twice as large in terms of territory siezed and lost (the definition of retreat) as the amount of territory lost in Syria? Putin has not launched a single airstrike in Iraq.

Your recognition of REALITY truly sucks. You should be ashamed of posting such an ignorant understanding of what has been going on over there.

Everyone knows Obama's strategy include building regional forces military capability to be able to hold territory as ISIS withdraws.

Thats what has taken time.

If anyone delayed progress against ISiS it was your precious Putin. Coming in to the game the 4th quarter with the scrubs when our side was up by a safe amount. And he only played on half the field.
Lets be frank both the UK and USA bear some responsibility for this mess. ISIS originally started from the chaos within Iraq. The West continues to suck up to Saudi Arabia which is exporting its extreme version of Islam around the world. There are very few innocent parties here apart from the Syrian people.

I think its a bit rich of some GOP supporters to come in here trashing Obama whilst forgetting the role the two war criminals Bush and Blair played in this.

Europe and the USA were dealt a crap hand with what to do in Syria, there was no simple solution.

However some portraying Russia as the good guys here are seriously delusional!
The simple solution would have been to support Assad just as Russia (the good guys) proved.

Originally the uprising in Syria was made up of many students, professionals. How exactly would it have looked if the USA and UK had sided with Assad as he began slaughtering them. The moderate rebels were not helped, they had no chance against the Syrian army backed by Russia. The West because of the Iraq hangover was reluctant to get involved until it was too late, by this time Syria turned into a proxy war between different external factions.ISIS began to grow in Iraq, many of those initial recruits were Sunni's who had been in jails, they managed to get more recruits from Sunni communities who had been crapped on by the mainly Shia Iraqi government.

By the time the West got involved the moderate rebels were fast being outnumbered. Many within the GOP want to airbrush history and wash their hands of the stench of the disastrous Iraqi war.
By the time the West got involved the moderate rebels were fast being outnumbered.
I would argue that the West was involved since before the outset of the Arab Spring, as far back as 2006 even. But ignoring that, at a certain point the West has to stand up for humanity, but they never did, they were content letting things play out so long as they could oust Assad. The Russians filled the void and choked off ISIS supply routes along with the legitimate governing authority in Syria. That is why they are the good guys. Obama is just another tool, essentially no different than Bush. He is destroying the ME, just as Bush set out to do, his tactics may be different but the results are the same.

I think trying to find a policy for the Middle East that's guaranteed success is nigh on impossible. Its generally just variations of awfulness, its like whats the least worst solution! At least you guys in the USA aren't next door to it, Europe is left in an impossible situation here with the refugees. Of course we want to help,but theres only so much we can do. Seeing women and children drowning in the Med is awful, these people smugglers are scum, on top of that people are selling life jackets that don't even work. Theres always some filth looking to make money out of a tragic situation.

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