Republican Team ISIS Fighters quitting their 'lost cause' fight.

Lets be frank both the UK and USA bear some responsibility for this mess. ISIS originally started from the chaos within Iraq. The West continues to suck up to Saudi Arabia which is exporting its extreme version of Islam around the world. There are very few innocent parties here apart from the Syrian people.

I think its a bit rich of some GOP supporters to come in here trashing Obama whilst forgetting the role the two war criminals Bush and Blair played in this.

Europe and the USA were dealt a crap hand with what to do in Syria, there was no simple solution.

However some portraying Russia as the good guys here are seriously delusional!
The simple solution would have been to support Assad just as Russia (the good guys) proved.

Originally the uprising in Syria was made up of many students, professionals. How exactly would it have looked if the USA and UK had sided with Assad as he began slaughtering them. The moderate rebels were not helped, they had no chance against the Syrian army backed by Russia. The West because of the Iraq hangover was reluctant to get involved until it was too late, by this time Syria turned into a proxy war between different external factions.ISIS began to grow in Iraq, many of those initial recruits were Sunni's who had been in jails, they managed to get more recruits from Sunni communities who had been crapped on by the mainly Shia Iraqi government.

By the time the West got involved the moderate rebels were fast being outnumbered. Many within the GOP want to airbrush history and wash their hands of the stench of the disastrous Iraqi war.
By the time the West got involved the moderate rebels were fast being outnumbered.
I would argue that the West was involved since before the outset of the Arab Spring, as far back as 2006 even. But ignoring that, at a certain point the West has to stand up for humanity, but they never did, they were content letting things play out so long as they could oust Assad. The Russians filled the void and choked off ISIS supply routes along with the legitimate governing authority in Syria. That is why they are the good guys. Obama is just another tool, essentially no different than Bush. He is destroying the ME, just as Bush set out to do, his tactics may be different but the results are the same.

I think trying to find a policy for the Middle East that's guaranteed success is nigh on impossible. Its generally just variations of awfulness, its like whats the least worst solution! At least you guys in the USA aren't next door to it, Europe is left in an impossible situation here with the refugees. Of course we want to help,but theres only so much we can do. Seeing women and children drowning in the Med is awful, these people smugglers are scum, on top of that people are selling life jackets that don't even work. Theres always some filth looking to make money out of a tragic situation.
I suppose it depends on how you define success. I place a high priority on human rights. Western governments that have been hi jacked by corporate interests, especially oil and gas interests, have a long history of placing their own interests over those of the populations they destabilize. Again, Obama has shown to be no different than Bush in succumbing to the corporate interests. If decent people would wake up to the realities of Western destabilization policies we would stand a better chance of preventing refugee crisis. Here is a piece written by Robert Kennedy Jr. that is relevant to this discussion. Worth a perusal I believe.
Syria: Another Pipeline War
Tehon 13919490
they were content letting things play out so long as they could oust Assad.

So you can only talk about Syria where ISIS lost 14% of its territory including key supply routes prior to Putin's entrance. ISIS lost another 8% since Putin arrived.

ISIS lost 40% and counting in Iraq and Putin never showed up.

I don't mind Putin's help, but where was he for much of the battle?

Have you forgotten about Iraq?
Tehon 13919490
they were content letting things play out so long as they could oust Assad.

So you can only talk about Syria where ISIS lost 14% of its territory including key supply routes prior to Putin's entrance. ISIS lost another 8% since Putin arrived.

ISIS lost 40% and counting in Iraq and Putin never showed up.

I don't mind Putin's help, but where was he for much of the battle?

Have you forgotten about Iraq?

Putin came into Syria with a strategy......... to counter US efforts to oust Assad. Why? Because Assad offered the best opportunity to keep Syria from being completely overrun by Jihadists, something Obama was content to let happen. Libya offers a good example of the fate that awaited Syria had Obama won. It should be clear to anyone with a conscience who should be commended for their sacrifices to this point.
Tehon 13919867
Putin came into Syria with a strategy......... to counter US efforts to oust Assad. Why? Because Assad offered the best opportunity to keep Syria from being completely overrun by Jihadists, something Obama was content to let happen.

You've gone deeper into your Conspiracy Theory when you inject the fallacious opinion that Syria being completely overrun by Jihadists, was something that Obama was content to let happen.

That is nuts. Birther kind of stuff. How did you dream this up? What do you base this nonsense on?
Tehon 13919867
Putin came into Syria with a strategy......... to counter US efforts to oust Assad. Why? Because Assad offered the best opportunity to keep Syria from being completely overrun by Jihadists, something Obama was content to let happen.

You've gone deeper into your Conspiracy Theory when you inject the fallacious opinion that Syria being completely overrun by Jihadists, was something that Obama was content to let happen.

That is nuts. Birther kind of stuff. How did you dream this up? What do you base this nonsense on?

This is not nonsense, this DoD situation report which was obtained by the FOIA states it quite bluntly.

Tehon 13938978

Based on that DOD document dated who knows when, (which appears to predate the ISIS conquest of Mosul,) why did you write about Obama being "content to let Syria being completely overrun by Jihadists so Putiin came up with a plan to to keep Syria from being over run by ISIS.

Syria was not being overrun by ISIS by the Time Putin showed up.

How could you be so wrong?

Do you decide what you desire to be fact and search for dribbles of data to support it?

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Tehon 13919867
Putin came into Syria with a strategy......... to counter US efforts to oust Assad. Why? Because Assad offered the best opportunity to keep Syria from being completely overrun by Jihadists, something Obama was content to let happen.

You've gone deeper into your Conspiracy Theory when you inject the fallacious opinion that Syria being completely overrun by Jihadists, was something that Obama was content to let happen.

That is nuts. Birther kind of stuff. How did you dream this up? What do you base this nonsense on?

This is not nonsense, this DoD situation report which was obtained by the FOIA states it quite bluntly.

View attachment 70216

No where in your post or JW cite - is there anything as outrageously false as what you wrote:

"Syria being completely overrun by Jihadists, was something that Obama was content to let happen."

Can't you see the fallacy of your claim that Obama was content to see all of Syria overrun by Jihadists.

And Obama's coalition had demonstrated the opposite of your horribly outdated report by actually defeating ISIS IN EASTERN Syria long before Putin's Air Force arrived in Syria.
Can't you see the fallacy of your claim that Obama was content to see all of Syria overrun by Jihadists.

No I can't, my claim is not fallacious. The DoD information report was quite clear in stating that the West along with the Gulf Coast countries and Turkey supported the opposition. It further clarifies that the US government was aware that the opposition was supported by AQI from the very beginning and that events were clearly sectarian. The report goes on to state that the opposition's supporting powers wanted a caliphate to put pressure on Assad to abdicate his position. And I'm glad you noticed that the report preceded the ISIS coming out party. Do you understand what all that points to. The US government, headed by Obama, knew in real time the situation on the ground and did nothing to stop it. What else is someone to surmise, it's written in black and white.

Can you provide any kind of evidence to support your claim that ISIS was defeated in Eastern Syria prior to Putin's arrival.
Tehon 13938978

Based on that DOD document dated who knows when, (which appears to predate the ISIS conquest of Mosul,) why did you write about Obama being "content to let Syria being completely overrun by Jihadists so Putiin came up with a plan to to keep Syria from being over run by ISIS.

Syria was not being overrun by ISIS by the Time Putin showed up.

How could you be so wrong?

Do you decide what you desire to be fact and search for dribbles of data to support it?

Syria was not being overrun by ISIS by the Time Putin showed up.

Excuse me, are you serious? ISIS was achieving the goals laid out in the DoD information report, to isolate the Syrian regime when Putin showed up. ISIS supply lines were fully intact and their oil operation was fully functioning. Putin came in and closed down the supply lines and shut down the oil operation. Obama didn't do dick.
Tehon 13939783
. Can you provide any kind of evidence to support your claim that ISIS was defeated in Eastern Syria prior to Putin's arrival.

Kobane was a defeat for ISIS about a year ago and they lost 14% of its territory prior to Putin's bombing campaign. They've lost 8% more since Putin joined the fight.

If Obama was 'content' to let Jihadists run amok in all of Syria as you falsely claim, you can't explain your conspiracy theory without ignoring that ISIS was in retreat for over a year.

It's defeating them that causes them to retreat.

You still think ISIS suffered no defeats until Putin showed up with bombers?
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September forward. Once they let it be known that ISIS was moving in to Afghanistan everything changed.
September forward. Once they let it be known that ISIS was moving in to Afghanistan everything changed.
Your hero al Shishani should have moved to Afghanistan. An American pilot turned him into bits and pieces with a Hellfire.
Tehon 13939783

Can't you see the fallacy of your claim that Obama was content to see all of Syria overrun by Jihadists.

No I can't, my claim is not fallacious. The DoD information report was quite clear in stating that the West along with the Gulf Coast countries and Turkey supported the opposition.

Where did you get the part about Obama being content to see all of Syria overrun by Jihadists. It surely is not in the DOD document you displayed here.

Eastern Syria is not ALL of Syria. Why specifically did you modify the DOD document.

Why don't you understand that Obama was killing ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq at least six months before Putin sent Russian bombers into Syria. That means Obama was not content to see Jihadists take over anywhere.

Killing them is not contentment with Jihadists expanding territory. It just isn't

Your story certainly does not match reality,
The whining about Obama is crazy.

Here a republican (Bush) invades a country and completely fucks up the entire region.

But it's the black guys fault for not "fixing" the republican fuck up.

Don't republicans EVER take responsibility for their actions? Ever?
No, they dont.

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Tehon 13939783
The DoD information report was quite clear in stating that the West along with the Gulf Coast countries and Turkey supported the opposition. It further clarifies that the US government was aware that the opposition was supported by AQI from the very beginning and that events were clearly sectarian.

Yes the West supported the opposition. You didn't need Judicial Watch to find a document to tell you that did you?

But your imagination got ahead of the facts to make you think that Obama supported AQI taking over some Eastern parts of Syria and was content to watch them take over all of Syria.
September forward. Once they let it be known that ISIS was moving in to Afghanistan everything changed.
Your hero al Shishani should have moved to Afghanistan. An American pilot turned him into bits and pieces with a Hellfire.

The millionth time he has been declared dead. No proof to date.

And piss off that he's my hero. I only respected his abilities in war. Al Shishani has been a fearless commander. I can admire that without turning him into a hero.

Certainly better than trying to make him out to be the leader of a JVT.
Tehon 13939783
The DoD information report was quite clear in stating that the West along with the Gulf Coast countries and Turkey supported the opposition. It further clarifies that the US government was aware that the opposition was supported by AQI from the very beginning and that events were clearly sectarian.

Yes the West supported the opposition. You didn't need Judicial Watch to find a document to tell you that did you?

But your imagination got ahead of the facts to make you think that Obama supported AQI taking over some Eastern parts of Syria and was content to watch them take over all of Syria.

Oh for crying out loud, Obama loved the mercenary jihadists, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels without a name but the rebels that were moderate errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrv more moderate than ISIS errrrrrrrrrrrrr you know those guys from all the foreign countries fighting for democracy in Syria errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Chechens. Yeah. Chechens.

Obama was backing the Chechen freedom fighters for democracy in Syria. Yeah, yeah that's the ticket. Can't you cut the crap?

Everyone and their mother at this point know there was never a civil war. Just a giant mother trucking lie to cover the west's attempt to overthrow Assad.
Yes the West supported the opposition. You didn't need Judicial Watch to find a document to tell you that did you?
Judicial Watch was for your benefit, that DIA document is quite revealing and Obamabots such as yourself should be confronted with it often.

But your imagination got ahead of the facts to make you think that Obama supported AQI taking over some Eastern parts of Syria and was content to watch them take over all of Syria.
I guess Libya was my imagination also. Obama had no qualms about taking out that regime and leaving the state to be overrun with jihadists. A large number of whom subsequently found their way into Syria to join the fight against Assad.

As far as Kobani is was good for public relations but fairly insignificant to eliminating ISIS. It took 4 months to clear out 1,000 jihadists who maintained control of the surrounding region. Wake up dude, the Neocons are still influencing our leaders, your messiah is still running their game.

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