Republicans, a bridge too far

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

Con whining, it never ends. Ronald Reagan issued 380 executive orders, Obama has issued about 230. Reagan was a dictator according to you but you people worship that criminal with gay fervor.

So bizarre, the Republican Congress shuts down the government for 7 years and then gets mad when the president issues some legal executive orders. He's a Constitutional lawyer, you are dullards on the internet who just need something to whine about.

Whine away.
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

Con whining, it never ends. Ronald Reagan issued 380 executive orders, Obama has issued about 230. Reagan was a dictator according to you but you people worship that criminal with gay fervor.

So bizarre, the Republican Congress shuts down the government for 7 years and then gets mad when the president issues some legal executive orders. He's a Constitutional lawyer, you are dullards on the internet who just need something to whine about.

Whine away.

Obama is a pathetic amateur leader who can't broker a compromise with congress so he throws an executive order tantrum then gets smacked down by the SCOTUS when his orders are found to be unconstitutional. Its not our fault you people elected this loser.
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

This is going to become a general election issue that "Fig Newton Bar's" group will lose, bringing out MORE conservatives and others to vote GOP.


Because the commercial will go something like this------------> The most conservative justice on the Supreme court has died. While he was in office, Roe V Wade was not rescinded, nor was it attempted to be rescinded.

Put in a liberal justice, you may lose your 2nd amendment rights.

That is it, it is over! Anyone with 1/2 a brain will know that replacing him with another conservative would not mean Roe V Wade would be repealed. Replace him with a lib, and could be bye, bye, guns.

Deal done, logical American conclusion----------->retain status quo, wait for new President unless Obama nominates a conservative. (which we all know isn't going to happen)

The race card is going to be played of course, and the best response is to ignore, and/or laugh at the poster. Obama would not be there today, if the country was racist. Of course, he wouldn't be there either, if he had told the truth, lol.

So in that case Fig Newton, lololololololol-)
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

This is going to become a general election issue that "Fig Newton Bar's" group will lose, bringing out MORE conservatives and others to vote GOP.


Because the commercial will go something like this------------> The most conservative justice on the Supreme court has died. While he was in office, Roe V Wade was not rescinded, nor was it attempted to be rescinded.

Put in a liberal justice, you may lose your 2nd amendment rights.

That is it, it is over! Anyone with 1/2 a brain will know that replacing him with another conservative would not mean Roe V Wade would be repealed. Replace him with a lib, and could be bye, bye, guns.

Deal done, logical American conclusion----------->retain status quo, wait for new President unless Obama nominates a conservative. (which we all know isn't going to happen)

The race card is going to be played of course, and the best response is to ignore, and/or laugh at the poster. Obama would not be there today, if the country was racist. Of course, he wouldn't be there either, if he had told the truth, lol.

So in that case Fig Newton, lololololololol-)

This will become a 2nd amendment call to arms turning out historical numbers of GOP voters.
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

Con whining, it never ends. Ronald Reagan issued 380 executive orders, Obama has issued about 230. Reagan was a dictator according to you but you people worship that criminal with gay fervor.

So bizarre, the Republican Congress shuts down the government for 7 years and then gets mad when the president issues some legal executive orders. He's a Constitutional lawyer, you are dullards on the internet who just need something to whine about.

Whine away.

Obama is a pathetic amateur leader who can't broker a compromise with congress so he throws an executive order tantrum then gets smacked down by the SCOTUS when his orders are found to be unconstitutional. Its not our fault you people elected this loser.

How many have been struck down? It's not your fault your side selected losers?

I hope the GOP delays and obstructs the president's nominee. Can you say Dem. landslide in 2016?
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.

All you needed to add was "check your privilege" to your statement and your transformation into a progressive drone-hack would be complete!
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

This is going to become a general election issue that "Fig Newton Bar's" group will lose, bringing out MORE conservatives and others to vote GOP.


Because the commercial will go something like this------------> The most conservative justice on the Supreme court has died. While he was in office, Roe V Wade was not rescinded, nor was it attempted to be rescinded.

Put in a liberal justice, you may lose your 2nd amendment rights.

That is it, it is over! Anyone with 1/2 a brain will know that replacing him with another conservative would not mean Roe V Wade would be repealed. Replace him with a lib, and could be bye, bye, guns.

Deal done, logical American conclusion----------->retain status quo, wait for new President unless Obama nominates a conservative. (which we all know isn't going to happen)

The race card is going to be played of course, and the best response is to ignore, and/or laugh at the poster. Obama would not be there today, if the country was racist. Of course, he wouldn't be there either, if he had told the truth, lol.

So in that case Fig Newton, lololololololol-)

This will become a 2nd amendment call to arms turning out historical numbers of GOP voters.

This right here. Dems can forget any state where 2nd amendment rights are key issues.
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.

All you needed to add was "check your privilege" to your statement and your transformation into a progressive drone-hack would be complete!

Do you ever get out of con-cliche land? Ever? You are one of those stuck in the fake con-bubble where reality and knowledge are barred.
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

Con whining, it never ends. Ronald Reagan issued 380 executive orders, Obama has issued about 230. Reagan was a dictator according to you but you people worship that criminal with gay fervor.

So bizarre, the Republican Congress shuts down the government for 7 years and then gets mad when the president issues some legal executive orders. He's a Constitutional lawyer, you are dullards on the internet who just need something to whine about.

Whine away.

Obama is a pathetic amateur leader who can't broker a compromise with congress so he throws an executive order tantrum then gets smacked down by the SCOTUS when his orders are found to be unconstitutional. Its not our fault you people elected this loser.

How many have been struck down? It's not your fault your side selected losers?

I hope the GOP delays and obstructs the president's nominee. Can you say Dem. landslide in 2016?

Yes I can........Dem landslide in 2016! I can say "Hillary indicted also! How about Trump elected President?

Your point is?
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a democracy. Riiiight. Its a sweater!

Research the 'forms' of democracy, or the 'subsets' of democracy and learn something. I'm betting you won't because you won't be able to use that line when arguing with Cliven any more.

It's a representative republic. There's a reason when asked what form of government had been created Franklin replied "A republic, if you can keep it".

There's a reason the person who gets the most votes isn't necessarily president, and why the Senate is a secondary backstop to prevent mob rule.

Limited versus unlimited. Very different things indeed.

Its a democracy. You are just not educated on the various forms and your mind works on an us vs them paradigm all the time.

Education is your friend, not your enemy.

I am educated in it's various forms. Which is why I understand why the 2 are very different things.

For those who wish to eliminate the checks and balances the republic requires, it is indeed an us versus them decision.
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.

All you needed to add was "check your privilege" to your statement and your transformation into a progressive drone-hack would be complete!

Do you ever get out of con-cliche land? Ever? You are one of those stuck in the fake con-bubble where reality and knowledge are barred.

Says the hack that runs right to racism as a first, last an only retort.
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

Con whining, it never ends. Ronald Reagan issued 380 executive orders, Obama has issued about 230. Reagan was a dictator according to you but you people worship that criminal with gay fervor.

So bizarre, the Republican Congress shuts down the government for 7 years and then gets mad when the president issues some legal executive orders. He's a Constitutional lawyer, you are dullards on the internet who just need something to whine about.

Whine away.

It isn't the number of executive orders,'s what they pertained to! Executive Orders were put in place to allow the government to function when Congress wasn't in Washington...which back in the day was quite often. Reagan did in fact issue more executive orders than Obama has but you know very well that Obama has used executive orders to GET AROUND a GOP controlled Congress not to make the government function smoothly.
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.

All you needed to add was "check your privilege" to your statement and your transformation into a progressive drone-hack would be complete!

Do you ever get out of con-cliche land? Ever? You are one of those stuck in the fake con-bubble where reality and knowledge are barred.

Says the hack that runs right to racism as a first, last an only retort.

Ah, another whiner and liar.

Cons, just saying 'you say conservatives are racist and we think it is getting old', doesn't mean you aren't racist anymore. This seems to be the current modis operandi of con-media and thus its listening lemmings.

Decry the message, which in con-land means the validity of the message no longer applies.

Unfortunately you are still the same racists that you have always been. You have to hide it because it gets you in trouble, but your hearts haven't changed. The fact that you have to deny who you are constantly is quite entertaining. You have to live a lie...all the time. Sad but funny.
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?

Con whining, it never ends. Ronald Reagan issued 380 executive orders, Obama has issued about 230. Reagan was a dictator according to you but you people worship that criminal with gay fervor.

So bizarre, the Republican Congress shuts down the government for 7 years and then gets mad when the president issues some legal executive orders. He's a Constitutional lawyer, you are dullards on the internet who just need something to whine about.

Whine away.

It isn't the number of executive orders,'s what they pertained to! Executive Orders were put in place to allow the government to function when Congress wasn't in Washington...which back in the day was quite often. Reagan did in fact issue more executive orders than Obama has but you know very well that Obama has used executive orders to GET AROUND a GOP controlled Congress not to make the government function smoothly.

You parse all of life so it fits the twist in reality that exists in your head.

For you, being wrong is the worst thing that could happen to a human being. So your mind works like a monkey in a lever factory to parse, cajole, and twist all facts so they fit your brains narrative of the world. Reality plays no part.
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.

All you needed to add was "check your privilege" to your statement and your transformation into a progressive drone-hack would be complete!

Do you ever get out of con-cliche land? Ever? You are one of those stuck in the fake con-bubble where reality and knowledge are barred.

Says the hack that runs right to racism as a first, last an only retort.

Ah, another whiner and liar.

Cons, just saying 'you say conservatives are racist and we think it is getting old', doesn't mean you aren't racist anymore. This seems to be the current modis operandi of con-media and thus its listening lemmings.

Decry the message, which in con-land means the validity of the message no longer applies.

Unfortunately you are still the same racists that you have always been. You have to hide it because it gets you in trouble, but your hearts haven't changed. The fact that you have to deny who you are constantly is quite entertaining. You have to live a lie...all the time. Sad but funny.

Prove that I am a racist. If you can't, then go pound sand.
Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.

All you needed to add was "check your privilege" to your statement and your transformation into a progressive drone-hack would be complete!

Do you ever get out of con-cliche land? Ever? You are one of those stuck in the fake con-bubble where reality and knowledge are barred.

Says the hack that runs right to racism as a first, last an only retort.

Ah, another whiner and liar.

Cons, just saying 'you say conservatives are racist and we think it is getting old', doesn't mean you aren't racist anymore. This seems to be the current modis operandi of con-media and thus its listening lemmings.

Decry the message, which in con-land means the validity of the message no longer applies.

Unfortunately you are still the same racists that you have always been. You have to hide it because it gets you in trouble, but your hearts haven't changed. The fact that you have to deny who you are constantly is quite entertaining. You have to live a lie...all the time. Sad but funny.

Prove that I am a racist. If you can't, then go pound sand.

You need a tissue and a time out.

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