Republicans, a bridge too far

The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Here's is the inescapable problem with your logic.

If Obama ran again today, no one would vote for him, not even you.

The whole world knows he is a liar and a war monger. Don't you know? Mister, "if you like your Doctor and your insurance you can keep it?"

Think of all the innocents that have died from drones.

What about that bullshit he pulled in Libya?

There is no excuse for creating ISIS.

etc. etc. etc.

I can only think of one president worse in the last fifty years. . . BUSH. :badgrin:

In fact, his administration seems like one long continuous nightmare continuation of the Bush administration. I don't see much difference in the two.

So don't feed us bullshit about, the "people" elected him.

Like BUSH, he is a LIAR.

What happened to that transparency he promised?

meh. . .

Fuck him.

Today, I doubt he could beat a head of cabbage in an election. And a head of cabbage would probably nominate the sun. You okay with the sun being a Justice? Be a bit hot when the Court is in session.

The fact is, you are RIGHT, congress is being a bunch of whiny bitches. But they have experience in dealing with this lying POS president who deceives and plays tricks. He has said before that he would work across the aisle and compromise. Yeah, right.

How did that work our during the creation of the ACA law? :badgrin: Yeah, the Republicans got how much of what they wanted? Bupkiss. Nada. Zilch.

Where was the Tort reform? Nothing over there. Nothing under here. :bang3:

Give me one reason why they should trust this lying sack of shit? Seriously? He is nearly as evil as Bush. Take your partisan glasses off and wake up.

The constitution says it is the job of the Senate to advise Obama in making a selection for the supreme court.

So this is how it should be done.

Each Republican member of the Senate should make a list of ten possibilities. Now THAT is some good advice.

There are 54 Republican Senators. So that would be 540 names. Let's assume there would be A LOT of overlap. So maybe three hundred names.

Are you telling me that out of three hundred names, by the advisement of the Senate, President Obama could not find ONE, just ONE name to get the consent of the Senate.

That is their JOB, advice and consent.

I see a lot of folks around here forget the advice part. They just don't give a shit about that part.

Why is that?:dunno:
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Perfectly natural for Dems to rally around Obama's right/obligation to nominate a SCJ.
One thing worries me in my observation from afar, Obama hasn't exactly been the stalwart progressive advertised in his original campaign. As a matter of fact he's been quite accommodating to the Corporatist establishment starting year one.

"Elected in the midst of a crushing economic crisis brought on by a decade of orgiastic deregulation and unchecked greed, Obama had a clear mandate to rein in Wall Street and remake the entire structure of the American economy. What he did instead was ship even his most marginally progressive campaign advisers off to various bureaucratic Siberias, while packing the key economic positions in his White House with the very people who caused the crisis in the first place. This new team of bubble-fattened ex-bankers and laissez-faire intellectuals then proceeded to sell us all out, instituting a massive, trickle-up bailout and systematically gutting regulatory reform from the inside."

His actions that have leaned leftward actually have been soppy milque toast. Who did he decide to honor with recognition as a business who was advancing green energy? Not a company like Whole Foods, on the "World's Most Ethical Companies" list and a CEO who co-founded the "Conscious Capitalism Institute" and had increased their energy use offsets to 104%. Nope, guess who got the honor? Who's the last guess?

Walmart, that righteous corporate citizen who accomplished the amazing task of increasing offset energy to 4.0% and was planning in the next few years to increase that to 8%. Wow. And that's just one example of a very long list of Progressive disappointments.

Be careful what you wish for, I don't think he'd name a Scalia clone but more likely a neutral compromising centrist. Might be better to wait an unprecedented year and hope for that likely Dem victory in the Fall.
He'll likely choose a left of center after he's chosen a far left liberal so the cons can save face by 'wholeheartedly rejecting this 'left-loon-blah-blah-pack-the-court-blah-blah-bullshit-bingo-where's-the-Walmart-card....

That is how this game is played. The Republicans know they can't stall through the election, its too long. So Obama will drop a 'can't be approved' leftist, the cons in Congress will save face by voting them down (which is what Bush did with Hariet Miers), a sacrificial lamb, then he'll nominate someone that is left of center moderate, the GOP in the Senate will grumble but say 'ok so much better this time', vote them in and voila.

Ted Cruz is the outcast in Congress, not the standard bearer. He won't get elected even if nominated, he's waayyyy too fake christy.

But, there is a chance the Republicans, who in fact are in full 'block the black guy president from getting anything done so he has no legacy' mode, may just buck the smart thing to do and follow their prejudice.

And yes sorry cons, one only needs check the conservative posts here to see the racism that is alive and well in con land. Bitch and whine all you want, the passage of time only changes thing if those things actually change.

You haven't.
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.
You just pulled it out again. You're a special kind of dumbass.

Whine for me Punky Brewster, I love the whining.
Do you enjoy verbal abuse?
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.
You just pulled it out again. You're a special kind of dumbass.

Whine for me Punky Brewster, I love the whining.
Do you enjoy verbal abuse?

You poor thing, you project your anger issues onto other people.

I enjoy hearing you whine about all of life. Please continue. What else in your life is miserable because of someone else. Don't leave out the details.
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". 8
Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. --------- based on this logic, Bork and Alito should have been appointed and confirmed. Explain how and why Republicans who control the Hill should not do what the Democrats did in the same position when Reagan was President? You already made your position clear.
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Actually the president was never given the power to choose Supreme Court Justices. They can choose nominees.

Congress chooses who gets the job.
If the Republicans in the Senate allow Obama to replace Scalia with the Marxist-Leninist he plans to choose, the nation is doomed, the First Amendment is doomed, the Second Amendment is doomed, and the Consititution will be put in the shredder.
Wah.............wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............................. We 'Conservatives' once again are not going to get our way. Wahhhhhh.............Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................................

Why don't you go and occupy a bird or ground squirrel refuge?
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Another load of lying crap. The GOP in Congress has not blocked much of anything of BO's. He's got most everything he has wanted by EO, court decisions and the GOP Congress rolling over in recent months.
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Actually the president was never given the power to choose Supreme Court Justices. They can choose nominees.

Congress chooses who gets the job.

Thank you captain obvious, when the sun comes out is it day or night? Oh please enlighten us.
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.
It has nothing to do with racism....

But keep demonstrating your desperation over having nothing but a worn out cliche...

10 out of 10 convicted felons support Republicans so they can legally own guns.
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Not for nothing, Isaac but one of the names I heard floated today as a possible Supreme Court Justice was Joe Biden. Really? A guy who had to cheat to get through law school is going to sit on the Supreme Court bench? Here's a radical about if Barry nominated someone who was SO moderate that the GOP couldn't object...Oh, wait...who am I kidding...the only moderates ever named to the Supreme Court are named by Republican Presidents!
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Actually the president was never given the power to choose Supreme Court Justices. They can choose nominees.

Congress chooses who gets the job.

Thank you captain obvious, when the sun comes out is it day or night? Oh please enlighten us.

Liberals are impressively stupid. Have to dumb things down a lot to make sure they get it.
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Actually the president was never given the power to choose Supreme Court Justices. They can choose nominees.

Congress chooses who gets the job.

Thank you captain obvious, when the sun comes out is it day or night? Oh please enlighten us.

Liberals are impressively stupid. Have to dumb things down a lot to make sure they get it.

Thanks again Bill Nigh the Silence Guy.
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Actually the president was never given the power to choose Supreme Court Justices. They can choose nominees.

Congress chooses who gets the job.

Thank you captain obvious, when the sun comes out is it day or night? Oh please enlighten us.

Liberals are impressively stupid. Have to dumb things down a lot to make sure they get it.

Thanks again Bill Nigh the Silence Guy.

Just making sure you got it. It takes a lot of work to educate liberals to be able to pass 3rd grade math or civics.

It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

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