Republicans, a bridge too far

Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a democracy. Riiiight. Its a sweater!

Research the 'forms' of democracy, or the 'subsets' of democracy and learn something. I'm betting you won't because you won't be able to use that line when arguing with Cliven any more.
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

I agree. And that's what's so frustrating about people who identify themselves as "conservatives" and espouse "originalism": They refuse to construe the Constitution in the manner intended. For instance, they claim if a "right" (liberty interest) isn't enumerated in the Constitution, then it isn't protected against government denials or disparagements. To make this argument, however, they have to ignore the Ninth Amendment, which is the founder's rule of construction: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a pure democracy, but we still elect our representatives through a democratic process. Our representatives are constrained by the Constitution, which means the U.S. is a constitutional republic. The rest of your post is a leaky bucket. Give an examples where "liberal activist judges" allegedly tried to change the constitution or create law from the bench.
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Actually the president was never given the power to choose Supreme Court Justices. They can choose nominees.

Congress chooses who gets the job.

Thank you captain obvious, when the sun comes out is it day or night? Oh please enlighten us.

Liberals are impressively stupid. Have to dumb things down a lot to make sure they get it.

Liberals, as a class of people, are probably more intelligent and better educated than those who identify themselves as conservatives. Liberals actually believe in freedom--liberty and justice for all. Whereas conservatives believe in "freedom for me, but not for you." That's the ugly part of conservatism that truly constitutes an embarrassment for this country.
Republicans, a bridge too far

Uncle Ferd thinks all dem politicians should...

... chill out an' lissen to...

... Robin Trower's 'Bridge of Sighs'.
So now you pull out the race card...

Thank you for demonstrating just how desperate the Democrats have become!!!!

Nah, conservatives pulled it out the day after the election in 2008. And you whining about 'race card' doesn't cover your racism. Sorry.
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a democracy. Riiiight. Its a sweater!

Research the 'forms' of democracy, or the 'subsets' of democracy and learn something. I'm betting you won't because you won't be able to use that line when arguing with Cliven any more.
The Us is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Germany is a democracy as is France and Italy.

The popular vote int he US does not determine the President, and never has. The electoral college pick the President. Whiel most of our important federal offices are elected, many are not, like the SCOTUS judges.

Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a democracy. Riiiight. Its a sweater!

Research the 'forms' of democracy, or the 'subsets' of democracy and learn something. I'm betting you won't because you won't be able to use that line when arguing with Cliven any more.
The Us is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Germany is a democracy as is France and Italy.

The popular vote int he US does not determine the President, and never has. The electoral college pick the President. Whiel most of our important federal offices are elected, many are not, like the SCOTUS judges.


Our constitutional republic is a democracy, but not a pure democracy (meaning, e.g., majorities cannot vote to take away the lives, liberty, or property of minorities).
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia
please give me a list of rep scotus noms that the dnc didn't hinder

when you fail, stfu
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia
please give me a list of rep scotus noms that the dnc didn't hinder

when you fail, stfu

So your confusion is with the words 'hinder' and 'deny'.

The Republicans are saying the are going to deny any appointment Obama wants to make.

See how your lying and misdirection doesn't really work. Maybe try the conspiracy forum.
"...who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy..."

Anybody say anything about not allowing a nomination? Are you forgetting that Congress also has duties it is required to preform? Do you think that Congress is required to make you or the president happy?
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia
please give me a list of rep scotus noms that the dnc didn't hinder

when you fail, stfu

So your confusion is with the words 'hinder' and 'deny'.

The Republicans are saying the are going to deny any appointment Obama wants to make.

See how your lying and misdirection doesn't really work. Maybe try the conspiracy forum.


give me a list of soctus appointees from the rnc that the dnc didn't try to deny.

fucking splitting hairs when you know damn well it's DC as usual
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a democracy. Riiiight. Its a sweater!

Research the 'forms' of democracy, or the 'subsets' of democracy and learn something. I'm betting you won't because you won't be able to use that line when arguing with Cliven any more.

It's a representative republic. There's a reason when asked what form of government had been created Franklin replied "A republic, if you can keep it".

There's a reason the person who gets the most votes isn't necessarily president, and why the Senate is a secondary backstop to prevent mob rule.

Limited versus unlimited. Very different things indeed.
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a pure democracy, but we still elect our representatives through a democratic process. Our representatives are constrained by the Constitution, which means the U.S. is a constitutional republic. The rest of your post is a leaky bucket. Give an examples where "liberal activist judges" allegedly tried to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

Obamacare is a classic example. The Court ruled that the government has the right to require purchase of commercial products of it's citizens. Regulating commerce is a very different thing indeed from requiring commerce.

And....the law passed by congress very specifically did not say TAX. It said FINE. The court changed the wording of the law.
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a democracy. Riiiight. Its a sweater!

Research the 'forms' of democracy, or the 'subsets' of democracy and learn something. I'm betting you won't because you won't be able to use that line when arguing with Cliven any more.
The Us is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Germany is a democracy as is France and Italy.

The popular vote int he US does not determine the President, and never has. The electoral college pick the President. Whiel most of our important federal offices are elected, many are not, like the SCOTUS judges.


Our constitutional republic is a democracy, but not a pure democracy (meaning, e.g., majorities cannot vote to take away the lives, liberty, or property of minorities).

Our Republic has a democratic elections system for MOST of its top elected officers, but what makes it a Republic is the division of power among its various branches of government.

Of course the way words are used without reference to authoritative definitions these days, the US is now called a democracy, possible = plausible, 'couldnt care less' = 'could care less'.

This ambiguousness in word usage is adding to the miscommunication and friction of our national dialogue.
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a pure democracy, but we still elect our representatives through a democratic process. Our representatives are constrained by the Constitution, which means the U.S. is a constitutional republic. The rest of your post is a leaky bucket. Give an examples where "liberal activist judges" allegedly tried to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

Obamacare is a classic example. The Court ruled that the government has the right to require purchase of commercial products of it's citizens. Regulating commerce is a very different thing indeed from requiring commerce.

And....the law passed by congress very specifically did not say TAX. It said FINE. The court changed the wording of the law.

National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius

Chief Justice Roberts authored and delivered the opinion of the Court. CJ Roberts was appointed by Bush and is not a "liberal activist judge". CJ Roberts found that the individual mandate violated the Commerce Clause. Thus, the analysis should have ended there. After all, the law does not allow something to be accomplished through indirection what cannot be done directly. Nevertheless, CJ Roberts found that the "penalty" imposed for failure to purchase insurance was a tax and thus permissible under Congress's constitutional power to tax.

I don't like being forced to buy an expensive product from a private company or be forced to pay a penalty (tax) to the government. But the fact remains that the AHA is ordinary legislation, which can be amended or repealed by Congress. Why hasn't the Republican controlled Congress repealed the individual mandate? Perhaps they're in the pocket of the insurance lobby? Where should your anger be directed?
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia

Actually the president was never given the power to choose Supreme Court Justices. They can choose nominees.

Congress chooses who gets the job.

Thank you captain obvious, when the sun comes out is it day or night? Oh please enlighten us.

Liberals are impressively stupid. Have to dumb things down a lot to make sure they get it.

Liberals, as a class of people, are probably more intelligent and better educated than those who identify themselves as conservatives. Liberals actually believe in freedom--liberty and justice for all. Whereas conservatives believe in "freedom for me, but not for you." That's the ugly part of conservatism that truly constitutes an embarrassment for this country.

Come on, Debra! Liberals believe in "freedom-liberty and justice for all" only when THEY get to define what freedom-liberty and justice MEANS! If someones definition of "freedom" doesn't match theirs...they tell them to shut up. How many times have conservatives been banned from speaking at college campuses?
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a democracy. Riiiight. Its a sweater!

Research the 'forms' of democracy, or the 'subsets' of democracy and learn something. I'm betting you won't because you won't be able to use that line when arguing with Cliven any more.
The Us is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Germany is a democracy as is France and Italy.

The popular vote int he US does not determine the President, and never has. The electoral college pick the President. Whiel most of our important federal offices are elected, many are not, like the SCOTUS judges.


Our constitutional republic is a democracy, but not a pure democracy (meaning, e.g., majorities cannot vote to take away the lives, liberty, or property of minorities).
With all respect, Debra...the majority has been voting to take away rights from minorities in this country for a very long time. The Supreme Court was designed to stop egregious violations of that from taking place by having the power to declare actions by the Executive Branch or the Legislative Branch "unconstitutional" but that only works when the Supreme Court isn't stuffed with political ideologues!
They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court.

So? He poisoned the well, he ignores congress ignoring the will of the people and spews executive orders that are at best Constitutionally questionable and now you people are bitching and complaining?
Cruz has already stated when asked the question he will stall on ANYONE the president nominates.

That is in fact saying "I was elected to follow the Constitution and do my job but I've decided the Constitution is just wrong and I'm going to do what I want".

Cons you are going to have to get used to a liberally slanted Supreme Court now. Just as everyone had to get used to the con slanted court for so long.

Sorry you don't get to ignore or change the Constitution when it doesn't suit you. If you can then get enough states to convene a convention and add an amendment that says the Republican party gets to pick people that only fit their political ideology to sit on the Supreme Court.

Otherwise stop yer bitchin and suck it up like the Democrats have had to do for decades.

When will conservative ever just follow the wording and intention of the Constitution as set out by the founders rather than trying to cheat and ignore the Constitution? Join us in democracy conservatives, you may like it if you gave it a try for once.

The US isn't a democracy. You also don't see a whole lot of conservative justices trying to change the constitution or create law from the bench.

You do see it a lot from liberal activist judges though.

The US isn't a democracy. Riiiight. Its a sweater!

Research the 'forms' of democracy, or the 'subsets' of democracy and learn something. I'm betting you won't because you won't be able to use that line when arguing with Cliven any more.

It's a representative republic. There's a reason when asked what form of government had been created Franklin replied "A republic, if you can keep it".

There's a reason the person who gets the most votes isn't necessarily president, and why the Senate is a secondary backstop to prevent mob rule.

Limited versus unlimited. Very different things indeed.

Its a democracy. You are just not educated on the various forms and your mind works on an us vs them paradigm all the time.

Education is your friend, not your enemy.

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