Republicans are ALWAYS wrong!

Bill runs down just a handful of times Republicans were not only wrong, but not even close to being right.

Broad brush syndrome much? LMAO
He quotes individuals and tries to paint the whole party with them. How about we paint the whole commiecrat party with quotes form the black panthers.

The difference is that the people he quoted were the leaders of the republican party. The Black Panthers are a small fringe group at best.

Yet you have no problem labeling the entire republican and Tea parties as racist based on a few folks that showed up to an open rally. Go figure.

Nope. Not based on a few people who show up at a rally. Based on the actual republican platform.


16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform

1) Pornography Should Be Treated Just Like Cocaine

2) Social Security Should Be Phased Out

3) Texas Should Veto Federal Laws

4) Americans Should Not Be Allowed To Choose Their Own Senators

5) The Problem With America’s Schools Is That They Have Too Much Money
According to the Texas GOP, “ince data is clear that additional money does not translate into educational achievement, and higher education costs are out of control, we support reducing taxpayer funding to all levels of education institutions.”

6) All Federal Agencies Should Be Rendered Impotent

7) Climate Change Is A Myth

8) Congress Must Act Now To Prevent America From Becoming A Muslim Caliphate

9) God Hates Gay People, And Their Bosses Should Be Allowed To Fire Them For Being Gay

10) Gayness Can Be Cured

11) The Voting Rights Act Should Be Repealed

16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform

The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform

We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.

I wonder if Republican operatives have a name for the tactic where they accuse other people of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. It’s pretty much their go-to move—here, they take the decades of oppression and hate gay people have suffered and turn it around so that forcing people to grant equal rights to homosexuals is akin to denying civil rights. If you feel a twinge of conscience writing this stuff, you’re not ready to be a Republican operative. If you feel bile rising in your throat reading it, you're not ready to read the rest of this platform.

Conservation is a conservative value. […] Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government’s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining, or forestry through private ownership.

Opening national parks and public land to logging and mining is the opposite of conservation. So that’s probably just a typo.

By uniting our government and our citizens, our foreign policy will secure freedom, keep America safe, and ensure that we remain the “last best hope on Earth.”

That last bit is in quotes because it’s a line from a message Abraham Lincoln sent to Congress before signing the Emancipation Proclamation. But I think in context here, “last best hope on Earth” means that the Republicans want to make sure that in the event of an alien invasion, the US military is humanity’s best hope for survival. Pretty badass of them to put that in the platform.

As a matter of principle, we oppose the creation of any new race-based governments within the United States.

Um, is the GOP coming out against weird racially homogenous enclaves that govern themselves? Like a commune of Filipinos that rejects US law and murders non-Filipinos who trespass on their territory? I guess that sort of thing should be stopped, if it’s happening—but maybe the word “new” means that they’re cool with the currently-existing race-based governments in the US, but there’s not room for one more.

The effectiveness of our foreign aid has been limited by the cultural agenda of the current Administration, attempting to impose on foreign countries, especially the peoples of Africa, legalized abortion and the homosexual rights agenda.

Another one that is just straight-up confusing. We’re exporting “homosexual rights” to Africa?

The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform | VICE | United States
Under Obama, the three years of economic growth from the bottom of the recession... unemployment dropped by only 1.8 points,
UE was 10.0% at the bottom of the Bush Depression and is 5.1% now, a drop of 4.9% and falling.

Workforce Participation rate is at a 38 year low, at 62.6%. 94 million Americans not counted in the work force for the first time in US history. 46+ million Americans on food stamps.

But no, you're right, the economy is doing great... :blahblah:

Called demographics dummy. Baby boomers want to leave the workforce

Not according to this
1 in 4 Baby Boomers Will Never Retire. The Shifting Workforce | Blogging4Jobs
In fact, one in four Baby Boomers polled claimed they will never retire from work. Many lost pensions, retirement savings, and investments during the financial crisis…and they now must continue working because they have to. Others are simply still working because they can and they still want to!
Read more at 1 in 4 Baby Boomers Will Never Retire. The Shifting Workforce | Blogging4Jobs

Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring.
Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002

The incredible shrinking labor force

The difference is that the people he quoted were the leaders of the republican party. The Black Panthers are a small fringe group at best.

Yet you have no problem labeling the entire republican and Tea parties as racist based on a few folks that showed up to an open rally. Go figure.

A FEW? lol

Your current GOP candidates fuel that BS Bubs,PERHAPS GET HONEST ONCE?


The difference is that the people he quoted were the leaders of the republican party. The Black Panthers are a small fringe group at best.

Yet you have no problem labeling the entire republican and Tea parties as racist based on a few folks that showed up to an open rally. Go figure.

A FEW? lol

Your current GOP candidates fuel that BS Bubs,PERHAPS GET HONEST ONCE?


Really, what leaders would that be.

Trumpster to start

Then the guys who want to restrict the right to vote, for a voter fraud fraud?


Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force.

there ya go idiot; from your own source above


try again idiot
Under Obama, the three years of economic growth from the bottom of the recession... unemployment dropped by only 1.8 points,
UE was 10.0% at the bottom of the Bush Depression and is 5.1% now, a drop of 4.9% and falling.

Workforce Participation rate is at a 38 year low, at 62.6%. 94 million Americans not counted in the work force for the first time in US history. 46+ million Americans on food stamps.

But no, you're right, the economy is doing great... :blahblah:

Called demographics dummy. Baby boomers want to leave the workforce

Not according to this
1 in 4 Baby Boomers Will Never Retire. The Shifting Workforce | Blogging4Jobs
In fact, one in four Baby Boomers polled claimed they will never retire from work. Many lost pensions, retirement savings, and investments during the financial crisis…and they now must continue working because they have to. Others are simply still working because they can and they still want to!
Read more at 1 in 4 Baby Boomers Will Never Retire. The Shifting Workforce | Blogging4Jobs

Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring.
Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002

The incredible shrinking labor force


you sad, angry pathetic loser O-bot; you never heard of it because until then President's at least TRIED to be honest about their economic numbers. LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYMENT UNDER OBAMA,. and people OF WORKING AGE dropping out of the work force COMPLETELY has greatly increased under obama
the LFPR is at a 38-year low leftard

stop lying to yourself
For demographic reasons, not economic reasons, which you well know.

Stop lying to me!

UM NO LEFTARD; I ALREADY SHOWED where WORKING-AGE AND ABLE-BODIED people arent participating in the Labor Market; it isnt all because of retiring Baby Boomers
You didn't show diddly-squat.

um yes i did leftard:

Why Do So Many Working Age Americans Choose Not To ...
Zero Hedge
Jul 30, 2015 - The key takeaway is that declining labor force participation rates ... Do So Many Working Age Americans Choose Not To Enter The Workforce?
and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who
Pew Research Center
Nov 14, 2014 - That means they aren't working now but haven't looked for work recently ... and young adults aren't as interested in entering the work force as they used to be, ... By far the biggest chunk of people not in the labor force are people who .... I've been looking for employment, even part time, for more than a year.
Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force.

there ya go idiot; from your own source above


try again idiot


BUT ALSO from MY link dummy

Critics of the Obama administration have been quick to seize on this as the real reason for the falling unemployment rate. In February, the Republican National Committee released a research note on “The Missing Worker,” arguing that “over 3 million unemployed workers have called it quits due to Obamanomics.”

Economists say the story is considerably more complicated


The incredible shrinking labor force
View attachment 50723

Even the graph in your link shows a decline in full time jobs and a rise in the trends for part time in the last year.
There are more people working full-time now then ever in the history of this GREAT country.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Series title: (Seas) Employed, Usually Work Full Time
Labor force status: Employed full time (persons who usually work 35 hours or more)
Type of data: Number in thousands
Age: 16 years and over

There are more people than ever before, how does that break down per capita? Considering the work force participation rate is near all time lows I would think per capita stats would be pretty dismal.
The lies just keep on coming.
The LPR is not near all time lows.


Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


  1. at or to a short distance away; nearby:
    "a bomb exploding somewhere near"
  2. a short time away in the future:
    "the time for his retirement was drawing near"
  3. almost:
    "a near perfect fit"
Now you know what near means, 3.5 to 4% difference between all time lows and now meets the definition. Stop lying and spinning your BS.
The 86 million invisible unemployed - May. 3, 2012
May 3, 2012 - Only people looking for work are considered officially unemployed. ... "I'm not even totally convinced the college degree is really going to help at this ... decade, leading more young people to not be counted in the labor force.

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
the LFPR is at a 38-year low leftard

stop lying to yourself
For demographic reasons, not economic reasons, which you well know.

Stop lying to me!

UM NO LEFTARD; I ALREADY SHOWED where WORKING-AGE AND ABLE-BODIED people arent participating in the Labor Market; it isnt all because of retiring Baby Boomers
You didn't show diddly-squat.

um yes i did leftard:

Why Do So Many Working Age Americans Choose Not To ...
Zero Hedge
Jul 30, 2015 - The key takeaway is that declining labor force participation rates ... Do So Many Working Age Americans Choose Not To Enter The Workforce?
Everybody knows your Zero Credibility source always lies to the gullible.

Here is an example of an obvious lie from your link:

Economists measure this with the Labor Force Participation rate, and it has been in decline since February 2000, when it peaked at 67.3%. It is now 62.6% and last month was a new low back to the 1970s. People of working age increasingly do not consider themselves part of the labor force. Most economists chalk this up to the demographics of an aging workforce even though virtually all the literature on the topic in the early 2000 predicted participation would continue to increase.

The 0.6-percent annual growth rate from 2005 to 2050 reflects a projected population of 322.6 million and a labor force participation rate of 60.4 percent in 2050. The period to 2050 will witness the baby-boom generation ascending the age ladder until the group moves out of the labor force, bringing to an end one of the major drivers of labor force growth over the post-World War II period. (See table 1.)
Broad brush syndrome much? LMAO
He quotes individuals and tries to paint the whole party with them. How about we paint the whole commiecrat party with quotes form the black panthers.

The difference is that the people he quoted were the leaders of the republican party. The Black Panthers are a small fringe group at best.

Yet you have no problem labeling the entire republican and Tea parties as racist based on a few folks that showed up to an open rally. Go figure.

Nope. Not based on a few people who show up at a rally. Based on the actual republican platform.


16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform

1) Pornography Should Be Treated Just Like Cocaine

2) Social Security Should Be Phased Out

3) Texas Should Veto Federal Laws

4) Americans Should Not Be Allowed To Choose Their Own Senators

5) The Problem With America’s Schools Is That They Have Too Much Money
According to the Texas GOP, “ince data is clear that additional money does not translate into educational achievement, and higher education costs are out of control, we support reducing taxpayer funding to all levels of education institutions.”

6) All Federal Agencies Should Be Rendered Impotent

7) Climate Change Is A Myth

8) Congress Must Act Now To Prevent America From Becoming A Muslim Caliphate

9) God Hates Gay People, And Their Bosses Should Be Allowed To Fire Them For Being Gay

10) Gayness Can Be Cured

11) The Voting Rights Act Should Be Repealed

16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform

The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform

We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.

I wonder if Republican operatives have a name for the tactic where they accuse other people of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. It’s pretty much their go-to move—here, they take the decades of oppression and hate gay people have suffered and turn it around so that forcing people to grant equal rights to homosexuals is akin to denying civil rights. If you feel a twinge of conscience writing this stuff, you’re not ready to be a Republican operative. If you feel bile rising in your throat reading it, you're not ready to read the rest of this platform.

Conservation is a conservative value. […] Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government’s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining, or forestry through private ownership.

Opening national parks and public land to logging and mining is the opposite of conservation. So that’s probably just a typo.

By uniting our government and our citizens, our foreign policy will secure freedom, keep America safe, and ensure that we remain the “last best hope on Earth.”

That last bit is in quotes because it’s a line from a message Abraham Lincoln sent to Congress before signing the Emancipation Proclamation. But I think in context here, “last best hope on Earth” means that the Republicans want to make sure that in the event of an alien invasion, the US military is humanity’s best hope for survival. Pretty badass of them to put that in the platform.

As a matter of principle, we oppose the creation of any new race-based governments within the United States.

Um, is the GOP coming out against weird racially homogenous enclaves that govern themselves? Like a commune of Filipinos that rejects US law and murders non-Filipinos who trespass on their territory? I guess that sort of thing should be stopped, if it’s happening—but maybe the word “new” means that they’re cool with the currently-existing race-based governments in the US, but there’s not room for one more.

The effectiveness of our foreign aid has been limited by the cultural agenda of the current Administration, attempting to impose on foreign countries, especially the peoples of Africa, legalized abortion and the homosexual rights agenda.

Another one that is just straight-up confusing. We’re exporting “homosexual rights” to Africa?

The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform | VICE | United States

And the racist part is where?
The difference is that the people he quoted were the leaders of the republican party. The Black Panthers are a small fringe group at best.

Yet you have no problem labeling the entire republican and Tea parties as racist based on a few folks that showed up to an open rally. Go figure.

Nope. Not based on a few people who show up at a rally. Based on the actual republican platform.


16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform

1) Pornography Should Be Treated Just Like Cocaine

2) Social Security Should Be Phased Out

3) Texas Should Veto Federal Laws

4) Americans Should Not Be Allowed To Choose Their Own Senators

5) The Problem With America’s Schools Is That They Have Too Much Money
According to the Texas GOP, “ince data is clear that additional money does not translate into educational achievement, and higher education costs are out of control, we support reducing taxpayer funding to all levels of education institutions.”

6) All Federal Agencies Should Be Rendered Impotent

7) Climate Change Is A Myth

8) Congress Must Act Now To Prevent America From Becoming A Muslim Caliphate

9) God Hates Gay People, And Their Bosses Should Be Allowed To Fire Them For Being Gay

10) Gayness Can Be Cured

11) The Voting Rights Act Should Be Repealed

16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform

The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform

We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.

I wonder if Republican operatives have a name for the tactic where they accuse other people of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. It’s pretty much their go-to move—here, they take the decades of oppression and hate gay people have suffered and turn it around so that forcing people to grant equal rights to homosexuals is akin to denying civil rights. If you feel a twinge of conscience writing this stuff, you’re not ready to be a Republican operative. If you feel bile rising in your throat reading it, you're not ready to read the rest of this platform.

Conservation is a conservative value. […] Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government’s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining, or forestry through private ownership.

Opening national parks and public land to logging and mining is the opposite of conservation. So that’s probably just a typo.

By uniting our government and our citizens, our foreign policy will secure freedom, keep America safe, and ensure that we remain the “last best hope on Earth.”

That last bit is in quotes because it’s a line from a message Abraham Lincoln sent to Congress before signing the Emancipation Proclamation. But I think in context here, “last best hope on Earth” means that the Republicans want to make sure that in the event of an alien invasion, the US military is humanity’s best hope for survival. Pretty badass of them to put that in the platform.

As a matter of principle, we oppose the creation of any new race-based governments within the United States.

Um, is the GOP coming out against weird racially homogenous enclaves that govern themselves? Like a commune of Filipinos that rejects US law and murders non-Filipinos who trespass on their territory? I guess that sort of thing should be stopped, if it’s happening—but maybe the word “new” means that they’re cool with the currently-existing race-based governments in the US, but there’s not room for one more.

The effectiveness of our foreign aid has been limited by the cultural agenda of the current Administration, attempting to impose on foreign countries, especially the peoples of Africa, legalized abortion and the homosexual rights agenda.

Another one that is just straight-up confusing. We’re exporting “homosexual rights” to Africa?

The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform | VICE | United States

And the racist part is where?


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