Republicans are ALWAYS wrong!

Obama's Syria policy crumbles - Business Insider
Business Insider
4 days ago - Obama is trying to blame others for his own shortcomings in Syria. ... The blame for the failed US effort to train Syrian rebels to fight ISIS "should .... especially after all that talk of isolating Russia for their bad behavior. ...... Forget about Syria - the whole Obama foreign policy strategy is a disaster: Russia, Iraq, ...
The Collapsing Obama Doctrine - Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal
Jun 17, 2014 - Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. By ... As the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threaten Baghdad, ... The tragedy unfolding in Iraq today is only part of the story. ... Tragically, he is quickly proving the opposite—through one dangerous ...
Hey dumbass, I'm not the one who voted for that thing that was sired, raised and mentored by commies, you did. So own it.
The right wing dehumanization of our African American president is noted.

It's no president, it's a wannabe dictator and chicago gutter trash. Thank God we'll be rid of him is 16 months. And sorry you don't like my gender neutral terms, isn't that something you commies are also pushing?
The bigotry and hatred of the right is perfectly represented in this post. Obama was democratically elected twice, he is not a dictator, he is not "gutter trash." He is a Christian man with a loving family who has been doing his best despite people like yourself hating him for being different.

You are right in your last sentence.

Your overgeneralizations and your immaturity clearly shine through in the rest.

GWB was a dumbass....but he was POTUS. The left didn't treat him any better.

Do two wrongs make a right.


Both sides are wrong.
My immaturity? Directly quoting Texas his my immaturity? I've already admitted I'm 6 years old, so i guess you're right. The left did not call GWB a dictator, a communist, a Marxist, an ape.. They didn't make up a conspiracy theory about his birth..

Google found this in 0.47 seconds, how has it taken you 7 years?

Bill runs down just a handful of times Republicans were not only wrong, but not even close to being right.

Broad brush syndrome much? LMAO
He quotes individuals and tries to paint the whole party with them. How about we paint the whole commiecrat party with quotes form the black panthers.

The difference is that the people he quoted were the leaders of the republican party. The Black Panthers are a small fringe group at best.

Yet you have no problem labeling the entire republican and Tea parties as racist based on a few folks that showed up to an open rally. Go figure.

A FEW? lol

Your current GOP candidates fuel that BS Bubs,PERHAPS GET HONEST ONCE?


Bill runs down just a handful of times Republicans were not only wrong, but not even close to being right.

Broad brush syndrome much? LMAO
He quotes individuals and tries to paint the whole party with them. How about we paint the whole commiecrat party with quotes form the black panthers.

The difference is that the people he quoted were the leaders of the republican party. The Black Panthers are a small fringe group at best.

Yet you have no problem labeling the entire republican and Tea parties as racist based on a few folks that showed up to an open rally. Go figure.

A FEW? lol

Your current GOP candidates fuel that BS Bubs,PERHAPS GET HONEST ONCE?


Really, what leaders would that be.

Trumpster to start

Then the guys who want to restrict the right to vote, for a voter fraud fraud?

America's First Black President Seriously Damaging Race ...
American Thinker
Aug 1, 2010 - America's First Black President Seriously Damaging Race Relations ..... On March 18, 2008, Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama gave a speech in .... responsible way, the divides that still exist -- the discrimination that's still ... a good crisis go to waste, these guys astonishingly blew their greatest
View attachment 50723

Even the graph in your link shows a decline in full time jobs and a rise in the trends for part time in the last year.
There are more people working full-time now then ever in the history of this GREAT country.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Series title: (Seas) Employed, Usually Work Full Time
Labor force status: Employed full time (persons who usually work 35 hours or more)
Type of data: Number in thousands
Age: 16 years and over

typical brainwashed LOSER LYING TO HIMSELF. when he says "more people working" he's talking raw numbers because of population increases under obama. A SMALLER PERCENTAGE OF WORKING-AGE AMERICANS THAT ARE ABLE-BODIED AMERICANS ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE LABOR FORCE UNDER OBAMA
And that is because the Boomers are retiring, as you well know, and was predicted by Bush as a reason to privatize Social Security.
Under Obama, the three years of economic growth from the bottom of the recession... unemployment dropped by only 1.8 points,
UE was 10.0% at the bottom of the Bush Depression and is 5.1% now, a drop of 4.9% and falling.

Workforce Participation rate is at a 38 year low, at 62.6%. 94 million Americans not counted in the work force for the first time in US history. 46+ million Americans on food stamps.

But no, you're right, the economy is doing great... :blahblah:
Although the number of people working part time for "economic reasons" increased in response to the 2007-2009 recession—suggesting that the rise of the part-time worker is temporary—there is also reason to believe that the trends underlying the shift to an increasingly part-time, low-wage workforce are neither short-term nor cyclical.

Graph: America Has a Part-time Employment Problem : Blog of the Century : The Century Foundation

View attachment 50723

Even the graph in your link shows a decline in full time jobs and a rise in the trends for part time in the last year.
See how the Right lies, even after pointing out that PT for economic reasons is DOWN, they still deliberately lie by showing a graph that combines PT for economic reasons with those who only want PT work to make it look like it is the PT for economic reasons that is increasing.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Series title: (Seas) Employment Level - Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries
Labor force status: Employed
Type of data: Number in thousands

When I said more are working part time I made no distinctions, why are you?
the idiotic, pathetic Left keeps trying to pin the 40-year low on Labor Market participation on retiring Baby Boomers; but the number of WORKING-AGE Americans who are ABLE-BODIED and COULD BE working is at a near historic low.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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