Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt

Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt
No, the fed-gov spending above its revenue levels for decades is fully to blame, and both parties willingly participated.
It goes on the credit card and tax payers don’t care cause repubs give them tax cuts.
and democrats vote for the tax cuts.

you seem to think these bills pass themselves is some kind of vacuum
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.
Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt
No, the fed-gov spending above its revenue levels for decades is fully to blame, and both parties willingly participated.
It goes on the credit card and tax payers don’t care cause repubs give them tax cuts.
and democrats vote for the tax cuts.

you seem to think these bills pass themselves is some kind of vacuum
The trump tax cuts passed cause they had full control.
Only one team cuts taxes.

That's an extremely shallow bit of logic.

The Federal Reserve's collection wing, the IRS, guarantees you'll be paying the principle plus interest on every bit of debt both color helmets playing in the Keynesian League have generated.

And that's to speak nothing of the insidious and hidden inflation tax. Heck, they don't even have to vote on that. Study CPI as well, particularly chained CPI, for a better understanding of how they are able to legally lie about the effect of inflation on the standard of living.

Do you know what open market operations are? That's a good place to start.

So many people talk about taxes yet never even touch on how they're truly being taxed in the most insidious ways. Not even vaguely.

Actually, I have a very long paper around here some place explaining precisely how it works, if you wanna look for it. It's called "Here's How It Works"
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Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt
No, the fed-gov spending above its revenue levels for decades is fully to blame, and both parties willingly participated.
It goes on the credit card and tax payers don’t care cause repubs give them tax cuts.
and democrats vote for the tax cuts.

you seem to think these bills pass themselves is some kind of vacuum
The trump tax cuts passed cause they had full control.

and that rarely happens.
Only one team cuts taxes.

That's an extremely shallow bit of logic.

The Federal Reserve's collection wing, the IRS, guarantees you'll be paying the principle plus interest on every bit of debt both color helmets have generated.

And that's to speak nothing of the insidious hidden inflation tax. Heck, they don't even have to vote on that. Study CPI, particularly chained CPI for a better understanding of how they are able to lie about the effect of inflation on the standard of living.

Do you know what open market operations are? That's a good place to start.
Perhaps, but the big cuts are all started with republicans.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.
So O’s enormous spending, which only enriched Wall Street was good, but W’s and Trump’s was bad.

Do you fail to see how partisan that is?
The op just embarrased himself being taken to school by you,he now has shit all over his face. :abgg2q.jpg: To his credit,he got the part of that overrated clown Reagan right,how he tripled the debt,but that’s only cause he is a biased dem lover.the brainwashed sheep just can’t deal with reality about that asswipe traiter Reagan,refusing to look at the facts.
No, the fed-gov spending above its revenue levels for decades is fully to blame, and both parties willingly participated.
It goes on the credit card and tax payers don’t care cause repubs give them tax cuts.
Your response makes no sense in the context of what you quoted. According to the left, republicans only give tax cuts to the top 1%.
Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt
No, the fed-gov spending above its revenue levels for decades is fully to blame, and both parties willingly participated.
It goes on the credit card and tax payers don’t care cause repubs give them tax cuts.
and democrats vote for the tax cuts.

you seem to think these bills pass themselves is some kind of vacuum
The trump tax cuts passed cause they had full control.

and that rarely happens.
But it did.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.

you need to do some homework
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.

you need to do some homework
Republicans always start the cuts.
Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt
No, the fed-gov spending above its revenue levels for decades is fully to blame, and both parties willingly participated.
It goes on the credit card and tax payers don’t care cause repubs give them tax cuts.
and democrats vote for the tax cuts.

you seem to think these bills pass themselves is some kind of vacuum
The trump tax cuts passed cause they had full control.

and that rarely happens.
But it did.

it's rare and nowhere near the norm
They're not to be taken seriously.
aww Macs growing up.
Maybe one day he will realize the other party does the same exact thing, and then he can be truly "woke" :thup:
When have dems pushed tax cuts and spending increases?
obama did
He did not cut taxes.
you sure about that?


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