Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt

Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.
Obama made bush Jr tax cuts permanent, good golly your just a propaganda tool

He had no choice, do you not remember the housing crisis which caused the greatest recession.
He had a choice and all he did was copy off of bush Jr

Tax cuts bush Jr

Auto bailout bush Jr

Tarp bush jr

No he didn't.

So you where born last night huh?

Once again bush Jr did the tax cuts auto bailout and tarp Obama just copied and pasted off of Jr.
Yeah you would think she was born yesterday indeed.that’s. Not it though,she is a lying paid shill for the dnc sent here to lie for them.she always resorts to lies when she cannot refute facts.

You are going back to times when debt wasn’t out of control. You can do cuts then.

debt is debt.
and we didn't get to where we are today in the last 4 years
As stated in the OP it started with Reagan.

it started a hell of a long time before that.

or do you think nothing existed before 1980?
Reagan tripled the debt. It was quite low previously.
It is only because he gop that you admit that,S we both know,if he was a de, you would never be bringing that up,you would evade that fact same as you evade facts on Obama corruption.
I bring it up because it's a fact. And it started our giant deficits and republican policy of increasing spending and cutting taxes.
Which you would not say if he was a dem the fact you like that dnc shill penny keep evading the facts everybody here knows that fraud Obama lied to the people on reversing bush’s policys but not only continued them,but expanded on them,you trolls always go into dodgeball mode on that.
When did I say I like the dnc? You are making shit up.
Check the thread title your op slammed the gop but not one bad word about the dems.busted.
The title says who is worse, not that I think either is good. Pay attention cheerleader.

wow you either got serious reading comprehension problems or you are lying as always the fact the title of your lying thread says REPUBLICANS ARE MOSTLY TO BLAME FOR OUR DEBT.

You also dodge facts and go into evade mode as that other troll penny does when proven they are both corrupt and one in the same.

I can never get an answer from that lying paid shill of the dnc penny,so I am going to see if I can get a reply from you,you going to deny reality as she always does and try and tell us obomination did not lie to the people about reversing bush’s Policys but expanded them? You going to try and tell us that both Clinton and bush were not both in favor of nafta? :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:
Why do you continue to babble stupidly? You must have way too much time on your hands.
I rest my case folks,this braindead idiot is indeed as much a troll as Penelope is. I kept my post short and sweet and to the point bringing up facts that Obama expanded the corruption that bush got started as Bear As well proved earlier,I just asked him a very reasonable question if he denied that fact and as you can all see,he evaded it and did not answer it sense he knows it is the truth Obama was even worse than bush. :abgg2q.jpg: Which was a very hard feat to

You are going back to times when debt wasn’t out of control. You can do cuts then.

debt is debt.
and we didn't get to where we are today in the last 4 years
As stated in the OP it started with Reagan.

it started a hell of a long time before that.

or do you think nothing existed before 1980?
Reagan tripled the debt. It was quite low previously.
It is only because he gop that you admit that,S we both know,if he was a de, you would never be bringing that up,you would evade that fact same as you evade facts on Obama corruption.
I bring it up because it's a fact. And it started our giant deficits and republican policy of increasing spending and cutting taxes.
Which you would not say if he was a dem the fact you like that dnc shill penny keep evading the facts everybody here knows that fraud Obama lied to the people on reversing bush’s policys but not only continued them,but expanded on them,you trolls always go into dodgeball mode on that.
When did I say I like the dnc? You are making shit up.
Check the thread title your op slammed the gop but not one bad word about the dems.busted.
The title says who is worse, not that I think either is good. Pay attention cheerleader.

wow you either got serious reading comprehension problems or you are lying as always the fact the title of your lying thread says REPUBLICANS ARE MOSTLY TO BLAME FOR OUR DEBT.

You also dodge facts and go into evade mode as that other troll penny does when proven they are both corrupt and one in the same.

I can never get an answer from that lying paid shill of the dnc penny,so I am going to see if I can get a reply from you,you going to deny reality as she always does and try and tell us obomination did not lie to the people about reversing bush’s Policys but expanded them? You going to try and tell us that both Clinton and bush were not both in favor of nafta? :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:
Why do you continue to babble stupidly? You must have way too much time on your hands.
I rest my case folks,this braindead idiot is indeed as much a troll as Penelope is. I kept my post short and sweet and to the point bringing up facts that Obama expanded the corruption that bush got started as Bear As well proved earlier,I just asked him a very reasonable question if he denied that fact and as you can all see,he evaded it and did not answer it sense he knows I proved Obama was even worse than bush. :abgg2q.jpg: Which was a very hard feat to
Nobody paid a different rate than the previous year. Obama could have increased taxes or left them the same. He left them the same. None of your lying will change that.
The taxes did not remain the same. When the Bush tax cuts expired, they went back their 2001 levels. Obama cut them to 2013 levels.
That is adorable. Nobody paid a different rate than the previous year.
Your partisanship is not. He cut the taxes, not Bush. It's his signature on he bill.
Again, nobody paid a different rate than the previous year.
You've made yourself crystal clear - if it's a tax cut implemented by a Democrat President, it doesn't count.

You are going back to times when debt wasn’t out of control. You can do cuts then.

debt is debt.
and we didn't get to where we are today in the last 4 years
As stated in the OP it started with Reagan.

it started a hell of a long time before that.

or do you think nothing existed before 1980?
Reagan tripled the debt. It was quite low previously.
It is only because he gop that you admit that,S we both know,if he was a de, you would never be bringing that up,you would evade that fact same as you evade facts on Obama corruption.
I bring it up because it's a fact. And it started our giant deficits and republican policy of increasing spending and cutting taxes.
Which you would not say if he was a dem the fact you like that dnc shill penny keep evading the facts everybody here knows that fraud Obama lied to the people on reversing bush’s policys but not only continued them,but expanded on them,you trolls always go into dodgeball mode on that.
When did I say I like the dnc? You are making shit up.
Check the thread title your op slammed the gop but not one bad word about the dems.busted.
The title says who is worse, not that I think either is good. Pay attention cheerleader.

wow you either got serious reading comprehension problems or you are lying as always the fact the title of your lying thread says REPUBLICANS ARE MOSTLY TO BLAME FOR OUR DEBT.

You also dodge facts and go into evade mode as that other troll penny does when proven they are both corrupt and one in the same.

I can never get an answer from that lying paid shill of the dnc penny,so I am going to see if I can get a reply from you,you going to deny reality as she always does and try and tell us obomination did not lie to the people about reversing bush’s Policys but expanded them? You going to try and tell us that both Clinton and bush were not both in favor of nafta? :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:
Why do you continue to babble stupidly? You must have way too much time on your hands.
I rest my case folks,this braindead idiot is indeed as much a troll as Penelope is. I kept my post short and sweet and to the point bringing up facts that Obama expanded the corruption that bush got started as Bear As well proved earlier,I just asked him a very reasonable question if he denied that fact and as you can all see,he evaded it and did not answer it sense he knows I proved Obama was even worse than bush. :abgg2q.jpg: Which was a very hard feat to
Nobody paid a different rate than the previous year. Obama could have increased taxes or left them the same. He left them the same. None of your lying will change that.
The only one lying is you,the whole board except for your lying wife penny does not deny that reality.,you also keep playing dodgeball as she does that Obama expanded the Mideast war as well as his dreconian patriot act allowing the NSA to illegally spy on its citizens,you have shit on your face as always.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
Since everything out of your mouth has been fairy tale democrat BS, I felt it was incumbent on me to set the record straight with some actual numbers. Your heeeero Barry, increased the debt by nearly 70% from 11T to 20T. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. US Debt by President | Chart & Per President Deficit | Self.
I’ve said he wasn’t great. Clearly you are lost.
I'll direct you to the title of your post. You made the partisan statement, not me.
Nowhere does it say Obama was great. It’s clearly a case of bad and worse. Repubs are worse.
Yep, and you pointed fingers at Reagan for tripling the debt. HaHaHa. From 997B to 2T, that is just slightly more than your heeero Bill Clinton, surplus and all. Critical thinking and math, try it sometime.
An Clinton decreased deficits. You can't really compare 80s dollars to 90s.... But you aren't that smart are you?
The debt increased by 1.4T during the Clinton admin. I'm not that smart, but you, like most morons, figure if you are losing ground with your argument, you'll just move the goal posts or change the narrative. I can do that too. You whiners have complained about defunding the police, but your heeeeero, BJ Billy, increased police spending more than any other modern day pres. Also, he increased immigration for tech industries by a huge amount. You know those dems. Kick backs for their buddies and screw everybody else. Didn't last long though--Clinton presided over the tech bubble bust. Keep chasing those goal posts moron. You're out of your league.
No you are not that smart. Deficits decreased. You can't look at dollars because it's over a long time period. I'm not a democrat.
So you're an idiot moron who thinks like a democrat. No difference. And I don't care if deficits decreased and he had a surplus in his last year or not--He still presided over a 1.4T increase in the debt. Draw a circle on the wall and bash you head into it moron, you can keep repeating the same BS over and over and it is still BS.
The taxes did not remain the same. When the Bush tax cuts expired, they went back their 2001 levels. Obama cut them to 2013 levels.
That is adorable. Nobody paid a different rate than the previous year.
Your partisanship is not. He cut the taxes, not Bush. It's his signature on he bill.
Again, nobody paid a different rate than the previous year.
You've made yourself crystal clear - if it's a tax cut implemented by a Democrat President, it doesn't count.
No, if it's a tax cut that doesn't change anyones rate from the previous year it's not a tax cut.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
Since everything out of your mouth has been fairy tale democrat BS, I felt it was incumbent on me to set the record straight with some actual numbers. Your heeeero Barry, increased the debt by nearly 70% from 11T to 20T. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. US Debt by President | Chart & Per President Deficit | Self.
I’ve said he wasn’t great. Clearly you are lost.
I'll direct you to the title of your post. You made the partisan statement, not me.
Nowhere does it say Obama was great. It’s clearly a case of bad and worse. Repubs are worse.
Yep, and you pointed fingers at Reagan for tripling the debt. HaHaHa. From 997B to 2T, that is just slightly more than your heeero Bill Clinton, surplus and all. Critical thinking and math, try it sometime.
An Clinton decreased deficits. You can't really compare 80s dollars to 90s.... But you aren't that smart are you?
The debt increased by 1.4T during the Clinton admin. I'm not that smart, but you, like most morons, figure if you are losing ground with your argument, you'll just move the goal posts or change the narrative. I can do that too. You whiners have complained about defunding the police, but your heeeeero, BJ Billy, increased police spending more than any other modern day pres. Also, he increased immigration for tech industries by a huge amount. You know those dems. Kick backs for their buddies and screw everybody else. Didn't last long though--Clinton presided over the tech bubble bust. Keep chasing those goal posts moron. You're out of your league.
No you are not that smart. Deficits decreased. You can't look at dollars because it's over a long time period. I'm not a democrat.
So you're an idiot moron who thinks like a democrat. No difference. And I don't care if deficits decreased and he had a surplus in his last year or not--He still presided over a 1.4T increase in the debt. Draw a circle on the wall and bash you head into it moron, you can keep repeating the same BS over and over and it is still BS.
And he decreased deficits. Trump increased every year...
It's fun to watch the repubs flail away stupidly. Only one party cuts taxes and increases spending. That is the worst.
You are the one flailing away as you keep embarrassing yourself with lies then accusing all of us of being republicans when I have said many times here both parties are corrupt and one in the same and proven too many times to remember but with you,i can understand that sense you clearly have reading comprehension problems.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.

you need to do some homework
Republicans always start the cuts.


JFK started cutting the top rate of the income tax
We didn’t have a debt problem then.
That's because we had automatic tax increases then.
And now repubs cut taxes when deeply in debt.

You keep saying that -

You won't answerer my question.
That’s because it is true

You won't understand this, because you are brainless -

A reduction in tax rates - Increases revenue to the Treasury.

Does not lower - has never lowered, has always increased.

Reagan, Bush43, Trump - cut rates, increased revenue.

(that doesn't work to infinity, but it has worked every time so far.)
The trump tax cuts lowered the rate of increase of revenue. Meanwhile Trump drastically increased deficits and nobody cares cause they got a tax cut.
Trump increased the debt by 33% in four years with a pandemic lockdown (prior to lockdown 16%). Even with the lockdown, extrapolated out to eight years, his increase was less than Barry's by 4%. This line of thinking is not logical by any means as too many factors weigh into it anyway--were there any earth-shaking global events, was the presidents party the party of congress? Morons like the OP throw out a bunch of crap looking to make click bait so these narcissists can watch their numbers grow. SMFH--shallow idiots at best.
You are confused. Trump took over and increased Obama’s deficit every single year and gave a tax cut. Nobody cares about debt cause they get a tax cut.
Shallow. You have no concept of economy. Business tax cuts are good for unemployment because it puts more money in the business so that business can hire more employees. More employees equals more taxes. No need to thank me for saving you the cost of the education. BTW, for years you morons have been saying that Trump's middle class tax cuts were fiction. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Trump just tried business tax cuts and they failed again. GDP growth went DOWN and he ran a trillion dollar deficit. Giant failure. Do you morons ever learn?
Barack Obama--9T increase in debt. Average deficit over 8 years, 1.125T per year. Try again. This time use some facts and figures not just your whiny garbage. But you say Trump inherited an economy--yeah a failing one. SMFH.

Brain's comments here prove my earlier post, that he lies his ads off and refuses to accept REALITY.

In Bush's 1st 6 years - during 9/11, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars - Bush and the GOP-controlled House added $2.5 Trillion in New debt. In the last 2 year's of Bush's Presidency, The DEMOCRAT-RUN House added $1.5 Trillion in New debt...the Democrats added just $1 Trillion less in only 2 years than Bush and the GOP spent in 6 years.

What arrogant, lying snowflakes like Brain always refuse to accept / mention is that the economy Barry inherited was THE DEMOCRATS' economy, as, again, they controlled the House, spending, the economy, the budget for Bush's last 2 years, the 2 years before Barry took over.

They controlled all of that for Barry's 1st 2 years, racking up debt like mad. Controlling Congress, Barry & the Democrats passed massive spending that included every wet dream pet project they had ... Like 'Shrimp on a Treadmill'...and funded disastrous programs like 'Clash for Clunkers'...

But YES, Barry inherited his own fellow Democrats' deficit-building economy...

For 8 years Barry blamed every failure on Bush...and for 4 years Barry & Democrats have tried to claim credit for Trump's successes...which include accomplishments both Barry & the World said would never happen / see in our lifetime.
And bush decreased taxes. Nobody cares about debt when they get a tax cut.
I hate saying this because W was a terrible president, however NO W did not decrease taxes. Do you have any idea who is responsible for budgets? That's right, the congress. The 110th congress was controlled by the DEMOCRATS in BOTH houses. Run your mouth some more moron. I like owning you.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.

Clueless Moron Alert!
So O’s enormous spending, which only enriched Wall Street was good, but W’s and Trump’s was bad.

Do you fail to see how partisan that is?
They both cut taxes, and Bush Sr raised them, and Obama needed to continue them.
Obama the Fraud railed against W’s tax cuts “for the rich,” during his first campaign. Then as the fraud he is, gladly extended them.
The op got taken to school by you as always.

hey jw booth,notice how everytime the dnc shill Penelope is taken to school she gets mad and frustrated and gives a thumbs down and never sticks around to try and refute your facts? Lol
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
Since everything out of your mouth has been fairy tale democrat BS, I felt it was incumbent on me to set the record straight with some actual numbers. Your heeeero Barry, increased the debt by nearly 70% from 11T to 20T. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. US Debt by President | Chart & Per President Deficit | Self.
I’ve said he wasn’t great. Clearly you are lost.
I'll direct you to the title of your post. You made the partisan statement, not me.
Nowhere does it say Obama was great. It’s clearly a case of bad and worse. Repubs are worse.
Yep, and you pointed fingers at Reagan for tripling the debt. HaHaHa. From 997B to 2T, that is just slightly more than your heeero Bill Clinton, surplus and all. Critical thinking and math, try it sometime.
An Clinton decreased deficits. You can't really compare 80s dollars to 90s.... But you aren't that smart are you?
The debt increased by 1.4T during the Clinton admin. I'm not that smart, but you, like most morons, figure if you are losing ground with your argument, you'll just move the goal posts or change the narrative. I can do that too. You whiners have complained about defunding the police, but your heeeeero, BJ Billy, increased police spending more than any other modern day pres. Also, he increased immigration for tech industries by a huge amount. You know those dems. Kick backs for their buddies and screw everybody else. Didn't last long though--Clinton presided over the tech bubble bust. Keep chasing those goal posts moron. You're out of your league.
No you are not that smart. Deficits decreased. You can't look at dollars because it's over a long time period. I'm not a democrat.
So you're an idiot moron who thinks like a democrat. No difference. And I don't care if deficits decreased and he had a surplus in his last year or not--He still presided over a 1.4T increase in the debt. Draw a circle on the wall and bash you head into it moron, you can keep repeating the same BS over and over and it is still BS.
And he decreased deficits. Trump increased every year...
Pfffft. When am I going to learn that you can't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. They will just drag you down to their level.
The funny (if predictable) thing is that I'm ALREADY seeing the Trumpsters complain about "Biden's spending".

This, after Trump made Keynes look like Ron freakin' Paul and took credit for the actions of the Fed.

They're not to be taken seriously.

Clueless Moron Alert!
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.

you need to do some homework
Republicans always start the cuts.


JFK started cutting the top rate of the income tax
We didn’t have a debt problem then.
That's because we had automatic tax increases then.
And now repubs cut taxes when deeply in debt.

You keep saying that -

You won't answerer my question.
That’s because it is true

You won't understand this, because you are brainless -

A reduction in tax rates - Increases revenue to the Treasury.

Does not lower - has never lowered, has always increased.

Reagan, Bush43, Trump - cut rates, increased revenue.

(that doesn't work to infinity, but it has worked every time so far.)
The trump tax cuts lowered the rate of increase of revenue. Meanwhile Trump drastically increased deficits and nobody cares cause they got a tax cut.
Trump increased the debt by 33% in four years with a pandemic lockdown (prior to lockdown 16%). Even with the lockdown, extrapolated out to eight years, his increase was less than Barry's by 4%. This line of thinking is not logical by any means as too many factors weigh into it anyway--were there any earth-shaking global events, was the presidents party the party of congress? Morons like the OP throw out a bunch of crap looking to make click bait so these narcissists can watch their numbers grow. SMFH--shallow idiots at best.
You are confused. Trump took over and increased Obama’s deficit every single year and gave a tax cut. Nobody cares about debt cause they get a tax cut.
Shallow. You have no concept of economy. Business tax cuts are good for unemployment because it puts more money in the business so that business can hire more employees. More employees equals more taxes. No need to thank me for saving you the cost of the education. BTW, for years you morons have been saying that Trump's middle class tax cuts were fiction. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Trump just tried business tax cuts and they failed again. GDP growth went DOWN and he ran a trillion dollar deficit. Giant failure. Do you morons ever learn?
Barack Obama--9T increase in debt. Average deficit over 8 years, 1.125T per year. Try again. This time use some facts and figures not just your whiny garbage. But you say Trump inherited an economy--yeah a failing one. SMFH.

Brain's comments here prove my earlier post, that he lies his ads off and refuses to accept REALITY.

In Bush's 1st 6 years - during 9/11, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars - Bush and the GOP-controlled House added $2.5 Trillion in New debt. In the last 2 year's of Bush's Presidency, The DEMOCRAT-RUN House added $1.5 Trillion in New debt...the Democrats added just $1 Trillion less in only 2 years than Bush and the GOP spent in 6 years.

What arrogant, lying snowflakes like Brain always refuse to accept / mention is that the economy Barry inherited was THE DEMOCRATS' economy, as, again, they controlled the House, spending, the economy, the budget for Bush's last 2 years, the 2 years before Barry took over.

They controlled all of that for Barry's 1st 2 years, racking up debt like mad. Controlling Congress, Barry & the Democrats passed massive spending that included every wet dream pet project they had ... Like 'Shrimp on a Treadmill'...and funded disastrous programs like 'Clash for Clunkers'...

But YES, Barry inherited his own fellow Democrats' deficit-building economy...

For 8 years Barry blamed every failure on Bush...and for 4 years Barry & Democrats have tried to claim credit for Trump's successes...which include accomplishments both Barry & the World said would never happen / see in our lifetime.
And bush decreased taxes. Nobody cares about debt when they get a tax cut.
I hate saying this because W was a terrible president, however NO W did not decrease taxes. Do you have any idea who is responsible for budgets? That's right, the congress. The 110th congress was controlled by the DEMOCRATS in BOTH houses. Run your mouth some more moron. I like owning you.
Pretty much everybody on this thread has owned him, :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: he won’t even answer a short sweet simple question you ask him always going into evade mode,a common trait with trump
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.
Obama made bush Jr tax cuts permanent, good golly your just a propaganda tool
Yes Bush made it easy for him. Bush did the cut.
So did Barry
Obama didn’t cut taxes, he let the Bush tax cuts continue. The Bush failure helped him be irresponsible.
So continuing the tax cuts is not the same as starting them?


Well even Obama realized that during an economic crisis you need to lower taxes, not raise them

When will Biden get the memo?
No it isn’t. It was easy to continue them. Obama inherited a mess.
And EXPANDED on his mess troll.everybody knows that.The mess he created was even much worse than bush’s was that everybody forgot just how bad it was under Bush at the time because Obama expanded on eveything Bush started as bear513 said so well on that he took you and Penelope to school on,a copy and paste bush clone. :iyfyus.jpg:
They're not to be taken seriously.
aww Macs growing up.
Maybe one day he will realize the other party does the same exact thing, and then he can be truly "woke" :thup:
When have dems pushed tax cuts and spending increases?
Dims are always pushing spending increases, moron. How much is the Green New Deal supposed to cost?
As are repubs. Trump drastically increased military spending. Only one party increases spending AND cuts taxes
Just keep voting "D" there buddy and everything will be OK.
Im an independent. You seem to be in some denial. Which party continued to increase spending and cut taxes?
You could have fooled us the way you keep denying reality same as penny troll does that Obama expanded the corruption of bush in eveything he started,you don’t fool any of us for a second that you vote anything but dem the fact you are as much a troll as USMBs resident troll Penelope is who blames eveything on the gop but has the fucked up mindset the dems can do no wrong,your posts mirror hers dem
They're pretty much all Keynesian. The only exceptions would be the small group we've had in there infiltrating the party. Massie, Paul, Amash, a couple more...

The funny thing is that whenever the republican electorate is asked who they'd support in the future in terms of GOP leadership, they pop off the same names of the same tired old Keynesian, warmongering, anti-liberty neocons.

To me, the problem is the electorate, to be honest.
Not unlike the D Party.
So O’s enormous spending, which only enriched Wall Street was good, but W’s and Trump’s was bad.

Do you fail to see how partisan that is?
They both cut taxes, and Bush Sr raised them, and Obama needed to continue them.
Obama the Fraud railed against W’s tax cuts “for the rich,” during his first campaign. Then as the fraud he is, gladly extended them.
He didn’t run on cuts or make his own. The Bush cuts made fiscal irresponsibility easy.

Poor Obama, couldn't raise taxes. Bush's fault.

Yes its Bushs and his admin fault, they caused the great recession.
Penny troll of course wants to live in a fantasyland that Obama did not expand the recession that bush started leaving us with an even greater mess than what bush left us with. :auiqs.jpg:

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