Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt

They can’t deny the facts that repubs are worse on debt, so now debt isn’t so bad. All those idiot tea party clowns and now debt isn’t so bad. Repubs make a good comedy that is for sure.
and you don't care about debt run up by democrats even though 3 of the five largest percent increases in the debt have occurred under democrat administrations
Actually I have cared about debt since Perot ran. I watched Clinton balance the budget and Bush ruin it. I watched Obama inherit the Bush disaster and then deficits decreased. And now during a strong economy I watched trump drastically increase debt with no valid excuses. Dems aren’t good, but repubs are awful.
Clinton increased the debt so it didn't matter if he balanced the budget.

and none of these things happen in a vacuum. Clinton was just plain lucky the tech bubble burst a couple months after he left office instead of while he was in office his record would have looked a hell of a lot different .

and Clinton is the guy who signed the deregulation of banks insurance companies and investment firms that allowed to big to fail to happen and that too happened during Bush's administration but the seed was planted before he was in office.

I don't know what you get from taking all these events as unrelated to anything but who happened to be in office at the time. Life ain't that simple.

you can't view history in 4 and 8 year chunks and pretend that what happened before of after don't matter
I love just how ignorant Republicans are. He balanced the budget, something your worthless party has failed to do and all you pathetic peons can do is whine.

Then , you blame deregulation on Clinton. Just how did thast bill get to Clinton's desk? The Gramm Leach Bliley act repealed Glass Steagal. I have some news, assfuck, Gramm, Leach & Bliley were all Republicans & the bill was supported by & passed by REPUBLICANS. Clinton signed it as a compromise bill.

clinton and newt did balance the budget, but obozo and bushie destroyed everything they did.
'The GOP is mostly to blame for our debt'

...says an irrational, hate-driven snowflake who parroted the biggest false criminal accusations and cheered on the largest political scandal and failed coup attempt in US history...

...who still believes in proven non-existent Russian Collusion but denies proven CCP Espionage facilitation and Joe Manchurian Candidate Biden...

...who only believes Congress - the House - controls the spending, the budget, the economy, & the debt ... Unless the GOP controlled the House...

OH here is a trumper who loves debt. You have no place in a discussion on debt.
Thank you for admitting Democrats have primarily controlled the House, thus the budget, spending, the economy, and most deficit addition.

It's about time you acknowledged the Constitution's 'Srparation of Power's which clearly explains CONGRESS, not the President, controls the purse strings.

Thank you for admitting Barry inherited the bad economy his own Democrats, who controlled Congress / spending during Bush's last 2 years (& Barry's 1st 2 years in office), handed him.

I acknowledge that trump had full control of the government for 2 years and put in place policy that drastically increased deficits.
Thank you again for proving you are completely ignorant about our government, our Constitution, the Separation of Powers, how the economy works, and once again demonstrating you are a warped, bitter, frustrated, irrational hate-driven, scream-at-the-sky snowflake who lies and spews your ignorance and hate constantly.

We are all dumber for reading your unsupported, unsubstantiated, hate-driven, opinionated rants.
I got smart and eventually stopped reading his babble.he lost his credibility when he actually tried to get us to believe his fantasy trump inherited a strong economy, :iyfyus.jpg: the fact he clings to that lie proves he is lying that he votes independent.only the most die hard dems like penny troll lie about that fact and he does the same as her.
Last edited:
They can’t deny the facts that repubs are worse on debt, so now debt isn’t so bad. All those idiot tea party clowns and now debt isn’t so bad. Repubs make a good comedy that is for sure.
and you don't care about debt run up by democrats even though 3 of the five largest percent increases in the debt have occurred under democrat administrations
Actually I have cared about debt since Perot ran. I watched Clinton balance the budget and Bush ruin it. I watched Obama inherit the Bush disaster and then deficits decreased. And now during a strong economy I watched trump drastically increase debt with no valid excuses. Dems aren’t good, but repubs are awful.
Clinton increased the debt so it didn't matter if he balanced the budget.

and none of these things happen in a vacuum. Clinton was just plain lucky the tech bubble burst a couple months after he left office instead of while he was in office his record would have looked a hell of a lot different .

and Clinton is the guy who signed the deregulation of banks insurance companies and investment firms that allowed to big to fail to happen and that too happened during Bush's administration but the seed was planted before he was in office.

I don't know what you get from taking all these events as unrelated to anything but who happened to be in office at the time. Life ain't that simple.

you can't view history in 4 and 8 year chunks and pretend that what happened before of after don't matter
I love just how ignorant Republicans are. He balanced the budget, something your worthless party has failed to do and all you pathetic peons can do is whine.

Then , you blame deregulation on Clinton. Just how did thast bill get to Clinton's desk? The Gramm Leach Bliley act repealed Glass Steagal. I have some news, assfuck, Gramm, Leach & Bliley were all Republicans & the bill was supported by & passed by REPUBLICANS. Clinton signed it as a compromise bill.

clinton and newt did balance the budget, but obozo and bushie destroyed everything they did.
Trolls like shill Penelope who think the dem party can do no wrong,will not accept the facts that Obama was a copy and paste president of bush and trolls like pc who thinks the gop can do no wrong,won’t accept facts that Obama was just expanding on the corruption bush got started sense bush is her hero.:uhoh3:
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

I’m not a democrat.
Sure your not,that’s why you keep lying that trump inherited a strong economy. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.
How does a tax cut give us big spending increases, Dummy?
This should be good......
They can’t deny the facts that repubs are worse on debt, so now debt isn’t so bad. All those idiot tea party clowns and now debt isn’t so bad. Repubs make a good comedy that is for sure.
and you don't care about debt run up by democrats even though 3 of the five largest percent increases in the debt have occurred under democrat administrations
Actually I have cared about debt since Perot ran. I watched Clinton balance the budget and Bush ruin it. I watched Obama inherit the Bush disaster and then deficits decreased. And now during a strong economy I watched trump drastically increase debt with no valid excuses. Dems aren’t good, but repubs are awful.
Clinton increased the debt so it didn't matter if he balanced the budget.

and none of these things happen in a vacuum. Clinton was just plain lucky the tech bubble burst a couple months after he left office instead of while he was in office his record would have looked a hell of a lot different .

and Clinton is the guy who signed the deregulation of banks insurance companies and investment firms that allowed to big to fail to happen and that too happened during Bush's administration but the seed was planted before he was in office.

I don't know what you get from taking all these events as unrelated to anything but who happened to be in office at the time. Life ain't that simple.

you can't view history in 4 and 8 year chunks and pretend that what happened before of after don't matter
I love just how ignorant Republicans are. He balanced the budget, something your worthless party has failed to do and all you pathetic peons can do is whine.

Then , you blame deregulation on Clinton. Just how did thast bill get to Clinton's desk? The Gramm Leach Bliley act repealed Glass Steagal. I have some news, assfuck, Gramm, Leach & Bliley were all Republicans & the bill was supported by & passed by REPUBLICANS. Clinton signed it as a compromise bill.
I'm not a republican asswipe. And Clinton signed it so he owns it.
Spending originates in the House.

Dimwingers have controlled the House for 55 of the last 65 years.

When Reps control the House, deficits go down, when Dimwingers control the House, deficits go up.

Major thread fail.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

I’m not a democrat.
Sure your not,that’s why you keep lying that trump inherited a strong economy. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:

Yea, had the economy been so great Hillary would have sailed into the white house. People don't typically vote out the party of a strong economy, that is, unless that party gets 24.7 negative media coverage no matter what.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.

Hey Brain, you don't have one but prepare for an education anyway.

A. Reagan added almost a trillion, ho-hum, he also led us to our greatest economic state.

B. Bush added 5 trillion, he's a closet Demonicrat, though Demonicrats controlled the house when we entered the recession.

C. Obama gave us the most, his GDP pretty shitty anyhow.

D. The reason you think it was "almost under control" under Clinton's watch is because:
D1. Opened trade with China.
D2. The internet, which allowed us to build our dependence on China.
D3. They cooked the books to appear better than they were.
D4. Clinton's last year showed recession.

E. You're intellectually dishonest to blame COVID on Trump. I'll bet you blame your mother she's the only one who thinks you're handsome too.

What do you figure our debt will be when Commie-Kamala is done 2024?
They can’t deny the facts that repubs are worse on debt, so now debt isn’t so bad. All those idiot tea party clowns and now debt isn’t so bad. Repubs make a good comedy that is for sure.
and you don't care about debt run up by democrats even though 3 of the five largest percent increases in the debt have occurred under democrat administrations
Actually I have cared about debt since Perot ran. I watched Clinton balance the budget and Bush ruin it. I watched Obama inherit the Bush disaster and then deficits decreased. And now during a strong economy I watched trump drastically increase debt with no valid excuses. Dems aren’t good, but repubs are awful.
Clinton increased the debt so it didn't matter if he balanced the budget.

and none of these things happen in a vacuum. Clinton was just plain lucky the tech bubble burst a couple months after he left office instead of while he was in office his record would have looked a hell of a lot different .

and Clinton is the guy who signed the deregulation of banks insurance companies and investment firms that allowed to big to fail to happen and that too happened during Bush's administration but the seed was planted before he was in office.

I don't know what you get from taking all these events as unrelated to anything but who happened to be in office at the time. Life ain't that simple.

you can't view history in 4 and 8 year chunks and pretend that what happened before of after don't matter
I love just how ignorant Republicans are. He balanced the budget, something your worthless party has failed to do and all you pathetic peons can do is whine.

Then , you blame deregulation on Clinton. Just how did thast bill get to Clinton's desk? The Gramm Leach Bliley act repealed Glass Steagal. I have some news, assfuck, Gramm, Leach & Bliley were all Republicans & the bill was supported by & passed by REPUBLICANS. Clinton signed it as a compromise bill.
I'm not a republican asswipe. And Clinton signed it so he owns it.
I read how you claim not to be a Republican yet somehow you keep defending them.

Like now. You blame Clinton for not stopping the Republicans.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.

Hey Brain, you don't have one but prepare for an education anyway.

A. Reagan added almost a trillion, ho-hum, he also led us to our greatest economic state.

B. Bush added 5 trillion, he's a closet Demonicrat, though Demonicrats controlled the house when we entered the recession.

C. Obama gave us the most, his GDP pretty shitty anyhow.

D. The reason you think it was "almost under control" under Clinton's watch is because:
D1. Opened trade with China.
D2. The internet, which allowed us to build our dependence on China.
D3. They cooked the books to appear better than they were.
D4. Clinton's last year showed recession.

E. You're intellectually dishonest to blame COVID on Trump. I'll bet you blame your mother she's the only one who thinks you're handsome too.

What do you figure our debt will be when Commie-Kamala is done 2024?
Really7? What did the Democrats pass thast created the recession in 9 months. I see you are juat another Republican apologist. Making excuses for their failures of the past 30 years.

And finally, how the fuck did a low risk virus under Trump's complete control kill over 330,000 Americans.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

I’m not a democrat.
Sure your not,that’s why you keep lying that trump inherited a strong economy. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:

Yea, had the economy been so great Hillary would have sailed into the white house. People don't typically vote out the party of a strong economy, that is, unless that party gets 24.7 negative media coverage no matter what.
Hillary lost because Repiublicans demonized her in investigation after investigation including reopening one a week before the election.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.
How does a tax cut give us big spending increases, Dummy?
This should be good......
When you increase spending at the same time.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.

Hey Brain, you don't have one but prepare for an education anyway.

A. Reagan added almost a trillion, ho-hum, he also led us to our greatest economic state.

B. Bush added 5 trillion, he's a closet Demonicrat, though Demonicrats controlled the house when we entered the recession.

C. Obama gave us the most, his GDP pretty shitty anyhow.

D. The reason you think it was "almost under control" under Clinton's watch is because:
D1. Opened trade with China.
D2. The internet, which allowed us to build our dependence on China.
D3. They cooked the books to appear better than they were.
D4. Clinton's last year showed recession.

E. You're intellectually dishonest to blame COVID on Trump. I'll bet you blame your mother she's the only one who thinks you're handsome too.

What do you figure our debt will be when Commie-Kamala is done 2024?
Really7? What did the Democrats pass thast created the recession in 9 months. I see you are juat another Republican apologist. Making excuses for their failures of the past 30 years.

And finally, how the fuck did a low risk virus under Trump's complete control kill over 330,000 Americans.
Hey stupid, the housing bubble crashed the economy. Bush warned everyone as far back as 2001. Dimwingers like Bawney Fwank denied any problems were coming.

Get a clue, Moron.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

I’m not a democrat.
Sure your not,that’s why you keep lying that trump inherited a strong economy. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:

Yea, had the economy been so great Hillary would have sailed into the white house. People don't typically vote out the party of a strong economy, that is, unless that party gets 24.7 negative media coverage no matter what.
Hillary lost because Repiublicans demonized her in investigation after investigation including reopening one a week before the election.
Weird how polls had her in an ELECTOROL LANDSLIDE right up to the election.
They can’t deny the facts that repubs are worse on debt, so now debt isn’t so bad. All those idiot tea party clowns and now debt isn’t so bad. Repubs make a good comedy that is for sure.
and you don't care about debt run up by democrats even though 3 of the five largest percent increases in the debt have occurred under democrat administrations
Actually I have cared about debt since Perot ran. I watched Clinton balance the budget and Bush ruin it. I watched Obama inherit the Bush disaster and then deficits decreased. And now during a strong economy I watched trump drastically increase debt with no valid excuses. Dems aren’t good, but repubs are awful.
Clinton increased the debt so it didn't matter if he balanced the budget.

and none of these things happen in a vacuum. Clinton was just plain lucky the tech bubble burst a couple months after he left office instead of while he was in office his record would have looked a hell of a lot different .

and Clinton is the guy who signed the deregulation of banks insurance companies and investment firms that allowed to big to fail to happen and that too happened during Bush's administration but the seed was planted before he was in office.

I don't know what you get from taking all these events as unrelated to anything but who happened to be in office at the time. Life ain't that simple.

you can't view history in 4 and 8 year chunks and pretend that what happened before of after don't matter
I love just how ignorant Republicans are. He balanced the budget, something your worthless party has failed to do and all you pathetic peons can do is whine.

Then , you blame deregulation on Clinton. Just how did thast bill get to Clinton's desk? The Gramm Leach Bliley act repealed Glass Steagal. I have some news, assfuck, Gramm, Leach & Bliley were all Republicans & the bill was supported by & passed by REPUBLICANS. Clinton signed it as a compromise bill.
I'm not a republican asswipe. And Clinton signed it so he owns it.
I read how you claim not to be a Republican yet somehow you keep defending them.

Like now. You blame Clinton for not stopping the Republicans.

I have been defending Reagan by saying he passed the biggest peacetime tax hike in history?

I have never once defended trump

Unlike you I actually tell the truth.

I have equal disdain for the 2 political parties that are responsible for the shithole this country is becoming and you are the one who has his head so far up the ass of the democratic party that you can't see what's going on right under you shit stained nose
Weird how polls had her in an ELECTOROL LANDSLIDE right up to the election.
But they didn't. They had her at about 3.5%. She won by 2.1%.

In 2020, they had Biden by about 7.5%. He won by 4.5%

All within standard margins of error.

I realize that's fake news in your world. But they are actually the facts. Just so you know.
So O’s enormous spending, which only enriched Wall Street was good, but W’s and Trump’s was bad.

Do you fail to see how partisan that is?
They both cut taxes, and Bush Sr raised them, and Obama needed to continue them.
Obama the Fraud railed against W’s tax cuts “for the rich,” during his first campaign. Then as the fraud he is, gladly extended them.
He didn’t run on cuts or make his own. The Bush cuts made fiscal irresponsibility easy.

Poor Obama, couldn't raise taxes. Bush's fault.

Yes its Bushs and his admin fault, they caused the great recession.
I don't think it was Bush (to dumb) more likely chenney the (scum bag) the only good thing that admin did right was to prevent Iran from getting to theire 150 billion then anti american obama released that money and had the balls to send them 1.2 billion in cash of my and your money and thats ok. (not done do your homework)...
That was Iran's money with interest, and I'm pro the Iran Nuclear Deal and so are 5 other countries.

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