Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt

You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime

Iran’s Assassinations and Terrorist Activity Abroad - United States Department of State
Lol. State Really?

Man are you confused. First you think we have a free market capitalist economy and now you believe the notorious lying State Department.

Lol. State Really?

The State Department is the only organization that knows Iran is a terrorist regime? DURR.

The State Department is the only organization that knows Iran is a terrorist regime? DURR.

Lies. Why lie?
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime

Iran’s Assassinations and Terrorist Activity Abroad - United States Department of State
Lol. State Really?

Man are you confused. First you think we have a free market capitalist economy and now you believe the notorious lying State Department.

Lol. State Really?

The State Department is the only organization that knows Iran is a terrorist regime? DURR.

The State Department is the only organization that knows Iran is a terrorist regime? DURR.

Lies. Why lie?

Poor, peaceful Iran, never did nuthin' to nobody, eh?
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime

Iran’s Assassinations and Terrorist Activity Abroad - United States Department of State
Lol. State Really?

Man are you confused. First you think we have a free market capitalist economy and now you believe the notorious lying State Department.

Lol. State Really?

The State Department is the only organization that knows Iran is a terrorist regime? DURR.

The State Department is the only organization that knows Iran is a terrorist regime? DURR.

Lies. Why lie?

Poor, peaceful Iran, never did nuthin' to nobody, eh?
More lies.

I bet you think our government is peaceful. LMFAO.
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.
State run media have proclaimed Iran a terrorist regime since the 80’s, after the Iranian people kicked out the CIA installed Shah. They’ve said it so often, that many Americans believe it without facts to support it.

Facts do support Israel being more a terrorist regime than Iran but since Israel has control of our media and politicians, it’s ignored.

You're fucked in the head on this one.
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.
State run media have proclaimed Iran a terrorist regime since the 80’s, after the Iranian people kicked out the CIA installed Shah. They’ve said it so often, that many Americans believe it without facts to support it.

Facts do support Israel being more a terrorist regime than Iran but since Israel has control of our media and politicians, it’s ignored.

You're fucked in the head on this one.
Yes. Always believe the state, even though they lie to you 24/7.

Please tell me the number of nations Iran invaded in the last 50 years? Now compare that number to the USA and Israel.
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.
State run media have proclaimed Iran a terrorist regime since the 80’s, after the Iranian people kicked out the CIA installed Shah. They’ve said it so often, that many Americans believe it without facts to support it.

Facts do support Israel being more a terrorist regime than Iran but since Israel has control of our media and politicians, it’s ignored.

You're fucked in the head on this one.
Yes. Always believe the state, even though they lie to you 24/7.

Please tell me the number of nations Iran invaded in the last 50 years? Now compare that number to the USA and Israel.

It's what the USA does
How many for Isreal?
Last edited:
He balanced the budget,

Yes, he was always pushing for lower spending. DURR.

So, you are actually claiming it was the Republicans??? The "deficits don't matter" Republicans,.
This says it all--Obama, 8 years, 9T debt increase=1.125T average annual increase.
Bush Recession. Why do you assfucks continually blame Democrats for the Republicans inability to govern?
The Bush recession was over in 2009--moron--recessions don't last eight years.
I bet you think our government is peaceful. LMFAO.

I bet you think Iran's government is peaceful. LMFAO.
More lies. Why? Are you dumb? Have you been checked?

Iran's government is not peaceful?
Question: which nation is more peaceful, the USA or Iran?

It’s not a trick question, unless you’re an idiot.

The USA.
Only a fool would believe that.
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.
State run media have proclaimed Iran a terrorist regime since the 80’s, after the Iranian people kicked out the CIA installed Shah. They’ve said it so often, that many Americans believe it without facts to support it.

Facts do support Israel being more a terrorist regime than Iran but since Israel has control of our media and politicians, it’s ignored.

You're fucked in the head on this one.
Yes. Always believe the state, even though they lie to you 24/7.

Please tell me the number of nations Iran invaded in the last 50 years? Now compare that number to the USA and Israel.
When Iran had the hostages with Jimmy Carter...that was real. You hate Christians...but love Muslims.
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.
State run media have proclaimed Iran a terrorist regime since the 80’s, after the Iranian people kicked out the CIA installed Shah. They’ve said it so often, that many Americans believe it without facts to support it.

Facts do support Israel being more a terrorist regime than Iran but since Israel has control of our media and politicians, it’s ignored.

You're fucked in the head on this one.
Yes. Always believe the state, even though they lie to you 24/7.

Please tell me the number of nations Iran invaded in the last 50 years? Now compare that number to the USA and Israel.
When Iran had the hostages with Jimmy Carter...that was real. You hate Christians...but love Muslims.
You got me! How did you know?
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.
State run media have proclaimed Iran a terrorist regime since the 80’s, after the Iranian people kicked out the CIA installed Shah. They’ve said it so often, that many Americans believe it without facts to support it.

Facts do support Israel being more a terrorist regime than Iran but since Israel has control of our media and politicians, it’s ignored.

You're fucked in the head on this one.
Yes. Always believe the state, even though they lie to you 24/7.

Please tell me the number of nations Iran invaded in the last 50 years? Now compare that number to the USA and Israel.
When Iran had the hostages with Jimmy Carter...that was real. You hate Christians...but love Muslims.
allahu akbar!!!!!!!!!!
They can’t deny the facts that repubs are worse on debt, so now debt isn’t so bad. All those idiot tea party clowns and now debt isn’t so bad. Repubs make a good comedy that is for sure.
and you don't care about debt run up by democrats even though 3 of the five largest percent increases in the debt have occurred under democrat administrations
Actually I have cared about debt since Perot ran. I watched Clinton balance the budget and Bush ruin it. I watched Obama inherit the Bush disaster and then deficits decreased. And now during a strong economy I watched trump drastically increase debt with no valid excuses. Dems aren’t good, but repubs are awful.
Clinton increased the debt so it didn't matter if he balanced the budget.

and none of these things happen in a vacuum. Clinton was just plain lucky the tech bubble burst a couple months after he left office instead of while he was in office his record would have looked a hell of a lot different .

and Clinton is the guy who signed the deregulation of banks insurance companies and investment firms that allowed to big to fail to happen and that too happened during Bush's administration but the seed was planted before he was in office.

I don't know what you get from taking all these events as unrelated to anything but who happened to be in office at the time. Life ain't that simple.

you can't view history in 4 and 8 year chunks and pretend that what happened before of after don't matter
I love just how ignorant Republicans are. He balanced the budget, something your worthless party has failed to do and all you pathetic peons can do is whine.

Then , you blame deregulation on Clinton. Just how did thast bill get to Clinton's desk? The Gramm Leach Bliley act repealed Glass Steagal. I have some news, assfuck, Gramm, Leach & Bliley were all Republicans & the bill was supported by & passed by REPUBLICANS. Clinton signed it as a compromise bill.

clinton and newt did balance the budget, but obozo and bushie destroyed everything they did.
Trolls like shill Penelope who think the dem party can do no wrong,will not accept the facts that Obama was a copy and paste president of bush and trolls like pc who thinks the gop can do no wrong,won’t accept facts that Obama was just expanding on the corruption bush got started sense bush is her hero.:uhoh3:
The truth of this post always hurts the feelings of paid shill penelope.she thinks all those in Michigan who gave her commie hero whitmere the middle finger and had their own Christmas parade March are not patriot Americans and she is,they are all wrong and she is right is how her commie mind works the paid shill.
You mean keep their money?

I mean, handing money to a terrorist regime is world-class stupid.

Who says Iran is terrorist regime, I think Israel is.
State run media have proclaimed Iran a terrorist regime since the 80’s, after the Iranian people kicked out the CIA installed Shah. They’ve said it so often, that many Americans believe it without facts to support it.

Facts do support Israel being more a terrorist regime than Iran but since Israel has control of our media and politicians, it’s ignored.

You're fucked in the head on this one.
Yes. Always believe the state, even though they lie to you 24/7.

Please tell me the number of nations Iran invaded in the last 50 years? Now compare that number to the USA and Israel.
When Iran had the hostages with Jimmy Carter...that was real. You hate Christians...but love Muslims.

I pretty sure Reagan had a deal with Iran.

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