Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt

Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
Well we obviously need a tax increase so people care. Then we can't allow a decrease till we have a surplus and the debt is not bigger than our yearly GDP.
and not a single politician will ever get elected with that as a campaign promise.

so it will never happen.

Oh, I don't know about that....Biden is going in isn't he?

Brain wants a candidate to say that he will raise taxes by trillions of dollars a year so that we operate at a surplus

The Joe Biden taxes of a few percent here and there on the rich is nothing but pandering
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
Well we obviously need a tax increase so people care. Then we can't allow a decrease till we have a surplus and the debt is not bigger than our yearly GDP.
and not a single politician will ever get elected with that as a campaign promise.

so it will never happen.
Clinton ran on balancing the budget and won twice. People will care more about debt if taxes increase. Then they will vote for whoever will manage spending so maybe we can get a cut.
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....
the Tea Party disappeared after Obama left office.
And so did all the fury over deficits thanks to the tax cuts. You know what I'm saying is true.

Like I said Republicans only care about debt when a Democrat is in office and vice versa.
But both care when taxes go up. Happened after the Bush tax increases.

but they really don't.

HAven't you learned anything yet?

Obama increased taxes, Bush 1 increased taxes, Reagan increased taxes, Clinton increased taxes and yet every single on of those presidents added to the debt.

and no one really cared
Oh Obama increased taxes now? You were claiming he did a tax cut before. You seem really confused. Reagan did lots of cuts. Clinton drastically decreased deficits.
yes he did.

he raised some taxes and added some new ones or are you saying he didn't?

I'm saying you are claiming both sides. You don't seem very credible....
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
Well we obviously need a tax increase so people care. Then we can't allow a decrease till we have a surplus and the debt is not bigger than our yearly GDP.
and not a single politician will ever get elected with that as a campaign promise.

so it will never happen.

Oh, I don't know about that....Biden is going in isn't he?

Brain wants a candidate to say that he will raise taxes by trillions of dollars a year so that we operate at a surplus

The Joe Biden taxes of a few percent here and there on the rich is nothing but pandering
I want to stop the incredibly irresponsible republican policy of cutting taxes when we are deeply in debt. They cut taxes, people forget about debt, and the debt grows. Every single time...
Politicians get away with huge spending increases when they also cut taxes. People wouldn't stand for just huge increases.
We need on increase in taxes so people care. Our politicians spend on all sorts of stupid things because they can. See all the pork in that relief bill?
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
Well we obviously need a tax increase so people care. Then we can't allow a decrease till we have a surplus and the debt is not bigger than our yearly GDP.
and not a single politician will ever get elected with that as a campaign promise.

so it will never happen.
Clinton ran on balancing the budget and won twice. People will care more about debt if taxes increase. Then they will vote for whoever will manage spending so maybe we can get a cut.

we will not get a cut for decades if you get what you want.

You want to raise taxes by trillions of dollars a year.

tell me where is all that money going to come from?
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
Well we obviously need a tax increase so people care. Then we can't allow a decrease till we have a surplus and the debt is not bigger than our yearly GDP.
and not a single politician will ever get elected with that as a campaign promise.

so it will never happen.

Oh, I don't know about that....Biden is going in isn't he?

Brain wants a candidate to say that he will raise taxes by trillions of dollars a year so that we operate at a surplus

The Joe Biden taxes of a few percent here and there on the rich is nothing but pandering
I want to stop the incredibly irresponsible republican policy of cutting taxes when we are deeply in debt. They cut taxes, people forget about debt, and the debt grows. Every single time...

I have already shown you the Democrats have done that as well
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
Well we obviously need a tax increase so people care. Then we can't allow a decrease till we have a surplus and the debt is not bigger than our yearly GDP.
and not a single politician will ever get elected with that as a campaign promise.

so it will never happen.
Clinton ran on balancing the budget and won twice. People will care more about debt if taxes increase. Then they will vote for whoever will manage spending so maybe we can get a cut.

we will not get a cut for decades if you get what you want.

You want to raise taxes by trillions of dollars a year.

tell me where is all that money going to come from?

He won't....I've asked three times now....
We need on increase in taxes so people care. Our politicians spend on all sorts of stupid things because they can. See all the pork in that relief bill?

However, until you give the specifics I asked you to outline, then you are not serious...
The specific is not giving tax cuts when we are deeply in debt. They fuel more spending.
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
Well we obviously need a tax increase so people care. Then we can't allow a decrease till we have a surplus and the debt is not bigger than our yearly GDP.
and not a single politician will ever get elected with that as a campaign promise.

so it will never happen.

Oh, I don't know about that....Biden is going in isn't he?

Brain wants a candidate to say that he will raise taxes by trillions of dollars a year so that we operate at a surplus

The Joe Biden taxes of a few percent here and there on the rich is nothing but pandering
I want to stop the incredibly irresponsible republican policy of cutting taxes when we are deeply in debt. They cut taxes, people forget about debt, and the debt grows. Every single time...

I have already shown you the Democrats have done that as well
You have flip flopped stupidly. First you say obama cut taxes then get proved wrong. Now you claim he increased taxes. You are hard to take seriously....
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
he doesn't have one

Then the thread should be closed for lack of debatable content...
Well there is certainly no debating that tax cuts fuel deficits.
Link us up to where revenues went down after a tax cut, Brainfart
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
he doesn't have one

Then the thread should be closed for lack of debatable content...
Well there is certainly no debating that tax cuts fuel deficits.
Link us up to where revenues went down after a tax cut, Brainfart
I already showed you how we had anemic revenue growth. Only lower have been during a recession. But you know that.
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
he doesn't have one

Then the thread should be closed for lack of debatable content...
Well there is certainly no debating that tax cuts fuel deficits.
Link us up to where revenues went down after a tax cut, Brainfart
I already showed you how we had anemic revenue growth. Only lower have been during a recession. But you know that.
You are lying.

Show us where revenues declined after a tax cut, Braindead
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
he doesn't have one

Then the thread should be closed for lack of debatable content...
Well there is certainly no debating that tax cuts fuel deficits.
Link us up to where revenues went down after a tax cut, Brainfart
Also you are missing the point. Tax cuts make people forget the debt and spending increases. Repubs always say the tax cuts will pay for themselves. Show me when a republican tax cut hasn't increased deficits.
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
he doesn't have one

Then the thread should be closed for lack of debatable content...
Well there is certainly no debating that tax cuts fuel deficits.
Link us up to where revenues went down after a tax cut, Brainfart
I already showed you how we had anemic revenue growth. Only lower have been during a recession. But you know that.
You are lying.

Show us where revenues declined after a tax cut, Braindead
Look through the thread. Revenue growth was pathetic. Spending meanwhile increased rapidly.
Remember all those tea party goons screaming about deficits? Then we got trump and he further increased deficits, but the tea party disappeared. Trump gave tax cuts. Tax cuts fuel debt. Nobody cares about the debt when they are getting tax cuts.

The first Bush increased taxes and then we took the debt seriously....

Blame, blame, blame....That's how you tell a thread is bull shit....Both parties have spent us into this situation, and we won't get out of it until both parties work together to get us out....

You're more concerned to paint the other party in a bad light rather than a serious discussion...

So, tell us your plan? What is it you'd like to see to reduce the debt?
But only one party has fueled the deficits with tax cuts.

So, what's your plan?
Well we obviously need a tax increase so people care. Then we can't allow a decrease till we have a surplus and the debt is not bigger than our yearly GDP.
and not a single politician will ever get elected with that as a campaign promise.

so it will never happen.

Oh, I don't know about that....Biden is going in isn't he?

Brain wants a candidate to say that he will raise taxes by trillions of dollars a year so that we operate at a surplus

The Joe Biden taxes of a few percent here and there on the rich is nothing but pandering
I want to stop the incredibly irresponsible republican policy of cutting taxes when we are deeply in debt. They cut taxes, people forget about debt, and the debt grows. Every single time...

I have already shown you the Democrats have done that as well
You have flip flopped stupidly. First you say obama cut taxes then get proved wrong. Now you claim he increased taxes. You are hard to take seriously....

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