Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt

The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.
What giant spending increase?

The interest in 2018 was 275 billion dollars a year, today it's 375 billion dollars a year
Trumps giant military spending increase of course.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.
What giant spending increase?

The interest in 2018 was 275 billion dollars a year, today it's 375 billion dollars a year
Trumps giant military spending increase of course.
So you are saying you have no clue?

The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

I’m not a democrat.
The last time this nation was debt free was in 1835 under Andrew Jackson. Since then both parties have run it up claiming one is worse than the other is like saying it’s better to drown in water that is 475 feet deep instead of water 500 feet deep.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Could it have said it better myself.:thup:
But only one party has been cutting taxes and increasing spending.
Nobody is listens to your bullshit,we are all laughing at your pathetic lies.
Republicans love debt. Just put it on the credit card.
Spending originates in the House, Dummy.

Dimwingers have controlled the House 55 out of the last 65 years, Brainfart.

You lose again.
Yes and the giant increases came when repubs were in full control. Irresponsible tax cuts and huge military spending increase. Are you dishonest or really stupid?

Obama doubled the debt in 8 years.

He inherited a disaster from Bush. After disaster was fixed deficits declined. Compare the last 3 years of Obama to the first 3 of Trump. Bad and worse.

Bush inherited a dot-com disaster from Clinton. Y'all let Bush use that excuse ?
Bush inherited a balanced budget and gave it away with tax cuts and military spending.

Is that what you call the dot-com bust?

Bush was bad. Very bad. Trump even ran on how bad Bush was.

Oh yea I know. Bush man bad, orange man bad.

Anyway, you said Clinton left a surplus and/or balanced budget. I asked you to prove it. So far you've done nothing.
You have google and probably remember Bush spending away the surplus he inherited. I can only answer so many stupid
questions. Republicans are either claiming newt balanced the budget or denying it. The stupidity gets tiring.

You make the claim you back it up. When I google it it shows a deficit every year, meaning you're wrong.
Did the deficit get bigger or smaller each year?

the debt grew

as I said the largest debt increases by percentage have mostly been under democrat administrations
Reagan tripled the debt. Deficits decreased during Clinton and Obama. They increased under trump and Bush. You don’t seem the dumb, are you just dishonest?
Reagan added $1.4 Trillion to the debt. Barry added more than that in a single year.

You lose again, Brainfart.
Yeah Reagan was quite a long time ago. Bravo.
Why are you bringing him up then, Brainfart?
Tripled the debt and started our debt problems.
our debt problems started way before that
I disagree. They were very manageable.

then why weren't they paid off or at least paid down a little?
We will always have debt.

we actually had no debt for a time
And how long ago was that?
it doesn't matter you said we will always have debt how long of a time is always?
Haha. Times change. It’s normal to have manageable debt. Learn some economics.

times change as often as you change your argument.

and the debt we have now is manageable.,
30% of it doesn't really exist because it's one government agency saying it owes another government agency that's like you telling your wife you owe her a hundred dollars.

Sure it's debt but it isn't really real

of the debt remaining, most of that is owned by Us banks, insurance companies and investment firms as well as millions of individual investors so it is the US economy and US citizens that benefit from it.

No president in the future will ever pay down the debt nor will they ever not increase the debt.

Because it doesn't really matter.

I don't know why you want to hold on to the fantasy that either party gives a flying fuck about the debt. History proves they don't
And how much tax dollars are wasted on debt?

define wasted.
Well what do we get back for tax dollars spent on interest?

For one the net interest burden is about 393 billion a year.

but as I said 30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself so even though there is an interest payment on the books for that part of the debt it is never really paid out. Most of the interest that is actually paid is paid to Americans and American businesses that own treasury bonds and to various state government that own Us bonds as well.

SO basically the lion's share of the net annual interest paid goes right back into the US economy and is used in retirement funds, investment portfolios and as payments to state governments that use it as a budget item.
It's still a really big number that tax payers get nothing for. That is waste.

how can you say taxpayers get nothing?

I just told you how they get the interest paid on the bonds they own. Those bonds are a huge part of the retirements incomes of millions of Americans.

Most of that 393 billion a year is put into the US economy.

So Americans are the ones who are getting the interest on the debt.
And the interest paid to all the other countries like China? Not a waste?

that is so small it doesn't register.

We owe less than 7 trillion to foreign governments. We owe 1 trillion to China and 1.3 trillion to Japan.

so just to recap

23% of the debt is money the US government owes itself so it isn't really debt at all

Of the remaining 77% of the debt about a third of that is owed to foreign governments the remainder is owned by US interests

3.6 trillion of the debt is owned by US citizens via mutual funds and state pension plans and beyond that more is owned by private pension funds and insurance companies

so just admit that the debt isn't the catastrophe you say it is
Last edited:
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.
What giant spending increase?

The interest in 2018 was 275 billion dollars a year, today it's 375 billion dollars a year
Trumps giant military spending increase of course.
So you are saying you have no clue?

You posted a bullshit link on speculation? Where are the facts
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

I’m not a democrat.
And I am not a white honkey
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

I’m not a democrat.
no you you tell yourself you're an independent who votes the democrat party ticket
The last time this nation was debt free was in 1835 under Andrew Jackson. Since then both parties have run it up claiming one is worse than the other is like saying it’s better to drown in water that is 475 feet deep instead of water 500 feet deep.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Could it have said it better myself.:thup:
But only one party has been cutting taxes and increasing spending.
Nobody is listens to your bullshit,we are all laughing at your pathetic lies.
Republicans love debt. Just put it on the credit card.
Spending originates in the House, Dummy.

Dimwingers have controlled the House 55 out of the last 65 years, Brainfart.

You lose again.
Yes and the giant increases came when repubs were in full control. Irresponsible tax cuts and huge military spending increase. Are you dishonest or really stupid?

Obama doubled the debt in 8 years.

He inherited a disaster from Bush. After disaster was fixed deficits declined. Compare the last 3 years of Obama to the first 3 of Trump. Bad and worse.

Bush inherited a dot-com disaster from Clinton. Y'all let Bush use that excuse ?
Bush inherited a balanced budget and gave it away with tax cuts and military spending.

Is that what you call the dot-com bust?

Bush was bad. Very bad. Trump even ran on how bad Bush was.

Oh yea I know. Bush man bad, orange man bad.

Anyway, you said Clinton left a surplus and/or balanced budget. I asked you to prove it. So far you've done nothing.
You have google and probably remember Bush spending away the surplus he inherited. I can only answer so many stupid
questions. Republicans are either claiming newt balanced the budget or denying it. The stupidity gets tiring.

You make the claim you back it up. When I google it it shows a deficit every year, meaning you're wrong.
Did the deficit get bigger or smaller each year?

the debt grew

as I said the largest debt increases by percentage have mostly been under democrat administrations
Reagan tripled the debt. Deficits decreased during Clinton and Obama. They increased under trump and Bush. You don’t seem the dumb, are you just dishonest?
Reagan added $1.4 Trillion to the debt. Barry added more than that in a single year.

You lose again, Brainfart.
Yeah Reagan was quite a long time ago. Bravo.
Why are you bringing him up then, Brainfart?
Tripled the debt and started our debt problems.
our debt problems started way before that
I disagree. They were very manageable.

then why weren't they paid off or at least paid down a little?
We will always have debt.

we actually had no debt for a time
And how long ago was that?
it doesn't matter you said we will always have debt how long of a time is always?
Haha. Times change. It’s normal to have manageable debt. Learn some economics.

times change as often as you change your argument.

and the debt we have now is manageable.,
30% of it doesn't really exist because it's one government agency saying it owes another government agency that's like you telling your wife you owe her a hundred dollars.

Sure it's debt but it isn't really real

of the debt remaining, most of that is owned by Us banks, insurance companies and investment firms as well as millions of individual investors so it is the US economy and US citizens that benefit from it.

No president in the future will ever pay down the debt nor will they ever not increase the debt.

Because it doesn't really matter.

I don't know why you want to hold on to the fantasy that either party gives a flying fuck about the debt. History proves they don't
And how much tax dollars are wasted on debt?

define wasted.
Well what do we get back for tax dollars spent on interest?

For one the net interest burden is about 393 billion a year.

but as I said 30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself so even though there is an interest payment on the books for that part of the debt it is never really paid out. Most of the interest that is actually paid is paid to Americans and American businesses that own treasury bonds and to various state government that own Us bonds as well.

SO basically the lion's share of the net annual interest paid goes right back into the US economy and is used in retirement funds, investment portfolios and as payments to state governments that use it as a budget item.
It's still a really big number that tax payers get nothing for. That is waste.

how can you say taxpayers get nothing?

I just told you how they get the interest paid on the bonds they own. Those bonds are a huge part of the retirements incomes of millions of Americans.

Most of that 393 billion a year is put into the US economy.

So Americans are the ones who are getting the interest on the debt.
And the interest paid to all the other countries like China? Not a waste?

that is so small it doesn't register.

We owe less than 7 trillion to foreign governments. We owe 1 trillion to China and 1.3 trillion to Japan.

so just to recap

23% of the debt is money the US government owes itself so it isn't really debt at all

Of the remaining 77% of the debt about a third of that is owed to foreign governments the remainder is owned by US interests

3.6 trillion of the debt is owned by US citizens via mutual funds and state pension plans and beyond that more is owned by private pension funds and insurance companies

so just admit that the debt isn't the catastrophe you say it is
7 trillion? That is a really big number.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.

You don't know what "full control " means.
Trump was president, repubs had majorities in house and senate and repubs have majority of Supreme Court. That a lot of control.

Without 60 votes no one controls the Senate.
Educate yourself
Yet they passed trumps tax cuts and military spending. Go figure.
So you're trying to defend your precious Democrats by claiming they are just spineless, simple-minded puppets who went along with whatever President Trump told them to do...

...which completely ignores their massive deficit spending during the 2 years before Barry and the 1st 2 years of Barry's Presidency...


Again, you really need to STFU - you're totally embarrassing yourself.

Then again, keep it up. It's hilarious.

I’m not a democrat.
no you you tell yourself you're an independent who votes the democrat party ticket
I’ve voted repub more than dem.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.
What giant spending increase?

The interest in 2018 was 275 billion dollars a year, today it's 375 billion dollars a year
Trumps giant military spending increase of course.
So you are saying you have no clue?

You posted a bullshit link on speculation? Where are the facts
So you voted for trump not knowing he wanted and got huge military spending increases? That is too funny.
So O’s enormous spending, which only enriched Wall Street was good, but W’s and Trump’s was bad.

Do you fail to see how partisan that is?

What Obama spending?

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 73.6% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget in 2009.

In typical chickenshit Republican fashion,. you blamed Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.
When former tea party republicans start arguing the debt isn’t a problem I know I have won. This is fun.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
Since everything out of your mouth has been fairy tale democrat BS, I felt it was incumbent on me to set the record straight with some actual numbers. Your heeeero Barry, increased the debt by nearly 70% from 11T to 20T. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. US Debt by President | Chart & Per President Deficit | Self.
I’ve said he wasn’t great. Clearly you are lost.
I'll direct you to the title of your post. You made the partisan statement, not me.
Nowhere does it say Obama was great. It’s clearly a case of bad and worse. Repubs are worse.
Yep, and you pointed fingers at Reagan for tripling the debt. HaHaHa. From 997B to 2T, that is just slightly more than your heeero Bill Clinton, surplus and all. Critical thinking and math, try it sometime.
An Clinton decreased deficits. You can't really compare 80s dollars to 90s.... But you aren't that smart are you?
The debt increased by 1.4T during the Clinton admin. I'm not that smart, but you, like most morons, figure if you are losing ground with your argument, you'll just move the goal posts or change the narrative. I can do that too. You whiners have complained about defunding the police, but your heeeeero, BJ Billy, increased police spending more than any other modern day pres. Also, he increased immigration for tech industries by a huge amount. You know those dems. Kick backs for their buddies and screw everybody else. Didn't last long though--Clinton presided over the tech bubble bust. Keep chasing those goal posts moron. You're out of your league.
No you are not that smart. Deficits decreased. You can't look at dollars because it's over a long time period. I'm not a democrat.
So you're an idiot moron who thinks like a democrat. No difference. And I don't care if deficits decreased and he had a surplus in his last year or not--He still presided over a 1.4T increase in the debt. Draw a circle on the wall and bash you head into it moron, you can keep repeating the same BS over and over and it is still BS.

Don't worry, ol blow job never had a surplus. There was no year in which the national debt stayed the same, much less went down.
I hate to have to admit it, but ol' BJ did have a small surplus in the last year of his admin. But when his tech bubble burst it was gone--plus.

No he didn't .The debt went up every year. There was NO surplus under Clinton. Liberals on this forum have been asked to prove, ad nauseum, this "surplus" and they can't do it. They go off on some tangent trying to change the subject because they have no answer. The smallest increase in national debt in one year under Clinton was 17 BILLION DOLLARS. That is NOT a surplus.

There was, however, a dot-com bubble. Oh yea, he also allowed Bin Laden to plan 9/11. He was too distracted cheating on his wife with a college intern to worry about stopping international terrorism.
Easy, dude. I'm on your side. I also lived through those years and remember them clearly. Here is the evidence that you asked for. The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton -

And here is proof your source is wrong.

Every single year Clinton was in office our debt went up. You can't do that with a surplus. The national debt numbers are gov't numbers you can't debate.

"As can clearly be seen, in no year did the national debt go down, nor did Clinton leave President Bush with a surplus that Bush subsequently turned into a deficit. Yes, the deficit was almost eliminated in FY2000 (ending in September 2000 with a deficit of "only" $17.9 billion), but it never reached zero--let alone a positive surplus number."

There is even a section titled "So why do they say he had a surplus?" and they explain your numbers as basically fuzzy gov't math.

"Notice that while the public debt went down in each of those four years, the intragovernmental holdings went up each year by a far greater amount--and, in turn, the total national debt (which is public debt + intragovernmental holdings) went up. Therein lies the discrepancy.

When it is claimed that Clinton paid down the national debt, that is patently false--as can be seen, the national debt went up every single year. What Clinton did do was pay down the public debt--notice that the claimed surplus is relatively close to the decrease in the public debt for those years. But he paid down the public debt by borrowing far more money in the form of intragovernmental holdings (mostly Social Security). "

All Clinton did was borrow from SS to artificially make it look like the debt went down and some people are actually gullible enough to believe it.
I laugh everry time one of you Republican morons deny Clinton's accomplishment of balancing the budget.

Yeah, he was a real budget hawk. Durr.

Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget

Bush + same basic Congress = Deficits & debt

What changed?
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
Since everything out of your mouth has been fairy tale democrat BS, I felt it was incumbent on me to set the record straight with some actual numbers. Your heeeero Barry, increased the debt by nearly 70% from 11T to 20T. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. US Debt by President | Chart & Per President Deficit | Self.
I’ve said he wasn’t great. Clearly you are lost.
I'll direct you to the title of your post. You made the partisan statement, not me.
Nowhere does it say Obama was great. It’s clearly a case of bad and worse. Repubs are worse.
Yep, and you pointed fingers at Reagan for tripling the debt. HaHaHa. From 997B to 2T, that is just slightly more than your heeero Bill Clinton, surplus and all. Critical thinking and math, try it sometime.
An Clinton decreased deficits. You can't really compare 80s dollars to 90s.... But you aren't that smart are you?
The debt increased by 1.4T during the Clinton admin. I'm not that smart, but you, like most morons, figure if you are losing ground with your argument, you'll just move the goal posts or change the narrative. I can do that too. You whiners have complained about defunding the police, but your heeeeero, BJ Billy, increased police spending more than any other modern day pres. Also, he increased immigration for tech industries by a huge amount. You know those dems. Kick backs for their buddies and screw everybody else. Didn't last long though--Clinton presided over the tech bubble bust. Keep chasing those goal posts moron. You're out of your league.
No you are not that smart. Deficits decreased. You can't look at dollars because it's over a long time period. I'm not a democrat.
So you're an idiot moron who thinks like a democrat. No difference. And I don't care if deficits decreased and he had a surplus in his last year or not--He still presided over a 1.4T increase in the debt. Draw a circle on the wall and bash you head into it moron, you can keep repeating the same BS over and over and it is still BS.

Don't worry, ol blow job never had a surplus. There was no year in which the national debt stayed the same, much less went down.
I hate to have to admit it, but ol' BJ did have a small surplus in the last year of his admin. But when his tech bubble burst it was gone--plus.

No he didn't .The debt went up every year. There was NO surplus under Clinton. Liberals on this forum have been asked to prove, ad nauseum, this "surplus" and they can't do it. They go off on some tangent trying to change the subject because they have no answer. The smallest increase in national debt in one year under Clinton was 17 BILLION DOLLARS. That is NOT a surplus.

There was, however, a dot-com bubble. Oh yea, he also allowed Bin Laden to plan 9/11. He was too distracted cheating on his wife with a college intern to worry about stopping international terrorism.
Easy, dude. I'm on your side. I also lived through those years and remember them clearly. Here is the evidence that you asked for. The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton -

And here is proof your source is wrong.

Every single year Clinton was in office our debt went up. You can't do that with a surplus. The national debt numbers are gov't numbers you can't debate.

"As can clearly be seen, in no year did the national debt go down, nor did Clinton leave President Bush with a surplus that Bush subsequently turned into a deficit. Yes, the deficit was almost eliminated in FY2000 (ending in September 2000 with a deficit of "only" $17.9 billion), but it never reached zero--let alone a positive surplus number."

There is even a section titled "So why do they say he had a surplus?" and they explain your numbers as basically fuzzy gov't math.

"Notice that while the public debt went down in each of those four years, the intragovernmental holdings went up each year by a far greater amount--and, in turn, the total national debt (which is public debt + intragovernmental holdings) went up. Therein lies the discrepancy.

When it is claimed that Clinton paid down the national debt, that is patently false--as can be seen, the national debt went up every single year. What Clinton did do was pay down the public debt--notice that the claimed surplus is relatively close to the decrease in the public debt for those years. But he paid down the public debt by borrowing far more money in the form of intragovernmental holdings (mostly Social Security). "

All Clinton did was borrow from SS to artificially make it look like the debt went down and some people are actually gullible enough to believe it.
I laugh everry time one of you Republican morons deny Clinton's accomplishment of balancing the budget.

Yeah, he was a real budget hawk. Durr.

Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget

Bush + same basic Congress = Deficits & debt

What changed?
Oh now that is a winner! Bravo!
The last time this nation was debt free was in 1835 under Andrew Jackson. Since then both parties have run it up claiming one is worse than the other is like saying it’s better to drown in water that is 475 feet deep instead of water 500 feet deep.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Could it have said it better myself.:thup:
But only one party has been cutting taxes and increasing spending.
Nobody is listens to your bullshit,we are all laughing at your pathetic lies.
Republicans love debt. Just put it on the credit card.
Spending originates in the House, Dummy.

Dimwingers have controlled the House 55 out of the last 65 years, Brainfart.

You lose again.
Yes and the giant increases came when repubs were in full control. Irresponsible tax cuts and huge military spending increase. Are you dishonest or really stupid?

Obama doubled the debt in 8 years.

He inherited a disaster from Bush. After disaster was fixed deficits declined. Compare the last 3 years of Obama to the first 3 of Trump. Bad and worse.

Bush inherited a dot-com disaster from Clinton. Y'all let Bush use that excuse ?
Bush inherited a balanced budget and gave it away with tax cuts and military spending.

Is that what you call the dot-com bust?

Bush was bad. Very bad. Trump even ran on how bad Bush was.

Oh yea I know. Bush man bad, orange man bad.

Anyway, you said Clinton left a surplus and/or balanced budget. I asked you to prove it. So far you've done nothing.
You have google and probably remember Bush spending away the surplus he inherited. I can only answer so many stupid
questions. Republicans are either claiming newt balanced the budget or denying it. The stupidity gets tiring.

You make the claim you back it up. When I google it it shows a deficit every year, meaning you're wrong.
Did the deficit get bigger or smaller each year?

the debt grew

as I said the largest debt increases by percentage have mostly been under democrat administrations
Reagan tripled the debt. Deficits decreased during Clinton and Obama. They increased under trump and Bush. You don’t seem the dumb, are you just dishonest?
Reagan added $1.4 Trillion to the debt. Barry added more than that in a single year.

You lose again, Brainfart.
Yeah Reagan was quite a long time ago. Bravo.
Why are you bringing him up then, Brainfart?
Tripled the debt and started our debt problems.
our debt problems started way before that
I disagree. They were very manageable.

then why weren't they paid off or at least paid down a little?
We will always have debt.

we actually had no debt for a time
And how long ago was that?
it doesn't matter you said we will always have debt how long of a time is always?
Haha. Times change. It’s normal to have manageable debt. Learn some economics.

times change as often as you change your argument.

and the debt we have now is manageable.,
30% of it doesn't really exist because it's one government agency saying it owes another government agency that's like you telling your wife you owe her a hundred dollars.

Sure it's debt but it isn't really real

of the debt remaining, most of that is owned by Us banks, insurance companies and investment firms as well as millions of individual investors so it is the US economy and US citizens that benefit from it.

No president in the future will ever pay down the debt nor will they ever not increase the debt.

Because it doesn't really matter.

I don't know why you want to hold on to the fantasy that either party gives a flying fuck about the debt. History proves they don't
And how much tax dollars are wasted on debt?

define wasted.
Well what do we get back for tax dollars spent on interest?

For one the net interest burden is about 393 billion a year.

but as I said 30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself so even though there is an interest payment on the books for that part of the debt it is never really paid out. Most of the interest that is actually paid is paid to Americans and American businesses that own treasury bonds and to various state government that own Us bonds as well.

SO basically the lion's share of the net annual interest paid goes right back into the US economy and is used in retirement funds, investment portfolios and as payments to state governments that use it as a budget item.
It's still a really big number that tax payers get nothing for. That is waste.

how can you say taxpayers get nothing?

I just told you how they get the interest paid on the bonds they own. Those bonds are a huge part of the retirements incomes of millions of Americans.

Most of that 393 billion a year is put into the US economy.

So Americans are the ones who are getting the interest on the debt.
And the interest paid to all the other countries like China? Not a waste?

that is so small it doesn't register.

We owe less than 7 trillion to foreign governments. We owe 1 trillion to China and 1.3 trillion to Japan.

so just to recap

23% of the debt is money the US government owes itself so it isn't really debt at all

Of the remaining 77% of the debt about a third of that is owed to foreign governments the remainder is owned by US interests

3.6 trillion of the debt is owned by US citizens via mutual funds and state pension plans and beyond that more is owned by private pension funds and insurance companies

so just admit that the debt isn't the catastrophe you say it is
7 trillion? That is a really big number.
not really if it's the only debt that really matters and the principal doesn't matter as much as the cost of servicing the loan

That would fall squarely into you "manageable debt" definition.
The last time this nation was debt free was in 1835 under Andrew Jackson. Since then both parties have run it up claiming one is worse than the other is like saying it’s better to drown in water that is 475 feet deep instead of water 500 feet deep.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Could it have said it better myself.:thup:
But only one party has been cutting taxes and increasing spending.
Nobody is listens to your bullshit,we are all laughing at your pathetic lies.
Republicans love debt. Just put it on the credit card.
Spending originates in the House, Dummy.

Dimwingers have controlled the House 55 out of the last 65 years, Brainfart.

You lose again.
Yes and the giant increases came when repubs were in full control. Irresponsible tax cuts and huge military spending increase. Are you dishonest or really stupid?

Obama doubled the debt in 8 years.

He inherited a disaster from Bush. After disaster was fixed deficits declined. Compare the last 3 years of Obama to the first 3 of Trump. Bad and worse.

Bush inherited a dot-com disaster from Clinton. Y'all let Bush use that excuse ?
Bush inherited a balanced budget and gave it away with tax cuts and military spending.

Is that what you call the dot-com bust?

Bush was bad. Very bad. Trump even ran on how bad Bush was.

Oh yea I know. Bush man bad, orange man bad.

Anyway, you said Clinton left a surplus and/or balanced budget. I asked you to prove it. So far you've done nothing.
You have google and probably remember Bush spending away the surplus he inherited. I can only answer so many stupid
questions. Republicans are either claiming newt balanced the budget or denying it. The stupidity gets tiring.

You make the claim you back it up. When I google it it shows a deficit every year, meaning you're wrong.
Did the deficit get bigger or smaller each year?

the debt grew

as I said the largest debt increases by percentage have mostly been under democrat administrations
Reagan tripled the debt. Deficits decreased during Clinton and Obama. They increased under trump and Bush. You don’t seem the dumb, are you just dishonest?
Reagan added $1.4 Trillion to the debt. Barry added more than that in a single year.

You lose again, Brainfart.
Yeah Reagan was quite a long time ago. Bravo.
Why are you bringing him up then, Brainfart?
Tripled the debt and started our debt problems.
our debt problems started way before that
I disagree. They were very manageable.

then why weren't they paid off or at least paid down a little?
We will always have debt.

we actually had no debt for a time
And how long ago was that?
it doesn't matter you said we will always have debt how long of a time is always?
Haha. Times change. It’s normal to have manageable debt. Learn some economics.

times change as often as you change your argument.

and the debt we have now is manageable.,
30% of it doesn't really exist because it's one government agency saying it owes another government agency that's like you telling your wife you owe her a hundred dollars.

Sure it's debt but it isn't really real

of the debt remaining, most of that is owned by Us banks, insurance companies and investment firms as well as millions of individual investors so it is the US economy and US citizens that benefit from it.

No president in the future will ever pay down the debt nor will they ever not increase the debt.

Because it doesn't really matter.

I don't know why you want to hold on to the fantasy that either party gives a flying fuck about the debt. History proves they don't
And how much tax dollars are wasted on debt?

define wasted.
Well what do we get back for tax dollars spent on interest?

For one the net interest burden is about 393 billion a year.

but as I said 30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself so even though there is an interest payment on the books for that part of the debt it is never really paid out. Most of the interest that is actually paid is paid to Americans and American businesses that own treasury bonds and to various state government that own Us bonds as well.

SO basically the lion's share of the net annual interest paid goes right back into the US economy and is used in retirement funds, investment portfolios and as payments to state governments that use it as a budget item.
It's still a really big number that tax payers get nothing for. That is waste.

how can you say taxpayers get nothing?

I just told you how they get the interest paid on the bonds they own. Those bonds are a huge part of the retirements incomes of millions of Americans.

Most of that 393 billion a year is put into the US economy.

So Americans are the ones who are getting the interest on the debt.
And the interest paid to all the other countries like China? Not a waste?

that is so small it doesn't register.

We owe less than 7 trillion to foreign governments. We owe 1 trillion to China and 1.3 trillion to Japan.

so just to recap

23% of the debt is money the US government owes itself so it isn't really debt at all

Of the remaining 77% of the debt about a third of that is owed to foreign governments the remainder is owned by US interests

3.6 trillion of the debt is owned by US citizens via mutual funds and state pension plans and beyond that more is owned by private pension funds and insurance companies

so just admit that the debt isn't the catastrophe you say it is
7 trillion? That is a really big number.
not really if it's the only debt that really matters and the principal doesn't matter as much as the cost of servicing the loan

That would fall squarely into you "manageable debt" definition.
Your argument is that interest paid on 7 TRILLION in debt to other countries isn’t a waste of tax dollars? That is funny. You are a trumper.
The numbers for trump make it very clear. Obama's last deficit was $585 billion. After 3 years of trump and no new wars or emergencies the deficit ballooned to $984 billion thanks to trump policy. So in three years with no disasters, all he had to do was ride the obama economy, trump increased deficits almost 80%. And last year not only did he run a $984 billion deficit, GDP growth went DOWN. Now that is failed policy. You republicans can flail around stupidly all you want, the numbers don't lie. And of course now that he has failed his first real challenge the deficit will be a new record by a lot, over $3 trillion. More failure.
Stop posting about 'Obama's debt and 'Trump's' sound like a broken record of a retard trying to teach economics.

Congress - THE HOUSE - controls the budget, the purse strings, the economy, the spending...the DEFICIT...

You continue to refuse to accept the fact that the DEMOCRATS have controlled the majority of that responsibility and debt. The 'bad economy' and debt Barry 'inherited' came from his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congree the 2 years prior to his becoming President through the end of his 2nd year.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have controlled Congress - and the spending, purse strings, economy, & debt / deficit - for the last 4 years.
They have been criminally fiscally irresponsible, funding Obama's and the Democrats' failed 4-year long treasonous coup attempts against this President, using tax dollars AND DEFICIT dollars to do so.
Again, repubs had full control for the first 2 years of trump. They passed the tax cuts that delivers anemic revenue growth and giant spending increase. Also, please share any spending increases trump didn’t sign.
What giant spending increase?

The interest in 2018 was 275 billion dollars a year, today it's 375 billion dollars a year
Trumps giant military spending increase of course.
So you are saying you have no clue?

You posted a bullshit link on speculation? Where are the facts
So you voted for trump not knowing he wanted and got huge military spending increases? That is too funny.
Still no link on your so called fact?

#too funny

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