Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.
Just curious for such a great businessman how come so many of his choices left?? Fired or under their own power?
As a RE man he was an ah that got away with everything Can't pull that stuff in the WH
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.
Just curious for such a great businessman how come so many of his choices left?? Fired or under their own power?
As a RE man he was an ah that got away with everything Can't pull that stuff in the WH

Let’s say you have a pilot who is really good at flying a Gulfstream 5 jet. He’s just fabulous. Careful, competent. All you could ask for. You decide to upgrade to a larger more powerful jet. You send your pilot to get trained on the new plane. He does not do well. He just can’t transition to the new plane. It happens. Good drivers in Amateur races do not make the cut to bigger professional races. But you give them a shot, and you see what happens.

It can work out or not. If not, then you move on and find someone else who can do the job.

One Secretary of State had the job for literally twelve days. Considering that the confirmation process probably took a couple days, he barely got in the door before he was gone.

Some companies hire someone, and then turn around and fire them just as quickly. One Apple CEO lasted a year and four months. That’s barely time to get the office decorated.

So saying that people were hired, and then fired right away is nothing new. It’s happened many times. It may be happening more frequently right now, but it isn’t really new. Oh, the Secretary of State was during the Grant administration. When burning the midnight oil wasn’t a phrase, but a literal truth.
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.

Stupid me. I first should have asked the board if anybody knows Donald
on a personal level. Then you could have assisted me. With your guidance
I could have listed his favorite meal, favorite color, favorite movie of
all-time, etc, etc.

Then I could have engaged in a hypothetical debate shaping everything
in a manner that would make it appear that it is factual.

Next time I'll call.
Had President Donald Trump or President Ronald Reagan been in office, there would not have been a Cuban Missile Crisis.

It was, indeed, a very scary time. Several years before President Nakita Khrushchev had already made his speech where he threatened, "we will bury you".

Following that, President Kennedy failed to support the Bay of Pigs invasion showing the Russians and Cuba weakness. Had he supported the Bay of Pigs, there would never have been the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today Cuba could have been a rich paradise with a great economy.

Instead, President Kennedy secretly negotiated with Khrushchev that the US would remove our Jupiter missiles from Turkey if Russia would remove their missiles from Cuba. Thus the stalemate that lasts to this day.

Can you imagine what Havana would look like today, if all the money that went into Vegas went into Havana?
Easier to get to Havana and the beaches are nicer

And closer to what, until recently were the primary population centers of the US.

Hell, would probably have drawn significant European traffic.

The potential profit to have been made by a Cuba smart enough to be diplomatic with the US, is mind boggling.

If only the Cuban government could have teamed up with the mafia and created a gambling center backed by the government.....

Oh....wait, they tried that
/—-/ Did the Cuban people fair better under Batista or Castro?

That is a tough one
They did not seem too happy under Batista
There was this revolution thing
Can you imagine what Havana would look like today, if all the money that went into Vegas went into Havana?
Easier to get to Havana and the beaches are nicer

And closer to what, until recently were the primary population centers of the US.

Hell, would probably have drawn significant European traffic.

The potential profit to have been made by a Cuba smart enough to be diplomatic with the US, is mind boggling.

If only the Cuban government could have teamed up with the mafia and created a gambling center backed by the government.....

Oh....wait, they tried that
/—-/ Did the Cuban people fair better under Batista or Castro?

That is a tough one
They did not seem too happy under Batista
There was this revolution thing
Can you imagine what Havana would look like today, if all the money that went into Vegas went into Havana?
Easier to get to Havana and the beaches are nicer

And closer to what, until recently were the primary population centers of the US.

Hell, would probably have drawn significant European traffic.

The potential profit to have been made by a Cuba smart enough to be diplomatic with the US, is mind boggling.

If only the Cuban government could have teamed up with the mafia and created a gambling center backed by the government.....

Oh....wait, they tried that
/—-/ Did the Cuban people fair better under Batista or Castro?

That is a tough one
They did not seem too happy under Batista
There was this revolution thing
/——/ Castro promised he would turn Cuba into an American style of government and the US media bought into it praising Castro all along. Once in power he revealed his true agenda, a communist dictatorship. He then murdered many who helped him gain power.
/—-/ Trump unfiltered. Maybe his staff has to dumb it down for Libs to grasp.

Biggest inaugural crowd in history.
/——/ “I have a right to say if you add up the network streaming numbers, Facebook, YouTube, all of the various live streaming that we have information on so far, I don’t think there’s any question it was the largest watched inauguration, ever,” Spicer said.
On that point, Spicer may be correct. While Nielsen TV ratings were higher in past years, some data suggests online viewership was up compared with 2009. But there is no comprehensive measurement available that would prove or disprove this claim. The Facts on Crowd Size -

This you consider relevant or important? Really?
/—-/ Trump unfiltered. Maybe his staff has to dumb it down for Libs to grasp.

Biggest inaugural crowd in history.
/——/ “I have a right to say if you add up the network streaming numbers, Facebook, YouTube, all of the various live streaming that we have information on so far, I don’t think there’s any question it was the largest watched inauguration, ever,” Spicer said.
On that point, Spicer may be correct. While Nielsen TV ratings were higher in past years, some data suggests online viewership was up compared with 2009. But there is no comprehensive measurement available that would prove or disprove this claim. The Facts on Crowd Size -

This you consider relevant or important? Really?
/—-/ Yes I do. I never accept Libtards at their word.
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.
Just curious for such a great businessman how come so many of his choices left?? Fired or under their own power?
As a RE man he was an ah that got away with everything Can't pull that stuff in the WH

In an earlier life I worked as a trouble shooter for a major retail chain. When a manager was fired, I went in for six months to a year to get things running smoothly. I'd try to go into the store as a customer for several days before I took over control. Within several weeks I usually let go 20% of the employees. They'd be gradually replaced. If the replacement didn't show promise in a week to a month, whatever, they were fired and replace. All during that time I was concentrating on training, customer service and marketing, marketing, marketing.

My guess is that Trump is both a great employer and a ruthless employer. If you did well, worked harder than most anyone would expect, you were on his good side! If you didn't come up to his standards, you were fired, friend or not.
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.
Just curious for such a great businessman how come so many of his choices left?? Fired or under their own power?
As a RE man he was an ah that got away with everything Can't pull that stuff in the WH

In an earlier life I worked as a trouble shooter for a major retail chain. When a manager was fired, I went in for six months to a year to get things running smoothly. I'd try to go into the store as a customer for several days before I took over control. Within several weeks I usually let go 20% of the employees. They'd be gradually replaced. If the replacement didn't show promise in a week to a month, whatever, they were fired and replace. All during that time I was concentrating on training, customer service and marketing, marketing, marketing.

My guess is that Trump is both a great employer and a ruthless employer. If you did well, worked harder than most anyone would expect, you were on his good side! If you didn't come up to his standards, you were fired, friend or not.
Like with Comey if you don't kiss the madmans ass you're out How has his way gotten him so far??
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.

Stupid me. I first should have asked the board if anybody knows Donald
on a personal level. Then you could have assisted me. With your guidance
I could have listed his favorite meal, favorite color, favorite movie of
all-time, etc, etc.

Then I could have engaged in a hypothetical debate shaping everything
in a manner that would make it appear that it is factual.

Next time I'll call.

It’s not my fault you are ignorant of historical fact. Truth is the story that connects those facts. Your story connected with nothing remotely factual.

Trump is loud, bombastic, even brash. But he expects people to deliver what they say they can or will. Failing to deliver is the one unforgivable sin in Trumps history.

Truthfully. Tell me what you think Trump would do if you said you could do a job for $10 million and then came to him and said you needed another $20 million to finish the job.
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.

Stupid me. I first should have asked the board if anybody knows Donald
on a personal level. Then you could have assisted me. With your guidance
I could have listed his favorite meal, favorite color, favorite movie of
all-time, etc, etc.

Then I could have engaged in a hypothetical debate shaping everything
in a manner that would make it appear that it is factual.

Next time I'll call.

It’s not my fault you are ignorant of historical fact. Truth is the story that connects those facts. Your story connected with nothing remotely factual.

Trump is loud, bombastic, even brash. But he expects people to deliver what they say they can or will. Failing to deliver is the one unforgivable sin in Trumps history.

Truthfully. Tell me what you think Trump would do if you said you could do a job for $10 million and then came to him and said you needed another $20 million to finish the job.

You connected nothing.

You made up a scenario based on zero actual knowledge, and shaped
it to support your invented argument.

"Boss...Boss...da plane...da plane"
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.
Just curious for such a great businessman how come so many of his choices left?? Fired or under their own power?
As a RE man he was an ah that got away with everything Can't pull that stuff in the WH

In an earlier life I worked as a trouble shooter for a major retail chain. When a manager was fired, I went in for six months to a year to get things running smoothly. I'd try to go into the store as a customer for several days before I took over control. Within several weeks I usually let go 20% of the employees. They'd be gradually replaced. If the replacement didn't show promise in a week to a month, whatever, they were fired and replace. All during that time I was concentrating on training, customer service and marketing, marketing, marketing.

My guess is that Trump is both a great employer and a ruthless employer. If you did well, worked harder than most anyone would expect, you were on his good side! If you didn't come up to his standards, you were fired, friend or not.

I'd go along with every bit of that.

I never worked as a troubleshooter, per se, but I was Director of Operations
and the only stat I found to be somewhat off, was firing 20% of the
employees. I thought that was a low number. 50% would be more
like it, at least in my experiences.

It's difficult trying to explain sound business practices to snowflakes who
think you must kiss the ass of employees. I was the one writing the paychecks.

If anybody's ass was going to be kissed, it was going to be mine,

The initial problem with "getting to the top of the ladder" getting
thru the damn crowd that is gathered at the bottom of the ladder.

Once you get pass that herd, the numbers thin out a great deal,
HOWEVER, the competition is as tough as it gets, because now you're
going up against folks that want to be successful and will pay the price.

You can only expect what you demand. Thus if a person (Trump in this
case) expects greatness...he's going to demand it and accept nothing
The results would have been the same. Kennedy didn't do anything great, he knew the missiles were crude and inaccurate. They weren't even a real threat and the Soviet Union would not have launched any of them because it would have meant the end of the Soviet Union no matter who the POTUS was. We had such overwhelming nuclear superiority over them it would not have even been a contest.
You really have to look at the bigger picture, what JFK and latter what Reagan achieved was two huge achomplisments in modern day can't deny it ..

Kennedy landed us on the moon.
Reagan landed us in debt.

and Obama doubled that debt, what's your point?
So did Bush....Reagan tripled it

Does anyone really care?

obozo added 20 trillion, how much did Reagan and Bush add? The dollars added to the debt is what matters, not the %.

and Yes, many people care. Interest on our national debt will soon be the largest item in our national budget
Obama did not add $20 trillion! Why are you conservatives pole suckers such liars???
You really have to look at the bigger picture, what JFK and latter what Reagan achieved was two huge achomplisments in modern day can't deny it ..

Kennedy landed us on the moon.
Reagan landed us in debt.

and Obama doubled that debt, what's your point?
So did Bush....Reagan tripled it

Does anyone really care?

obozo added 20 trillion, how much did Reagan and Bush add? The dollars added to the debt is what matters, not the %.

and Yes, many people care. Interest on our national debt will soon be the largest item in our national budget
Obama did not add $20 trillion! Why are you conservatives pole suckers such liars???
It's in their genes Tell a lie and keep repeating it like many of their forefathers did
and Obama doubled that debt, what's your point?
So did Bush....Reagan tripled it

Does anyone really care?

obozo added 20 trillion, how much did Reagan and Bush add? The dollars added to the debt is what matters, not the %.

and Yes, many people care. Interest on our national debt will soon be the largest item in our national budget
So did Bush....Reagan tripled it

Does anyone really care?

obozo added 20 trillion, how much did Reagan and Bush add? The dollars added to the debt is what matters, not the %.

and Yes, many people care. Interest on our national debt will soon be the largest item in our national budget
Libtards only use percentages when convient..
like in the percentages of states voting for trump???

What does that even mean? That's about laws of the land...ya know like that pesky 2nd amendment
It is said that Trump tapped into an underlying anger across the land. And I guess he did, although 3 mil more votes for the loser tells us that a majority of Americans still understands that actions taken in anger are most usually regretted and have to be accounted for. I know you pretend to believe the 3 mil votes were illegal, but I also believe you know better, so lets be adult and leave that part out for now. All I know is that he has ripped the healing scab off all our divisions and encouraged old hatreds. I used to just not like him, but it's growing into something deeper and I am ashamed that my self-control is getting harder.
You and Trump have yet to present evidence that there 3 million illegal voters. GO TO state conservatives you bunch of liars.

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