Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

One thing I know for sure is 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Bush were not president. Osama Bin Laden wouldn't have gotten away. We wouldn't have invaded Iraq causung North Korea & Iran to build nuclear missiles. And Russia wouldn't have been able to use Iraq to justify it's invasions.

The US invading Iraq caused North Korea and Iran to build nuclear missiles? Really? LOL
I'm not sure what Trump would have done. Trump may have called all the military intelligence "fake news", and instead done whatever fox news said he should do. That he would have escalated the crisis by calling them names, like "rocket man" or "little Castro". And told his secretary of state that negotiations were worthless.
/—-/ Libtards, If if if flies didn’t have wings would we call them walks? Discuss

You realize I'm saying Trump would be Trump. That he would have done with Cuba, what he's doing with N. Korea.

And all you can do is whistle past the graveyard, because you realize Trump would screw up both situations.
The US invading Iraq caused North Korea and Iran to build nuclear missiles? Really? LOL

When you don't have WMD's to defend yourself, America would knock on your door to overthrow your government.
I'm not sure what Trump would have done. Trump may have called all the military intelligence "fake news", and instead done whatever fox news said he should do. That he would have escalated the crisis by calling them names, like "rocket man" or "little Castro". And told his secretary of state that negotiations were worthless.
/—-/ Libtards, If if if flies didn’t have wings would we call them walks? Discuss

You realize I'm saying Trump would be Trump. That he would have done with Cuba, what he's doing with N. Korea.

And all you can do is whistle past the graveyard, because you realize Trump would screw up both situations.
/—-/ So no matter what we say, you’re stuck on your hatred of Trump. Well what is the point of your idiotic hypothetical thread? Save us all a lot of time by posting I hate Trump no matter what.
And all you can do is whistle past the graveyard, because you realize Trump would screw up both situations.
/—-/ So no matter what we say, you’re stuck on your hatred of Trump. Well what is the point of your idiotic hypothetical thread? Save us all a lot of time by posting I hate Trump no matter what.

As Sarrah Huckabee Sanders said, Trump has the situation handled, because he's surrounded himself with good people. Meaning that Tillerson, Mattis and Kelly are the one's keeping Trumps tiny hands from screwing everything up. If only they could keep his fingers off the tweets.
And all you can do is whistle past the graveyard, because you realize Trump would screw up both situations.
/—-/ So no matter what we say, you’re stuck on your hatred of Trump. Well what is the point of your idiotic hypothetical thread? Save us all a lot of time by posting I hate Trump no matter what.

As Sarrah Huckabee Sanders said, Trump has the situation handled, because he's surrounded himself with good people. Meaning that Tillerson, Mattis and Kelly are the one's keeping Trumps tiny hands from screwing everything up. If only they could keep his fingers off the tweets.
/—-/ Trump tweets to get his message out. The MSM will twist, distort and block him and you know it.
/—-/ Trump tweets to get his message out. The MSM will twist, distort and block him and you know it.

And then his staff spends the next 24 hours doing damage control, trying to explain what the tweet actually meant. Which is often the opposite of what it clearly said.
/—-/ Trump tweets to get his message out. The MSM will twist, distort and block him and you know it.

And then his staff spends the next 24 hours doing damage control, trying to explain what the tweet actually meant. Which is often the opposite of what it clearly said.
/—-/ Trump unfiltered. Maybe his staff has to dumb it down for Libs to grasp.
Trump tweets, his staff retreats, Trump repeats. the staff defeats.
Viscous cycle.
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.
The US invading Iraq caused North Korea and Iran to build nuclear missiles? Really? LOL

When you don't have WMD's to defend yourself, America would knock on your door to overthrow your government.

The truth, Postman is that the US...despite being a "Super Power" has rarely used it's military might to overthrow governments. We're the guys who defeat you...then spend billions fixing you up again! The Marshall Plan? What other Super Power in history has ever done what the United States did for both Germany and Japan following World War II?
/—-/ Trump unfiltered. Maybe his staff has to dumb it down for Libs to grasp.

Biggest inaugural crowd in history.
/——/ “I have a right to say if you add up the network streaming numbers, Facebook, YouTube, all of the various live streaming that we have information on so far, I don’t think there’s any question it was the largest watched inauguration, ever,” Spicer said.
On that point, Spicer may be correct. While Nielsen TV ratings were higher in past years, some data suggests online viewership was up compared with 2009. But there is no comprehensive measurement available that would prove or disprove this claim. The Facts on Crowd Size -
In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place.
You are abjectly ignorant of that history and therefore full of shit spinning on. The USSR's relatively small number of ICBM's in '62 had little to nothing to do with them placing their Soviet MRBM's and IRBM's in Cuba. The BOP debacle was just an excuse and Castro was a willing partner to play along with Khrushchev to keep those Rubles coming in from the Kremlin.

The actual reason the Soviet missiles were installed in Cuba was for use as a fully credible threat, a bargaining chip, to get the US/Kennedy to remove the US Thor missiles in England pointing at the USSR and the US Jupiter missiles in Italy and Turkey covering the underbelly of the Soviet State out of their foreign launching pads. The fuse somehow didn't get lit and it turned out as a win-win for the entire WORLD. Edify thy self!
"The White House has become an adult day care center and some one missed their shift this morning""
Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

Check it out. Little billy is asking someone else to be honest.

Now that's funny! :lol:
Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

Check it out. Little billy is asking someone else to be honest.

Now that's funny! :lol:
funny he's asking the biggest liars in town,,Republicans
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

Your's is the correct response.

In advance, I haven't read more than the first 10 replies, so others may have
already typed what I'm going to type.

Russia placed the missiles in Cuba because they knew JFK would cower.
JFK didn't commit American power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't commit
American power at the Berlin wall. Why would he do it then?

In 1962 the Russians had very little ICBM threat against America.
I believe only 32 of them at the time. That's why they put the missiles
in Cuba in the first place. To give them a first strike capability, instead
of those 32 ICBM's plus those old reinvented B-29's they were flying,
that didn't offer much of a threat at all...especially when compared to what
we could do against them.

I doubt the Cuban Missile crisis would have even happened if DJT
had been President. If for no other reason, we would have used the
Cuban Freedom Fighters and removed Castro in 1960, instead of
betraying them on the beach and denying them our air power.

First, you obviously don’t know Trump. Let me expain.

The Bay of Pigs went ahead because the Military and CIA promised Kennedy that it could be done WITHOUT direct US involvement. If the Military had come running to Trump and said whoops, we got it wrong, we need to get involved directly after all. Trump would have said his famous two words, You’re Fired.

We know this, because Trump’s entire history has been firing people who can’t deliver on what they promise, or for doing a shabby job. So claiming that Trump would not have left the Cuban Counterrevolutionaries on the beach is ignoring what Trump would have done. First fired everyone who had misled him. Second, he probably would have gone in, and Cuba would be the Vietnam in place of Vietnam. Because one undeniable fact is that no matter how bad things were in Cuba under Castro, the Cuban people never said it would be nice if Batista was in charge again.

Second, if Trump had sent airpower in during the Cuban Missile Crisis to destroy the anti aircraft sites, and then invaded as the morons in the Pentagon were demanding we do, then the entire first wave of marines would have gone up in a Nuclear Flash, since we were ignorant of the presence of Nuclear short range missiles designed exactly for the situation where the enemy has taken a beachhead.

Third. If Trump had decided to go ahead anyway, then about a third of our Naval ships would have vanished in a nuclear fireball, since the Russian Submarines were carrying nuclear tipped torpedoes just for that.

So I guess we’re glad that the guy I voted for, wasn’t in charge then. Or at least that you were not advising him. Then again, if you were, you’d be fired now too, since you are ignorant.

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