Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

They don't think rationally, the answers you will get are 'JFK was an idiot Trump would know how to handle it'. And they'll believe that. Ignorance doesn't know it is ignorant.
ya and conquering hills in the central highlands and giving them back at tremendous cost of lives was the genius of the kennedys
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.
ya and if barry was prez you' d be drinking vodka and eating fish eggs
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

What did JFK achieve? nothing. The Russians kicked his ass.
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

The major flaw to your rather pathetic attempt to attack Trump, that probably the only reason the Soviets felt they could get away with putting nukes in Cuba aimed at the US was that Kruschev perceived Kennedy as weak after meeting with him. I doubt Trump would have been seen in the same light as they saw JFK.
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

Kennedy (A Republican at heart) did a nice job.

But if Trump were President those Soviet ships would have never even entered the area.

If Obama were President those nukes would be sitting 90 miles from us. He would have drawn a red line in the Atlantic that the Soviets would have laughed at.

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

This is certainly not the Democratic mantra today. This is the Republican mindset.
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For one thing, the public of 1962 had not been called racists non-stop for the past 8 years of their lives, even when they had a black president.

Thus it is safe to assume the public of 1962 would choose different politicians than the public of today, that have been attacked constantly by the race-baiting, non-stop accusations of the rabid immoral and hate driven left-wing we have today.

Actually the public of 1962 had been called racist for the previous 8 years, because they were racist for the last 8 years. Brown vs Board of Ed, 1954, Eisenhower sent the troops into Little Rock 1957, Montgomery lunch counter sit-in 1960.

Beginning the end to our freedoms and the slow death of America.
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.
Kennedy was a drug addict and a rapist/murderer covered up by the federal government.
The world will never know....but the Trump haters can speculate until the cows come home about how badly Trump would have handled it. The Trump lovers can speculate about How Trump would have found the best solution ever and that Cuba would be our 51st state by now.
One thing I know for sure is 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Bush were not president. Osama Bin Laden wouldn't have gotten away. We wouldn't have invaded Iraq causung North Korea & Iran to build nuclear missiles. And Russia wouldn't have been able to use Iraq to justify it's invasions.
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

Dumb question.

Let's put Lincoln in charge of the missile crisis. He was willing to have half a million Americans die to achieve his goal. Would he have brought the crisis to a bloodless end?

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One thing I know for sure is 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Bush were not president. Osama Bin Laden wouldn't have gotten away. We wouldn't have invaded Iraq causung North Korea & Iran to build nuclear missiles. And Russia wouldn't have been able to use Iraq to justify it's invasions.
I suspect 9/11 would have happened because a new president tends to maintain the status quo. I do believe the aftermath could have been handled much better, but hindsight is 20-20 and right after 9/11 America was looking for a fight.
One thing I know for sure is 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Bush were not president. Osama Bin Laden wouldn't have gotten away. We wouldn't have invaded Iraq causung North Korea & Iran to build nuclear missiles. And Russia wouldn't have been able to use Iraq to justify it's invasions.
One thing is certain

Bush is the only President dumb enough to invade Iraq

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