Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

1. Yes the nuts need to stop dictating policy in your party. Don't forget the new nut Speaker just said if you want to know his politics, pick up a bible, and he will make no apologies. That's a fucking quote.
2. Being a pro choice Republican is like being a Republican who believes in evolution. Unicorn.
3. You don't care about pot? Then you're a Libertarian?
4. You want us to think abortion is settled. Is that the tactic you're going to use in hopes women don't crush you next year? Good luck liar.
1. Mike is okay. Going to church used to be a positive, now the low-life perverts want to say its disqualifying. Fuck them.

2. Practicality dictates that Republicans become pro-choice. Otherwise the women will keep voting democrat. Losing elections is stupid.

3. I'm registered Republican not Libertarian. The GOP is a big tent party. I'm a populist.

4. Yes abortion is settled, except when Republicans gather, then they're all pro-life.
While I have no sympathy for the wealthy (Republican) women that have abortions, I do have huge sympathy for the millions of women that have abortions because they can't afford to have a child. Having a child condemns them to a life of abject poverty.

A very big reason for the very large percentage of abortions is the wealth disparity in this country. Even if a young woman works full time, she'll barely be able to support herself. Childcare costs more than they earn.

If you REALLY want to reduce the number of abortions in this country - START PAYING YOUNG PEOPLE A FAIR WAGE!!!!

Throughout most of history, an unskilled young man who was willing to do a day's labor could afford to support himself, his wife and any number of children.

Nowadays it takes two college grads with two incomes, and a whole lot of additional training to earn a middle-class income. It's obscene.

The main 2 reasons are low wages an incredibly overpriced housing.

Those are the biggest motivators toward abortion.
Exactly. So the Republican way is what destroyed the family in America. Liberals through unions, labor laws and the new deal created a middle class the world had never seen before. And we had a baby boom. Hence the name Baby Boomers.

Then Reagan got in, then Bush. Jobs going overseas, hiring illegals and breaking unions. Today the Big 3 jobs are now Walmart Jobs.

And NO ONE wants to have a baby making $20 or less an hour. That's a fact Republicans. And don't tell us not to fuck Republicans. It's the only thing we can afford to do.
1. Mike is okay. Going to church used to be a positive, now the low-life perverts want to say its disqualifying. Fuck them.

2. Practicality dictates that Republicans become pro-choice. Otherwise the women will keep voting democrat. Losing elections is stupid.

3. I'm registered Republican not Libertarian. The GOP is a big tent party. I'm a populist.

4. Yes abortion is settled, except when Republicans gather, then they're all pro-life.
No He's overly religious. And I connect the dots between believing the bible literally and believing conspiracy theories.

Plus he and his older adopted black son monitor each others pornography? That's weird. I bet the fuck.

Republicans will lie and say they are pro choice, then stab us in the backs.
Human life starts at the drawing of your first breath, and ends when you stop breathing. A fetus is a human being in development.

1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Women are supposed to accept this as God's will and not get too attached to the little zygots in case they don't make it. We don't have funerals for miscarriages. We're not even supposed to miss work, unless there are complications.

At the same time you tell us this life growing inside us is so precious and so necessary that we must carry it to term, unless of course, it's "God's will" that we don't. Republicans are trying to say women can't even get miscarriage care. I guess it's just God's will that we die too.

Please stop trying to guilt women with all of this bullshit "precious human life" talk. The Republican Party is the party of death. Republican policies kill women, their babies, gays, blacks. Republican policies killed over 1 million Americans from covid.\

Republicans prove every day that they don't care about women or children. School shootings, prove that.
Life begins as soon as the two genetic halves combine to form a unique genetic strand, and cell division begins...
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Exactly. So the Republican way is what destroyed the family in America. Liberals through unions, labor laws and the new deal created a middle class the world had never seen before. And we had a baby boom. Hence the name Baby Boomers.

Then Reagan got in, then Bush. Jobs going overseas, hiring illegals and breaking unions. Today the Big 3 jobs are now Walmart Jobs.

And NO ONE wants to have a baby making $20 or less an hour. That's a fact Republicans. And don't tell us not to fuck Republicans. It's the only thing we can afford to do.
We were at our peak after WW 2. For 25 years. The world slowly caught up and we got lazy over that time with those huge unions. Quality decreased. The Japanese alone took most of our electronics and built better automobiles within a decade after our peak around 1970. Our steel industry in the mid 1950's faced competition from nations that rebuilt and retooled. We did not keep up. Our apparel industry dwindled over the same time period. A lot of Progs in power during that time I must say. Reagan was after the decline and had to live with a massively growing social welfare state that encompasses not just the federal government, but the state, city and local governments. Tax after tax after tax after tax. Anyway, the same people protesting/rioting against Israel and are Pro Islam are also anti abortions. And the Islamic people are not pro-abortion. I am telling you....You Progs are stupid. The Islamic caliphate will envelop the United States at some point.
We were at our peak after WW 2. For 25 years. The world slowly caught up and we got lazy over that time with those huge unions. Quality decreased. The Japanese alone took most of our electronics and built better automobiles within a decade after our peak around 1970. Our steel industry in the mid 1950's faced competition from nations that rebuilt and retooled. We did not keep up. Our apparel industry dwindled over the same time period. A lot of Progs in power during that time I must say. Reagan was after the decline and had to live with a massively growing social welfare state that encompasses not just the federal government, but the state, city and local governments. Tax after tax after tax after tax. Anyway, the same people protesting/rioting against Israel and are Pro Islam are also anti abortions. And the Islamic people are not pro-abortion. I am telling you....You Progs are stupid. The Islamic caliphate will envelop the United States at some point.
I don't want to hear that bullshit. We were highly productive. Still we weren't paid more. The CEO's got all the raises why? Because no unions. No seat at the table. I'll keep reading but you're wrong. You swallowed the corporate narrative. CEO pay went up 1322% since 1978. Our pay only 18%. Wake up.
We were at our peak after WW 2. For 25 years. The world slowly caught up and we got lazy over that time with those huge unions. Quality decreased. The Japanese alone took most of our electronics and built better automobiles within a decade after our peak around 1970. Our steel industry in the mid 1950's faced competition from nations that rebuilt and retooled. We did not keep up. Our apparel industry dwindled over the same time period. A lot of Progs in power during that time I must say. Reagan was after the decline and had to live with a massively growing social welfare state that encompasses not just the federal government, but the state, city and local governments. Tax after tax after tax after tax. Anyway, the same people protesting/rioting against Israel and are Pro Islam are also anti abortions. And the Islamic people are not pro-abortion. I am telling you....You Progs are stupid. The Islamic caliphate will envelop the United States at some point.
Here's what you mean to say. Back before 1970, we were the only player in the game. Since then a lot of poor nations can do manufacturing cheaper. Yes I'll give you that. You don't have to rip on American workers to make that point asshole.

My brother deals with Mexican workers. Our fortune 500 companies, hell, probably our fortunre 5000 companies do a lot of their manufacturing in Mexico. Do you know they refuse to work overtime? So manufacturing abroad isn't as great as you think. Plus now with gas being expensive to ship the shit back here. Maybe now they don't save as much manufacturing abroad. But remember, they're going to try very hard to pay as little as possible when they come home And a lot of these deplorable uneducated blue collar workers need another $15 hr job like they need a hole in the head.
...if the woman doesn't have the resources to raise the child, she may decide to terminate the pregnancy.
Point being the decision has many facets, financial, future prospects with kids, time, job, etc.
I'm trying to remember why I had so many kids??
Same goes for the man. What am I missing here?
...if the woman doesn't have the resources to raise the child, she may decide to terminate the pregnancy.
Point being the decision has many facets, financial, future prospects with kids, time, job, etc.
I'm trying to remember why I had so many kids??
Should she be allowed to murder a man's son without his permission?
Abortion is regulated by STATE governments via referendums. What they do is none of your business. You get to vote in your state.
I asked if a Mother can kill her unborn and just born baby right at birth, you know choice, then can she kill that child when it gets to 10? A friend wants to know...
I asked if a Mother can kill her unborn and just born baby right at birth, you know choice, then can she kill that child when it gets to 10? A friend wants to know...
If the baby can survive outside the womb on it's on, I think that's the line.

And that line gets erased if the kids a retard.
Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. It is why Republicans are suffering politically since they won a states rights argument with the Dobbs decision.

But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

One of Saint Ding’s failed arguments goes something like this:

ding said: It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life. dvng. #4,716

An argument based upon what Saint Ding thinks I am thinking being evil, is not an argument at all.

Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

Saint Heynorm does the same thing by accusing me of thinking ZEFs are worthless clump of cells,

HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

I don’t think that at all. My response is here:
nf.23.11.21 #11,948 to hynrm.23.11.19 #772

nf.23.11.21 #1

So you're against women being able to defend themselves with a gun, spend their money without confiscatory taxes, you're fine with women crossing the southern border and girls being raped and sold into sex slavery and you oppose women being able to compete in sports against women, you, a dude, say she has to beat dudes even though we all know she doesn't have the genetics to do that .

Oh, but women have to be able to get abortions, you care oh so much about, women having their own choices!

I'm actually pro-choice, and you're a liar who wants to be able to abort any mistakes you make
Sorry that you're so bitter, but I'm a woman and family loving man.

But thanks for reinforcing my previous argument that there are negative side effects to birth control pills that women hate.

I know about these side effects because I've had Girl Friends that tried birth Control pills and suffered the side effects - in one case weight gain.

I suffered side effects as well. Not weight gain, but I wasn't able to take them at all. I got really sick with them. I was also really sick with two of my pregnancies as well. If your body responds badly to pregnancy hormones, you're going to have problems taking the pill.

You don't love or respect women at all. Lot of straight men hate women, but being card carrying heterosexuals, they put up with them. Your straight of hatred of women comes through in every post blaming women for "spreading their legs".
Frankenstein said: Legal doesn't make it right! frnknstn.23.12.22 #95

Making decisions by law abiding individuals in this country that have an impact on an individual’s right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness are limited to actions that cause no harm to other individuals or to society as a whole. Abortion causes no harm to a separate individual person and has zero harmful impact on society:

So Saint Frankenstein’s argument that abortion being legal doesn't make it right should not allow a state government to enforce what a religious majority thinks is legal but not morally right.,

This is another argument fail by a Republican sanctimonious saint.

nf.23.11.22 #196
This thread is a DING. Abortion is a state issue. The End.

Sorry but you can't continue to elect anti abortion politicians and say abortion is settled. You're either a fool or liar.

Johnson’s record also includes voting for a national abortion ban, co-sponsoring a 20-week abortion ban and celebrating Louisiana’s abortion ban that carries criminal punishments of up to 10 years in prison.

If abortion is the holocaust, why would federal republicans continue to allow it? Stop being a liar.
Sorry that you're so bitter, but I'm a woman and family loving man.

But thanks for reinforcing my previous argument that there are negative side effects to birth control pills that women hate.

I know about these side effects because I've had Girl Friends that tried birth Control pills and suffered the side effects - in one case weight gain.
You're both a woman and family loving man? Interesting.
Frankenstein said: Legal doesn't make it right! frnknstn.23.12.22 #95

Making decisions by law abiding individuals in this country that have an impact on an individual’s right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness are limited to actions that cause no harm to other individuals or to society as a whole. Abortion causes no harm to a separate individual person and has zero harmful impact on society:

So Saint Frankenstein’s argument that abortion being legal doesn't make it right should not allow a state government to enforce what a religious majority thinks is legal but not morally right.,

This is another argument fail by a Republican sanctimonious saint.

nf.23.11.22 #196
It's legal to look at your neighbors wife and want to fuck her. Doesn't make it right.

This is what religion was made up for. For things that couldn't be made "illegal".
There is no better way to settle this argument than let the voters decide statevby state and accept the results.
There is no better way to settle this argument than let the voters decide statevby state and accept the results.
That's what women are doing. But women in all states need to vote Democratic on a federal and national level until Republicans stop being pro life. Right now they are kissing the anti abortionists asses because they vote for them. They appoint pro life judges who don't care what voters think.

Remember, Bush and Trump appointed judges who overturned ROE. Fuck them.

Don't believe the lying Republicans.

Don't forget Al Franken wrote a book and boy was he right about Republicans. Title of the book?

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

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