Republicans fear they will win ObamaCare court battle

When SCOTUS rules against obastard will he order the arrest and execution of the justices?
So what do Republicans do when they strip 6 million people of subsidies?

These people, most in red states, will find themselves with nothing because their republican legislatures wouldn't set up exchanges

Ball is in your court Republicans

Can't they go to the ObamaCare website?
Isn't that why is was created?

Healthcare.Gov isn't it?
That is if the site is up and running....

Yes they can

And receive no federal subsidies. For that they can thank their Republican representative for not providing an alternative

Wouldn't it have been a good idea when this thing was written someone would have figured this out.
The fact that some states might not participate in the exchanges...
The Dems write ObamaCare....
Now they will blame the Republicans for the fact it doesn't work....

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So what do Republicans do when they strip 6 million people of subsidies?

These people, most in red states, will find themselves with nothing because their republican legislatures wouldn't set up exchanges

Ball is in your court Republicans

Can't they go to the ObamaCare website?
Isn't that why is was created?

Healthcare.Gov isn't it?
That is if the site is up and running....

Yes they can

And receive no federal subsidies. For that they can thank their Republican representative for not providing an alternative

Wouldn't it have been a good idea when this thing was written someone would have figured this out.
The fact that some states might not participate in the exchanges...
It is a vague reference being misrepresented by Republicans

If the court buys it, it is on the Teapublicans to fix it because it impacts the people in their states and not the states that set up exchanges
When SCOTUS rules against obastard will he order the arrest and execution of the justices?
In your wet dreams, sure!

Out here in reality, nope. It says a lot about you that you even ask such a question.

Sorry about that.
61% white
61% Southern
81% working

Those are the number of those that would be affected if Obamacare subsidies were overturned. Just saw it announced on the news.

Remember, 34 states didn't started exchanges. Those are the ones that get subsidies. We call those "Red States". Just before an election, the GOP screws their base big time.
Actually, it's pretty simple........

All the Republicans have to do is pass the fix, then send it to Obama......

Once the idiot vetoes it, and the Democrats refuse to override the veto, all of the repercussions can be blamed on Obozo and the do-nothing Democrats.....
What "fix". Please explain it to us.
Actually, it's pretty simple........

All the Republicans have to do is pass the fix, then send it to Obama......

Once the idiot vetoes it, and the Democrats refuse to override the veto, all of the repercussions can be blamed on Obozo and the do-nothing Democrats.....

Veto it he will because he sure as shit doesn't want anything interfering with his "signature legislation" even if we taxpayers get hosed to pay for the damned thing.

Mans an idiot.
So this will be just one more chance for him to prove he has no plans......

Unless it's plans for a golf game!!!!!
You guys named his plan. You called it "Obamacare". Did you forget?
The dems wrote the law behind locked doors, the dems didn't read it, the dems bribed and swindled people into voting for it, not a single repub voted for it, the dems voted it into law, *YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN*, but if part of it gets slapped down by the supreme court....


Good God a'mighty... only on planet PROGTARD does that make any sense.
The fix could have easily been passed a long time ago. But, for whatever reason, the GOP preferred to create a constitutional crisis over the subsidies instead.
I'm not sure it was intentional. I think they are split as to those in the camp of the govt shouldn't be involved in healthcare (e.g. don't socialize my medicare folks) and those who would do something but don't have the votes to do it without relying upon dems, and splitting the gop votes in the House.

I'm not sure it's a constitutional crisis either, but just another example of Boehner and McConnell being unable to marshal their troops.
Even Ayn Rand hated government help until she needed government help.
The dems wrote the law behind locked doors, the dems didn't read it, the dems bribed and swindled people into voting for it, not a single repub voted for it, the dems voted it into law, *YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN*, but if part of it gets slapped down by the supreme court....


Good God a'mighty... only on planet PROGTARD does that make any sense.
So what part of the law do you hate. Please spell out the details.
So what do Republicans do when they strip 6 million people of subsidies?

These people, most in red states, will find themselves with nothing because their republican legislatures wouldn't set up exchanges

Ball is in your court Republicans

Can't they go to the ObamaCare website?
Isn't that why is was created?

Healthcare.Gov isn't it?
That is if the site is up and running....

Yes they can

And receive no federal subsidies. For that they can thank their Republican representative for not providing an alternative

Wouldn't it have been a good idea when this thing was written someone would have figured this out.
The fact that some states might not participate in the exchanges...
They would have had to have READ IT to do that.
Coulter has been sinking from public view. When that happens to assholes like her, they tend to shriek more and more shrill claims to keep the spotlight on them.

She's a washed up has-been.

The fix could have easily been passed a long time ago. But, for whatever reason, the GOP preferred to create a constitutional crisis over the subsidies instead.
Obama care is the GOP's fault????????
Nope but it will be their fault if it gets killed, not sure they are prepared to go on the defensive after so long trying to kill something they had every opportunity to repair to their satisfaction.
Newsflash!!!!!! the people hate Obamacare!
Um, let's try this again:

The poll found that 44 percent of respondents favor the law, and that an additional 21 percent oppose it because it doesn't go far enough - for a total of 65 percent.
The dems wrote the law behind locked doors, the dems didn't read it, the dems bribed and swindled people into voting for it, not a single repub voted for it, the dems voted it into law, *YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN*, but if part of it gets slapped down by the supreme court....


Good God a'mighty... only on planet PROGTARD does that make any sense.
So what part of the law do you hate. Please spell out the details.
Completely irrelevant.
The dems wrote the law behind locked doors, the dems didn't read it, the dems bribed and swindled people into voting for it, not a single repub voted for it, the dems voted it into law, *YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN*, but if part of it gets slapped down by the supreme court....


Good God a'mighty... only on planet PROGTARD does that make any sense.
So what part of the law do you hate. Please spell out the details.
Completely irrelevant.
So you hate something and don't know why? That's tarded.
The dems wrote the law behind locked doors, the dems didn't read it, the dems bribed and swindled people into voting for it, not a single repub voted for it, the dems voted it into law, *YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN*, but if part of it gets slapped down by the supreme court....


Good God a'mighty... only on planet PROGTARD does that make any sense.
So what part of the law do you hate. Please spell out the details.
Completely irrelevant.
So you hate something and don't know why? That's tarded.
So you start a thread about a DEM CREATED PROBLEM, and then wonder what "I" don't like about it?

Talk about 'tards, you take the fucking cake, buckwheat.
Um, let's try this again:

The poll found that 44 percent of respondents favor the law, and that an additional 21 percent oppose it because it doesn't go far enough - for a total of 65 percent.
I do not believe a bunch of polls that seem to have changed on a dime. We vote in this nation we do not run our nation on polls. Do you know how the question was phrased? Do you know if likely voters were polled? Its strange when all of the polls before last month showed 60% of the American people wanted Obamacare repealed not rewritten. Suddenly we have three polls showing the opposite with no questions shown. Where is the poll question? What were the questions in the polls? Don't be so gullible we are in an election year with a news press and pollster community hot to get Hillary elected and Obama sanctified. Do your own poll...ask your friends work mates and family members what they think of Obama Care. Afterwords that poll won't mean so much to you either.
The dems wrote the law behind locked doors, the dems didn't read it, the dems bribed and swindled people into voting for it, not a single repub voted for it, the dems voted it into law, *YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN*, but if part of it gets slapped down by the supreme court....


Good God a'mighty... only on planet PROGTARD does that make any sense.

Red state constituent to Republican congressman.

I used to get a $2000 federal insurance subsidy I dont
Why do taxpayers in Blue states get to have a subsidy and I dont?

What are you going to do about it?

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