Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

It goes beyond the black vote. That is lost forever. There is nothing Republicans can do about it

They have also lost the gay vote which Republicans scoff at. But that 2-3% of the vote packs powerful repercussions. In its steadfast opposition to all things gay, Republicans have branded themself as a party opposed to fair treatment of the oppressed. In a nutshell, Republicans come off like a bunch of pricks

Now we get to the Hispanic vote which has Republicans sweating. Should they support immigration reform to make inroads with the 73% of Hispanic voters who do not vote Republicans or should they block voters who will eventually vote Democrat anyway? Lose/lose for Republicans

Young women voters. Only 45% of all women voted Republican in the last election. Among young women, it is closer to 30%. Stupid Republican discussions on legitimate rape, date rape and access to birth control of a womans choice is killing Republicans

Add it all up and you have a White, male, christian party headed for obsolescence
It goes beyond the black vote. That is lost forever. There is nothing Republicans can do about it

They have also lost the gay vote which Republicans scoff at. But that 2-3% of the vote packs powerful repercussions. In its steadfast opposition to all things gay, Republicans have branded themself as a party opposed to fair treatment of the oppressed. In a nutshell, Republicans come off like a bunch of pricks

Now we get to the Hispanic vote which has Republicans sweating. Should they support immigration reform to make inroads with the 73% of Hispanic voters who do not vote Republicans or should they block voters who will eventually vote Democrat anyway? Lose/lose for Republicans

Young women voters. Only 45% of all women voted Republican in the last election. Among young women, it is closer to 30%. Stupid Republican discussions on legitimate rape, date rape and access to birth control of a womans choice is killing Republicans

Add it all up and you have a White, male, christian party headed for obsolescence

Yup, the Republican Party will never win another Election. Gawd, you wingnuts are so lame. How many times are y'all gonna spew that tired shite? I told you before, that's just dimwitted wishful thinking. You will be proven wrong again... and again... and again... and again...
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It goes beyond the black vote. That is lost forever. There is nothing Republicans can do about it

They have also lost the gay vote which Republicans scoff at. But that 2-3% of the vote packs powerful repercussions. In its steadfast opposition to all things gay, Republicans have branded themself as a party opposed to fair treatment of the oppressed. In a nutshell, Republicans come off like a bunch of pricks

Now we get to the Hispanic vote which has Republicans sweating. Should they support immigration reform to make inroads with the 73% of Hispanic voters who do not vote Republicans or should they block voters who will eventually vote Democrat anyway? Lose/lose for Republicans

Young women voters. Only 45% of all women voted Republican in the last election. Among young women, it is closer to 30%. Stupid Republican discussions on legitimate rape, date rape and access to birth control of a womans choice is killing Republicans

Add it all up and you have a White, male, christian party headed for obsolescence

Yup, the Republican Party will never win another Election. Gawd, you wingnuts are so lame. How many times are y'all gonna spew that tired shite? I told you before, that's just dimwitted wishful thinking. You will proven wrong again... and again... and again... and again...

Need more straw?
It goes beyond the black vote. That is lost forever. There is nothing Republicans can do about it

They have also lost the gay vote which Republicans scoff at. But that 2-3% of the vote packs powerful repercussions. In its steadfast opposition to all things gay, Republicans have branded themself as a party opposed to fair treatment of the oppressed. In a nutshell, Republicans come off like a bunch of pricks

Now we get to the Hispanic vote which has Republicans sweating. Should they support immigration reform to make inroads with the 73% of Hispanic voters who do not vote Republicans or should they block voters who will eventually vote Democrat anyway? Lose/lose for Republicans

Young women voters. Only 45% of all women voted Republican in the last election. Among young women, it is closer to 30%. Stupid Republican discussions on legitimate rape, date rape and access to birth control of a womans choice is killing Republicans

Add it all up and you have a White, male, christian party headed for obsolescence

Yup, the Republican Party will never win another Election. Gawd, you wingnuts are so lame. How many times are y'all gonna spew that tired shite? I told you before, that's just dimwitted wishful thinking. You will be proven wrong again... and again... and again... and again...

The Republican Party is positioning themselves as a minority party. They have gerrymandered loyal Republican districts that will ensure the radical fringe will keep the moderates in check

In terms of Presidential elections, I believe current demographics will keep a Republican out of the White House for a generation
It goes beyond the black vote. That is lost forever. There is nothing Republicans can do about it

They have also lost the gay vote which Republicans scoff at. But that 2-3% of the vote packs powerful repercussions. In its steadfast opposition to all things gay, Republicans have branded themself as a party opposed to fair treatment of the oppressed. In a nutshell, Republicans come off like a bunch of pricks

Now we get to the Hispanic vote which has Republicans sweating. Should they support immigration reform to make inroads with the 73% of Hispanic voters who do not vote Republicans or should they block voters who will eventually vote Democrat anyway? Lose/lose for Republicans

Young women voters. Only 45% of all women voted Republican in the last election. Among young women, it is closer to 30%. Stupid Republican discussions on legitimate rape, date rape and access to birth control of a womans choice is killing Republicans

Add it all up and you have a White, male, christian party headed for obsolescence

Yup, the Republican Party will never win another Election. Gawd, you wingnuts are so lame. How many times are y'all gonna spew that tired shite? I told you before, that's just dimwitted wishful thinking. You will proven wrong again... and again... and again... and again...

Need more straw?

:cuckoo: Uh huh, those evil Republicans will never ever ever ever ever win another Election. Everyone hates them and will never vote for them again.

Man, you peeps really are delusional dipshits. Lay off the Supreme Leader and Party-Worship. You guys sound like deranged cult nutters. I assure you, the tide will turn and the People will grow tired of your Communist/Progressive shite. Bet on that.
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BTW, the only people calling anyone a House N@@$r or an Uncle Tom is Democrats.

Except for the last month when right wingers were referring to the black voters in Mississippi as "Uncle Tom Voters".

Search "Uncle Tom's for Thad".

You've been given these assignments before. It's unclear you know how to use a "search engine".

Not in my media sources.

Maybe you heard it on MSNBC.

They never lie either.
It goes beyond the black vote. That is lost forever. There is nothing Republicans can do about it

They have also lost the gay vote which Republicans scoff at. But that 2-3% of the vote packs powerful repercussions. In its steadfast opposition to all things gay, Republicans have branded themself as a party opposed to fair treatment of the oppressed. In a nutshell, Republicans come off like a bunch of pricks

Now we get to the Hispanic vote which has Republicans sweating. Should they support immigration reform to make inroads with the 73% of Hispanic voters who do not vote Republicans or should they block voters who will eventually vote Democrat anyway? Lose/lose for Republicans

Young women voters. Only 45% of all women voted Republican in the last election. Among young women, it is closer to 30%. Stupid Republican discussions on legitimate rape, date rape and access to birth control of a womans choice is killing Republicans

Add it all up and you have a White, male, christian party headed for obsolescence

Yup, the Republican Party will never win another Election. Gawd, you wingnuts are so lame. How many times are y'all gonna spew that tired shite? I told you before, that's just dimwitted wishful thinking. You will be proven wrong again... and again... and again... and again...

The Republican Party is positioning themselves as a minority party. They have gerrymandered loyal Republican districts that will ensure the radical fringe will keep the moderates in check

In terms of Presidential elections, I believe current demographics will keep a Republican out of the White House for a generation

:lol: Like i said, dimwit wishful thinking. You guys are soo predictably lame.
Yup, the Republican Party will never win another Election. Gawd, you wingnuts are so lame. How many times are y'all gonna spew that tired shite? I told you before, that's just dimwitted wishful thinking. You will be proven wrong again... and again... and again... and again...

The Republican Party is positioning themselves as a minority party. They have gerrymandered loyal Republican districts that will ensure the radical fringe will keep the moderates in check

In terms of Presidential elections, I believe current demographics will keep a Republican out of the White House for a generation

:lol: Like i said, dimwit wishful thinking. You guys are soo predictably lame.

Right now, Republicans have a slim chance to reach 270 electoral votes. Bush barely made 270 and that was ten years ago

Republicans have pissed off a lot of voters in the last ten years. 270 appears out of reach
The Republican Party is positioning themselves as a minority party. They have gerrymandered loyal Republican districts that will ensure the radical fringe will keep the moderates in check

In terms of Presidential elections, I believe current demographics will keep a Republican out of the White House for a generation

:lol: Like i said, dimwit wishful thinking. You guys are soo predictably lame.

Right now, Republicans have a slim chance to reach 270 electoral votes. Bush barely made 270 and that was ten years ago

Republicans have pissed off a lot of voters in the last ten years. 270 appears out of reach

Oh gawd, give it a rest. You wingnuts have been spewing that 'Republicans will never win another Election' shite for like that last 30yrs. You've consistently been proven wrong. And you will continue being proven wrong. Time to lay off the Supreme Leader & Party-Worship stuff. You guys sound like cult nutters. :cuckoo:
:lol: Like i said, dimwit wishful thinking. You guys are soo predictably lame.

Right now, Republicans have a slim chance to reach 270 electoral votes. Bush barely made 270 and that was ten years ago

Republicans have pissed off a lot of voters in the last ten years. 270 appears out of reach

Oh gawd, give it a rest. You wingnuts have been spewing that 'Republicans will never win another Election' shite for like that last 30yrs. You've consistently been proven wrong. And you will continue being proven wrong. Time to lay off the Supreme Leader & Party-Worship stuff. You guys sound like cult nutters. :cuckoo:

Any way you cut it ....270 does not add up for Republicans

Want to explain the new demograpphic metrics that have improved for Republicans in the last ten years?
Blacks are going to vote Dem. Of course they are because the Dems have turned many of them into Welfare slaves. If they didn't have Welfare they'd have to get a job and many of them would rather have someone else bankroll their lives.

Blacks mistakenly believe that the Dems have their welfare at heart. All they really want is the black vote.
Right now, Republicans have a slim chance to reach 270 electoral votes. Bush barely made 270 and that was ten years ago

Republicans have pissed off a lot of voters in the last ten years. 270 appears out of reach

Oh gawd, give it a rest. You wingnuts have been spewing that 'Republicans will never win another Election' shite for like that last 30yrs. You've consistently been proven wrong. And you will continue being proven wrong. Time to lay off the Supreme Leader & Party-Worship stuff. You guys sound like cult nutters. :cuckoo:

Any way you cut it ....270 does not add up for Republicans

Want to explain the new demograpphic metrics that have improved for Republicans in the last ten years?

And when the Republicans win again, you'll go on spewing the same delusional dipshittery for the next 20yrs.. You really do need to lay off that Supreme Leader & Party-Worship shite. You're not making sense anymore. Delusional wishful thinking will not make it so. You should have learned that by now. SHEESH.
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Blacks are going to vote Dem. Of course they are because the Dems have turned many of them into Welfare slaves. If they didn't have Welfare they'd have to get a job and many of them would rather have someone else bankroll their lives.

Blacks mistakenly believe that the Dems have their welfare at heart. All they really want is the black vote.

the right can't openly court minority voters and keep their base fired up ... enter voter registration/ID's .... Blacks, Hispanics, and young voters are the basic targets ... but it also effects older voters who tend to vote Republican ... the right can't count on all of the blue-haired senior citizens any more to get to the polls ... should be interesting
Blacks are going to vote Dem. Of course they are because the Dems have turned many of them into Welfare slaves. If they didn't have Welfare they'd have to get a job and many of them would rather have someone else bankroll their lives.

Blacks mistakenly believe that the Dems have their welfare at heart. All they really want is the black vote.

the right can't openly court minority voters and keep their base fired up ... enter voter registration/ID's .... Blacks, Hispanics, and young voters are the basic targets ... but it also effects older voters who tend to vote Republican ... the right can't count on all of the blue-haired senior citizens any more to get to the polls ... should be interesting

More rock and a hard place for Republicans

Can't court the minority vote while keeping the segment of your party that blames them for all of our problems
Blacks are going to vote Dem. Of course they are because the Dems have turned many of them into Welfare slaves. If they didn't have Welfare they'd have to get a job and many of them would rather have someone else bankroll their lives.

Blacks mistakenly believe that the Dems have their welfare at heart. All they really want is the black vote.

the right can't openly court minority voters and keep their base fired up ... enter voter registration/ID's .... Blacks, Hispanics, and young voters are the basic targets ... but it also effects older voters who tend to vote Republican ... the right can't count on all of the blue-haired senior citizens any more to get to the polls ... should be interesting

More rock and a hard place for Republicans

Can't court the minority vote while keeping the segment of your party that blames them for all of our problems

Oh, you hateful Communists/Progressives are no picnic either. The People will tire of you. It'll happen. Bet on that.
How do you lose something you've never had?

Who fucking cares?? No one.

Once again, blacks used to vote overwhelmingly Republican. Then Republicans decided that making the black man a boogey man would help them with whites. They were right.

And blacks decided they didnt like being blamed for all their problem so they switched parties.

Terrible huh?
How do you lose something you've never had?

Who fucking cares?? No one.

Dwight Eisenhower got 39% of the black vote in 1956. If the Republican party was getting 39% of the black vote now, they'd be virtually unbeatable.

But losing 3/4ths of your black support is what you pay for the support of white southerners.
I have been voting for over 30 years and have always voted Democrat...there is nothing the Republican party has sponsored that would benefit me and in my opinion, most sane Americans.

I could care less if the Rep Party attempted to "court" me, I don't need that transparent flattery.

Now, I can wait with joy as the average Rep/Con claims that I'm on welfare, live in the ghetto, want govt freebies, am a Black criminal, am on an imaginary plantation, am a monkey, not a naturalized citizen,etc.
How do you lose something you've never had?

Who fucking cares?? No one.

Dwight Eisenhower got 39% of the black vote in 1956. If the Republican party was getting 39% of the black vote now, they'd be virtually unbeatable.

But losing 3/4ths of your black support is what you pay for the support of white southerners.

Why offer history lessons to those too ignorant to learn from them??

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