Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

Where are inner city blacks going to get jobs when the industrial base has moved to china for corporate profit. Go back on the farm? The rulers of this country have flooded it with illegals to drive the wages down and set the working class against each other. What's a republican going to do for blacks? Absolutely nothing. Republicans trot out their house negroes like ben carson or clarence thomas sometimes - "lookee here, we like our nigras if they act white" say the repubs.

House negroes?

As opposed to the Democrats' Whitehouse negro? Huh?

I told you the left was the ones using racist terminology.

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls - Bloomberg

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala | New Republic

South bears the brunt of America's rising poverty rate

Poverty rate rose faster in the South than anywhere else.

Already tagged with the highest poverty rate in the nation, the South was the only region last year to record statistically significant increases in both the number of poor people (from 17.6 million in 2009 to 19.1 million people in 2010) and poverty rates

South bears the brunt of America's rising poverty rate -

Yeah, and everyone knows that liberals never fudge the numbers or destroy hard-drives or cheat in elections......
Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?

Did they ever have it? I mean c'mon, they can't lose that which they never had....
Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?

Did they ever have it? I mean c'mon, they can't lose that which they never had....

They did, blacks used to vote overwhelmingly Republican...then something happened. Did blacks suddenly become all idiots overnight or do you think the Southern Strategy had something to do with it?
BTW, the only people calling anyone a House N@@$r or an Uncle Tom is Democrats.

Except for the last month when right wingers were referring to the black voters in Mississippi as "Uncle Tom Voters".

Search "Uncle Tom's for Thad".

You've been given these assignments before. It's unclear you know how to use a "search engine".
I hate to break it to African Americans, but their vote is becoming less & less consequential. Their support of this massive influx of Illegals is only gonna hurt them in the end. Hispanics are zipping right past them economically. The War is now on for their vote. African Americans will once again get pushed aside. They will regret their 'Party before Country' support of this Illegal mess.
I think blacks are now.

Hispanics are considered white by blacks anyway.

No they arent Strawman killer

I remember the Zimmerman trial, even if you don't

Also, "White Hispanic" is listed on most census forms as a racial category.

Once again the cops who stopped Zimmerman pegged him as a white guy. The cops were two white guys also. And the category being on the census was not created by blacks.

I dont see where you refuted me at all. Blacks dont think that, period.
Blacks are getting tired of Obama giving all his stash to latinos.

Republicans Vow To Cut Food Stamps In Areas Full Of Lazy Republicans

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.


Turns out it was Romney who got the "moocher vote".
I think posters should be penalized or banned for repetitive lying. Take the OP. There are so many lies in it it's not worth the time or effort to refute these lies.

And those posters who continually put up the "republicans are racist and have poopy pants and have cooties threads" freaking know that they continually spew lies.

This type of constant bullshit is really dumbing down this board.

I agree. All you have to do is "NAME THE FUCKING LIES"!

Your Supreme Leader is a Traitor. He's in violation of the oath he swore to. He doesn't get to enforce only the Laws he likes. He's gone rogue. He should be Impeached.


He has ordered Law Enforcement not to enforce the Immigration Laws of this land. He's putting foreign interests and his own, above the American Peoples' interests. He is violating the oath of office. It would be fair to call him a criminal Traitor at this point.
rdeanie reminds of this..but Johnny was way better at it

[ame=]Carnac the Magnificent - YouTube[/ame]

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