Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

New Right wingers like to say blacks should vote Republican "because Civil Rights Act". Or "because Lincoln". They don't see the profound sadness of having to reach that far back to justify why blacks should vote GOP.

And then they start topics bashing gays, or calling Obama "the food stamp president", or topics saying we should ban all Muslims from America, or topics bashing Mexicans. They say self-defeating idiotic shit like blacks vote for Democrats because blacks want gifts from the government, which clearly communicates they believe blacks are lazy leeches who don't want to work. Or they say profoundly stupid things like Hitler was a left winger, as if he was all about diversity and multiculturalism and affirmative action and trade unions and loved gays and blacks and Mexicans.

The New Right is unbelievably self-unaware of what the GOP of TODAY, not the GOP of YESTERDAY, sounds like to everyone outside of their echo chamber.

If the GOP today was the party of four score and seven years ago, it would be winning majorities of minority voters. But it isn't that party any more. The New GOP is drowning in racists and bigots and retards brought over by the Southern Strategy.

The only people stupid enough to buy the bullshit the New Right is selling is the New Right. One only has to see what is right in front of one's face to know the truth about the GOP today. Just open up any topic about gays or blacks or Muslims or immigrants and you will see in flaming letters ten feet high that the GOP of today is NOTHING like the civil rights era GOP.

Conservatives are conservatives, whether they had a D after their name 60 years ago or an R after their name today. The conservatives of today are unchanged from the conservatives of 60 years ago. They believe in small government and states rights. They believe in low taxation. They are virulently anti-marxist and are strongly pro-defense. And these are all things to be extremely proud of. But they are also dragged down by evil racists and bigots in their midst, and they are doing nothing to take out that trash.

It is time to decide what is more important. Keeping around the haters, or living up to true Republican principles. The consciences of conservatives (Goldwater reference) are clearly being pricked since they constantly try to console each other with "because Civil Rights Act" and "because Lincoln".

Somewhere back in the mists of time, Republicans feel the tug of their proud history. It is far past time to reawaken and come to their senses.

If some New Right wing asshole starts bashing minorities (either directly or sideways), kick him in the teeth. So what if he starts calling you a liberal? Who gives a flying fuck what a retard thinks?
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Blacks are going to vote Dem. Of course they are because the Dems have turned many of them into Welfare slaves. If they didn't have Welfare they'd have to get a job and many of them would rather have someone else bankroll their lives.

Blacks mistakenly believe that the Dems have their welfare at heart. All they really want is the black vote.

How do you explain this:

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls

Going by your criteria, Republicans are moochers, right? I suspect many of those lost their jobs during the Bush years when millions of jobs were moved to China. And those Republicans voted for a "Pioneer of Outsourcing"? Why would they do that?
New Right wingers like to say blacks should vote Republican "because Civil Rights Act". Or "because Lincoln". They don't see the profound sadness of having to reach that far back to justify why blacks should vote GOP.

And then they start topics bashing gays, or calling Obama "the food stamp president", or topics saying we should ban all Muslims from America, or topics bashing Mexicans. They say self-defeating idiotic shit like blacks vote for Democrats because blacks want gifts from the government, which clearly communicates they believe blacks are lazy leeches who don't want to work. Or they say profoundly stupid things like Hitler was a left winger, as if he was all about diversity and multiculturalism and affirmative action and trade unions and loved gays and blacks and Mexicans.

The New Right is unbelievably self-unaware of what the GOP of TODAY, not the GOP of YESTERDAY, sounds like to everyone outside of their echo chamber.

If the GOP today was the party of four score and seven years ago, it would be winning majorities of minority voters. But it isn't that party any more. The New GOP is drowning in racists and bigots and retards brought over by the Southern Strategy.

The only people stupid enough to buy the bullshit the New Right is selling is the New Right. One only has to see what is right in front of one's face to know the truth about the GOP today. Just open up any topic about gays or blacks or Muslims or immigrants and you will see in flaming letters ten feet high that the GOP of today is NOTHING like the civil rights era GOP.

Conservatives are conservatives, whether they had a D after their name 60 years ago or an R after their name today. The conservatives of today are unchanged from the conservatives of 60 years ago. They believe in small government and states rights. They believe in low taxation. They are virulently anti-marxist and are strongly pro-defense. And these are all things to be extremely proud of. But they are also dragged down by evil racists and bigots in their midst, and they are doing nothing to take out that trash.

It is time to decide what is more important. Keeping around the haters, or living up to true Republican principles. The consciences of conservatives (Goldwater reference) are clearly being pricked since they constantly try to console each other with "because Civil Rights Act" and "because Lincoln".

Somewhere back in the mists of time, Republicans feel the tug of their proud history. It is far past time to reawaken and come to their senses.

If some New Right wing asshole starts bashing minorities (either directly or sideways), kick him in the teeth. So what if he starts calling you a liberal? Who gives a flying fuck what a retard thinks?

Today's Republicans believe Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. I suspect that's part of the reason. The lack of meaningful education.

You can't hold a job that requires skills if you have no skills.

You can't have a meaningful economic policy without understand Supply and Demand.

You can't have a foreign policy if you don't know the difference between Shiite and Sunni.

And you can't be taken as anything but a simpleton with slogans like "They hate us for our freedom".
This needs to be repeated on every right wing Board on the net.

"From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties."

Fuck you and the OP on the racist overtones that by being white they must hate Obama for being black and they voted for Mitt because he was white because that's bloody bullshit.

What the fuck is up with you Jake?

Of course they voted for Mitt Romney over Obama. Not because Obama is black but because that mother fucker in the White House is hell bent on leather to destroy Kentucky's coal industry. He could be purple and they would hate him.

That asswipe aka Mr. President and his minions at the EPA are going to put Kentucky in the hole for forever.

This is what they knew was coming their way. I have no doubt that by the time Obama is out of office those poor people in the great State of Kentucky will need even more freaking food stamps.

Coal plant retirements - SourceWatch
Blacks are going to vote Dem. Of course they are because the Dems have turned many of them into Welfare slaves. If they didn't have Welfare they'd have to get a job and many of them would rather have someone else bankroll their lives.

Blacks mistakenly believe that the Dems have their welfare at heart. All they really want is the black vote.

How do you explain this:

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls

Going by your criteria, Republicans are moochers, right? I suspect many of those lost their jobs during the Bush years when millions of jobs were moved to China. And those Republicans voted for a "Pioneer of Outsourcing"? Why would they do that?

I really hope I get an answer on this. And to think that blacks have no integrity because all they want is welfare only underscores the racist rants of the right wing. And who are these Democrats with so much power over black people? Are they white? Are they Asians? Or do blacks have their own leaders who are part of a Democratic coalition?
This needs to be repeated on every right wing Board on the net.

"From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties."

Fuck you and the OP on the racist overtones that by being white they must hate Obama for being black and they voted for Mitt because he was white because that's bloody bullshit.

What the fuck is up with you Jake?

Of course they voted for Mitt Romney over Obama. Not because Obama is black but because that mother fucker in the White House is hell bent on leather to destroy Kentucky's coal industry. He could be purple and they would hate him.

That asswipe aka Mr. President and his minions at the EPA are going to put Kentucky in the hole for forever.

This is what they knew was coming their way. I have no doubt that by the time Obama is out of office those poor people in the great State of Kentucky will need even more freaking food stamps.

Coal plant retirements - SourceWatch

Here's why Central Appalachia's coal industry is dying

The entire U.S. coal industry is under pressure from a variety of forces — from the shale gas boom to coal-plant retirements — and the Appalachian region in particular is getting hurt by trends that have been building for decades.

First, as Patrick Reis reported over at National Journal, coal jobs in West Virginia and Kentucky have been vanishing for decades — long before Barack Obama became president.

Why have Kentucky and West Virginia lost 38,000 coal jobs since 1983? For one, coal mining has become increasingly automated in recent decades, particularly as companies have shifted to techniques such as mountaintop-removal mining, which are less labor intensive.

Another big problem for Appalachia's coal industry has been competition from cheaper, low-sulfur coal out West — particularly from Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

On top of everything else, Central Appalachia's coal now appears to be running out, as many of the thick, easy-to-mine seams have vanished. The Energy Information Administration estimates that coal production in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia will soon be just half of what it was in 2008, plunging from 234 million tons down to 112 million tons in 2015.


Why don't you learn to read something meaningful you ignorant undying twit.
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Fug nuts came up with another list of things. Big whoop.
rdean is the second most unhappy poster behind the Neddly Luddite.

He may be the third most ignorant behind Lahkoturd and Nuddy as well. That's a pretty good ranking. He must be proud.

I would welcome black support for the party.
However.If they don't want to vote for a Republican today,tomorrow,10 years or forever.


Let them be used by the Democrat party.
I would welcome black support for the party.
However.If they don't want to vote for a Republican today,tomorrow,10 years or forever.

Let them be used by the Democrat party.

Never fear....Republicans will always come up with their....Look we have black Republicans too candidates

They just wont elect them
I would welcome black support for the party.
However.If they don't want to vote for a Republican today,tomorrow,10 years or forever.


Let them be used by the Democrat party.

For a start, the GOP needs to stop saying blacks don't want to work and just want free stuff from the government. Blacks recognize the "lazy Negro" stereotype when they see it.
The black vote as referring to American blacks, is being eliminated. There are fewer now than there were in 20s. African Americans are an endangered species. Who cares how they vote. Between abortion and murdering one another, they are disappearing.

were do you get this shit?....the same place you get your "facts" about Pot?.....right now there are approx 39 Million Blacks in the Country.....the US Census Bureau expects their population to increase to approx 77 million by 2060......yea they are disappearing.....
How long are Black people going to put up with the plantation mentality of the democrat party?

The fatal flaw in your thinking is believing Democrats are trying to make only blacks into government dependents.

Democrats are trying to make EVERYONE into government dependents.

Democrats are not treating blacks any differently than they treat their other voters.

Republicans, on the other hand, are incredibly divisive. They broadcast in no uncertain terms their distaste not only toward blacks, but toward gays, Muslims, Mexicans, and all other non-WASPs as well.

Blacks might be treated like helpless children by Democrats, but they are not going to switch to a party which so clearly hates them.

For as long as the Republican party refuses to take out its trash (racists, bigots, liars, hypocrites, idiots, and psychopaths), it will suffer the consequences at the polls.

like i have said before.....Republicans tell you to your face what an asshole you are.....Democrats tell you what you want to hear to your soon as you walk out of the room they then say what they really feel.....Minorities look at the Democrats as the so called "lessor of 2 evils".....Democrats dont care long as they vote for them....
How long are Black people going to put up with the plantation mentality of the democrat party? Democrats are so engrossed in dirty tricks that they aren't even aware of how profoundly insulting it is to characterize Black people as being so helpless that they are unable to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century. Nobody on the left ever apologized for the racist cartoons in mainstream newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a slave mammy with ragged clothes and grotesque features because she was appointed Secretary of State by President Bush.

Conservatives love that "plantation" analogy

What have Conservatives done to get blacks off that "plantation"
Show some initiatives that have benefitted blacks, or any poor person on that plantation

While you are at it, why don't you show which "mainstream" newspaper printed that cartoon about Condi Rice

since millions of Blacks of been on that poor plantation since the days of slavery.....what have the Democrats done to get them off it?.....
Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

Those charts aren't looking so good for Republicans now.

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