Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?

The blacks are quickly negating the power of their vote through self extermination and those who choose a different route of prison results still in absence of vote. It's a numbers game

since millions of Blacks of been on that poor plantation since the days of slavery.....what have the Democrats done to get them off it?.....

Glad you asked

Affirmative action did a lot to open up job opportunities never imagined by blacks. It opened up schools, management level positions, the military. It was of course opposed by Republicans
Add to that jobs training programs, jobs placement, small business set asides for minorities, minority set aside loans programs....all opposed by Republicans

Now.....your turn
What have Republicans offered blacks to get them off that "plantation"?

you forget RW i dont care for Republicans any more than i care for your little party......Republicans treat people like see that here every day.....Democrats throw bones out and hope everyone thinks they are doing something.....but the fact remains.....there are and have always been millions of blacks in poverty.....most of those blacks who got out did so on their own with hard work and doing good in school or they had a door opened for them because they were good in sports or had some musical talent....but the regular people who did not have those doors opened?.....just languished in poverty their whole come rich neighborhoods have schools with everything a school should have while the poor parts of town have to sometimes have classes in the fucking bathroom because their normal room was considered unsafe structurally... quite a few "leaders" in my State have said the State Prisons are better maintained than many Schools around here.....oh in case you havent noticed California is a Democratic State that has always thrown lots of money to Education .....i guess most of that went to the good neighborhoods....

Why some of those blacks even found employment in the Post Office

Beats the "plantation"
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Blacks are going to vote Dem. Of course they are because the Dems have turned many of them into Welfare slaves. If they didn't have Welfare they'd have to get a job and many of them would rather have someone else bankroll their lives.

Blacks mistakenly believe that the Dems have their welfare at heart. All they really want is the black vote.

How do you explain this:

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls

Going by your criteria, Republicans are moochers, right? I suspect many of those lost their jobs during the Bush years when millions of jobs were moved to China. And those Republicans voted for a "Pioneer of Outsourcing"? Why would they do that?

Whoa wait a you expect them to analyze facts when they can just repeat easy to recite talking points? they aren't seriously going to acknowledge first, that's republicans use welfare at all and second...if they do decide to accept reality they'll do what the party of personal responsibility always does. Blame someone else for it.
Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?
Black Americans have consistently voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic presidential candidate. The most votes any Republican candidate received from Blacks since 1968 was Gerald Ford in 1976 (15%). Republicans have written off black votes in presidential elections. At some point in the future, Republicans are going to have to appeal to minorities because they are occupying a larger and large part of the American demographics. Targeting white christian male voters is not going to work in 21st century.
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I think posters should be penalized or banned for repetitive lying. Take the OP. There are so many lies in it it's not worth the time or effort to refute these lies.

And those posters who continually put up the "republicans are racist and have poopy pants and have cooties threads" freaking know that they continually spew lies.

This type of constant bullshit is really dumbing down this board.


And no matter how many people report it, nothing will be done.

Then if you post a similar thread, only with an anti-progressive slant, you'll be disciplined, and your thread dumped.

The place is dying.
The republican party is drifting toward extinction. There just is not enough angry middle and upper class white men to fill the ranks any more. Reagan stopped the bleeding for a while, but both he and John Wayne are dead, and Clint Eastwood is in his 80's. The usual suspects, Cruz, Rick, Bachmann, etc. just keep dragging the brand down further and further. The Eisenhower republicans are all gone, and all that is left is a gang of nuts.
I think posters should be penalized or banned for repetitive lying. Take the OP. There are so many lies in it it's not worth the time or effort to refute these lies.

And those posters who continually put up the "republicans are racist and have poopy pants and have cooties threads" freaking know that they continually spew lies.

This type of constant bullshit is really dumbing down this board.


And no matter how many people report it, nothing will be done.

Then if you post a similar thread, only with an anti-progressive slant, you'll be disciplined, and your thread dumped.

The place is dying.

"only with an anti-progressive slant"

In other words, not based in reality or facts :eusa_pray:
Show any Conservative initiative that helps anyone of any race get off that "plantation"

Just one
Free public education. If you don't take advantage of it, does that mean I'm a racist or hate women or bash gays? To a liberal it does exactly that. At least that's the lie they tell the dummies who didn't take advantage of our free education.

Same old same o

You can't make it, tough luck. Level playing field?
Thats your problem
Somehow I knew this would be a pointless exercise with you. Still, I bested you. All you can do respond with the "level playing field" excuse. Someday, I hope blacks wake up. Until then, they will continue to suffer and all we can do is watch and shake our heads.
This needs to be repeated on every right wing Board on the net.

"From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties."

Fuck you and the OP on the racist overtones that by being white they must hate Obama for being black and they voted for Mitt because he was white because that's bloody bullshit.

What the fuck is up with you Jake?

Of course they voted for Mitt Romney over Obama. Not because Obama is black but because that mother fucker in the White House is hell bent on leather to destroy Kentucky's coal industry. He could be purple and they would hate him.

That asswipe aka Mr. President and his minions at the EPA are going to put Kentucky in the hole for forever.

This is what they knew was coming their way. I have no doubt that by the time Obama is out of office those poor people in the great State of Kentucky will need even more freaking food stamps.

Coal plant retirements - SourceWatch

If I were as idiotic as you I would say "fuck you for posting this bullshit you call a rational rebuke"; however, I'm not an idiot so I'll simply say you are dangerously ignorant...
I agree. All you have to do is "NAME THE FUCKING LIES"!

remember this thread of yours?......"Republicans HATE Education and want to END it"....its been years,i have asked before.....wheres your proof? a Republican saying he HATES Education and wants to END it.....your Santorum thread dont cut it.....he never says this in the video.....

Students from poor families would feel the most pain if calls by Kentucky Republican U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul and fellow Tea Party movement conservatives to abolish the U.S. Department of Education

getting rid of the Dept of education does not mean you hate education and want to end it.....i delivered Mail to a Teacher who thought they were an anchor around the neck of teachers and he wanted them gone too.....he felt they served no useful purpose....but yet the guy was still teaching me someone saying....."i hate education and want to abolish any kind of teaching"....because thats what YOU said Republicans were saying.....
Glad you asked

Affirmative action did a lot to open up job opportunities never imagined by blacks. It opened up schools, management level positions, the military. It was of course opposed by Republicans
Add to that jobs training programs, jobs placement, small business set asides for minorities, minority set aside loans programs....all opposed by Republicans

Now.....your turn
What have Republicans offered blacks to get them off that "plantation"?

you forget RW i dont care for Republicans any more than i care for your little party......Republicans treat people like see that here every day.....Democrats throw bones out and hope everyone thinks they are doing something.....but the fact remains.....there are and have always been millions of blacks in poverty.....most of those blacks who got out did so on their own with hard work and doing good in school or they had a door opened for them because they were good in sports or had some musical talent....but the regular people who did not have those doors opened?.....just languished in poverty their whole come rich neighborhoods have schools with everything a school should have while the poor parts of town have to sometimes have classes in the fucking bathroom because their normal room was considered unsafe structurally... quite a few "leaders" in my State have said the State Prisons are better maintained than many Schools around here.....oh in case you havent noticed California is a Democratic State that has always thrown lots of money to Education .....i guess most of that went to the good neighborhoods....

Why some of those blacks even found employment in the Post Office

Beats the "plantation"

yea they were the ones who worked hard and got a decent job and got out OR they were what about all those millions of others?....what is your party doing to alleviate their misery?....why is their Unemployment so high compared to everyone else? come you did not mention what i said about the schools? is your party helping those poor schools?....
I think posters should be penalized or banned for repetitive lying. Take the OP. There are so many lies in it it's not worth the time or effort to refute these lies.

And those posters who continually put up the "republicans are racist and have poopy pants and have cooties threads" freaking know that they continually spew lies.

This type of constant bullshit is really dumbing down this board.


And no matter how many people report it, nothing will be done.

Then if you post a similar thread, only with an anti-progressive slant, you'll be disciplined, and your thread dumped.

The place is dying.

It don't like both options. I hate the conservative anti-leftist threads and the progressive anti-conservative threads. Always the same threads with the same people and the same prejuidices about the other group.
you forget RW i dont care for Republicans any more than i care for your little party......Republicans treat people like see that here every day.....Democrats throw bones out and hope everyone thinks they are doing something.....but the fact remains.....there are and have always been millions of blacks in poverty.....most of those blacks who got out did so on their own with hard work and doing good in school or they had a door opened for them because they were good in sports or had some musical talent....but the regular people who did not have those doors opened?.....just languished in poverty their whole come rich neighborhoods have schools with everything a school should have while the poor parts of town have to sometimes have classes in the fucking bathroom because their normal room was considered unsafe structurally... quite a few "leaders" in my State have said the State Prisons are better maintained than many Schools around here.....oh in case you havent noticed California is a Democratic State that has always thrown lots of money to Education .....i guess most of that went to the good neighborhoods....

Why some of those blacks even found employment in the Post Office

Beats the "plantation"

yea they were the ones who worked hard and got a decent job and got out OR they were what about all those millions of others?....what is your party doing to alleviate their misery?....why is their Unemployment so high compared to everyone else? come you did not mention what i said about the schools? is your party helping those poor schools?....

Their misery is self-inflicted.

70% of all blacks in America are born with only a single income earner, some with mothers that can't work because they keep pushing out babies. The fathers are nowhere to be found. That single issue is the primary cause of poverty in the black community. It's not racism, or some white boogeyman who wants to keep blacks down. It's the lack of income, not to mention the lack of opportunity.

What do you want the Republican Party to do to stop that?

Democrats have had their way with blacks for decades, and they have essentially destroyed families with their policies the way their policies have screwed up health care in America, and the way their policies have caused one crisis after another, the latest this border crisis. I think the solution to many of these problems is electing fewer Democrats.
Why some of those blacks even found employment in the Post Office

Beats the "plantation"

yea they were the ones who worked hard and got a decent job and got out OR they were what about all those millions of others?....what is your party doing to alleviate their misery?....why is their Unemployment so high compared to everyone else? come you did not mention what i said about the schools? is your party helping those poor schools?....

Their misery is self-inflicted.

70% of all blacks in America are born with only a single income earner, some with mothers that can't work because they keep pushing out babies. The fathers are nowhere to be found. That single issue is the primary cause of poverty in the black community. It's not racism, or some white boogeyman who wants to keep blacks down. It's the lack of income, not to mention the lack of opportunity.

What do you want the Republican Party to do to stop that?

Democrats have had their way with blacks for decades, and they have essentially destroyed families with their policies the way their policies have screwed up health care in America, and the way their policies have caused one crisis after another, the latest this border crisis. I think the solution to many of these problems is electing fewer Democrats.


It is very clear to thinking people, that the total breakdown of the black community is the result of D Party policies. The lack of two parent families is huge, but also the complete ruination of the public schools...and those schools are entirely controlled by the D Party.

But to the D partisan, like those on this forum, the Rs have lost the black vote because they do not go along with the failed policies of the Ds, which has caused so much dysfunction in the black community.

Yeah...I know it is illogical.
Blacks should be offended by threads like this

they are basically saying they have the blacks back on the plantation and they are damn proud of it


and now they working on the "browns"

such a lovely party
Free public education. If you don't take advantage of it, does that mean I'm a racist or hate women or bash gays? To a liberal it does exactly that. At least that's the lie they tell the dummies who didn't take advantage of our free education.

Same old same o

You can't make it, tough luck. Level playing field?
Thats your problem
Somehow I knew this would be a pointless exercise with you. Still, I bested you. All you can do respond with the "level playing field" excuse. Someday, I hope blacks wake up. Until then, they will continue to suffer and all we can do is watch and shake our heads.

Self declared victories are so shallow.....don't you think?

You have completely ignored the issue at hand....which is people in poverty
The fact that they had educational opportunities does not negate the fact that today, they are in poverty. As usual, the right takes a "You had a chance and blew it so fuck you" attitude

I asked what Republicans have offered to get people off their "plantation" and as blame the victim
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The best solution for Republicans is the path they're now on: don't let minorities vote using simple laws and tactics. It was quite successful before FDR and Truman. They need only some new state laws regarding ID's, difficulty voting, long lines in some communities and so forth, and if worse comes to worse call in the Supreme Court again.

We are seeing just that here in NC

william barber at Story of America

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