Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

yea they were the ones who worked hard and got a decent job and got out OR they were what about all those millions of others?....what is your party doing to alleviate their misery?....why is their Unemployment so high compared to everyone else? come you did not mention what i said about the schools? is your party helping those poor schools?....

no comment RW?.....

Schools are locally funded. The issues are too varied to resolve as Democratic or Republican. Depends on which state you are in

I do know Republicans favor abolishing the Dept of Education which could help to resolve some of the disparities in our schools

well you know which State i am a State that spends a lot of money on Education and is a heavy Democrat run State.....YET ...the wealthy areas have great schools while the poorer areas have crap....and many of those areas have Democrat Reps....why dont you just admit it RW instead of matter what the Politics of the area...the rich get all the pudding while the poor get whatever may be left or all the second hand used shit....Republicans,Democrats....yea not much difference when it comes to money....
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Frank thinks that because he says someone said ****** 60 years ago that makes the GOP more attractive. LOL.

He must try that at the bars.

So 6 years ago when Clinton said '20 years ago Obama would be carrying his luggage', that wasn't racist.

Sure sounds racist to me....

It is inherently racist. I say it all the time here and point out the posts made by the resident liberals who use language like, 'blacky, Uncle Tom, n*****, sand n*****, etc etc.. It's as if white liberals were given a free racist card to use derogatory terminology and comments.. A racist is a person who defines everything based upon color- who see's color, nothing but skin color.. That describes liberals to a t.. I'm not saying there aren't Conservatives who are racists, there certainly are but by far it's the left who uses race and racist terms continuously.
African Americans and Unions especially, will regret their 'Party before Country' support for this Democrat-orchestrated mass influx of Illegals. They're contributing to their own demise.

yea Republicans are so much better.....have you read any posts by righties like Katz?....yea those Blacks and other Minorities get treated with so much respect....

African Americans and Unions should have been at the forefront of opposing this Democrat-orchestrated mess. They had the most to lose. African Americans will now be booted to the bottom of the ladder, while Hispanics climb right over them. And this massive influx of Slave Labor is gonna kill Unions off once and for all. People should reconsider that 'Party before Country' mentality. It often forces one to support agendas that are not in their best interests.
no comment RW?.....

Schools are locally funded. The issues are too varied to resolve as Democratic or Republican. Depends on which state you are in

I do know Republicans favor abolishing the Dept of Education which could help to resolve some of the disparities in our schools

well you know which State i am a State that spends a lot of money on Education and is a heavy Democrat run State.....YET ...the wealthy areas have great schools while the poorer areas have crap....and many of those areas have Democrat Reps....why dont you just admit it RW instead of matter what the Politics of the area...the rich get all the pudding while the poor get whatever may be left or all the second hand used shit....Republicans,Democrats....yea not much difference when it comes to money....

Each state has its own education related issues. Unless we move to a Federally controlled education system, there is no "one size fits all" solution
Frank thinks that because he says someone said ****** 60 years ago that makes the GOP more attractive. LOL.

He must try that at the bars.

So 6 years ago when Clinton said '20 years ago Obama would be carrying his luggage', that wasn't racist.

Sure sounds racist to me....

You forgot to add the part where the GOP increased its stock with minorities or even tried.

See because just saying look at that! Thats ugly! Doesnt make you a pretty girl. Understand?
Frank thinks that because he says someone said ****** 60 years ago that makes the GOP more attractive. LOL.

He must try that at the bars.

Wonder how blacks would react to those LBJ quotes?

Actually, i don't think it would bother them at all. He had a (D) beside his name. I know i'll immediately be labeled a 'Racist', but sadly too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent. Too be more blunt, too many have become ignorant savages. So if there's a (D) beside the name, they're pretty much all-in on anything. That is the sad reality.

Now cue the 'YOU A RAAACIST!!!' rants.
Frank thinks that because he says someone said ****** 60 years ago that makes the GOP more attractive. LOL.

He must try that at the bars.

Wonder how blacks would react to those LBJ quotes?

Actually, i don't think it would bother them at all. He had a (D) beside his name. I know i'll immediately be labeled a 'Racist', but sadly too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent. Too be more blunt, too many have become ignorant savages. So if there's a (D) beside the name, they're pretty much all-in on anything. That is the sad reality.

Now cue the 'YOU A RAAACIST!!!' rants.

Well one, its not a real quote and two that doesnt mean you are a more attractive option because one guy allegedly said ****** 60 years ago.

You guys keep forgetting to add the part where going GOP is a better choice...I'm sure its a coincidence and not that you dont have anything
Schools are locally funded. The issues are too varied to resolve as Democratic or Republican. Depends on which state you are in

I do know Republicans favor abolishing the Dept of Education which could help to resolve some of the disparities in our schools

well you know which State i am a State that spends a lot of money on Education and is a heavy Democrat run State.....YET ...the wealthy areas have great schools while the poorer areas have crap....and many of those areas have Democrat Reps....why dont you just admit it RW instead of matter what the Politics of the area...the rich get all the pudding while the poor get whatever may be left or all the second hand used shit....Republicans,Democrats....yea not much difference when it comes to money....
Each state has its own education related issues. Unless we move to a Federally controlled education system, there is no "one size fits all" solution

no thanks. we saw what a mess a federally controlled healthcare system looks like. no need to mess up our education system any further
Wonder how blacks would react to those LBJ quotes?

Actually, i don't think it would bother them at all. He had a (D) beside his name. I know i'll immediately be labeled a 'Racist', but sadly too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent. Too be more blunt, too many have become ignorant savages. So if there's a (D) beside the name, they're pretty much all-in on anything. That is the sad reality.

Now cue the 'YOU A RAAACIST!!!' rants.

Well one, its not a real quote and two that doesnt mean you are a more attractive option because one guy allegedly said ****** 60 years ago.

You guys keep forgetting to add the part where going GOP is a better choice...I'm sure its a coincidence and not that you dont have anything

The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. Long before the Democratic Party was.
Actually, i don't think it would bother them at all. He had a (D) beside his name. I know i'll immediately be labeled a 'Racist', but sadly too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent. Too be more blunt, too many have become ignorant savages. So if there's a (D) beside the name, they're pretty much all-in on anything. That is the sad reality.

Now cue the 'YOU A RAAACIST!!!' rants.

Well one, its not a real quote and two that doesnt mean you are a more attractive option because one guy allegedly said ****** 60 years ago.

You guys keep forgetting to add the part where going GOP is a better choice...I'm sure its a coincidence and not that you dont have anything

The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. Long before the Democratic Party was.

60 years ago....Dam thats sad that you dont have anything more current which says a lot
Actually, i don't think it would bother them at all. He had a (D) beside his name. I know i'll immediately be labeled a 'Racist', but sadly too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent. Too be more blunt, too many have become ignorant savages. So if there's a (D) beside the name, they're pretty much all-in on anything. That is the sad reality.

Now cue the 'YOU A RAAACIST!!!' rants.

Well one, its not a real quote and two that doesnt mean you are a more attractive option because one guy allegedly said ****** 60 years ago.

You guys keep forgetting to add the part where going GOP is a better choice...I'm sure its a coincidence and not that you dont have anything

The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. Long before the Democratic Party was.

I love it when you remind people of what a great party the GOP was 60 years ago

More Republicans need to be informed of how hard they used to fight for Civil Rights
Well one, its not a real quote and two that doesnt mean you are a more attractive option because one guy allegedly said ****** 60 years ago.

You guys keep forgetting to add the part where going GOP is a better choice...I'm sure its a coincidence and not that you dont have anything

The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. Long before the Democratic Party was.

60 years ago....Dam thats sad that you dont have anything more current which says a lot

When or if the majority of African Americans become more educated and informed, they'll begin to understand the truth. We're just not at that tipping-point yet. Currently, too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent.

The Republican Party cared about civil rights for African Americans long before the Democratic Party did. That's fact.
The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. Long before the Democratic Party was.

60 years ago....Dam thats sad that you dont have anything more current which says a lot

When or if the majority of African Americans become more educated and informed, they'll begin to understand the truth. We're just not at that tipping-point yet. Currently, too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent.

The Republican Party cared about civil rights for African Americans long before the Democratic Party did. That's fact.

See? You dont even know HOW you just alienated yourself from minorities even more do you?
60 years ago....Dam thats sad that you dont have anything more current which says a lot

When or if the majority of African Americans become more educated and informed, they'll begin to understand the truth. We're just not at that tipping-point yet. Currently, too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent.

The Republican Party cared about civil rights for African Americans long before the Democratic Party did. That's fact.

See? You dont even know HOW you just alienated yourself from minorities even more do you?

Never been known to be PC. That's just not me. PC is a shameful Communist-invented sham. It was invented to crush Free Speech. I just speak truth & reality. We're not at that tipping-point with African Americans. Too many are still uneducated, ignorant, and violent. That's just the way it is. But i still believe once the majority becomes more educated & informed, they'll see the truth. The Democratic Party is a Johnny-Come-Lately when it comes to civil rights for African Americans. The Republican Party was fighting for that long before.
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When or if the majority of African Americans become more educated and informed, they'll begin to understand the truth. We're just not at that tipping-point yet. Currently, too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent.

The Republican Party cared about civil rights for African Americans long before the Democratic Party did. That's fact.

See? You dont even know HOW you just alienated yourself from minorities even more do you?

Never been known to be PC. That's just not me. PC is a shameful Communist-invented sham. It was invented to crush Free Speech. I just speak truth & reality. We're not at that tipping-point with African Americans. Too many are still uneducated, ignorant, and violent. That's just the way it is. But i still believe once the majority becomes more educated & informed, they'll see the truth. The Democratic Party is a Johnny-Come-Lately when it comes to civil rights for African Americans. The Republican Party was fighting for that long before.

Maybe you are confusing being PC with being an Insulting Elitist asshole....Yeah, you are.

so have all the un-PC you want just dont expect people to gravitate toward you when you are giving them the back of your hand and making excuses for the backhands.

Humans...actually animals of all sorts typically wont like you when they are smacked around or disrespected.

So when your un-PC shit goes to a predictable result thats fine. Just stop the fucking whining about being persecuted afterwards
See? You dont even know HOW you just alienated yourself from minorities even more do you?

Never been known to be PC. That's just not me. PC is a shameful Communist-invented sham. It was invented to crush Free Speech. I just speak truth & reality. We're not at that tipping-point with African Americans. Too many are still uneducated, ignorant, and violent. That's just the way it is. But i still believe once the majority becomes more educated & informed, they'll see the truth. The Democratic Party is a Johnny-Come-Lately when it comes to civil rights for African Americans. The Republican Party was fighting for that long before.

Maybe you are confusing being PC with being an Insulting Elitist asshole....Yeah, you are.

so have all the un-PC you want just dont expect people to gravitate toward you when you are giving them the back of your hand and making excuses for the backhands.

Humans...actually animals of all sorts typically wont like you when they are smacked around or disrespected.

So when your un-PC shit goes to a predictable result thats fine. Just stop the fucking whining about being persecuted afterwards

Ah, sounds like you just want people who disagree with you to shut up. That's exactly why the Communists invented the PC sham. What specific comments of mine do you have a problem with? Now be careful, because remember i'm not PC. You may not be able to handle my response. Just a heads-up.

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