Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

You yourself should make your life better. Not Government. That's not its role. You're not entitled or deserve anything. You alone are responsible for your successes and failures. Government played no part in it.

Of course it is Governments role to make our lives better

Why else would we have a Government?

Well see, that's where you Entitlement peeps go wrong. You're starting from an absurdly flawed starting-point. Government will not and does not exist to make your life better. That's on you. No one owes you anything. You're not entitled.

Of course it does

Everything the Government does is to make our lives better

Why else would we form a Government?
Blacks are stupid for not knowing what the republican party stands for and Paulitician is in the same boat because after 10 posts he still can't type an answer
Actually, i don't think it would bother them at all. He had a (D) beside his name. I know i'll immediately be labeled a 'Racist', but sadly too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent. Too be more blunt, too many have become ignorant savages. So if there's a (D) beside the name, they're pretty much all-in on anything. That is the sad reality.

Now cue the 'YOU A RAAACIST!!!' rants.

Well one, its not a real quote and two that doesnt mean you are a more attractive option because one guy allegedly said ****** 60 years ago.

You guys keep forgetting to add the part where going GOP is a better choice...I'm sure its a coincidence and not that you dont have anything

The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. Long before the Democratic Party was.
My, how things have changed.
The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. Long before the Democratic Party was.

60 years ago....Dam thats sad that you dont have anything more current which says a lot

When or if the majority of African Americans become more educated and informed, they'll begin to understand the truth. We're just not at that tipping-point yet. Currently, too many African Americans are uneducated, ignorant, and violent.

The Republican Party cared about civil rights for African Americans long before the Democratic Party did. That's fact.

The Republican Party cared about civil rights for African Americans long before the Democratic Party did. That's fact.

And conservatives NEVER have, also a fact!
We thank CrusaderFrank and Paulitician for putting their their patronizing racist attitudes on such open display, due to the votes it gains for the Democrats.

Go on guys, keep telling blacks how they're all brainwashed and looking for handouts. They don't see that as offensive at all. Really, it's not racist at all to declare how all blacks are stupid welfare cases. If you tell each other over and over that it's not racist, it might even magically make it true, so you be sure to keep trying. Just make sure to do it loudly and publicly because, again, we Democrats appreciate the votes.

It's not brainwashed if you've never been exposed to the truth. I wonder how people would react to the actual record and agenda of Civil Rights "hero" LBJ?

You mean the guy from conservative Texas? Before he changed and pushed through the liberal/progressive civil rights? Knowing he lost the South for a generation for the Dems?
We thank CrusaderFrank and Paulitician for putting their their patronizing racist attitudes on such open display, due to the votes it gains for the Democrats.

Go on guys, keep telling blacks how they're all brainwashed and looking for handouts. They don't see that as offensive at all. Really, it's not racist at all to declare how all blacks are stupid welfare cases. If you tell each other over and over that it's not racist, it might even magically make it true, so you be sure to keep trying. Just make sure to do it loudly and publicly because, again, we Democrats appreciate the votes.

It's not brainwashed if you've never been exposed to the truth. I wonder how people would react to the actual record and agenda of Civil Rights "hero" LBJ?

You mean the guy from conservative Texas? Before he changed and pushed through the liberal/progressive civil rights? Knowing he lost the South for a generation for the Dems?

I thought Goldwater was the Conservative in 1964?

Are you saying that LBJ Was a Conservative and why must you lie about EVERYTHING?
Of course it is Governments role to make our lives better

Why else would we have a Government?

Well see, that's where you Entitlement peeps go wrong. You're starting from an absurdly flawed starting-point. Government will not and does not exist to make your life better. That's on you. No one owes you anything. You're not entitled.

Of course it does

Everything the Government does is to make our lives better

Why else would we form a Government?

Various reasons why Nations form Governments. Making your life better probably isn't one of em though. That's your responsibility. See, you Entitlement peeps' biggest problem is that your approach is deeply flawed and almost childlike. No one owes you anything. You don't deserve anything. You have to work hard to make your life better. It's all on you in the end.
Blacks are stupid for not knowing what the republican party stands for and Paulitician is in the same boat because after 10 posts he still can't type an answer

What answer are you fishing for? I already told you i get where you're coming from now. You're a typical Entitlement wanka. You truly believe you're owed something or deserve it. You're not real deep & complicated. You're actually pretty simple.
Well one, its not a real quote and two that doesnt mean you are a more attractive option because one guy allegedly said ****** 60 years ago.

You guys keep forgetting to add the part where going GOP is a better choice...I'm sure its a coincidence and not that you dont have anything

The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. Long before the Democratic Party was.
My, how things have changed.

Nah, that's just all in your deluded drug-addled pea brain.
We thank CrusaderFrank and Paulitician for putting their their patronizing racist attitudes on such open display, due to the votes it gains for the Democrats.

Go on guys, keep telling blacks how they're all brainwashed and looking for handouts. They don't see that as offensive at all. Really, it's not racist at all to declare how all blacks are stupid welfare cases. If you tell each other over and over that it's not racist, it might even magically make it true, so you be sure to keep trying. Just make sure to do it loudly and publicly because, again, we Democrats appreciate the votes.

It's not brainwashed if you've never been exposed to the truth. I wonder how people would react to the actual record and agenda of Civil Rights "hero" LBJ?

You mean the guy from conservative Texas? Before he changed and pushed through the liberal/progressive civil rights? Knowing he lost the South for a generation for the Dems?

Who pays you to post here?
Look at how many people even today believe Sen Joe McCarthy used his House Unamerican Activities Committee to blacklist innocent Hollywood writers and start a "Red Scare"

That's the same propaganda machine that set out the fictional --and totally wrong -- LBJ Civil Rights Hero story

I pronounce you King Wing Nutter

The term McCarthyism, coined in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist activities. Today the term is used more generally in reference to demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents

American Heritage Dictionary Entry: McCarthyism


Reagan served as the head of Hollywood's actors' union, the Screen Actors Guild. In his union capacity, Reagan volunteered to serve the FBI as a secret informant against Communists in the entertainment industry. He testified against the Hollywood Ten before the House Un-American Activities Committee.

“Hollywood Ten.”

These men, who became known as the Hollywood Ten, not only refused to cooperate with the investigation but denounced the HUAC anti-communist hearings as an outrageous violation of their civil rights, as the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave them the right to belong to any political organization they chose. Some compared the committee’s coercive methods and intimidating tactics to the oppressive measures enacted in Nazi Germany. “I am not on trial here,” declared screenwriter Lawson. “This committee is on trial.”


Blacks are stupid for not knowing what the republican party stands for and Paulitician is in the same boat because after 10 posts he still can't type an answer

Here, i'll make it even easier for you. Tell us all the things the Democratic Party is doing for you that you would like to see the Republican Party also do. And don't bother with the vague accusatory babble. Try and be specific.
It's not brainwashed if you've never been exposed to the truth. I wonder how people would react to the actual record and agenda of Civil Rights "hero" LBJ?

You mean the guy from conservative Texas? Before he changed and pushed through the liberal/progressive civil rights? Knowing he lost the South for a generation for the Dems?

Who pays you to post here?

You mean my love of showing FACTUAL data and sources to counteract the hateful distortions of right wingers means I get paid? I wish Bubba!
GOP is in favor of people empowering themselves through hard work and rugged individualism. Democrats favor making people a permanent "victim class" through welfare and handouts. So yes, the GOP will never have the vote of a group where the majority will not help themselves and produce babies out of wedlock 70% of the time.
Well see, that's where you Entitlement peeps go wrong. You're starting from an absurdly flawed starting-point. Government will not and does not exist to make your life better. That's on you. No one owes you anything. You're not entitled.

Of course it does

Everything the Government does is to make our lives better

Why else would we form a Government?

Various reasons why Nations form Governments. Making your life better probably isn't one of em though. That's your responsibility. See, you Entitlement peeps' biggest problem is that your approach is deeply flawed and almost childlike. No one owes you anything. You don't deserve anything. You have to work hard to make your life better. It's all on you in the end.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson
GOP is in favor of people empowering themselves through hard work and rugged individualism. Democrats favor making people a permanent "victim class" through welfare and handouts. So yes, the GOP will never have the vote of a group where the majority will not help themselves and produce babies out of wedlock 70% of the time.

Republicans approve of the American farmer—
but they are willing to help him go broke.

They stand four-square for the American home—
but not for housing.

They are strong for labor—
but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights.

They favor minimum wage—the smaller the minimum wage the better.

They endorse educational opportunity for all—
but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools.

They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine—
for people who can afford them.

They consider electrical power a great blessing—
but only when the private power companies get their rake-off.

They think American standard of living is a fine thing—
so long as it doesn't spread to all the people.

And they admire the Government of the United States so much
that they would like to buy it."

~ President Harry S. Truman
GOP is in favor of people empowering themselves through hard work and rugged individualism. Democrats favor making people a permanent "victim class" through welfare and handouts. So yes, the GOP will never have the vote of a group where the majority will not help themselves and produce babies out of wedlock 70% of the time.

Yes, i've asked them a simple question... Just tell us all the things the Democratic Party is doing for them that they would like to see the Republican Party also do. I'm still waiting for a response. I suspect they won't have much to offer. Probably just more vague accusatory nonsense. But hey, i'll give em a chance. I'm an open-minded person.
It's not brainwashed if you've never been exposed to the truth. I wonder how people would react to the actual record and agenda of Civil Rights "hero" LBJ?

You mean the guy from conservative Texas? Before he changed and pushed through the liberal/progressive civil rights? Knowing he lost the South for a generation for the Dems?

I thought Goldwater was the Conservative in 1964?

Are you saying that LBJ Was a Conservative and why must you lie about EVERYTHING?

You mean Goldie was against the civil rights act (and ran for Prez as the GOPer candidate) and LBJ was raised and bred in conservative Texas and it took nearly his entire life to get the stench off and grow a brain and support civil rights?
Of course it does

Everything the Government does is to make our lives better

Why else would we form a Government?

Various reasons why Nations form Governments. Making your life better probably isn't one of em though. That's your responsibility. See, you Entitlement peeps' biggest problem is that your approach is deeply flawed and almost childlike. No one owes you anything. You don't deserve anything. You have to work hard to make your life better. It's all on you in the end.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

Well in fairness, he never met a greedy Entitlement wanka such as yourself. ;)

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