Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.
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African Americans and Unions especially, will regret their 'Party before Country' support for this Democrat-orchestrated mass influx of Illegals. They're contributing to their own demise.

yea Republicans are so much better.....have you read any posts by righties like Katz?....yea those Blacks and other Minorities get treated with so much respect....

African Americans and Unions should have been at the forefront of opposing this Democrat-orchestrated mess. They had the most to lose. African Americans will now be booted to the bottom of the ladder, while Hispanics climb right over them. And this massive influx of Slave Labor is gonna kill Unions off once and for all. People should reconsider that 'Party before Country' mentality. It often forces one to support agendas that are not in their best interests.

why anyone would say they belong to either party is beyond me.....
I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.

I hear ya, but i'm more optimistic. As African Americans grow better educated & informed, they'll begin to better understand history. The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. They were doing it long before the Democratic Party did. The Democratic Party has been a Johnny-Come-Lately on it.
Schools are locally funded. The issues are too varied to resolve as Democratic or Republican. Depends on which state you are in

I do know Republicans favor abolishing the Dept of Education which could help to resolve some of the disparities in our schools

well you know which State i am a State that spends a lot of money on Education and is a heavy Democrat run State.....YET ...the wealthy areas have great schools while the poorer areas have crap....and many of those areas have Democrat Reps....why dont you just admit it RW instead of matter what the Politics of the area...the rich get all the pudding while the poor get whatever may be left or all the second hand used shit....Republicans,Democrats....yea not much difference when it comes to money....

Each state has its own education related issues. Unless we move to a Federally controlled education system, there is no "one size fits all" solution

and you think this will give the poor schools more equality?....the farther they are away from the problems,the same shit will still go on....
I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.

I hear ya, but i'm more optimistic. As African Americans grow better educated & informed, they'll begin to better understand history. The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. They were doing it long before the Democratic Party did. The Democratic Party has been a Johnny-Come-Lately on it.

yea but look at some of the "righties" here and how they talk about non-whites....even if they agree with their policies,why the hell would they want to stand with a party that has a lot of people who are fucking bigots among them and have nothing but contempt for non-whites?....myself i cant see why any minority would want to have anything to do with either party.....
The Republicans idea that blacks are simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led is one sure fire way to attract them to join your party.

Of the 254 counties where food stamp use doubled, 213 voted for Mitt Romney. Clearly, the strategy worked on whites. Kind of. Or did it.

Did those whites just vote for a guy who wanted to take away their food stamps, and who is a pioneer of outsourcing, which is why many of them don't even have jobs.

Hmm, I think I know who are the simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led.

well since you never question your party i think you fall into that category yourself ....

So far, there is nothing the Democrats have done that even comes close to all the fiascoes and debacles and grand failures of the Republican Party.
Clearly, Republicans know what their party did when they treated President Bush like a pariah at the last GOP convention. The one where Republicans threw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman and said, "This is how we feed the animals". Remember that convention? It was the very last one.
I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.

I hear ya, but i'm more optimistic. As African Americans grow better educated & informed, they'll begin to better understand history. The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. They were doing it long before the Democratic Party did. The Democratic Party has been a Johnny-Come-Lately on it.

yea but look at some of the "righties" here and how they talk about non-whites....even if they agree with their policies,why the hell would they want to stand with a party that has a lot of people who are fucking bigots among them and have nothing but contempt for non-whites?....myself i cant see why any minority would want to have anything to do with either party.....

That's cuz you're not bright. The black leaders in the Democratic Party are themselves black.

The leaders in the GOP are crazy ass Teanuts.
I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.

Unfortunately, I suspect many in the GOP think Lincoln was a confederate. You can't get a straight answer about that right here at the USMB. They think the Republicans who ended slavery a couple of hundred years ago are the same who lead the GOP today. They clearly aren't.
I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.

Unfortunately, I suspect many in the GOP think Lincoln was a confederate. You can't get a straight answer about that right here at the USMB. They think the Republicans who ended slavery a couple of hundred years ago are the same who lead the GOP today. They clearly aren't.

Why do you have to lie all of the time deanie?

It's pretty damned pathetic. :eusa_silenced:
GOP is in favor of people empowering themselves through hard work and rugged individualism. Democrats favor making people a permanent "victim class" through welfare and handouts. So yes, the GOP will never have the vote of a group where the majority will not help themselves and produce babies out of wedlock 70% of the time.

The OP is in favor of maintaining a low paid worker class to enrich the wealthiest Americans

Dem's are in favor of keeping Blacks on the welfare dole permanently. They want a "victim class", they need a "victim class" so they can spew their class warfare diatribe.

What a bunch of crap

If we favor keeping blacks on the dole, why did we pass affirmative action laws so that blacks could take away your job?
I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.

I hear ya, but i'm more optimistic. As African Americans grow better educated & informed, they'll begin to better understand history. The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. They were doing it long before the Democratic Party did. The Democratic Party has been a Johnny-Come-Lately on it.
And the key word is were. Unfortunately Republicans decided they had more to gain by turning southern states red than addressing concerns of black voters.
The D party has really screwed blacks, but the Rs are the not the answer. They would do the same thing the Ds have done for 50 years. Both parties need to be terminated...entirely.

Regarding D party failures...this from the great Thomas Sowell's recent column...Stop Helping Us!!!
Black teenage unemployment rates ranging from 20 to 50 percent have been so common over the past 60 years that many people are unaware that this was not true before there were minimum wage laws, or even during years when inflation rendered minimum wage laws ineffective, as in the late 1940s.

Pricing young people out of work deprives them not only of income but also of work experience, which can be even more valuable. Pricing young people out of legal work, when illegal work is always available, is just asking fortrouble. So is having large numbers of idle young males hanging out together on the streets.

When it comes to affirmative action, Jason Riley asks the key question: “Do racial preferences work? What is the track record?” Like many other well-meaning and nice-sounding policies, affirmative action cannot survive factual scrutiny.

Some individuals may get jobs they would not get otherwise but many black students who are quite capable of getting a good college education are admitted, under racial quotas, to institutions whose pace alone is enough to make it unlikely that they will graduate.

For example, in response to claims that blacks don’t do well academically because the schools use an approach geared to white students, he points out that blacks from foreign, non-English-speaking countries do better in American schools than black, English-speaking American students.

Asian students do better than whites in schools supposedly geared to whites. In New York City’s three academically elite public high schools — Stuyvesant, Bronx Science and Brooklyn Tech — there are more than twice as many Asian students as white students in all three institutions.

So much for the theory that non-whites can’t do well in schools supposedly geared to whites.

On issue after issue, “Please Stop Helping Us” cites facts to destroy propaganda and puncture inflated rhetoric. It is impossible to do justice to the wide range of racial issues — from crime to family disintegration — explored in this book. Pick up a copy and open pages at random to see how the author annihilates nonsense.

But sadly...facts mean nothing to the leftist...bigger more controlling government is all they know.
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I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.

I hear ya, but i'm more optimistic. As African Americans grow better educated & informed, they'll begin to better understand history. The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. They were doing it long before the Democratic Party did. The Democratic Party has been a Johnny-Come-Lately on it.
And the key word is were. Unfortunately Republicans decided they had more to gain by turning southern states red than addressing concerns of black voters.

Well maybe, but what did the Ds do to capture the blacks?

Seems to me they decided to buy their votes with government handouts...

Most egregious....yes?
Glad you asked

Affirmative action did a lot to open up job opportunities never imagined by blacks. It opened up schools, management level positions, the military. It was of course opposed by Republicans
Add to that jobs training programs, jobs placement, small business set asides for minorities, minority set aside loans programs....all opposed by Republicans

Now.....your turn
What have Republicans offered blacks to get them off that "plantation"?

you forget RW i dont care for Republicans any more than i care for your little party......Republicans treat people like see that here every day.....Democrats throw bones out and hope everyone thinks they are doing something.....but the fact remains.....there are and have always been millions of blacks in poverty.....most of those blacks who got out did so on their own with hard work and doing good in school or they had a door opened for them because they were good in sports or had some musical talent....but the regular people who did not have those doors opened?.....just languished in poverty their whole come rich neighborhoods have schools with everything a school should have while the poor parts of town have to sometimes have classes in the fucking bathroom because their normal room was considered unsafe structurally... quite a few "leaders" in my State have said the State Prisons are better maintained than many Schools around here.....oh in case you havent noticed California is a Democratic State that has always thrown lots of money to Education .....i guess most of that went to the good neighborhoods....

Why some of those blacks even found employment in the Post Office

Beats the "plantation"

Does it?

Going Postal at Wikipedia

The Edmond post office shooting was a mass shooting that took place in Edmond, Oklahoma on August 20, 1986. Postal worker Patrick Sherrill shot twenty co-workers, killing fourteen of them, before committing suicide.
This incident attained national infamy, becoming the United States' third worst single-gunman spree killing at the time. To date, this attack remains the deadliest incident of civilian workplace violence in American history. The incident was the first of several high profile shootings in post offices across the country that took place in subsequent years. Sherrill's explosive reaction to working conditions has been credited with inspiring the American phrase "going postal".[2]
Surely you didn't mean it, Mr. Leftwinger-trolling-as-a-rightie. :rolleyes:
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Democrats have done nothing for Blacks but make them dependent upon the federal government. Affirmative action programs are a good example of this. So is welfare and public housing. Democratic Party needs a permanent victim class and white guilt in order to survive. You live in the greatest nation (well...used to be) on earth with the most opportunity for economic advancement. I know. Pulled myself up for very humble standards and worked my ass off to do it. Served my nation in combat and have given back all I can to my country since I have been in private sector. The one thing I cannot stand is a fucking crybaby...and the Democratic Party and MSNBC are full of them. Oh BTW...I voted Democrat for almost 30 years...then Clinton and NAFTA sell out. Then Democratic Party only wanted to serve the cultural needs of Blacks, Gays, and NOW butch dykes. Now we have Obama...fuck you DNC.
I think the alliance with black voters and the Democratic Party was cemented pretty firmly in the 60s and 70s.

It will take quite a bit for the GOP to break that stranglehold imho.

I don't see Republicans doing a particularly good job of reversing that trend either right now.
A neo-confederate is currently leading the large pack of GOP POTUS hopefuls right now.

I hear ya, but i'm more optimistic. As African Americans grow better educated & informed, they'll begin to better understand history. The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. They were doing it long before the Democratic Party did. The Democratic Party has been a Johnny-Come-Lately on it.
And the key word is were. Unfortunately Republicans decided they had more to gain by turning southern states red than addressing concerns of black voters.

Nah, that's just the propaganda bullshite the Democratic Party has fed you for years.
In my humble opinion, African Americans have been pretty stupid permanently casting their vote for one Party. They've removed all possibilities of leverage and self-improvement. They've been pitifully duped. Make no mistake about it, they will be left behind. It's all about catering to Hispanics now. They will be shoved down the ladder economically. Hispanics are climbing right over them. This Democrat-orchestrated immigration debacle is gonna hurt them the most. They shouldn't have fallen for that 'Party before Country' nonsense. They're gonna pay for that misguided blunder.
You mean the guy from conservative Texas? Before he changed and pushed through the liberal/progressive civil rights? Knowing he lost the South for a generation for the Dems?

Back in reality, everyone knows LBJ occasionally used the n-word when he was playing political games with other southerners. And nobody cares, being that they see what sacrifices LBJ made for the Civil Rights cause. Poor Frank is under the impression that everyone else is like himself, caring only about style and nothing about actual results.
I hear ya, but i'm more optimistic. As African Americans grow better educated & informed, they'll begin to better understand history. The Republican Party was at the forefront of civil rights for African Americans. They were doing it long before the Democratic Party did. The Democratic Party has been a Johnny-Come-Lately on it.
And the key word is were. Unfortunately Republicans decided they had more to gain by turning southern states red than addressing concerns of black voters.

Well maybe, but what did the Ds do to capture the blacks?

Seems to me they decided to buy their votes with government handouts...

Most egregious....yes?

You are making the mistake of believing the Democratic party is somehow secretly led by unknown shadowy figures hidden in the background.

The truth is, the Democratic Party is a coalition party of which blacks are integral to the well being of the party itself.

But do me a favor. Tell me why Republicans and Red States get more "hand outs" than anyone and why is that OK.
In my humble opinion, African Americans have been pretty stupid permanently casting their vote for one Party. They've removed all possibilities of leverage and self-improvement. They've been pitifully duped. Make no mistake about it, they will be left behind. It's all about catering to Hispanics now. They will be shoved down the ladder economically. Hispanics are climbing right over them. This Democrat-orchestrated immigration debacle is gonna hurt them the most. They shouldn't have fallen for that 'Party before Country' nonsense. They're gonna pay for that misguided blunder.

As opposed the Republican Party. 150 years of conservative policies and they all led to the disastrous Bush administration.

Of the 254 counties that doubled food stamps from 2007 to 2011, 213 of them voted for Mitt Romney. Republicans states, for the most part, live off government. They are educational, economic and environmental disasters. With lousy culture. And their elected officials go to states like California and New York looking for skilled workers.

Sadly, they are so pathetic, they actually believe they are the model of what the rest of the country should be like. Well, I don't want to be like "failures". That's why I'm a Democrat.

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