Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

The question has been answered. Yes they have, but it doesn't matter. The African American Vote will become less & less significant in the coming years. They'll no longer be a big player in Elections. Too many are dying and going to Prison. Not much reason to court their vote anymore.

That being said, i truly believe as the majority do become better educated and informed, they will begin to vote Republican a bit more. Most African Americans lean Conservative. Their beliefs fall in line with the Republican Party. And once informed, they'll understand the Republican Party was fighting for civil rights long before the Democrat Party. But it really doesn't matter much in the end. The War is now on for the Hispanic & Asian Vote. African Americans will once again be left behind.
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African Americans and Unions should have been at the forefront of opposing this Democrat-orchestrated mess. They had the most to lose. African Americans will now be booted to the bottom of the ladder, while Hispanics climb right over them. And this massive influx of Slave Labor is gonna kill Unions off once and for all. People should reconsider that 'Party before Country' mentality. It often forces one to support agendas that are not in their best interests.

why anyone would say they belong to either party is beyond me.....

I do it because I'm only given two choices. One guy has to be somewhat different than the other in some ways. Write in votes, third parties etc. are a wasted vote I think. Politicians don't sit up and take notice of them. Unless people really work to change the 2 party system this is what we're stuck with.

i think voting for the same shit is a wasted vote....

Politicians don't sit up and take notice of them.

why should they when they know so many have the 2 party mind set?.....they know they will get voted back in so they dont give a shit....

Unless people really work to change the 2 party system this is what we're stuck with

well good luck with that....just reading the responses i see around here from the party people....too many are afraid to cut the cord and actually vote for someone without a leash around their neck....
Republicans lost the black vote and said....we don't care
Republicans lost the gay vote and said....we don't care
Republicans lost the Hispanic vote and said....we don't care
Republicans lost the womens vote and said....we don't care

Republicans lost the election and said........somebody must be cheating


Yep..I always say they make the mud, jump in it then complain about being dirty.

If you dont care, cool! Dont care! But you cant say you dont care AND cry about the results of "not caring" too!
Too many African Americans are dying and going to Prison. Too many haven't yet evolved sufficiently. The dumber & lazy you are, the more likely it is you'll support the Democratic Party. That's just the way it is. African Americans have serious problems in their communities. And they keep turning to the same corrupt degenerate Democrats to solve them.

What's the definition of 'Insanity?'...Doing the same thing over & over and expecting different results. The African American community is insane at this point. Sorry to be the bearer of bad Non-PC News, but it is what it is. There just isn't much reason to court the African American Vote anymore.
Glad you asked

Affirmative action did a lot to open up job opportunities never imagined by blacks. It opened up schools, management level positions, the military. It was of course opposed by Republicans
Add to that jobs training programs, jobs placement, small business set asides for minorities, minority set aside loans programs....all opposed by Republicans

Now.....your turn
What have Republicans offered blacks to get them off that "plantation"?

you forget RW i dont care for Republicans any more than i care for your little party......Republicans treat people like see that here every day.....Democrats throw bones out and hope everyone thinks they are doing something.....but the fact remains.....there are and have always been millions of blacks in poverty.....most of those blacks who got out did so on their own with hard work and doing good in school or they had a door opened for them because they were good in sports or had some musical talent....but the regular people who did not have those doors opened?.....just languished in poverty their whole come rich neighborhoods have schools with everything a school should have while the poor parts of town have to sometimes have classes in the fucking bathroom because their normal room was considered unsafe structurally... quite a few "leaders" in my State have said the State Prisons are better maintained than many Schools around here.....oh in case you havent noticed California is a Democratic State that has always thrown lots of money to Education .....i guess most of that went to the good neighborhoods....

I've seen a few nice schools built in low income neighborhoods such as in santa ana, ca.

i bet they aint no where as good as the ones in the Anaheim Hills......just because they have a new building does not mean its a nice school....Loara Elementary School looks nice in down town Anaheim....but it has nothing like Canyon Rim in the Hills....been in both of them.....same thing with the HS....Katella looks nice....but the learning tools used are behind what Canyon HS has in the Hills.....i could not believe how they allow those kids to have stuff that the other schools dont shop classes....and drivers ed...
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That's cuz you're not bright. The black leaders in the Democratic Party are themselves black.

The leaders in the GOP are crazy ass Teanuts.

i belong to no party,and you follow the Democrats without question.....and im not too bright?.... hold on a second......:lol:....

You belong to no party? Liar. You are most definitely a teanut. At the very least, a "nut".

yea im a "Teanut" who has supported Unions,Federal Workers,Medical Pot,People being able to get Medical if they need it,am on record defending Mexicans from racial attacks by a few of the assholes in here,have no problems with gays or them getting married,voted for Clinton twice,has called George Bush a shitty President and not a good leader and have never praised any "Teanut" leader or their organization.....oh but wait thats right....i dont agree with you and i think you are one of them Far Left i guess i must be a "Teabagger".....what else could i be?....:dunno:
That's cuz you're not bright. The black leaders in the Democratic Party are themselves black.

The leaders in the GOP are crazy ass Teanuts.

i belong to no party,and you follow the Democrats without question.....and im not too bright?.... hold on a second......:lol:....

You belong to no party? Liar. You are most definitely a teanut. At the very least, a "nut".

That is good...rdean calling someone a about the pot calling the kettle black....

In the mind of a leftist, anyone who disagrees with their positions is a crazy nut...

And to think the GOP and the TP are one and same, is truly NUTS!

You need to stop getting all your information from the DNC.
Have Republicans lost the black vote......?

just the ones without enough sense to break away from their liarberal demorat slave masters..

most all intelligent "blacks" are freedom lovers with a mind of their own, not the mind of a slave to the demorat party. :up:

Can you identify who the "slave masters" are and what proof you have?
Republicans lost the black vote and said....we don't care
Republicans lost the gay vote and said....we don't care
Republicans lost the Hispanic vote and said....we don't care
Republicans lost the womens vote and said....we don't care

Republicans lost the election and said........somebody must be cheating

That is hilarious.
"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp
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i belong to no party,and you follow the Democrats without question.....and im not too bright?.... hold on a second......:lol:....

You belong to no party? Liar. You are most definitely a teanut. At the very least, a "nut".

That is good...rdean calling someone a about the pot calling the kettle black....

In the mind of a leftist, anyone who disagrees with their positions is a crazy nut...

And to think the GOP and the TP are one and same, is truly NUTS!

You need to stop getting all your information from the DNC.

I don't get any information from the DNC. I watch the news, read the paper and even watch Fox for as long as I can stand it.

When I call right wing positions nuts, I point out those positions backed up with video and links and explain why they are nuts.

Right wingers only call me names. They rarely give examples. And when they do, they are very strange and untrue.
I pronounce you King Wing Nutter

The term McCarthyism, coined in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist activities. Today the term is used more generally in reference to demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents

American Heritage Dictionary Entry: McCarthyism


Reagan served as the head of Hollywood's actors' union, the Screen Actors Guild. In his union capacity, Reagan volunteered to serve the FBI as a secret informant against Communists in the entertainment industry. He testified against the Hollywood Ten before the House Un-American Activities Committee.

“Hollywood Ten.”

These men, who became known as the Hollywood Ten, not only refused to cooperate with the investigation but denounced the HUAC anti-communist hearings as an outrageous violation of their civil rights, as the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave them the right to belong to any political organization they chose. Some compared the committee’s coercive methods and intimidating tactics to the oppressive measures enacted in Nazi Germany. “I am not on trial here,” declared screenwriter Lawson. “This committee is on trial.”



You Stupid Fucking moron!


What a fucking Moron!!

HUAC is House...House, not senate. McCarthy was a Senator, how could he have ANYTHING to do with the HUAC!!

You stupid, stupid paid hack! Hopefully your handlers get a refund

Got it, YOU are to ignorant to follow along

"Reagan served as the head of Hollywood's actors' union, the Screen Actors Guild. In his union capacity, Reagan volunteered to serve the FBI as a secret informant against Communists in the entertainment industry. He testified against the Hollywood Ten before the House Un-American Activities Committee."

Senator McCarthy, not in the US House of Representatives.
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"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?
"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama?

What's the definition of insanity?... Doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result. The African American Community is insane. They keep turning to the same degenerate Democrat assholes to solve their serious problems. Things only continue to get worse. Too many African Americans are dying and going to prison. It's a very sad mess.

Hispanics & Asians are zipping right past them economically. They're rapidly moving up the economic ladder while African Americans continue killing each other and going to Prison. Courting their vote is no longer important. It is what it is.
I am not of the opinion that blacks are some monolithic group of people who can't think for themselves and differ in their opinions. Why do you presume they are?

Moreover, why do you think they can never change their mind?
"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

First the impossible list on how things have improved for Blacks under Obama..

(lame excuses and misdirected blame to follow)
"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

First the impossible list on how things have improved for Blacks under Obama..

(lame excuses and misdirected blame to follow)

Why? The Republicans are worse so when you only have 2 choices you go with the better of the two. :lol:
"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

First the impossible list on how things have improved for Blacks under Obama..

(lame excuses and misdirected blame to follow)

"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

72% of black kids now born out of wedlock. That's thanks to Dem plan to use a government check to replace the black male head of household.

Forum List
